2025. February 6., Thursday
English  --  News

Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee for dormitory students

Registration number: IKT/5-790/5/2020

Subject: Circular No. 6/2020. (III.11.) of the Coronavirus Operative Committee

Respected Dormitory Students,

In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, subject to the request of the University’s maintainer, we order the following.

By the 13th of March 2020, every Hungarian citizen student is required to move out of university dormitories and return home.

For students of foreign citizenship, the University of Szeged will continue to provide accommodation in university dormitories.

Beside all, we kindly ask you – for your personal safety and for the smooth return to Hungary – to refrain from travelling abroad for private purposes if possible. We draw attention to that the University will not be able to guarantee the conditions for returning to Hungary, thus staying abroad may have an impact on the fulfilment of your study obligations.

If you are unable to move out from the dormitory within the above deadline or you cannot settle for housing without dormitory accommodation, please submit an application – addressed to the Rector of the University – to the head of the dormitory for individual consideration.

Issued on the 11th of March 2020, Szeged


Yours faithfully:


Prof. Dr. Csaba Lengyel sgd.

Prof. Dr. László Kovács sgd.

Dr. Máté Dömötör

President of the Committee

Member of the Committee

Member of the Committee