The Directorate for Academic Affairs manages activities relating studies, arrangement of education and student counseling of its organizational units supporting the basic educational task of the University.
The Directorate for Academic Affairs is headed by the Director of Education.
The Directorate for Academic Affairs operates under the direction of the Chancellor and the professional supervision of the Rector. The Chancellor, under the professional supervision of the Rector, lays down the rights and obligations of the Directorate for Academic Affairs.
The priority tasks of the Directorate for Academic Affairs include in particular:
Within the Directorate for Academic Affairs, the following sub-units operate under the authority of the Director: Department of Academic Administration, Department of Education Development, Department of Admissions and Education Management, Department of Public and Vocational Education. The Departments are headed by their Heads of Department. The Director arranges for replacement of the Heads of Department on occasions when they are prevented from attending. The Heads of Department carries out their activities under the professional supervision of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the direction of the Director for Academic Affairs.
The Head of the Department of Academic Administration is responsible for:
The Head of the Department of Education Development is responsible for:
overseeing the educational development processes on international and national online educational platforms;
supporting and coordinating educational development activities;
overseeing the operation and development of international educational platforms, in particular Coursera for SZTE;
initiating international and national educational cooperation;
coordinating the development of collaborations;
coordinating international educational projects, in particular the development of educational development cooperation within the European University Association EUGLOH;
the operation of programmes to increase student engagement and promote student participation in university programmes, in particular the SZTE+ programme, and to reduce drop-out rates;
coordinating the initiation and development of international educational cooperation, in particular the development and expansion of the SZTE+ programme;
initiating the exploration of international educational practices, in particular those related to the SZTE+ programme;
initiating and coordinating inter-institutional training collaborations, their organisation and support their implementation;
participating in the implementation of international and national educational development projects.
The Head of the Department of Admissions and Education Management is responsible for:
coordinating the processing of documents for national admission procedures in cooperation with the units concerned;
the organisation of professional training for the staff of the departments involved in the admission procedure;
supervising the training of staff in the Faculty Academic Departments and other departments using electronic interfaces in the admission procedure;
issuing and maintaining institutional authorisations for the use of the interfaces required for the admission procedure;
coordinating the development of electronic interfaces for the management of applicants’ admission scores (at the discretion of the institution);
leading the development project related to the admission procedure and overseeing the implementation of their operation, updating and maintenance of the professional content;
performing the institutional coordination of the Higher Education Admission Professional Examination during the national admission procedure;
liaising with the Education Authorities in relation to administrative tasks during the admission procedure;
coordinating the production of central information publications, presentations and articles on the admission procedure and enrolment within the scope of responsibilities of the department;
preparing the professional material for the admissions website and supervising the coordination of the faculty and central content;
ensuring the production of the admission newsletters;
organising the representation of the Directorate at school enrolment events, e. g. at university open days, education exhibition fairs, school roadshows;
overseeing the operation of the e-mail address dedicate for applicants of the central admissions;
the coordination of the informative tasks of the central admission procedure in collaboration with the Heads of the Faculty Academic Departments;
the organisation of central enrolment in cooperation with the Student Services Office and the heads of the Faculty Academic Departments;
liaising with the Head of the Department of Academic Administration in matters relating to the organisation of education
The Head of the Department of Public and Vocational Education is responsible for: