The exhibition "Katalin Karikó's Journey to the Lasker Prize and Beyond" of the University of Szeged International Affairs and Public Relations Directorate and the Klebelsberg Library of the University of Szeged was presented in the lobby of the new theoretical block of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pécs.
The opening ceremony was addressed by Dr. György Bódis, President of the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation, Dr. Miklós Nyitrai, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Katalin Turi, Director of the PTE Primary School and Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, Director of Operations of the Csányi Foundation. The exhibition was opened by Dr. Gyula Nagy, Director General of the Klebelsberg Library of SZTE, followed by a guided tour for the secondary school students by Katalin Farkas, librarian, Head of the Old Books Department of the Klebelsberg Library of SZTE.
- It was with great pleasure that we visited Pécs with the exhibition "Katalin Karikó's Journey to the Lasker Prize and Beyond", which was a great success nationwide - Dr. Gyula Nagy began his welcome speech - as we are continuing a tradition, the previous event of which was the travelling exhibition of the University of Pécs entitled "Pécs-Debrecen-Szeged, Kuno Klebelsberg and Hungarian Higher Education", which was hosted by the Klebelsberg Library of the University of Szeged last year.
Dr. Gyula Nagy, Director General of the Klebelsberg Library of the University of Szeged at the opening of the exhibition "Katalin Karikó's journey to the Lasker Prize and beyond" in Pécs.
He pointed out that Katalin Karikó, now a Nobel laureate, has a very close relationship with her alma mater, the University of Szeged, and that the Karikó collection of the Klebelsberg Library has twice donated documents and objects related to her person.
The library director also pointed out and recommended to the attention of the people of Pécs that in addition to the documents that accompany the world-famous Hungarian biochemist throughout her research career, the exhibition features more than a hundred of Katalin Karikó's most beautiful medals on the exhibition's sophisticated photographs.
- The aim of the exhibition, continued the Director General of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library, is the same as Katalin Karikó's constantly stated goal: to inspire young people to enter scientific careers in greater numbers, promoting the common development of humanity. She has shown by her own example that it is possible to achieve scientific success in the 21st century, starting from Kisújszállás, as the prizes on display at the exhibition prove.
The exhibition material is also available online in the Kariko Collection of the Klebelsberg Library of the SZTE. Katalin Farkas, the librarian of the library's Old Books Repository, guided the high school students who visited the Pécs Medical School building through the exhibition.
Katalin Farkas, staff member of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library while giving a guided tour of the exhibition in Pécs.
The event is part of the Nobel Weeks at the University of Szeged series of events.
The University of Pécs, the Csányi Foundation, the Deák Ferenc Primary School of the PTE GYÁIG, the Babits Mihály High School of the PTE GYÁIG, the Ciszterci Rend Nagy Lajos High School and the Leőwey Klára High School of Pécs are also inviting visitors to a professional afternoon of science projects at the exhibition site on 10 December at 14:00 in honour of the presentation of the Nobel Prize to Katalin Karikó.
Translated by: D. M.
Cover photo obtained at the opening of the exhibition "Katalin Karikó's journey to the Lasker Prize and beyond" in Pécs.