
Interactive webinars - ELEVEL Academy

The German start-up "ELEVEL Academy" invites you to a variety of interactive, free 2 hour webinars - ranging from Programming (f.e. Python), Project-Management to Machine Learning and more.

Dear Students,

The German start-up "ELEVEL Academy" invites you to a variety of interactive, free 2 hour webinars - ranging from Programming (f.e. Python), Project-Management to Machine Learning and more.

The young company has the mission of enabling students and young professionals to learn globally in-demand skills in an interactive manner, regardless of your chosen field of study.

In addition, the participation in the webinars is completely free of charge for the participants. Thanks to the selected support of universities, colleges and other institutions.

Every Webinar will also offer you the opportunity to receive an individual skill-certificate for your CV and Career.

Following you will find a short overview of some of the upcoming webinars:

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity - Saturday, January 28th
  • Data Analytics with Excel - Saturday, January 28th
  • Introduction to Python Programming - Saturday, February 4th
  • Excel Power Query - Saturday, February 11th

All ELEVEL webinars are interactively presented by top coaches and designed to provide entertaining and practice-oriented insights into the various topics in two hours. The Webinars are particularly interesting for all those who would like to acquire further skills and have an interest in discovering new career-relevant topics.

Sounds interesting?

Feel free to register for the Webinars on the ELEVEL Website https://www.elevel-academy.de/en/webinars

Friss hírek

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