Sunday, 30 June 2024

MTA-SZTE Biomimetic Systems Research Group

Principal investigator: Gábor Tóth

Synthesis of drug molecule-loaded nanocarrier systems for controlled drug release and targeted drug delivery


The core-shell nanoparticles (CSNPs) are widely used for therapy and diagnosis to deliver a drug in the right place at the right time in the adequate concentration. The main biological requirements for the synthesis of CSNPs: utilization of biodegradable and biocompatible materials without immunogenic and thrombogenic features. The suitable CSNPs have a diameter below 100 nm and are stable in blood during prolonged circulation time. We have prepared different nanocarrier composite systems using albumin protein or inorganic silica and biocompatible polymers in order to encapsulate different neurotransmitter and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drug molecules such as kynurenic acid and ibuprofen [1-3]. For neurotransmitter-containing carrier systems the key question is the successful penetration of the nanocomposite across the blood brain barrier (BBB). Many potential therapeutic agent using in biological systems are limited namely they can’t get through the BBB, this owing to their properties, for examples size, liophilicity, charge, etc. This barrier could be eliminated by chemical modifications, interactions with other molecules or application of composites. Novel, carrier-systems in nanoscale may promote the drug delivery into the brain which give possibility to treat the neurological disorders. For this purpose we have synthetized one-layered core-shell nanocomposite for delivery of kynurenic acid. Based on the results of in vitro and in vivo experiments this nanocarrier system may the future of brain drug development. We submitted a patent for this core-shell nanocomposite since this is able to deliver different drug molecules, especially neurotransmitters into the central nervous system (CNS).


[1] N. Varga, M. Benkő, D. Sebők, I. Dékány: Coll. Surf. B, 123 (2014) 616-622.

[2] N. Varga, M. Benkő, D. Sebők, G. Bohus, L. Janovák, I. Dékány: Microp. Mesop. Materials, 213 (2015) 134-141.

[3] N. Varga, E. Csapó, Z. Majláth, I. Ilisz, I.A. Krizbai, I. Wilhelm, L. Knapp, J. Toldi, L. Vécsei, I. Dékány: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 86 (2016) 67-74.