Sunday, 30 June 2024

SZTE Long-term Environmental Changes Research Group

Principal investigator: Prof Pál Sümegi, DSc



Predicting climate and human-induced environmental changes is one of the most significant challenges of current research in earth sciences. A correct understanding of earth system responses to climate changes is based on a comprehensive analysis of terrestrial paleo-records, relying on geological, geochemical, paleoecological tools and construction of paleoenvironmental models capturing the interaction between local, regional as well as global paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. The basic concept of the research is the reconstruction of the environmental development in the Carpathian Basin (regional scale) and the South Great Hungarian Plain (local scale), using such approaches. Projects are to be implemented via collaboration with our strategic and regular partners from Central Europe, Turkey, China, North America, Australia and New Zealand. The aims of the publications are to introduce the local and regional models and test global scale as well.


Archeological sites and objects investigated by our research group carry information of human impacts on the landscape. By using material tests on the samples from these sites, the emergence of technical advancements and social status of a given community, moreover the degree of human-induced environmental changes can be reconstructed. Archeological sites dated to the period from pre-agricultural communities (Mesolithic), through the early farming societies, metal-cultures, to the new empires and states also possess direct and indirect environmental historical information for the last 12,000 years. These records complemented by those from environmental background sites may provide information on the spatial and temporal patterning and intensity of anthropogenic effects on the environment. In addition, information is preserved on the timespan and degree needed for the regeneration of original natural conditions.