Phone: +36-62/545-456 , +36-62/545-445
University studies
- University of Bristol Union, Faculty of Medicine UK,
January – March 1995
- University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine 1990-1996
- general surgery “summa cum laude”, 2001
Scientific degrees
- Ph.D. 2008
- FACS - 19. 10. 2024.
- senior consultant 2009-
- graduate teaching assistant2001-2009
- university trainee 1996-2001
Patient care
- general surgery in official hours and on call
- head of the outpatient care (on call)
- head of the Regional Pancreas Surgical Outpatient
and Hospital Care in South Hungary, 1 November 2011-
- University of Szeged Faculty of Medicine: medical training, dental education,
cross-teaching, other higher education – lectures, practices, examinations in Hungarian and in English.
- preparation for professional examination in the Unit and practices
Scientific works: MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)
Study visits
- European Pancreas Center, University of Heidelberg Dept of Surgery (Prof. M. Büchler)
– 30 April – 16 May 2018
- European Pancreas Center, University of Heidelberg Dept of Surgery (Prof. M. Büchler)
– 2 weeks further training, April – May 2017
- R. Reagan UCLA Medical Center LA California, Dpt of General Surgery,
David Geffen School of Medicine, 31 March – 28 April 2016
- Semmelweis University 1st Surgical Clinic, pancreas surgery practical further training, April 2002
- Petz Aladár Hospital Győr, pancreas-liver surgical further training, 2011
- European Pancreas Center, University of Heidelberg Dept of Surgery (Prof. M. Büchler), 1 month further training, 2003
- National Institute of Oncology, 1 month further training, 1997
- Bristol, 3 months surgical practice grant, 1995
- Training grant of the European Pancreatic Club, 2012
- Deák Ferenc Scholarship, 2003
- 1st prize winner in the Young Surgeons’ Professional Forum (for 3 years)
- Lecture in surgical casuistic in English, 1st prize, 1997, 1998, 1999
- Elli Lilly special prize for the best lecture, HSG Assembly, Balatonaliga, 1996
- Best Oral Presentation, 1995
- general and GI surgery
- surgical operation of pancreatic and biliary diseases
- tumor surgery
Society membership
- Reviewer at the Medicine Journal
- Hungarian Surgical Society
- European Pancreatic Club
- American Pancreatic Club
- American College of Surgeons (ACS)
- American Pancreatic Association (APA)
- Board member in the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group