
How to add value to your degree?

How to add value to your degree?

2024. May 23.
3 perc

Coursera for SZTE's learning programmes are expanding with new learning materials, including several professional certificates. You will receive automatic credits for completing the courses.

The SZTE Career Office conducted research among employers and SZTE students in the region to identify the competencies and skills expected of students and to assess their relevance. The results show that employers and students alike are missing competencies such as good communication, adaptability, problem solving and critical thinking.

In response to the research conclusions, new content has been added to the two Coursera modules (Coursera module and Coursera smart specialisation module) to help students of the University of Szeged to succeed in the labour market. The content of the Coursera modules is available free of charge to all students at the University of Szeged and is worth credits in all fields of study.

The Coursera modules have been enriched with new collections, recommended by the Career Office staff, which specifically support the development of soft skills. The Coursera smart specialisation module, supported by the RRF 2.1.2 project, brings digital, technical and business skills to a higher level. The modules emphasise the inclusive and flexible structure of the courses at University of Szeged, focus more on students' transversal and digital skills and modernise the learning environment.

The modules have been extended with a number of new learning materials compared to the courses available so far. Among the new additions are several professional certificates.

What is a professional certificate? Why is it good?

Certificates, which can be obtained through 3-9 month online courses, with learning materials compiled and validated by corporate partners such as Google and IBM. Courses end with a company exam. The professional certificates are therefore certificates of practical knowledge, endorsed by leading companies, which enhance your CV and serve as a good reference for employers.

In 2023, IBM and Google's professional certificates have been assessed by the FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) and assigned an ECTS value, specifically to promote their use in the European Higher Education Area.Students will automatically receive the credits (4-9 credits) for obtaining their professional certificates.

The Coursera module contains learning materials to develop soft skills that are considered important in the labour market, which help students to acquire (transversal) skills that are difficult to formulate and transfer in the classroom, can reduce drop-outs and help students to progress in their studies.

Coursera's smart specialisation module focuses on hard skills that can give recent graduates of the University of Szeged an advantage in the labour market. It contains mainly digital skills learning materials, together with a number of professional certificates.

For more information on the courses, professional certificates and credits automatically awarded in the modules, please follow this link.