The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at University of Szeged take part in a European Union launched and supported project, Adult Education as a Means to Active Participatory Citizenship (Edumap). The main aim and purpose of this project is to understand and develop the real and potential impact of adult education on learning for active participatory citizenship in Europe. The Edumap involves 9 institutes all over in Europe (Tampere, Finland; Tallin, Estonia; Foredata LLC., Finland; DVV International, Germany; Aristoteleio Panepistemio Thessalonikis, Greece; University of Szeged, Hungary; Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Spain, Spain; Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey; University College of London, UK) to enhance the young adult’s (between 16-30 years) knowledge about their citizenship rights, to educate them about the active participatory citizenship.
Moreover, EduMAP will compile an inventory of the adult education policies and practices in EU Member States, with a particular focus on their relevance with regard to young adults at risk of social exclusion. In consequence, the main research question of Edumap is: “What policies and practices are needed in the field of adult education to include young adults at risk of social exclusion in active participatory citizenship in Europe?”
Introduction of the Hungarian partner
Three researchers are participating in the Edumap project from two departments (Constitutional Law Department and Political Science Department) of the Faculty of Law. Their role in the project is to provide juridical expertise on the educational rights of minorities and European legislation.
This project is funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme