2025. március 9., vasárnap





AOK-KA1851 Modern Complex Therapy of Malignant Diseases in Clinical Practice for 4th and 5th year medical students

Elective practice, 28 h/semester, 2 credit points, evaluation (5)

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Kahán, Dr. Katalin Hideghéty, Dr. Anikó Maráz, Dr. László Torday, Dr. Alíz Nikolényi, Dr. Elemér Szil, Dr. Zoltán Varga, Dr. Adrienne Cserháti, Dr. Péter Ágoston

Description: This optional course provide insight to oncological care in routine practice with special regard to evidence-based and at the same time individualized therapy. The practical aspects of the management of cancer patients with solid tumors will be presented: the diagnostic algorithms, anticancer treatments such as medical therapies including chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapies, endocrine therapy and radiotherapy, supportive and palliative care will be discussed.

Method: There will be chance to see patients, see theraputic interventions and to observe the treatment outcome. The participation in multidisciplinary tumor boards (oncoteams) will be organized. The course will be completed with written exam. The completion of the course may help to intensify and stabilize the knowledge obtained during the firsts semester's regular oncology course, and the better understanding of the management of solid tumors.

Requirements: Attending the practices is compulsory. Notes should be taken about the practices. The course will be completed with written exam.


1. The essentials of medical therapy: chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, biological agents
2. Radiotherapy
3. The technical basics of radiotherapy
4. Supportive and palliative therapy
5. Gastrointestinal malignancies
6. Breast cancer
7. Gynecological malignancies
8. Genitourinaryl malignancies
9. Head and neck cancers
10. Central nervous system, pediatric and skin malignancies
11. Lung cancer
12. Rare malignant diseases
13. Multidiscplinary approaches and team-work
14. Psychooncological aspects
15. Case discussion (exam)