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TNG Technology Consulting

IT Consulting

A személyzeti ügyekért felelős személy elérhetősége:
Balogh Vanda
TNG Technology Consulting is a value-based consulting partnership focused on high end information technology which was founded in January 2001 aiming to create an optimal corporate structure for high-qualified specialists with a focus on information technology.

We are fully committed to technical innovation and its implementation for our clients' needs. Thus we have managed to win and keep IT-departments of several large corporations as customers. Our clients are mainly from the telecommunication, insurance and E-commerce sectors, but we also collaborate with companies in the automobile sector, logistics and finance, amongst others. TNG provides know-how and support in three main areas: Agile Software Development, DevOps & Cloud and Artificial Intelligence.

In each area, we offer both consulting services as well as implementation support. Our projects range from the entire software life cycle, over the design of highly available data centers, to projects in business intelligence, and are executed by highly-qualified cross-functional teams. Free software plays an important role for TNG. Hence, TNG publishes and maintains several open source projects. Originally from Munich, Germany, we have a subsidiary in Hungary. 

Do you like programming? If you are looking to learn and have an interest in technical topics and you have a degree in sciences with an analytical mindset, basic IT knowledge and coding experience, then we are waiting for your application.
Aktuális állásajánlatok
Pozíció megnevezése Tapasztalati szint Szükséges nyelvtudás Szükséges végzettség Munkavégzés helye
Software Developer / IT Consultant frissdiplomás angol TTIK-n elvégzett BSc vagy MSc vagy PhD home office és/vagy budapesti iroda
Internship in Software Development gyakornoki pozíció angol TTIK-n folyamatban levő BSc vagy MSc home office és/vagy budapesti iroda