The post-doctoral researcher of the Hungarian group is Norbert Merkovity Ph. D., who took his doctoral degree in law, in political science subprogram, at the University of Szeged, Hungary. His main research topic is political communication relating to information networks. He is researching the ICTs’ effects on political communications since 2006. Merkovity focuses in his research to the e-democracy, e-governance and media systems, as well. He has recently finished his research project funded by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. This project analyzed Australian, Austrian, British, Canadian, Croatian, Hungarian, Irish, Montenegrin, Swiss and New Zealand MPs’ Facebook and Twitter posts.
Currently, he works as a senior lecturer at the National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary and as research fellow at the Department of Political Science, University of Szeged.
Contact informations:
Office: 6721 Szeged, Bocskai utca 10-12., II. floor, office 54.., Hungary
E-mail: merkovity[at]
Tel.: +36 62 546-757
Recent publications:
- Merkovity, N., Imre R. & Owen S. (2015) Homogenizing Social Media: Affect/Effect and Globalization of Media and the Public Sphere. In: Biernacka-Ligieza Ilona (ed.): Media and Globalization: Different Cultures, Societies, Political Systems. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 57 – 69.
- Merkovity, N. (2014) Hungarian MPs' response propensity to emails. In: Ashu M. G. Solo (ed.) Political Campaigning in the Information Age. Hershey: IGI Global, Information Science Reference, 305–317.
- Merkovity, N. (2013) Difficulties for eGovernment promotion in Serbia: The analysis of eUprava Portal. CM: Casopis Za Upravljanje Komuniciranjem / Communication Management Quarterly, 8/27, 5–33
This project is funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme