
Stage Malta - Internship Opportunities in Malta

Since 2005, Stage Malta has brought together: educators and leading employers. The aim is to provide students and recent graduates with valuable work-based learning opportunities and job experience.

Where strangers become friends and learning is all about a good experience!


Our short-term, high-impact programmes equip students with the skills and experience necessary to launch meaningful careers in today’s competitive, globally connected and rapidly evolving world. Stagiaires should not expect to have detailed tasks but rather, they should focus on the soft-skills they will accomplish in such a short period of time in a Mediterranean Country.


Most career-ready graduates or students choose longer-term mobility because they are aware of the benefits of such programmes. The quality and learning outcomes of each and every participant are a testament to our character-building and

horizon expanding educational experiences.

At Stage Malta, we take immense pride in ensuring that every student/intern/stagiaire has our unwavering assistance at every step: starting with online meetings before arrival, providing invaluable cultural immersion advice upon arrival, offering tips and consistent communication and coaching throughout the week, and continuing to provide support even after the programme concludes.

Details: https://stagemalta.org/

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