2024. July 28., Sunday

Health Sciences

At the Faculty, professionals are trained in the fields of health sciences and social sciences representing the health assistance profession. Within the walls of our institution, not only those courses are available that are decades old, but also those that are entirely new and unique. The University has been training doctors, dentists and pharmacists in English language for many years. Besides Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical now patient care BSc programs are available to those dedicated to devote themselves for human healthcare and healing.

The Faculty of Medicine has been acknowledged on QS rankings as well between the 251-300th best faculties around the world. The task of the Faculty is represented by three different fields: education, research-work, and prevention-treatment. The Faculty consists of 51 different Departments (clinics, laboratories, pre-clinical departments). World-famous and Nobel Prize awardee one-time rector, Albert Szent-Györgyi earned international recognition. The ranking of the Medicine program at the University of Szeged according to the 2019 QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Rankings by Subject is #301-335



The University of Szeged offers the following programmes in the field of Health sciences:

  1. 2 BSc (6 semesters)
  2. 3 10-12 semester-long One-tier Masters’ Programmes (DMD, MD, Dr.Pharm)
  3. 5 PhD programme (8 semesters)
  4. 2 preparatory programme
  5. Programmes in English and in German


Nurse (BSc) programme provides theoretical and practical knowledge of nursing science. The programme is to encompass all aspects of care, additionally provides courses on subjects such as psychological care, nursing research, nursing management and counselling. Read more here.


The Physiotherapist (BSc) programme is dedicated to students who plan to pursue a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Physiotherapy in English by completing this four year long course. Read more about this programme here.

General Medicine (MD) programme is a 12 semester programme where students will gain medical knowledge and participate in clinical practices. Read more here.


The Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) programme is designed to unify the basic and clinical sciences, as it is believed that scientific and professional development cannot be separated but should proceed concurrently throughout the programme. Read more here.



The Doctor of Pharmacy (Dr.Pharm) offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy. The faculty seeks to educate its undergraduates by promoting their intellectual development and their progressive accumulation of competence in all fields of modern pharmacy. Read more here.


The Clinical Medicine (PhD) we expect applicants to be interested in the research programmes published on our website, and it is an advantage if the applicant has a background in scientific research. Read more here.


The PhD programme in Multidisciplinary Studies admits graduate students interested in educational and research programmes. Read more here.


The Interdisciplinary Sciences (PhD) programme focuses on the role of health-threatening microorganisms and damage to health caused by environmental factors. Both epidemiologic and experimental studies are necessary to identify the physical and chemical effects that cause health problems. Read more here.


Theoretical Medicine (PhD): Two academicians and 23 Doctors of Science with widespread experience in international cooperation form the faculty of our two training programmes. Their knowledge, their experience and the requirements of the scientific community guarantee an outstandingly high standard for the theses of our PhD students. Read more here.


Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD): There are diverse possibilities for especially advanced pharmaceutical research at the Faculty of Pharmacy, since its different institutes represent the whole area of pharmaceutical research, from the synthesis or isolation of biologically active compounds and their pharmacological or biopharmaceutical investigation, to their formulation. Rea more here.


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Student life


student lifeStudents studying Health Sciences are from 81 countries of the world. The international student body exceeds 1680


International students have a wide range of activities to choose from during the semester, giving them a break from all that time spent at their desk. Sport events, International Cultural Evening (ICE), cinema events, musical concerts, annual picnic, etc. – it’s all there! Szeged and ISUS lets you live your student life to the maximum, experience a variety of new people, and become a professional enriched with knowledge, experience and a universal attitude.


Aside from attending lectures and laboratory classes, time outside the classroom offers a wide range of exciting events for the students. Whether you wish to find fellow students in sport activities or in social life, the variety of programs will definitely provide you with ample opportunity to meet with them. The common tutor student programs organized several times in a term make the relation between instructors and students more personal.


The University will assist freshmen free of charge in finding accommodation and signing the contract with the landlords between July and September. The hostel of the Faculty also offers possibilities for accommodation. A general health insurance valid for Hungary is included in your tuition fee. Medical care is provided by the University doctors on campus.

At the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies the institute provides dormitory accommodation in Béke utcai Kollégium in the heart of Szeged, close to downtown and in Madzsar József Dormitory, in a quiet suburb area, close to the Liget Park, the Sports Hall and the Napfényfürdő Aquapolis Szeged.

One of the main goals of the Faculty is to support the students in all areas of their lives.

We operate student services. For example, the Student Information and Consulting Office (HAITI).

It provides significant assistance in supporting students in study or private crisis situations. Three colleagues provide life guidance counselling. The head of the office regularly teaches methodology courses, which also helps students in progressing.


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Career Opportunities

skillThe graduates of the University are entitled to apply for hospital residency places worldwide. Citizens of the EU and EEC will receive their license automatically within the Community. Furthermore all graduates of the Medical Program are entitled to participate in the US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).


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How to Apply?

Application Step by Step

    To apply for a full-time English language Health Science program at the University of Szeged please carefully follow the step by step application guide on the following links:

    Contact us


    E-mail: entrance.fs@med.u-szeged.hu

    Phone: + 36 (62) 545-969


    Address: Dóm tér 12., 6720 Szeged, Hungary


    E-mail: apply.fs@med.u-szeged.hu

    Phone: + 36 (62) 342-124

    After admission and financial issues:

    E-mail: admission.fs@med.u-szeged.hu

    Phone: + 36 (62) 342-059


    Address: Tisza Lajos krt. 83. / “B” Building, 6720 Szeged, Hungary

    Application and Admission

    E-mail: palicz.balazs@stoma.u-szeged.hu

    Phone: + 36 (62) 342-513


    Address: Zrínyi u. 9., 6720 Szeged, Hungary

    Application and Admission

    E-mail: admission@pharm.u-szeged.hu

    Phone: + 36 (62) 342-340


    Address: Temesvári krt. 31, 6726 Szeged, Hungary

    Application and Admission

    E-mail: englishprograms@etszk.u-szeged.hu

    Phone: +36 (62) 341-419