
Are U Ready? - Unilever online event

Unilever organize 2-day virtual event covering topics about how the whole world changed and how we adapt to these changes.

  • Do you feel uncertain about the covid-19 pandemic?
  • Do you wonder how the working environment has changed and how you can adapt to these changes?
  • Or maybe you have questions about working online, changes to the recruitment process, wellbeing in the face of pandemic or your career opportunities and wish to learn something what makes you ready?

If you answer 'Yes' on one of the above, then our event is exactly for you!


We organize 2-day virtual event covering topics about how the whole world changed and how we adapt to these changes

You will learn a lot about the future of work, e-commerce sector evolution, future recruitment processes, well-being, supply chain careers and much more!


You can register for the whole 2 days of the event or choose only one day - it's all up to you!



Follow our event to get to know the speakers! https://fb.me/e/10CbzvILN 

See you on 3rd and 4th of November!

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