
2021 Technology Analyst Program - Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm and a market leader in investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management services. Check the Technology Analyst Program:

Given the continued spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), all interviews will be conducted by phone or virtual connection to protect our candidates and employees.

Start Date of the Program: August 2021 Application deadline: Beginning of June 2021

We offer:

  • 15 weeks of technical training,
  • Practice based unique courses about Java, C++, C#, Scala, Python, Linux/Unix, Windows etc.;
  • Company intro and an insight how technology supports the investment banking business;
  • Real life projects with super clever people from all over the world;
  • Networking and learning opportunities across Morgan Stanley.

In the Development Track, you will:

  • Learn a lot about application development and its various technologies like Java, C#, C++ etc.;
  • Participate in practice based courses, including lab projects and teamwork.

In the Infrastructure Track, you will:

  • Learn something new every day about networking, operating systems, databases etc. through interesting projects and lab classes;
  • Be placed in a team where you can do your best.

After the training program:

    • We will make sure to integrate you and to offer you an exciting job, using various technologies,
    • You will have the opportunity to participate in technical and soft skill trainings,
    • We not only offer a job for you but a long term career, supported by a great mobility program.

    You have:

    • Maximum 1 year of relevant work experience, or you are a fresh graduate,
    • Bachelorˇ¦s or higher degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics or a related discipline,
    • Solid level of English, and good problem-solving skills,
    • For development track: you are familiar with at least one OO language: e.g., Java, C++ or C#,
    • For infrastructure track: you have a proficient user level knowledge in operating systems (Window/s/Unix) or networking.

    Selection Process: you will participate in a quick, 3-steps-long quick selection process. After 2 phone interviews (HR and Technical), the last step is a virtual interview.


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