Sunday, 28 July 2024

Social Sciences (Business Studies, International Relations, Law, Educational Sciences)

Studying social sciences at the University of Szeged has never been easier as you can choose from a great variety of study programmes that fits your personality and interest. Programmes at the Faculty of Economics as well as at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences offer academic disciplines in Social Sciences such as international economics, business studies, international relations and political sciences. Campus buildings are located in a near proximity from each other mainly in downtown.

Programmes in the field of Social Sciences

The University of Szeged offers the following programmes in the field of Social Sciences

  1. 1 BSc Programme
  2. 5 Masters’ Programmes (MSc, LLM, MA)
  3. 3 PhD Programmes
  4. Programmes in English and in French


    Social_sc_programmesThe aim of the Business Administration & Management (BSc) programme is to train and prepare young men and women to become professional managers in every sector of organised economic activity. Read more about the programme here.


    The goal of the programme in International Economy & Business (MSc) is to provide the sound theoretical base and practical skills necessary for professional success. Read more about the programme here.

    The International Relations (MA) in English and in French programme at SZTE has a competetive edge, as we are the only law school in Hungary offering an interdisciplinary curriculum in Business Economics and International (Economic) Relations, with further emphasis on Political Sciences, European Studies and Law. Read more about the programmes here.

    International Trade and Investment Law (LLM / MA) This is a specialised programme for law or social science graduates. According to the type of degree, our postgraduate training offers two streams. Read more about the programme here.


    Docotoral Programmes in the study field of Law, Education and Econonics

    The Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences aims to give the opportunity for doctoral students to deepen their knowledge in legal research methodology and to gain more experience in the theoretical background and the practical issues according to their special professional interests. Read more about the programme here.

    Educational Sicences: Our curriculum focuses on formal education, learning, and instruction in the paradigms of empirically-based social sciences. Read more about the programme here.

    The objective of the international doctoral programme in Economics is to qualify candidates for individual scientific research and to train well-qualified professionals with a variety of accomplishments. Read more here.

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    Student Life

    Students studying Social Sciences: 303 students from 55 countries.


    social_erasmusErasmus Student Network established 15 years ago in a good cooperation with the University. ESN Szeged is volunteer based mentor organization with more than 40 mentors per semester. They are helping the students in everyday situations, like going to the doctor, finding accommodation, finding the University buildings and of course translating. They have an Office in Rector’s Office, where they are open every day. They are also organizing various programmes during the semester, like pub nights, cultural events and quiz nights. Last year they organized 55 events, had 50 mentors, and 850 mentored students and they reached 130,000 students via their Facebook posts.

    Services of the Faculty of Econimics and Business Studies for International Students:

    The Faculty of Economics provides a wide range of services to international students in order to help their academic, cultural and social integration.

    • Supporting international students in entering academic competitions (with special emphasis on the National Scientific Students’ Association’s competition (OTDK);
    • Supporting the founding and operation of student clubs;
    • Creating and maintaining teacher mentoring;
    • Managing cultural differences and other related difficulties by

    1. Creating and maintaining a network of mentor students (both Hungarian and foreign students may apply to become mentors).

    2. Organizing student excursions for international students in order to familiarize them with Hungarian culture and also their Hungarian fellow students.

    3. Organizing integrated student events.

    • Maintaining programmes to minimize the loss of students due to academic and performance issues: mentoring, organizing common study sessions, counseling for students in difficult situations, tutoring.

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    Career Opportunities

    social_studies_careerGraduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration are expected to find or even create jobs in the world of international economy and business, international and non-governmental organizations, embassies, journals, research centres.

    Graduates of the Faculty Law and Political Sciences usually pursue careers in governmental or in public sector at international firms or civil organisations. There is also the opportunity to continue studies in PhD programmes.

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    Watch the Video

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    How to Apply?

    Application Step by Step

    1. Choose your programme and read the programme description on our website. Each descriptions includes a direct link to the online application platform.
    2. Click on Apply Now button in the programme description and sign up for the online application platform.
    3. Fill in the online application form, upload the necessary documents and make sure to pay the application fee.
    4. Check your mailbox regularly. The system will remind you to complete the tasks.


    Contact us

    rektori_kiemelt_nagyContact us at, or call +36-62-343-885

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