
University of Szeged Department of Immunology

Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, Faculty of Science and Informatics


We recommend the following webinar to the attention of our dear Colleagues, which is organized and recommended by Dr. Gábor Szebeni from the BRC for the attention of the members of the SZAB Immunology Working Committee.

Immunology (GYTK22A-114-1)

Time: every Wednesday from 12:00PM to 13:00PM (Classroom III. )

Type of course: lecture

Weekly nr. of hours: 1

Credits: 1

Performance assessment: colloquium

Responsible Institute: SZTE SZAOK-TTIK, Department of Immunology

Subject responsible: Dr. Krisztina Buzás Dr. Körmöndiné

Objective of the course:

As part of the immunology lecture, the basic immunological definitions and processes are discussed, as well as the associated therapies and the theoretical background of diseases of immunological origin.

1. 2024.09.11. The structure and working principle of the immune system. Central and peripheral lymphoid organs. Dr. Körmöndiné Dr. Buzás Krisztina
2. 2024.09.18. Cellular and humoral elements of innate immunity. The relationship of innate immunity to adaptive immunity. Dr. Fajka-Boja Roberta
3. 2024.09.25. Antigen recognition molecules of the adaptive immune system. Characteristics of the genetic background providing MHC diversity.
Dr. Czibula Ágnes
4. 2024.10.02. The antigen presentation. The development of T- and B-lymphocytes. Dr. Czibula Ágnes
5. 2024.10.09. The T-cell mediated immune response. Types of T cells, their effector functions. Dr. Dobra Gabriella
6. 2024.10.16. Inflammation and acute phase reaction. Immunomodulatory effects of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs Dr. Fajka-Boja Roberta
2024. 10. 25.
14:00 - 14:30
1. MTO (mandatory) Place: Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet, Korányi fasor 9. Rooms: 12., 22., 24.
7. 2024.10.30. Inflammation and acute phase reaction. Immunomodulatory effects of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Dr. Roberta Fajka-Boja
8. 2024.11.06. Types and characteristics of hypersensitivity reactions. Allergic reactions. Therapeutic options. Dr. Danis Judit
9. 2024.11.13. Antimicrobial responses. Dr. Edina Gyukity-Sebestyén
10. 2024.11.20. Immunological memory. Vaccination. Dr. Gabriella Dobra
11. 2024.11.27. Central and peripheral immune tolerance. Autoimmune diseases and therapeutic options. Dr. Czibula Ágnes
12. 2024.12.04. Tumour immunology. Immunotherapies and their role in cancer therapy. Dr. Körmöndiné Dr. Buzás Krisztina
2024. 12. 06.
14:00 - 14:30
2. MTO Place: Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet, Korányi fasor 9. Rooms: 12., 22., 24.
13. 2024.12.11. Prenatal immunology. Dr. Gyukity-Sebestyén Edina

Examination of the learning outcomes:
Attendance at lectures is mandatory.

Requirement of the admission to the exam: no more than 20% certified absence in the classroom teaching. (3 absences allowed)
In case of more than 3 absences, the student is not allowed to take the exam!


Two MTOs will be written during the semester.
1. MTO: 2024. 10. 25. 14:00 - 14:30 The 1. MTO is mandatory! The absence from the 1. MTO counts as an absence from the lecture!)
2. MTO: 2024. 12. 06. 14:00 - 14:30. Place: Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet, Korányi fasor 9. Rooms: 12., 22., 24

In case that the average result of the two MTOs reaches 80% the grade of the colloquium is offered at the end of the semester. If 80% is reached, it means the offered grade 4 (good), if the averaged result of the two MTOs reaches 90%, the offered grade is 5 (excellent).


The first and second exam will be written. You need to reach 60% to pass the exam.

The grades are determined as follows:
0-59% failed (1)
60-69% pass (2)
70-79% satisfactory (3)
80-89% good (4)
90-100% excellent (5)

The second repeated - your third - exam and any further exams are oral.
The potential improvement of the examination will be oral (in case somebody wants a better grade than the offered, for example 5 instead of 4).

The unsatisfactory semester mark can be corrected during the examination period in accordance with the examination regulations.

The basics of the exam:
The material of the lectures.

Recommended specialist literature:
Kenneth Murphy and Casey Weaver: Janeway’s Immunbiology 9th Edition (Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Abul Abbas Andrew Lichtman Shiv Pillai: Basic Immunology (Elsevier, 2019)
Abul Abbas Andrew Lichtman Shiv Pillai: Cellular and molecular immunology (Elsevier, 2017)