2024. július 18., csütörtök


Intership by HEEALS

HEEALS is a grassroots NGO based in Gurgaon, registered under the Indian government Section 21 of 1860 Society Act. They have a mandate of empowering local and rural communities to become sustainable in Health, Education, Environment and Livelihood Society sectors through engaging workshops, resources distribution and content creation.

Water Sanitation Menstrual Hygiene and Health Education Environment

Intern Work Responsibilities are as follows:

a) Research and development

b) Survey

c) Fundraising both online and Field Fundraising

d) Communication out reach program in schools or orphan homes or refugee camps and in slums and marginalized communities .

e) Communication with national or international organization,CSR ,University ,Schools and other companies for partnership and in different engagement program

f) Report making and documentation Of your work

g) Documentary film making (If there is any project going on) and photography

h) Social media ,marketing and advertising , Proposal Making ,Making Info-Graphic poster

i) Work on Children and women rights

j) Write article ,blogs and other informative materials on Human rights and Children /Women Rights

k) Office management

l) Take Interviews for film

m) Contact Grant making and Donor for Funds

n) Making recycle paper handicraft ,Bead making and greeting cards

o) Work on the implementation of the project and support the organization

p) Maintain office administration work and any other task assigned by Director.

q)Teach basic subjects and give motivation lesson in village and slums schools or in orphan homes.

r) Any other task assigned by supervisor. Note:Above task may be more or less according to the project need and demand .


Duration: Monday to Friday (Saturday and Sunday off) 6 hours per day including one hour lunck break.

Organisation: Gurgaon,INDIA

Start: As soon as possible

Requirements: Students,under graduate

Terms of application: MS office, communication, fundraising ,social media

As an intern you will get a first hand experience in Development sector, how Indian Ngo work, Through our project, you will get the experience in Health ,Education, Environment, water, sanitation and hygiene related projects.

Applications are invited all round the year!

Interested candidate please send their CV at: communications@heeals.org

Website: www.heeals.org

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