2024. július 1., hétfő





Case 8.: Successful treatment of a HER2 positive breast cancer by HER2 inhibitor therapies

The 65 year old female patient noticed her breast tumor that caused left inflammatory breast cancer in 2007. Imaging examinations revealed no organic metastases. After histological sample collection she received 6 cycles of neoadjuvant Taxotere-Epirubicin treatment, then left mastectomy and axillary block dissection was performed. The surgical histological result concurred with that of the biopsy: invasive ductal carcinoma, Grade III, TRG1, ypT2 (35mm), ypN2 (6/6), ER, PR: negative, HER2: +++, Ki67: 60% (Figure 1 a-e).

Three months after surgery the patient was still fighting a wound healing disorder, her right breast has become swollen and a few lymph nodes became palpable in her right axilla (Figure 2). A complex breast examination revealed mastitis carcinomatosa of the right breast that histologically (core biopsy) corresponded to the recurrence of the previous tumor. She received palliative Taxol-Herceptin treatment for six months, followed by Herceptin monotherapy for 1 year. In spring 2010, chest wall progression, hepatic metastasis and osseal metastasis developed. Within a clinical trial, she received Herceptin-Vinorelbin treatment for another 6 months, by which her disease did not deteriorate (it was stable). For further 9 months she received Herceptin monotherapy again, then we switched to Lapatinib-Xeloda treatment due to the progression of the cutaneous metastases.

In May, 2012 there was progression again. In the frame of a clinical trial it was possible to give her trastuzumab-emtansine (conjugate of trastuzumab and a tubule inhibitor cytostatic) treatment that is still going on. After 5 years from the first diagnosis the disease is still under a satisfactory control.

Edited by Dr. Ágnes Dobi