Whether AI is relevant today is not the question. For many, it may seem an unfamiliar territory, a difficult subject to digest. A new course by Dr Barbara Oakly and Dr Jules White could help change that!
In September 2024, Coursera held its annual conference in the United States of America, where the University of Szeged received a regional nomination for its innovative developments. At the Coursera Connect conference, Andrew Ng, Coursera's founding professor, cited a 2016 statement by Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of Coursera, in his presentation. "AI is the new electricity"
Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda cited founding professor Andrew Ng from 2016 in his lecture. The CEO demonstrated the revolutionary influence of AI, comparing its importance to electricity: AI can be the driving force behind processes that may seem unimaginable today, much like how electricity evolved. In 2023, for example, there will be a 20-fold increase in the number of job postings related to AI (Lightcast, 2023), 71% of executives surveyed would prefer to hire an inexperienced but AI-savvy employee (Microsoft, LinkedIn May 2024), and employers are willing to pay 35-43% more to AI-savvy employees (Amazon, 2023).
”AI Itself Will Not Replace Humans, but Those Who Fail To Adopt AI Could Be Left Behind”
Professor Barbara Oakley, a superstar of online education, cited researcher Fei Fei Li to stress the critical importance of AI literacy in her presentation on the impact of AI on learning. She emphasized how global access to AI will revolutionize the delicate process of learning and education. Courses by Barbara Oakley are attracting millions of users, and the portfolio continues to expand: Accelerate Your Learning with ChatGPT | Coursera and Critical Thinking: A Brain-Based Guide for the ChatGPT Era | Coursera are highly recommended for those eager to explore the platform’s services. These courses are free for students and staff at the University of Szeged via Coursera.
" Accelerate Your Learning with ChatGPT" brings together two of Coursera's legendary professors, Barbara Oakley and Jules White, to guide you through the fascinating intersection of neuroscience, learning strategies and generative AI.
Find out what your brain and AI can do together to make learning more effective!
Discover how you learn and how you can use ChatGPT to improve your cognitive skills! The course will help you master effective learning techniques such as learning hooks, multimodal methods and personalized practice with AI. Learn how to maintain critical thinking in the age of AI while increasing your working memory and motivation.
Enrich your toolset to learn and grow successfully in an AI-enriched world!
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