Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, Faculty of Science and Informatics
Time: every Tuesday from 12:00PM to 13:00PM (BigEd.Cent. 49., room Issekutz )
Type of course: lecture
Weekly nr. of hours: 1
Credits: 1
Performance assessment: colloquium
Responsible Institute: SZTE SZAOK-TTIK, Department of Immunology
Subject responsible: Dr. Krisztina Buzás Dr. Körmöndiné
Time: every Wednesday from 12:00PM to 13:00PM (Classroom III. )
Type of course: lecture
Weekly nr. of hours: 1
Credits: 1
Performance assessment: colloquium
Responsible Institute: SZTE SZAOK-TTIK, Department of Immunology
Subject responsible: Dr. Krisztina Buzás Dr. Körmöndiné