Gazdasági és Műszaki Főigazgatóság Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Publikus eljárások  --  Szolgáltatás beszerzések

Call for Proposal No. SZTE/2019/PSZ10178

The University of Szeged (hereafter Inviting Authority) invites candidates to an open procedure for supplying the following service:

Amplicon sequencing for determination of metagenomic bacterial composition of 20 human fecal samples
Offer No: SZTE/2019/PSZ10178

Deadline for submission of offers: October 30th, 2019 10:00

Estimated Date of delivery: within 1 month

Short specification of service:

Name of the service: Amplicon sequencing for determination of metagenomic bacterial composition of 20 human fecal samples using dilute preprepared DNA.

End User: University of Szeged, Institute of Clinical Microbiology, Semmelweis u 6., H-6725 Szeged, Hungary

Billing Address: Szegedi Tudományegyetem (University of Szeged), Dugonics tér 13. H-6720 Szeged, Hungary, VAT No: HU 15329815

Specifications and target values:
  • Number of samples: 20, transportation covered by the sender.
  • Concentration of ca. 0.1-1 ng/ul dilute DNA samples of ca. 100 ul volumes to be applicable for the following processes.
  • 16S rDNA amplification of the PCR V3-V4 region with the 341F and 806R primers.
  • Library prep and NGS sequencing with Illumina PE250 (Q30>80%) 30000 raw tags with confirmation of the data quality.
  • Raw data in fastq, without taxonomic composition analysis.
  • Turnaround time within 1 month.

Offers are to be submitted by uploading your offer in PDF file (please click on „Upload Proposal” in the top right corner).

Please include the specification in your offer, so that it can be clearly evaluated whether it matches all the specificied features.

Offers must fully match the criteria listed in the attached specification file. Offers with less specification will be considered invalid.

Should you have any questions on sequencing service, please contact Dr. József Sóki research fellow, +36 (62) 545-399,


In case you need information from the contact person above, please send a copy of your mail to our purchasing department to Zoltan Nagy, email:

Evaluation principle: the lowest price

Offers are to be submitted by uploading your offer in PDF file (please click on „Upload Proposal”” in the top right corner).
More information:

The quotations should include:

  • please refer No SZTE/2019/PSZ10178
  • all the expenses of the purchase. Please do not list the bank charge (to be paid by customer)
  • the terms of delivery (incl. delivery lead time)
  • terms of payment. Our University prefers to pay with wire transfer.
  • quote validity and/or quote issue date. The quotation should be preferably valid for 60 days, due to excessive evaluation period, but at least for 30 days. Quote validity day should be not earlier than the deadline of the procedure
  • name of the supplier


According to the common directive of Rector and Chancellor of the University of Szeged No. 2/2015. (16.04), binding agreement – in the value of over approx. net 4.800 EUR (depending on the exchange rate) - in case of this procedure can be contracted exclusively with the approval of the Chancellor. The publication of the results does not indicate commitment. Whereas, please be informed that in default of the approval of Chancellor, the Inviting Authority alter the result and declare the procedure unsuccessful.


We hereby inform you that pursuant to Article 41 (6) of Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances, the University of Szeged shall only enter into contracts and perform payments upon its contracts, if the contracting party has provided the University with a Transparency Declaration. In case the Supplier had not provide transparency declaration to the University earlier, the declaration will be requested during the evaluation period.

For further information please turn to the following official contact person:

Szöllősy Ervin foreign sales representative


Contact person for technical support: Jozsef Soki dr., research fellow University of Szeged, Institute of Clinical Microbiology, tel: +36 (62) 545-399


The official language of the procedure is Hungarian, but offers can also be submitted in English language. The Inviting Authority expects offers from suppliers that can guarantee a prompt delivery and have a stable financial background. The Inviting Authority reserves the right to request further information from candidates within 5 working days in writing . Request for further information will be sent to each candidate with a valid offer. Following the submission deadline, the Inviting Authority evaluates the offers and candidates are informed on the result with the least possible delay.

The Inviting Authority reserves the right to cancel the above offer procedure fully or partially, without any justification. The Inviting Authority is not liable for consequences resulted by the withdrawal.

This call for proposal is not to be considered as a contractual commitment undertaken by the Inviting Authority. The call and the full procedure are subject to the Inviting Authority’s internal regulations.

Winner price: 274 750 HUF + VAT