
Coopernicus - “The Rapid Demographic Shifts and the Socioeconomic Future of Europe”

The aim of Future Foundation is to support the educational and professional development of ambitious young people from all over Poland. The Foundation fulfils its mission by providing its beneficiaries with comprehensive assistance in the process of recruitment to the world’s best universities and choosing their dream career path.

Who can submit their work?

We are looking for experts in any domain relevant to the demography of Europe/European countries. The Report aims to comprise mostly of works by doctoral students seeking to increase their publishing

portfolio, however, undergraduate and postgraduate sub-missions will also be reviewed. Academics and policy experts of all nationalities and all affiliations are welcome to submit their works.

Call For Papers

“The Rapid Demographic Shifts and the Socioeconomic Future of Europe”


Coopernicus is an initiative of the OFF Foundation.

The aim of Our Future Foundation is to support the educational and professional development of ambitious young people from all over Poland. The Foundation fulfils its mission by providing its beneficiaries with comprehensive assistance in the process of recruitment to the world’s best universities and choosing their dream career path.

The Coopernicus Think Tank Invites submissions of original, previously unpublished (written in Polish or in English) articles relevant to any area of the demography of European countries. All contributions should be prepared in compliance with the journal’s guidelines and delivered in electronic form through the email.

What topics will be considered?

There is no set topics that need to be covered, as long as each study focuses on a problem that

relates to European demographic changes. These can be approached from an economic, social,

cultural or even philosophical point of view.

What is the expected length of submitted works?

Please be concise - the suggested word count is between 5000 - 8000 words. All authors of the

comments will be listed as co-authors of the report and will be given the opportunity to join the

Coopernicus community. In addition, there will be an opportunity to present research at one of the

foundation's huge events.

What is the Deadline?

We invite all those interested to submit their

Abstract proposals (300 words) by February 16, 2024. The successful applicants will be invited to submit their complete works by April 14, 2024.

Contact: Marta Gajda


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