2025. január 13., hétfő





Running projects

1. Project ID: ROHU 397
Project title: New approaches in the prevention and therapy of common cancers - 4C: Cure for Cervical and Colorectal Cancer
Project period: 24 hónap (2019. 03. 01. – 2021. 02. 28.)
Total Project budget: 3.452.844,43 EUR
Subsidy: 2.549.775,91 EUR
Subsidy to University of Szeged: 1.577.112,22 EUR
USZ own contribution: 453.155 EUR

Project Partners: Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara, Lead partner, University of Szeged, Department of Oncotherapy and Department of 1st Internal Medicine, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara

Aim of the project: Improving health-care services in 3 health-care institutions in Timis and Csongrad counties for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cervical and colorectal cancer for the benefit of the population of the Timis-Csongrad area in an inclusive and modern approach.

Details of the project...

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2. Project ID: 724161 - JARC
Project title: Third EU Health Programme Joint Action on Rare Cancers
Project period: 01. 10 2016 – 30. 09. 2019
Total Project budget: 2.499.746,7 EUR
Subsidy: 1.499.848,04 EUR
Aid intensity: 60%
Lead Partner: Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori (INT), Milano, Italy
Project Partners: 33 European organization
Subsidy: to University of Szeged 8.281,80 EUR
Aid intensity: 60%

Aim of the project: JARC should be viewed as the natural framework to bring together at the EU level all Member States (MS) and stakeholders (disease-based communities of physicians, researchers and patients, scientific and professional societies, patient advocacy groups and organisations), to provide political recommendations to the EU and to MS to:
1. prioritise rare cancers in the agenda of the EU and Member States (ensuring rare cancers will be included in national cancer control plans);
2. develop innovative and shared solutions, to be recommended for implementation, mainly through the future ERNs on rare cancers.
Therefore, the final goal of JARC will be to contribute to improve health outcomes for patients with rare cancers and to decrease health inequalities across Europe closely working with the Commission and the MS. Maximizing chances of future ERNs on rare cancers to be successful is viewed as a key factor for this to happen in Europe.



3. Project ID: GINOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00040
Project title: Personalized medicine by 3D printing of biological structures
Project period: 01. 12. 2016 – 30. 11. 2019.
Total Project budget: 615.768.476 Ft
Subsidy: 615.768.476 Ft
Aid intensity: 100%
Lead Partner: University of Szeged
Project Partners: Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Subsidy to University of Szeged 563.299.281 Ft
Aid intensity: 100%

Aim of the project:
The main goal of the project is to form a basis of 3D printing technology for production of metallic, polymer and biological structures. Their features will be studied to be able to improve them for application in personalized patient care. Three main fields are the metallic implants, printed tissue structures and for oncology the printed plastic brachytherapy applicators.

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Closed projects

1. Project ID: VKSZ_12-1-2013-0012

Project title: Research of an intelligent and inclusive framework for Analitic Healthcare Quality User Information - AHQUI

Project period: 2014. jan. 1. - 2017. dec. 31.

Total Project budget: 9 076 606 727 Ft

Subsidy: 5 999 343 667 Ft

Aid intensity: 66,1%

Lead Partner: GE Hungary Kft.

Project Partners: National Institute of Oncology, Pannon University, University of Szeged

Subsidy: to University of Szeged510 M Ft

Aid intensity: 100%

Aim of the project: While in the 1990s the first wave of the Internet merely gave voice to consumers, the next wave, the Industrial Internet also provides analytical intelligence for machines, enabling intelligent decisions that predict and prevent problems by supplying the right information to the right person at the right time. With the development of Industrial Internet, physicians, specialists and healthcare workers in the sector can access crucial and structured information significantly faster enabling them to make the right decision and this way increase efficiencly.


3. Project ID: GINOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00040

Project title: Personalized medicine by 3D printing of biological structures
Project period: 01. 12. 2016 – 30. 11. 2019.
Total Project budget: 615.768.476 Ft
Subsidy: 615.768.476 Ft
Aid intensity: 100%
Lead Partner: University of Szeged
Project Partners: Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Subsidy to University of Szeged 563.299.281 Ft
Aid intensity: 100%

Aim of the project:
The main goal of the project is to form a basis of 3D printing technology for production of metallic, polymer and biological structures. Their features will be studied to be able to improve them for application in personalized patient care. Three main fields are the metallic implants, printed tissue structures and for oncology the printed plastic brachytherapy applicators.


1. Project ID: HUSRB/1203/221/252

Project title: Cooperation in Medical Physicist Training and Education -MEPHYSTE

Project period: March 1. 2015 - June 30. 2016

Total Project budget: 290.908,2 EUR

Subsidy to University of Szeged: 85.732,87 EUR

Aid intensity: 100%

Project Partners: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences (Lead Partner, Sebia), Institute of Oncology Vojvodina, Sebia, University of Szeged

Aim of the project: The main goal is to improve the knowledge and preparedness of medical physicists according to the special needs that they face with during their everyday activity or if a particular new radiotherapy technique is to be implemented. Curriculum will be developed to cover both a structured basic learning, and also the issues related to specific techniques such as conformal radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy and stereotactic radiosurgery. Educational material and standardized QA/QC program will be developed in cooperation between the 2 centers. Furthermore, the project aims at broadening training and education to the whole Serbian and Hungarian community of medical physicists. Workshops and a professional website will support the rapid acceptance and implementation of the modern knowledge. The final increment of the project will fulfil high quality and safe radiotherapy and better treatment of cancer patients.


2. Project ID: TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-13/1/KONV-2014-0001

Project title: "Coordinated, practice-oriented, student-friendly modernization of biomedical education in three Hungarian universities (Pécs, Debrecen, Szeged), with focus on the strengthening of international competitiveness."

Project period: 2014.05. 1. – 2015. 09. 30.

Total Project budget: 2 967 189 504 Ft

Subsidy to University of Szeged: 861 091 000 Ft

Aid intensity: 100%

Project Partners:

University of Pécs (lead partner)

University of Debrecen

Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

University of Szeged

Aim of the project:

The main goal of the project is the coordinated development and improvement of the consonance of the medical/health care education and services at the consortium members to form and operate higher educational services helping to be recognized as modern, internationaly competitive institutions.


3. Project ID: TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005

Project title: Preparation of the concerned sectors for educational and R&D activities related to the Hungarian ELI project

Project period: 2013.04.15 - 2015.04.14

Total Project budget:,- Ft

Lead Partner: University of Szeged

Project Partners: University of Pécs, Kecskemét College, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Nuclear Research

Subsidy to University of Szeged: 518.722.748,- Ft

Aim of the project: The program's key technical objective is the familiarization of research methods and light sources connected to ELI-ALPS with to domestic researchers working on the field of natural sciences and not only contributes to ELI's scientific reinforcements, but to help the utilization of the unique research opportunities of ELI-ALPS. The main focus groups of the program are the followings:

1. Studends of higher education –especially from physics, second related disciplines are chemistry, biology, medicine, mathematics, etc; Third any other student who is interested in this field

2. Academics and researchers – training teachers and researchers in the sector

3. Other staff members of higher education institutes


4. Project ID: TIOP-2.2.6-12/1A-2013-0003

Project title: Supporting the structural change by the development of the oncology centers

Project period: 2013. 11. 01. - 2015. 04. 30.

Total Project budget: 1.108.483.693 Ft

Subsidy: 1.108.483.693 Ft

Aid intensity: 100%

Project aim: Development of the quality of the equipments for radiotherapy and clinical dosimetry.


5. Project ID: TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0035

Project title: Investigation of the interactions of environmental and genetic factors in development of immune-mediated and cancer diseases

Project period: 2013. 01. 01. – 2014. 12. 31.

Lead Partner: University of Szeged

Project Partner: Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Total Project budget: 754 021 826 Ft

Subsidy to University of Szeged: 620 021 826 Ft

Aid intensity: 100%

Aim of the project: It is a widely accepted fact in the scientific community, that complex interaction of environmental and genetic factors is responsible for most of the inflammatory and tumor diseases. In this project clinically relevant questions will be investigated first in laboratories focusing on the determination of possible drug targets providing basis for the future therapies. Potential drug candidates will also be tested in model organisms (Drosophyla, rodents), as well as in patients.


6.Project ID: HURO/1001/ 131/2.4.2 - Radiotherapy

Programme: Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme2007-2013

Project title: Mutual knowledge transfer and experience exchange among the radiotherapy centres of the border area to assure the availability of the modern therapies

Lead Partner: University of Szeged

Project Partner: Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenta Timisoara

Project period: 2012. 05. 01. - 2013. 04. 30.

Total Project budget: 198 881,81 euro

Subsidy: 169 049,53 euro

Aim of the project: The project's aim is to create conditions in order to reduce inequalities in patient care (especially radiotherapy), and improve the health status and quality of life of the patients in the region by the dissemination of modern knowledge, and continuous exchange of experience in the HU-RO border region. The final goal is the development of tailored curative therapies and the improvement of the health standards of people.

The main activities of the project are: creation of infrastructural and equipment background for the exchange of knowledge, development of training programs and training. The target group consists of 38 doctors, physicists, assistants and specialist candidates participating in the theoretical and practical trainings organized by the Oncotherapy Clinic and 60 Hungarian and Romanian experts benefiting from results of exchange of experience and continuous consultancy (physicists, assistants and specialist-candidates of the two institutions).

Among the project results: 4 -3D conformal radiotherapy trainings, 38 people trained, 1 lecture hall renovated, 2 video-conference systems bought.


7. Project ID: HURO/0802/112_AF – Common Chance

Programme: Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013

Project title: Complementary development of radiotherapy at the Department of Oncotherapy, University of Szeged and the Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenta Timisoara

Lead Partner: University of Szeged

Project Partner: Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenta Timisoara

Project period: 2010. 09. 01. - 2012. 07. 30.

Total Project budget: 2.060.123,86 euro

Subsidy: 2.000.000 euro

Aim of the project: The general objective of the project is to improve the general status of health and the quality of life in the region and to reduce the inequalities in access to up-to-date forms of therapy by establishing an interregional oncology network. The main activities of the project are: the construction of a building suitable to receive a linear accelerator in Hungary, the purchase of devices used in radiotherapy (both in Romaina and Hungary) and the joint creation of the treatment protocols through which a common oncology infrastructure can be established. The target groups are: malignant tumor patients of the border region, medical personnel of radiotherapy in the border region who will have the opportunity to learn the new techniques, exchange experience and take part in practical trainings, the population of the border region (approximately 2.16 million people) who can access high quality medical service within short distance from their homes, other specialists in oncology treatment and oncology societies, non-profit anti-cancer organizations.
