2024. július 1., hétfő





Case 6.: Mastitis carcinomatosa. Complex oncologic and surgical treatment.

The female patient was born in 1950. The 45-year-old patient noticed a lump in her right breast and her axilla two months ago. Later her breast has swollen and it has become red. Clinically, we detected mastitis carcinomatosa without distant metastases (Figure 1).

She received preoperative chemotherapy /6 cycles of FAC/ as a result of which the inflammatory appearance of the right breast completely disappeared, together with the lymph node conglomerate that was palpated in the right axilla (Figure 2).

Following that she received radiotherapy /to the right breast and lymphatic regions/.

After the end of the treatment, mastectomy and axillary block dissection was performed. No tumor tissue was detected in the removed breast, tumor cells were only found in one of the vessels of the axillary block dissection specimen (Figure 3 a-c.). After that she received tamoxifen treatment (40 mg).

8 months later a palpable lymph node metastasis developed in the right supraclavicular region. It has been removed and then she received another series of FAC chemotherapy and supplementary radiotherapy of 34 Gy total dose to the right chest wall and lymph regions.

She continued to take tamoxifen /for 6 years altogether/, which was followed by 6 years of aromatase inhibitor treatment. She has been clinically tumor-free since then.

Edited by Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Kahán