2024. július 1., hétfő





Foreign patients' care

he Department of Oncotherapy of University of Szeged offers consultation and complex oncological care for foreign patients upon payment.

The charge for the first consultation and medical examination is 15000 HUF, which includes a complete medical examination according to the current protocols of Oncology. Further examinations and treatments will follow according to the needs of the patient, with a background provided by the European standard academic and practical professional knowledge of our Clinic, with the cooperation of experienced specialists.

Place of consultation: 6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 97. (Outpatient clinic), 1st storey 34.
Consultation hours: Monday through Friday: 13-19 pm
Telephone: +36 62 574 400 /extension 336
Mobile: +36703722648
e-mail: info.onko@med.u-szeged.hu

Bank card payment is possible in our institution.