2024. szeptember 26., csütörtök


Coding Challenge for students - Citi

Citi has open early career opportunities and gives you an exclusive opportunity to showcase your coding skills and get noticed by recruiters!

What does the challenge involve?

It is a 45-minute technical assessment with multiple choice and coding questions. Once you begin the assessment, you will not be able to pause or restart, so make sure you dedicate enough time to complete it.

Why should you participate?

  • Rise to the top: complete the challenge with a high score and expect Citi’s recruiters reaching out with available tech positions.
  • Showcase your skills: demonstrate your coding prowess and problem-solving abilities.
  • Win a Segway Kickscooter: Participants can win a Segway Kickscooter, the perfect mode of transportation for tech enthusiasts!

Ready to get started? Take the challenge here.

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