Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, Faculty of Science and Informatics
Time: every Wednesday from 12:00PM to 13:00PM (Classroom III. )
Type of course: lecture
Weekly nr. of hours: 1
Credits: 1
Performance assessment: colloquium
Responsible Institute: SZTE SZAOK-TTIK, Department of Immunology
Subject responsible: Dr. Krisztina Buzás Dr. Körmöndiné
Objective of the course:
As part of the immunology lecture, the basic immunological definitions and processes are discussed, as well as the associated therapies and the theoretical background of diseases of immunological origin.
1. 2024.09.11. | The structure and working principle of the immune system. Central and peripheral lymphoid organs. | Dr. Körmöndiné Dr. Buzás Krisztina |
2. 2024.09.18. | Cellular and humoral elements of innate immunity. The relationship of innate immunity to adaptive immunity. | Dr. Fajka-Boja Roberta |
3. 2024.09.25. | Antigen recognition molecules of the adaptive immune system. Characteristics of the genetic background providing MHC diversity. |
Dr. Czibula Ágnes |
4. 2024.10.02. | The antigen presentation. The development of T- and B-lymphocytes. | Dr. Czibula Ágnes |
5. 2024.10.09. | The T-cell mediated immune response. Types of T cells, their effector functions. | Dr. Dobra Gabriella |
6. 2024.10.16. | Inflammation and acute phase reaction. Immunomodulatory effects of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs | Dr. Fajka-Boja Roberta |
2024. 10. 25. 14:00 - 14:30 |
1. MTO (mandatory) | Place: Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet, Korányi fasor 9. Rooms: 12., 22., 24. |
7. 2024.10.30. | Inflammation and acute phase reaction. Immunomodulatory effects of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. | Dr. Roberta Fajka-Boja |
8. 2024.11.06. | Types and characteristics of hypersensitivity reactions. Allergic reactions. Therapeutic options. | Dr. Danis Judit |
9. 2024.11.13. | Antimicrobial responses. | Dr. Edina Gyukity-Sebestyén |
10. 2024.11.20. | Immunological memory. Vaccination. | Dr. Gabriella Dobra |
11. 2024.11.27. | Central and peripheral immune tolerance. Autoimmune diseases and therapeutic options. | Dr. Czibula Ágnes |
12. 2024.12.04. | Tumour immunology. Immunotherapies and their role in cancer therapy. | Dr. Körmöndiné Dr. Buzás Krisztina |
2024. 12. 06. 14:00 - 14:30 |
2. MTO | Place: Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet, Korányi fasor 9. Rooms: 12., 22., 24. |
13. 2024.12.11. | Prenatal immunology. | Dr. Gyukity-Sebestyén Edina |