![Fejlec_EUGLOHRIA_Platform_page_02 Fejlec_EUGLOHRIA_Platform_page_02](/site/upload/2022/10/fejlec_euglohria_platform_page_02.jpg)
Partners database
Systèmes de Culture Innovants sous Contraintes (UMR Agronomie)
Key equipments
Zero pesticide system (INRAE) / System decreasing the amount of fossil energy consumed (INRAE) / System reducing greenhouse gas emissions (INRAE) / Unconstrained system (INRAE)
Expertise areas
agroecology, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
Microscopie et imagerie des micro-organismes, animaux et aliments (MIMA2)
Key equipments
Transmission Electron Microscopy High Contrast Option and Tomography, HT 7700 120 kV, Hitachi / Scanning Electron Microscopy (SE and BSE detectors), S4500 FEG, Hitachi / Fixed and Portable Ultrasound, Voluson E8 and Voluson i, GE Healthcare / Micro Ultrasound (High Resolution Ultrasound), VEVO 3100, FUJIFILM VisualSonics / Dual X-ray Absorptiometer (DXA), Lunar iDXA, GE Healthcare / Fibered Confocal Endomicroscope, Cellvizio-Lab, Mauna Kea Technologies / Bioluminescence Imaging on Small Animals, IVIS-200, Xenogen / Videomicroscopy, Apotome-1, Zeiss / Confocal Scanning Microscope, LSM 700, Zeiss / Confocal Scanning Microscope, TCS SP8, Leica
Expertise areas
agroecology, animal models, microscopy, cellular imaging, in vivo imaging, microscopy, CT imaging, food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Cellular imaging
Plateforme d'Analyse Protéomique de Paris Sud-Ouest (PAPPSO)
Key equipments
Triple analyzer mass spectrometer, Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid, Thermo Fisher / Mass spectrometer, Qexactive, Thermo Fisher / Mass spectrometer, LTQ-Orbitrap, Thermo Fisher / Mass spectrometer, timsTOF Pro, Bruker
Expertise areas
agroecology, biochemistry, proteomics, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, proteomics, biochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
MetaGenoPolis (MGP)
Key equipments
Automated DNA extraction system, QIASymphony, QIAGEN / Automated biobank, BioStore II, Brooks / Automated systems (2) for sample preparation and quantification, Biomek 4000, Beckman Coulter / Automated systems (3) for sequencing chip preparation, Ion Chef System, Thermo Fischer / Pipetting robots (2) for eukaryotic cells, pipetting robots (2) for bacteria, Microlab STAR and Microlab STARplus, Hamilton / Colony picker for library production, QPix 450, Molecular Devices / Cell sorter flow cytometer, FACSAria III, BD Biosciences / Pulsed field electrophoresis apparatus, CHEF-DRIII, BioRad
Expertise areas
agroecology, microbiota study, sequencing, genomics, bioinformatics, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Biobanks / Biological Resources; Bioinformatics
Key equipments
Nucleic acid extraction robots (2), ChemagicSTAR, Qiacube, Hamilton, Qiagen / Capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence detection, Fragment Analyzer, Advanced Analytical / Lab-On-Chip capillary electrophoresis system, Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent Genomics / Embedding station, EG1160, Leica Biosystems / Histological slide scanner, Pannoramic SCAN 150, 3DHISTECH / Automated immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization system, Bond RXm, Leica / Laser Microdissectors (UV + IR), 2 units, Arcturus XT, Thermo Fisher / qPCR plates 96/Tac Array Card/OpenArray, QuantStudio 12k Flex, Thermo Fisher / Microarray Scanner, SystemArray, Agilent / Digital PCR (ddPCR), QX200 ddPCR, BioRad / Sequencer, MiSeq, Illumina
Expertise areas
agroecology, sequencing, genomics, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources; Cytometry / Histology; Genomics / Post genomics
GABI / CRB-Anim (Centre de Ressources Biologiques pour les Animaux Domestiques)
Key equipments
Nucleic acid extraction robots (2), ChemagicSTAR, Qiacube, Hamilton, Qiagen / Capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence detection, Fragment Analyzer, Advanced Analytical / Lab-On-Chip capillary electrophoresis system, Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent Genomics
Expertise areas
agroecology, sequencing, genomics, histology, biobanking
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
La Cage (UMR Agronomie)
Key equipments
Productive system with high yields (INRAE) / System with reduced inputs (INRAE) / System under permanent plant cover (INRAE) / Biological system without exogenous organic matter (INRAE)
Expertise areas
agroecology, plant sciences, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
INRAE / Infectiologie Expérimentale des Rongeurs et Poissons (IERP)
Key equipments
EOPS protected rearing area / Level 3 confinement experimental areas (2 zones) / EOPS experimental area / Conventional experimental area / Level 2 experimental area (experimental fish farm) / Fish imaging phenotyping platform, Fluorescence stereomicroscopy loupes, two-photon microscope, Leica
Expertise areas
agroecology, infection, immunology, animal models, microscopy, in vivo imaging, OI
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
INRAE / Unité Expérimentale Sciences de l'Animal et de l'Aliment de Jouy (UE SAAJ)
Key equipments
Animal housing and experimentation buildings, conventional rabbitry, small ruminant confined sheepfold / Contract feed manufacturing workshop for experimentation / Autopsy center / Ultrasound equipment (rabbits, small ruminants)
Expertise areas
agroecology, animal models, preclinical evaluation, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration; Food processes; Biobanks / Biological Resources
MICALIS / Centre international de ressources microbiennes (CIRM Levures)
Key equipments
Sample storage in liquid nitrogen / Sample storage in the form of freeze-dried ampoules / Freezer / Incubators / Pulsed field electrophoresis (PFGE), CHEF-DR III, Bio-Rad / Dissecting microscope, MSM System SERIES 400, Singer
Expertise areas
agroecology, sequencing, genomics, plant sciences, microscopy, biobanking
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
PNCA / Plateau technique de spectrométrie de masse
Key equipments
Isotope ratio mass spectrometers (2 units) / quadrupole spectrometer coupled to a gas chromatograph (GS-MS), Agilent Technologies
Expertise areas
agroecology, metabolism study, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, metabolism study, isotopic labeling
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Preclinical / clinical exploration
URGI / Plateforme de bioinformatique
Key equipments
BLAST / Blaster / Gnpl S / PASTEClassifier / REPET/ S-Mart / Tedna / High-performance cluster
Expertise areas
agroecology, genomics, genetics, plant sciences, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
INRA / US EPGV- Etude du Polymorphisme des Genomes Végétaux
Key equipments
TaqMan ABI 7900HT / iPlex Nanodispenser RS1000 / iPlex MassARRAY Analyser 4 / GoldenGate / Infinium iSelect / Sequencer, Illumina HiSeq 2000, 2500 Rapid Run, MiSeq / Roche GS-Junionr, GS-FLX / Ion-Torrent PGM, Proton
Expertise areas
agroecology, sequencing, genomics, plant sciences, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
MIGALE Bioinformatics facility
Key equipments
Computing cluster 1016 cores, PowerEdge M610 / M630, Dell / Frangen node with 768 GB RAM, PowerEdge R720, Dell / Virtualization servers, PowerEdge R740, Dell / Storage capacity 300 TB, FAS2720, NetApp / Bioinformatics tools/software (329) / Databanks
Expertise areas
agroecology, bioinformatics, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
MICALIS / Animalerie axénique (ANAXEM)
Key equipments
Axenic rat and mouse breeding room (30 isolators) / 7 experimental rooms on axenic rats and mice or with controlled microbiota (35 isolators) / 1 room for experiments on axenic quails or with controlled microbiota (3 isolators) / 1 isolator for transporting axenic rodents / 2 surgery and autopsy rooms
Expertise areas
agroecology, microbiota study, animal models, preclinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
VIM / Biophysique
Key equipments
Dichrograph, J810-150S, JASCO / Fourier transform infrared, 680 plus, JASCO / Atomic force microscopy, NanoWizard Ultra, JPK / Differential scanning microcalorimetry, VP-DSC, MICROCALORIMETER / Isothermal titration microcalorimetry, VP-ITC, MICROCALORIMETER / Dynamic light scattering, Home made / Fluorimeter, FP6200, JASCO / Low pressure chromatography chain, Akta Purifier 100, Pharmacia/GE
Expertise areas
biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Structural Biology / Biophysics; Others
VIM / BSL3 prion
Key equipments
Cryostat, NX70, MICROM / Spectrophotometer and fluorometer, Xenius, SAFAS / PMCA apparatus, NQ700, QSonica sonicators / Light scattering apparatus, Proprietary / Ultracentrifuge, Optima LE80K, Beckman / Tissue grinder, Precellys 24, Bertin Pharma / Real-time cell viability analysis by impedance measurement, Xcelligence RTCA DP Analyzer, ACEA Biosciences / Vibratome, HM650V, MICROM / Epifluorescence microscope, AXIO A1, ZEISS
Expertise areas
biochemistry, immunology, infection, cell culture, animal models, plant sciences, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources; Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cytometry / Histology
Plateau de cytologie - microscopie (UMR BIOGER)
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, TCS SPE, Leica / Fluorescence microscope, DM5500B, Leica / Ultramicrotome, UC7, Leica / Stereomicroscope, MZ16F, Leica
Expertise areas
agroecology, cellular imaging, plant sciences, microscopy, biobanking
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
CIAMS / Explorations physiologiques à l'effort
Key equipments
Gas exchange analyzer, METALYZER, CORTEX / Treadmill, LODE, VALIANT / Ergocycle, 839, Monark / Electrocardiogram (3 electrodes), Bio amp, Ad Instruments
Expertise areas
neurosciences, cognitive neurosciences, psychology, biomechanics, physiology, cardiovascular sciences, sports, locomotor pathology, locomotion disorders
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
CIAMS / Plateforme EEG
Key equipments
64-channel EEG system, ActiCAP, Brain Products / 8 auxiliary channels for physiological measurements, BrainAmp ExG, Brain Products
Expertise areas
neurosciences, cognitive neurosciences, psychology, biomechanics, physiology, sports, locomotor pathology, locomotion disorders
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
CIAMS / Posture
Key equipments
Force platforms, AMTI / Wireless EMG, Aurion
Expertise areas
biomechanics, physiology, sports, locomotor pathology, locomotion disorders
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
CIAMS / MOCAP - biomécanique
Key equipments
Cameras, Oqus, Qualisys / 4-axis exoskeleton, ABLE, HAPTION / EMG, Mini-Wave, Cometa
Expertise areas
psychology, biomechanics, physiology, sports, locomotor pathology, locomotion disorders
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
CIAMS / MOCAP - locomotion
Key equipments
Cameras, Oqus, Qualisys / Force platforms, AMTI
Expertise areas
biomechanics, physiology, sports, locomotor pathology, locomotion disorders
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Plateforme d'imagerie cellulaire (Hôpital Marie Lannelongue)
Key equipments
Inverted microscope for ion imaging, IX71 non-motorized, Olympus / Upright microscope for ion imaging, BX61 z-motorized, Olympus / Confocal microscope, Axio Observer Z1, Zeiss / Laser microdissection, PALM MicroBeam, Zeiss / Cryomicrotome, CM 3050, Leica / Microdissection slide preparer, UV Stratalinker 2400, Stratagene
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, microscopy, cellular imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
EXHALOMICS / Plateforme d'analyse de l'air expiré
Key equipments
Mass spectrometer, PTR-Qi-TOF, Ionicon / Electronic nose, Libranose, University of Rome / Electronic nose, Libranose 2, University of Rome / Electronic nose, Cyranose, Sensigent / Electronic nose, Sprionose, Breathomix
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, microscopy, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Genomics / Post genomics
Accélérateur de Recherche Technologique en Thérapie Génomique (ART-TG)
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, preclinical evaluation, drug development, virus handling, biotechnologies
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioproduction; Genomics / Post genomics; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Centre de Ressources Biologiques Paris-Sud
Key equipments
DNA/RNA/miRNA extraction robot, Qiasymphony, Qiagen / Spectrophotometer, Qiaexpert, Qiagen / Automated Aliquot, Biomek Nxp Span 8, Beckman
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, preclinical evaluation, drug development, genomics, biobanking, neurology, metabolomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
Serveur Laser en Physique-Chimie (SELA)
Key equipments
Lasers, Neodymium-Yag laser pumped dyes / Two OPO lasers, visible/UV and infrared up to 11 µm / Two OPG lasers, picosecond (visible/UV) / One VUV generator, based on non-linear 4-wave mixing in rare gases (Xe, Kr, Ar) / Pulsed molecular jet / Fluorescence detection with CCD camera / Time-of-flight mass spectrometer / Electrospray source / Multipole traps / Cryostats (He and liquid N2)
Expertise areas
physics, laser, material sciences, laser, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Time-resolved experiences; Light-matter interaction
Key equipments
Ultra-intense Ti:Sa laser chain, Pulsar base, Amplitude Technologies / laboratory designs / High energy Nd: glass laser, B02LS, Quantel / Harmonic sources, Lab, Lab design / XUV laser, Lab, Lab design / XUV cameras, Ropper Scientific / XUV spectrometer, TGM 1200 base, Horiba / Optical parametric amplifier, Palitra, Continuum / Vacuum systems, Primary and secondary pumps, valves, experimental chambers, Pfeiffer, VAT, Lab designs / Laser modulators, Dazzler Mazzler, Fastlite / Laser time diagnostics, Spider Wizzler Single shot-autocorrelator, Lab design Fastlite Light-conversion
Expertise areas
physics, laser, material sciences, matter-light interaction, laser, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Liquid, gas and plasma phases
Plateforme de génotypage (CNRGH)
Key equipments
Pipetting robots, 6 units, Evo, Tecan / Scanning robots, 3 units, iScan +, Illumina / High density slide, Infinium Human Core Exome, Illumina / High density slide, Infinium OmniExpress, Illumina / High density slide, Infinium Omni2. 5, Illumina / High density blade, Infinium Omni5.0, Illumina / High density Blade, iSelect, Illumina / High density Blade, GSA, Illumina / High density blade, EPIC (methylation), Illumina
Expertise areas
genomics, proteomics, sequencing, genetics, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Plateforme de séquençage (CNRGH)
Key equipments
Sample fragmenter, LE220, E220, COVARIS / Sample preparation robot, Sciclone G3 NGSx, PerkinElmer / Sample preparation robot, Zephyr, PerkinElmer / Sample preparation robot, JANUS, PerkinElmer / Sample preparation robot, NGS Bravo Workstation, Agilent / Clustering station, cBot v2, Illumina / High-throughput sequencer, HiSeq X Five, HiSeq 2500 upgrade, HiSeq 4000, Novaseq 6000, Illumina / High-throughput sequencer, Minion and Promethion, Oxford Nanopore / High-throughput sequencer, Tape station 4200 and bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent / Low-throughput sequencer / QC, MiSeq, Illumina
Expertise areas
genomics, proteomics, sequencing, genetics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Chimiothèque de l'Institut Curie
Key equipments
Microwave digestion, CEM / Robot synthesis, Chemspeed / Chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer, Waters / Automatic purifier, puriFlash, Interchim
Expertise areas
oncology, drug development, screening, biobanking, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
MIC@Curie / Pôle de Cryo-Microscopie Electronique
Key equipments
Electron microscope, 2200FS, Jeol / Cryo-plunger, EM-CPC, Leica / Pumping station, Dry Pumping Station, Gatan / Cryo slide, 914 high-tilt, Gatan / RT-HT slide, EM-21311 HTR, Jeol / RT slide, EM-21020, Jeol / Ultramicrotome, Ultracut UCT, Leica
Expertise areas
oncology, drug development, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Structural Biology / Biophysics
Production de protéines recombinantes Institut Curie - UMR 9187 U1196
Key equipments
Fermenter for cell culture and protein production / Chromatography system: protein purification / Cell disruptor: protein extraction / Insect cell culture for protein production / Hybridoma system production / Akta flow for sample concentration
Expertise areas
oncology, drug development, cellular imaging, cellular models, cell culture, bioproduction, biotechnologies
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
MIC@Curie / Pôle de Microscopie Photonique
Key equipments
IncuCyte, S3, EssenBioScience / 3D SIM, DM6000, Leica / Videomicroscope, DMI60000, Leica / Videomicroscope, DMI60000, Leica / 3D dec, DMRXA, Leica / 2D inverted, TE-2000-S, Nikon / Confocal, SP5 FLIM-NLO, Leica / Spinning disk-TIRF-FRAP Live SR Module, Ti E, Nikon-GATACA / Confocal white laser, SP8 WLL, Leica
Expertise areas
oncology, drug development, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
ECOSYS / Plateforme de culture de plantes en conditions contrôlées
Key equipments
Photosynthesis analyzer, Li-6400xt, Li-cor / Spectroradiometer, MAYA-2000-pro, OceanOptics
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
ECOSYS / Plateforme Biochem-Env
Key equipments
Robot dispenser, Starlet, Hamilton / Robotic measurement chain, Microlab Star, Tecan / Mobile robotic measurement chain, Biomek 4000, Beckman / Incubators, Memmert, Sanyo / Freezer -80°C, Sanyo / Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), SPLIMS, Labvantage / Mobile lab, Master, Renault
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, plant sciences, cell culture
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ECOSYS / The Biological Resource Centre for the Environment (BRC4Env)
Key equipments
Freeze-dryer (soil and liquid), BETA 2-8 LSCBASIC, Christ / Freezers -40°C (soil / sediment), 17 units, MDF-U5411, Panasonic-Sanyo / Binocular magnifier, Stemi 305, Zeiss / Fume cupboard / Suction hood, EN14175, Geometra / Camera, Aviocam, Zeiss / Quarantine building, Entomopolis / Oven, 250L x4, POL EKO / Thermocycler, GeneAmp PCR system 9700 96 well, Thermo Fisher
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, plant sciences, biobanking
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
ECOSYS / Plateau de chimie environnementale de recherche
Key equipments
Liquid phase chromatographic systems and fluorescence, UV detectors (HPLC-FLD, UV, DAD), Waters / Gaseous phase chromatographic systems with thermal desorption - FID, ECD, mass spectrometer detectors (GC-FID, ECD, MS), Agilent, Perkin-Elmer / Ultra-high performance chromatographer with on-line pre-concentration, coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer (SPE online-UHPLC-MS-MS), Waters / Isotope mass spectrometers (IRMS) coupled with elemental analyzers (EA) and a gas analyzer for 13C and 15N analysis, Elementar / High resolution mass spectrometer for analysis of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (PTR-TOF-MS), Ionicon / Solid combustion (oxydizer) dedicated to 14C and radioactivity counting (liquid scintillation counter), HPLC radioactivity detector, Zinsser, Perkin-Elmer / Sample preparers (PLE extractors), Dionex, Buchi
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Chemistry / Screening
ECOSYS / Dispositif de caractérisation du potentiel d'émission d'ammoniac
Key equipments
Routine dynamic incubation device, INRAE
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ECOSYS / Mesure des composés organiques volatils (PTR-TOF-MS)
Key equipments
Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometer - time-of-flight detector (TOF), PTR-QiTOFMS, Ionicon
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ECOSYS / Dispositif Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
Key equipments
Device for measuring greenhouse gases, INRAE
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ECOSYS / Analyse de gaz à effet de serre (GES)
Key equipments
Gaz chromatography - Double detection ECD/FID, 3800, VARIAN / Gaz chromatography - Double detection ECD/FID, Clarus 580, Perkin / Gaz Sampling robot (2 units), PAL combi XT, CTC Analytics / Sample tube preparation ramp, INRAE
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ECOSYS / Dispositifs de dispersion de particules et d'inoculation de pathogènes
Key equipments
Artificial rain simulator, particle size measurement sensors
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ECOSYS / Dispositifs expérimentaux d'observation longue durée des propriétés des sols : Deherain et 36 parcelles
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
ECOSYS / Dispositifs expérimentaux d'observation longue durée des propriétés des sols : 42 parcelles
Key equipments
Collection of historical samples of the soil surface horizon of the 42 plots, Conditioning: fine soil < 2 mm, dried, sieved
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
ECOSYS / Observatoire de l'utilisation des produits résiduaires organiques en agriculture (SOERE PRO)
Key equipments
GHG emission monitors - automated chambers, custom made / GHG emission monitors - CO2 analyzer, LI-820, LI-COR / GHG emission monitors - N2O analyzer, TE-46i, ThermoFisher Scientific / TDR probes, CS610 / CS560, Campbell Scientific / Thermistor, 107, Campbell Scientific / Weather station: Anemometer, CS A100LK, Campbell Scientific / Weather station: Rain gauge, ARG100, Campbell Scientific / Weather station: Pyranometer, CMP3, Kipp & Zonen / Weather station: Humidity/temperature probe, HMP155A, Campbell Scientific / Wick lysimeters (Stainless steel plate + fiberglass wick), custom made
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation; Physicochemical analysis
Station de recherche de la forêt de Barbeau / ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System)
Key equipments
3D wind speed and wind profile in the canopy, HS-50, R3-50, WindSonic x6, Gill / CO2/H2O analyzers: 1 open, 1 semi-closed, 1 closed, 1 to 4 chambers, Li7500, Li7200, Li840, Li8100A, LiCor / Canopy temperature and relative humidity profiles, HMP155A x6, Vaisala / Soil characterization: Soil water content, temperature profile, heat flux, Enviroscan x4, Type-T x4, HFP01SC x4, Sentek, Thermocouple, HukseFlux / Global and net radiation, CMP22, CNR4, Kipp & Zonen / Incident and reflected PAR, transmitted PAR, direct PAR, diffuse and sunshine duration, PQS1 x2, PQS1 x15, BF5, Kipp & Zonen, Delta T / NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), NDVI sensor, Proprietary / PRI (Photochemical reflectance index) incident and reflected x2, PRI x3, Skye / Air characterization: Air temperature and relative humidity, air pressure, dew point thermo-hygrometer, rain gauge, HMD30YB and HMP155A, 61302V, VTP37, 3029/2, Vaisala, Young, Thygan, Mechanical Précis / Tree characterization: canopy temperature, transpiration flux, radial growth, phenology (VIS/IR cameras), IR120 x3, x24, ELPA98 x10, Campbell Sci. , UP GmbH, Univ. of Oulu
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
UFR Sciences / Serre de Biologie Végétale
Key equipments
Greenhouse field plots / Greenhouse compartments with lighting and air conditioning / Climatic chambers / Plant vernalization chamber
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, plant sciences, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
Key equipments
Flow cytometer, FACSAriaIII, Becton Dickinson / Automated pipetting system, Freedom EVO 150, TECAN / qPCR, Automate Light Cycler 480 II, Roche / Epifluorescence microscope, DM2000 LED, Leica / Inverted microscope equipped with micromanipulator, DIII3000B microscope, PatchMan NP2 micromanipulator, Leica microscope, Eppendorf micromanipulator
Expertise areas
agroecology, ecosystem functioning, environmental sciences, genomics, transcriptomics, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology; Genomics / Post genomics; Others
Key equipments
Laser cutting, Arketype / Waterjet cutting machine / Numerically controlled panel machining machine / Digital bending machine
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Fablabs
Photonic Fablab
Key equipments
3D printer, DesignJet, Form+1, Ultimaker 2 extended, Ultimaker 3, HP/Stratasys, Formlabs, Ultimaker, Ultimaker / Laser cutting, Speedy 100 R, Speedy 100 Flexx, Trotec / Digital milling machine, Charly 2U, Technodrill 3, CharlyRobot, CIF / 2D printing, Plotter A0 - iPF770, Vinyl cutting - GS24, Canon, Roland / Mechanical workshop, Mini drills, Scroll saws, Column drill, Band saw, Sander, Sandblaster, Cutter, Folder, . ..., Dremel / Electronic workshop, Oscillo, GBF, Alim, Arduino, RaspberyPI, Soldering iron, Hot air station, Pick and place (CMS), Reflow oven, Binocular, ..., / Instrumentation_x000D_Optics/photonics, 3D scanner SLS3, Spectrometer, Power meter, Reflectometer, Fiber welder, Halogen sources, Lasers, Lenses, Filters, Opto-mechanics, .
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics, 3D-printing, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Fablabs
La Fabrique
Key equipments
Welding space / Electronic CAD space / IoT space / Obscure room / Mechanical manufacturing workshop / 3D scanner / 3D printer / Vacuum casting system
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics, 3D-printing, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Fablabs
Versailles Sciences Lab
Key equipments
Laser Scanner 3D, Faro / Laser cutting / 3D printer, Color uPrint SE+, Stratasys / Optical materials and equipment / Spectrophotometer, Nanodrop 2000C, Thermofisher / Platform, Arduino / Tokens / Electronic components mobility/robotics / Evaluation board, STM32G400, Keil / Extraction materials
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Fablabs
Food'Inn Lab
Key equipments
Crusher and high speed rotor, ZM 200, RETSCH / Texture Analyser, TA-HD plus, Stable Micro Systems / Visual cooking oven, 1.06 Touch, Hounö / Traysealer, Olympia VG, TECNOVAC
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Fablabs
Key equipments
Laser cutting, Fusion M2 + 40, Epilog Laser / 3D FDM printing, 2x Ultimaker 2+, 2x Ultimaker 3 (standard and extended), Ultimaker / 3D SLA printing, 2x Form2, Formlabs / 3 axis milling, Modela MDX40A (pcb milling) Roland / 3-axis milling, Desktop 2418 (3-axis milling), Shopbot / 5-axis milling, NC Pocket (5-axis milling), NC Pocket / Vinyl cutting, KNK MAXX Air, KNK / Sewing/Embroidery, Creative 3. 0, Pfaff / QPCR, Chai Technology / Miscellaneous, Electronic bench, PCB oven, Arduini, Raspberry Pi, Atmel
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Fablabs
The Design Spot
Key equipments
Laser cutting, Speedy 100 / Milling machines, MDX-540 and MDX-40A / Virtual Reality device, zSpace / 3D printer, Ultimaker2+ Extended / Printer-cutter, VersaSTUDIO BN-20 from Roland / Complete assembly bench for electronic components / Modular coworking room
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; FabLabs
Key equipments
Azure Cloud
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (STIC)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Simulations
Plateforme Intégration et Tests (PIT)
Key equipments
Integration halls / Clean rooms / Thermal-optical vacuum tanks / Monochromator / Climatic chambers, SERVATHIN PC6 0 / Vibrating pot / Immersive image
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
Plateforme Matériaux
Key equipments
Machines of traction (2 units), MTS Shimadzu / SEM, Hitachi / Mechanical benches (bending, buckling, friction, creep), Prodidac / Choc Charpy, Mouton Pendulum HIT50P Pure, Zwick / Microdurometer, Shimadzu / Nano-indenterer, Nano-indenterer DUH-211, Shimadzu / Bench Ultra sounds by contact, Areva
Expertise areas
designing and prototyping (FabLabs), instrument integration, mechanics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Electron microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
GENOPOLE / Banque d'ADN et de cellules
Key equipments
DNA extractor / Microbiological safety stations (MSS) / CO2-incubators / Freezers - 80 °C, 6 units / Freezers - 20 °C, 6 units / Nitrogen tanks from 600 to 660 liters, 14 units / Multi-well plate UV/Vis spectrophotometer / Pulsed-field DNA electrophoresis system / Nano-chip DNA/RNA electrophoresis system
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, biobanking, cell culture, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme de Biologie stucturale
Key equipments
600 MHz NMR spectrometer with cryoprobe, Bruker / Thermally controlled fluorescence polarization spectrofluorometer, MD-5020, Photon Technology International / Atomic force microscope, MultiMode 8 Nanoscope, Bruker / Atomic force microscope, MultiMode V9 Nanoscope, Bruker
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, structural biology, NMR spectroscopy, microscopy, bioinformatics, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular imaging; Bioinformatics
GENOPOLE / Plateformes biobanque, bioprocédés, criblage à haut débit et séquençage
Key equipments
Automated cell culture - bioprocess, CompacT SelecT, TAP Biosystems / Cell dispensing in cryotubes and freezing by temperature controlled system, Fill-It/CryoMed, TAP Biosystems / Automated dispensers, Bravo/BravoBenCel/Biocel 1800, Agilent Technologies / Microplate reader, ClarioStar, BMG Labtech / Robotic immunological and histochemical labeling platform, ELX405/Multidrop, BIOTEK/ThermoScientific / High-throughput imaging, Arrayscan, CX7/ImageXpress, ThermoScientific/Molecular Devices / High-throughput imaging, FDSS, Hamamastu / Sequencer, IonProton, LIFE TECHNOLOGIES
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, biotherapies, screening, sequencing, biobanking, cell culture, stem cell, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
GENOPOLE / Centre d'Exploration et de Recherche Fonctionnelle Expérimentale (CERFE)
Key equipments
Housing and handling units / Automated washing and sterilization equipment / Anesthesia stations / Refrigerated cabinets / Microbiological safety stations (MSP) / Stereoscopic magnifier / Luminescence/fluorescence imaging stations, 2 units / Analytical cell counter / Confocal fiberoptic microendoscope / X-ray generator
Expertise areas
genomics, animal models, preclinical evaluation, prion handling, cellular imaging, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme logicielle de bioinformatique EvryRNA
Key equipments
P-DCFold : RNA secondary structure prediction software including pseudonuclei, software developed in-house / SSCA : software for the selection of the most informative homologous sequences for the prediction of RNA secondary structures by the comparative approach, software developed in-house / Tfold : software for prediction of secondary structures including pseudonuclei (integration of SSCA and P-DCFold), software developed in-house / miRNAFold: software for ab initio search of microRNA precursors (pre-miRNA) on a large scale in genomes, software developed in-house / ncRNAclassifier: software for determining a non-coding RNA derived from a transposable element or a poorly annotated non-coding RNA, software developed in-house / miRBoost: software for sequence classification into true or false pre-miRNAs, software developed in-house / piRPred: piRNA prediction software, software developed in-house / IpiRId: integrative approach software for piRNA prediction, software developed in-house / BioKoP: software for the prediction of potential secondary structures including the pseudonuclei of an RNA sequence, software developed in-house / IRSOM : software allowing, from a set of transcripts, to determine those corresponding to coding RNAs and those corresponding to non-coding RNAs, software developed in-house
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, bioinformatics, structural biology, simulation, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics; Structural Biology / Biophysics
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme Genopole d'extraction et d'encapsulation d'ADN
Key equipments
Automated extraction system, Autopure, Qiagen / Automated extraction system, QIAcube, Qiagen / Desiccation station, HT4, Genevac / Encapsulation station, Bioshielder Power, Imagene / Minicapsule tightness control station, Bioshielder Power, Imagene / DNA control and aliquoting station, Robot Star, Hamilton Robotics / Multimode reader (fluorimetry and spectrophotometry), Synergy 2, BioTek / 2D code reader, Smart Reader 96, Imagene / Electrophoresis system, EGel, Invitrogen
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, biobanking, cohort, clinical evaluation, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme d'imagerie cytométrie OCCIGEN
Key equipments
Super-resolution microscope, TCS SP8 STED 3X, Leica / Slide scanner, AxioScan Z1, Zeiss / morphometry stations on microscopes, 3 units, Microvision / Ultrasound, Vevo 770, Visual Sonic / Confocal fiber microendoscope, Cellvizio Dual Band Lab, Mauna Kea Technologies / In vivo imaging, IVIS Xenogen, Perkin Elmer / Cell sorters/cloners, MoFlo Astrios EQ, Beckman Coulter / Cytometer analyzer, LSR II, Becton Dickinson / Cytometer analyzer, CytoFlex, Beckman Coulter / Cytometer analyzer, FC 500 MCL, Beckman Coulter
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, cellular imaging, cytometry, cytology, neuromuscular pathology, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Cytometry / Histology; In vivo imaging
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme de Modélisation PBPK
Key equipments
GastroPlus, GastroPlus, Simulation Plus software package
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, drug development, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, bioinformatics, pharmacology, metabolism study, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme de Microscopie électronique
Key equipments
Transmission electron microscope (200 kV), Tecnai F 20 ST, FEI / Scanning electron microscope, Nova NanoSEM 450, FEI / Ultramicrotome, EMTRIM, Leica / Ultramicrotome, Ultracut R, Leica
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, microscopy, cellular imaging, cellular biology, neuromuscular pathology, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme d'Histologie-anatomocytopathologie
Key equipments
Cryostats, 5 units / microtomes, 5 units / dehydration automates / embedding stations / block cutting station / ultramicrotome / smear automate / staining automates, 2 units / immunostaining automates, 4 units
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, histology, cytology, cytometry, immunohistology, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
GENOPOLE / LAMBE / Plate-forme de spectrométrie de masse
Key equipments
Ion trap mass spectrometer (MS) equipped with an electrospray (ESI) source, Esquire 3000, Bruker / Ion trap MS equipped with ESI sources and ETD fragmentation, 2 units, amaZon speed ETD, Bruker / HPLC coupled or not to an ion trap, 1260 infinity, Agilent Technologies / Capillary electrophoresis coupled or not to an ion trap, 7100, Agilent Technologies / Gas chromatography equipped with an autosampler for liquid introduction and a headspace module, coupled to a triple quadrupole MS, 7010B, Agilent Technologies / MS Orbitrap equipped with an ESI source, ETD fragmentation, and coupled to an Ultimate 3000 nano-LC, LTQ Orbitrap XL, Thermo Fischer Scientific / single quadrupole ICP-MS instrument, PlasmaQuant MS Elite, Analytik Iena / MS QTof equipped with an ESI source, Xevo G2-S, Waters / UPLC chromatography coupled to MS QTof, ACQUITY UPLC H-Class, Waters / Several steric exclusion chromatography systems (proteins, sugars)
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, physicochemical analysis, proteomics, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Physicochemical analysis; Genomics / Post genomics
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme Evr@ - Environnement virtuel et réalité augmentée
Key equipments
Immersive desktop system with 3d force feedback and hand tracking (user position: sitting on a chair) / Immersive semi-autonomous system with 3d force feedback and hand tracking (user position: sitting or standing and mobile on 3m x 3m) / Semi-immersive desktop system with 3d force feedback and hand tracking (user position: sitting or standing) / Immersive desktop system with 6d force feedback and hand tracking (user position: sitting on a chair)
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, simulation, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (STIC)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Others
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme Bioproduction en fermenteurs
Key equipments
4x Mini-fermenters from 350 to 1000 ml, Multifors 2, Infors / 2-liter fermenter, Biostat B, Sartorius Stedim / 5-liter fermenter, Biostat B, Sartorius Stedim / 20-liter pilot fermenter, Biostat C Plus, Sartorius Stedim
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, drug development, bioproduction, cell culture, cellular models, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme Next Generation Sequencing et Analyses génomiques
Key equipments
NGS sequencer, NextSeq 550, Illumina / NGS sequencer, Ion Proton, ThermoFisher / Automate, Ion Chef, ThermoFisher / Automate, Ion OT2/ES, ThermoFisher / Extraction, quantification and quality control, Qiacube Qiagen / Extraction, quantification and quality control, BioAnalyzer, Agilent / Extraction, quantification and quality control, QuantStudio 12K and 7K, ThermoFisher / Robot Pipettor, MicroLab Star 8, Hamilton Robotics
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, genomics, sequencing, transcriptomics, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Bioinformatics
GENOPOLE / Genoscope / Plate-forme MicroScope - Annotation et analyses comparatives de génomes microbiens
Key equipments
Annotation of microbial genomes (assembled genomes and metagenomes) / Comparative genomics and genome-wide genomics / Prediction of biological functions and processes / Reconstruction of metabolic networks / Analysis of transcriptomic data / Search for variants in advanced strains
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing, proteomics, bioinformatics, transcriptomics, neuromuscular pathology, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Bioinformatics
GENOPOLE / GENOSCOPE / Plate-forme de Séquençage
Key equipments
DNA/RNA sequencers, 14 units, NovaSeq 6000 - MGI DNBSEQ-G400 - MiSeq - PromethION - GridION - MinION Mk1C - MinION 3730xl, Illumina, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Applied Biosystems, BGI / Automated analyzer (optical mapping), Saphyr, Bionano Genomics / 2 robots with 96 and 8 channel heads, FxP, Evo 100, Beckman Coulter / 1 robot with 96 channel head, FxP, Beckman Coulter / 2 robots with 8 needles, Evo 100, Tecan / 1 benchtop pipetting robot, Pipetting robot, Pipetmax 268, Brand, Gilson / Real-time PCR system, qPCR, Agilent / Fluorometric microplate readers, 2 units, Fluoroskan, Thermo Scientific / DNA fragment analyzers, 5 units, 1 Labchip GX, 1 LabChip GX Touch, 3 Bioanalyzer 2100, Perkin Elmer, Agilent / DNA fragmenters, 2 units, E220, Megaruptor, Covaris, Diagenode
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing, proteomics, bioinformatics, transcriptomics, neuromuscular pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Genoscope / UMR8030 / Laboratoire de clonage et criblage des activités de bioconversions (LCAB)
Key equipments
Dispenser 96, Hydra 96, Robbins Scientific / Thermal cycler, GeneAmp PCR System 9700, Applied Biosystems / Spectrophotometer, Spectramax plus 384, Molecular devices / LC/MS Dionex U3000-AB 5500 Qtrap, Qtrap 500, Sciex
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing, proteomics, bioinformatics, metabolomics, screening
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
UMS AMMICA / Centre de Ressources biologiques
Key equipments
Cryoconservers 331 Litre gas phase / Cryoconservers 150 Litre gas phase / Cryoconservers 660 Litre gas phase / Freezers -80°C / Cryostat (cutting of samples at low temperature) / "Biotrek 3" small nitrogen gas container for the transport of samples from the block to the CRB / Centrifuges / Ultracentrifuge / Laminar flow hood
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, biobanking
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
UMS AMMICA / Plateforme d'évaluation préclinique
Key equipments
X-ray irradiator, XRAD-320, PXi- Actemium / X-ray irradiator, 220 kV, Gulmay- Varian- Cegelec
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Animal facility and functional exploration
UMS AMMICA / Plateforme Imagerie et Cytometrie (PFIC)
Key equipments
Mass Cytometer, Helios, Fluidigm / flow cytometers (3 units), Cyflow space / C6 Accury and LSR Fortessa, Sysmex / BD Biosciences / 4 cell sorters, 1 ARIA III-UV, 2 Fusion UV and 1 Influx UV, BD Biosciences / Multiphoton microscope, SP8 - Multiphoton, Leica / 3 confocal microscopes, FV10i - SPE and SP8, Olympus - Leica / 2 Spinning disk microscopes, Yokogawa head - CSU W1 on Olympus IX71 base and - CSU W1-Live SR on Nikon Eclipse Ti2 base, Gataca / 2 video fluorescence and brightfield microscopes / 1 video fluorescence macroscope, DMI8-Fluo and DM500-Brightfield Microscope / AZ100 Macroscope, Leica / Nikon / Medium throughput slide scanner, Provis 50, Olympus and Microvision / 2 small animal bioluminescence - fluorescence imagers, 1 with CT- 3D scanner, IVIS 50 and Ivis Spectrum, Perkin Elmer / Confocal fluorescence endo-microscope, Cellvizio, Maunakea
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging, cellular imaging, cytometry, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Cellular imaging; Cytometry / Histology
UMS AMMICA / Plateforme d'Histocytopathologie
Key equipments
Microtomes (3 units), 2245, Leica / cryostat, 560, MMFrance / SLide gluer, CTM6 slide gluer, MMFrance, / Thinprep for cells, Hologic / staining automate, TST44, Tech-Inter / 3 dual-headed microscopes, DM1000, Leica / fluorescence microscope, DM5500, Leica / Minicore Tissue, MicroArray, Excilone / BenchMark Ultra IHC automates, IHC Discovery, Roche) and IHC BOnd RX, Leica / slide scanner (shared with Biopath)
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, immunohistology, genetics, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
UMS AMMICA / Plateforme de Génomique
Key equipments
Affymetrix platform, Life Technologies / Quantitative PCR system / Covaris S220, LGC Genomics / Covaris E220, LGC Genomics / Robot Bravo, Agilent Technologies / Robot SpriWorks, Beckman Coulter / 2 Ion Chef - S5 sequencer, Life Technologies / NovaSeq 6000 - MiSeq - MiniSeq, Illumina / Chromium Controller Single Cel, 10X Genomics / C1 Single Cell autoprep system - BioMark HD,Fluidigm
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, genomics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Plateforme de Métabolomique de Gustave Roussy
Key equipments
Mass spectrometer, Orbitrap/LC q-Exactive, Thermo Fisher / QQQ/LC, 6410, Agilent / QQQ/GC, 7000C, Agilent / QTOF, 6520, Agilent / QTRAP/LC, 6500+, ABSciex
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, metabolism study, physicochemical analysis, metabolomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
UMS AMMICA / Laboratoire d'Immunomonitoring en Oncologie
Key equipments
Flow cytometers (2 units), Gallios, Beckman / Flow cytometer, MACSQUANT, Miltenyi / Flow cytometer, CYTOFLEX, Beckman / Multiplexing unit, Luminex, Magpix
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, immunology, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
UMS AMMICA / Plateforme Cellules Circulantes Rares
Key equipments
CellSearch System (automatic CTC counting system), Jansen / ISET(CTC filtration), RareCells / Automated CTC labeling filtration prototype, Siemens / DEPArray, Silicon Biosystem / ARIOL slide scanner, Leica / Laser microdissector, Leica / Puncher, VYCAP
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, pharmacology, biomarker development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
UMS AMMICA / Plateforme de bioinformatique
Key equipments
High-Performance Computing cluster, 16 x R630 + 8 x R640, DELL / Scale out network-attached storage, ISILON, DELL EMC / DELL EMC
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
UMR 8126 / Plateforme Microscopie des Acides Nucléiques
Key equipments
Transmission Electron Microscope, 902, Zeiss / Transmission Electron Microscope, 912, Zeiss / Atomic Force Microscope, Multimode Nanoscope III, Brucker / Atomic Force Microscope, Multimode Nanoscope V, Brucker / Evaporator - Deposition System, MED 20, Bal-Tek
Expertise areas
oncology, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, biochemistry, microscopy, genomics, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Hôpital Universitaire Raymond Poincaré / Centre d'investigation clinique 1429 (CIC 1429)
Key equipments
no particular equipment, clinical investigation platform
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, drug development, locomotion disorders, locomotor pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Hôpital Raymond Poincaré / Plateau d'exploration clinique du handicap moteur (HandiMedEx) [Diaphragme, marche, sommeil, neurophysiologie]
Key equipments
no particular equipment, clinical investigation platform
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, drug development, neuromuscular pathology, locomotion disorders, locomotor pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Hôpital Raymond Poincaré / Plateau d'exploration clinique du handicap moteur (HandiMedEx) [Neuro-uro-andrologie]
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, motor handicap, neuro-uro-andrology, locomotion disorders, locomotor pathology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Hôpital Raymond Poincaré / Plateau d'exploration clinique du handicap moteur (HandiMedEx) [IRM, scanner, Eos, osteodensitométrie]
Key equipments
CT Scanner, Somatom AS Definition, Siemens / MRI, Discovery MR750W, GE Healthcare / Bilateral, weight-bearing CT system, Line Up, CurveBeam / frontal and lateral radiography system, EOS, EOS Imaging
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, locomotion disorders, neuromuscular pathology, locomotor pathology, sports, CT imaging, locomotion disorders
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration
I2BC / Plateforme de cryo-microscopie électronique (Cryo-EM)
Key equipments
Transmission electron microscope, Tecnai Spirit (120 kV) Camera, FEI / Transmission electron microscope, Tecnai FEG (200 kV) camera, FEI
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateforme de cytométrie (I2BC - plateformes IMAGERIE-GIF)
Key equipments
Benchtop Cytometer, CytoFlex, Beckman-Coulter / Analyzer-Sorter Cytometer, MoFlo ASTRIOS, Beckman-Coulter
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, cellular imaging, cytometry, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
I2BC / Plateforme d'imagerie photonique (I2BC - plateformes IMAGERIE-GIF)
Key equipments
Super-resolution microscope (PALM, dSTORM), N-STORM, Nikon / FLIM confocal microscope, TCS SP8 X FALCON inverted, Leica / Confocal microscope, TCS SP8 straight, Leica / Dynamic confocal microscope + super-resolution, Spinning-Disk / TIRF Azimuthal / FRAP (Live-SR), Roper / Full field microscope, Eclipse 80-i straight, Nikon / Full field microscope, DMI 6000 motorized inverted, Leica / Macroscope, AZ100 MultiZoom, Nikon / Stereomicroscope, MZ FLIII, Leica / Analysis stations (3 units) + Image analysis software (Huygens (deconvolution), Matlab, Imaris, Metamorph)
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Cellular imaging
I2BC / Plateforme de microscopie électronique (I2BC - plateformes IMAGERIE-GIF)
Key equipments
Transmission Electron Microscopes 120 kV, 2 units, JEM-1400, Jeol / Automated cryo-plunging machine, EMGP, Leica / High pressure cryo-fixer, EMPACT2, Leica / Automated cryo-substitution machine, AFS2, Leica / Ultramicrotome, EM UC6, Leica / Cryo-ultramicrotome, EM FC6, Leica / Immunolabeling robot, EM IGL, Leica / Microwave-assisted embedding robot, AMW, Leica
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateau technique bioinformatique structurale
Key equipments
1000-Cores computer cluster, C6320, DELL
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
I2BC / Plateau technique expression des protéines en cellules d'insectes
Key equipments
Benchtop flow cytometer, GUAVA esayCyte 6HT-2L, Luminex Corp / Incubator, Minitron, INFORS HT / Incubator, Multitron Pro, INFORS HT / Automatic cell counter, TC20, Biorad / Fluorescent cell imager, ZOE, Biorad
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, cytometry, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
I2BC / Plateau technique Expression de protéines solubles ou membranaires en levures
Key equipments
Temperature-controlled incubators (6°C to 65°C), 3 units, Multitron, INFORS-HT / Incubator without low temperature control, Multitron, INFORS-HT / Pilot fermenter with a capacity of 2 x 1L, MultiForS, INFORS-HT / Pilot fermenter with a capacity of 20L, TechFor-S, INFORS-HT / Large volume centrifuge and rotor, Avanti J20XP, JLA8.1000, Beckman Coulter
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, crystallography, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioproduction; Structural Biology / Biophysics
Plateforme ARN Interférence (PARi)
Key equipments
8 and 96 channel automated pipettors, Microlab STAR, Hamilton / 8 and 96 channel automated pipettors, Microlab NIMBUS, Hamilton / High throughput epifluorescence and confocal microscope, Operetta, PerkinElmer / Multimode microplate reader with injectors, LB940, Berthold / Fluidic dispenser, Multidrop combi, Thermo Fisher / Plate washer, Elx-405, Biotek / Human genome-wide siRNA library (23000 genes), Qiagen / On-Target Plus siRNA library (18000 genes), Qiagen / Human genome-wide LNA library (994 LNAs), Exiqon
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, genomics, genetics, pharmacology, metabolism study, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Genomics / Post genomics
I2BC / Plateforme de spectroscopie RMN
Key equipments
600 MHz (TCI cryoprobe) NMR spectrometer (1H, 13C, 15N, 2H), Avance III, Bruker / 700 MHz (TCI cryoprobe) NMR spectrometer (1H, 13C, 15N, 2H), Avance III, Bruker
Expertise areas
structural biology, spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateforme de résonance paramagnétique électronique (RPE)
Key equipments
X-band 9 GHz cw-EPR spectrometer (room temperature), ESP300E, Bruker / 2 X-band 9 GHz cw-EPR spectrometers (4.2 K temperature), ELEXSYS E500, Bruker / X-band 9 GHz pulsed EPR spectrometer (4.2 K), ELEXSYS E580, Bruker / Spectrometer cw-EPR X-band 9 GHz (room temperature), e-scan, Bruker / Spectrometer EPR (cw- and pulsed) ENDOR pulsed and ELDOR pulsed W-band 95 GHz (temperature 4.2 K), ELEXSYS E680, Bruker / Laboratory-built cw-EPR spectrometer with 10T magnet 95/190/285 GHz (temperature 2 K)
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateforme de spectroscopies électroniques
Key equipments
Own-made spectrometer / Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement, P700 and NADPH, DUAL-PAM-100, Walz / Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement, PAM-103, Walz / Spectrophotometer (190 - 1300 nm), Cary 5E, Varian / Fluorimeter, FT-4500, Hitachi / Circular dichroism (CD6) / Transient absorption spectroscopy setups (time scales from 200 ps to minutes)
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging; Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateforme de spectroscopie RAMAN de résonance
Key equipments
Dual monochromator spectrometers, 2 units (CCD detectors of high sensitivity and cooled with liquid nitrogen, one optimized for the red region of the spectrum, the other for the blue region), coupled to several laser sources allowing excitations in the visible, near UV and near IR, Yobin-Jvon U1000, Yobin-Jvon / Dual monochromator spectrometers, 2 units (high sensitivity CCD detectors and cooled with liquid nitrogen), coupled to two confocal microscopes for Raman imaging measurements (excitation in the visible), Yobin-Jvon U1000, Yobin-Jvon / Single monochromator spectrometer (liquid nitrogen cooled CCD detector), visible excitation, Yobin-Jvon T64000, Yobin-Jvon / Spectrometers, 2 units (Ge, liquid nitrogen cooled), excitation at 1064 nm (also possible in other wavelengths in the near-IR), coupled to Raman modules, Bruker IFS66 FTIR + FRA106 Raman module, Bruker
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Physicochemical analysis; Cellular imaging
I2BC / Plateforme de cristallisation
Key equipments
Mother liquor solution dispenser, Tecan Genesis, Tecan / Low volume crystallization drop preparer (0.1 nL - 0.6 nL), Cartesian Microsys, Proteigen / Low volume dispensing robot, Mosquito, LabTech TTP / Screening monitoring robot at 20 °C, RockImager 182, Formulatrix / Screening monitoring robot at 6 °C, RockImager 1000, Formulatrix
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, crystallography
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateforme de mesures d'Interactions Macromoléculaires (PIM)
Key equipments
Isothermal microcalorimeter (ITC), VP-ITC, ITC200 and PEAQ ITC, MicroCal (Malvern) / Scanning microcalorimeter (DSC), auto PEAQ DSC and VP-DSC, MicroCal (Malvern) / Protein Quality Control (Tycho), Tycho NT.6, NanoTemper / Analytical Ultracentrifuge, Optima ProteomeLab, Beckman / Microscale Thermophoresis, Monolith NT.115 NanoTemper Technologies / SEC-MALS liquid phase chromatography (HPLC), Shimadzu / SEC-MALS liquid phase chromatography (detector), miniDAWN TREOS and T-rEX, Wyatt Technology / Switch SENSE, DRX2, Dynamic Biosensors / Thermal shift assay, StepOne plus, Applied Biosystems
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, cellular imaging, molecular biology, drug development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
I2BC / Plateforme de séquençage à haut débit
Key equipments
DNA and RNA sequencer, GridION, Oxford Nanopore Technologies / DNA and RNA sequencer, NextSeq 500 and NextSeq 550, Illumina / DNA and RNA sequencer, MiSeq, Illumina / Nucleic acid fragmenter, Sonicator, Covaris / Electrophoresis, Bioanalyzer, Agilent / Fluorimeter, Qubit, Thermo Fisher / Automator, SPRIworks, Beckman Coulter
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, sequencing, transcriptomics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
I2BC / Protéomique-Gif (Service d'identification et de caractérisation des protéines par spectrométrie de masse, SICaPS)
Key equipments
NanoESI-TimsTOF Pro mass spectrometer coupled to a nanospray injector, TimsTOF Pro, Bruker / LTQ mass spectrometer with ETD module coupled to NanoRSLC, Orbitrap Velos, ThermoFischer / MALDI-TOF / TOF mass spectrometer, TOF/TOF 5800, AB Sciex / nanoESI-TripleTOF mass spectrometer, TripleTOF 4600, AB Sciex / nano-flow liquid chromatography chains, 2 units, NanoRSLC, Dionex / nano-flow liquid chromatography chain, nanoElute, Bruker
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry, molecular biology, drug development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Université Paris Sud / Plateforme bioinformatique(eBio)
Key equipments
Databases, bioinformatics tools
Expertise areas
structural biology, genomics, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
I2BC / Plateforme d'expérimentation végétale
Key equipments
12 Compartments, HENSSLER / 6 cubicles, HENSSLER / 10 enclosures (including 2 CO2), Percival
Expertise areas
structural biology,, plant sciences, bioproduction, environmental sciences, ecosystem functioning
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
Transgénèse - Animalerie rongeurs
Key equipments
Ventilated racks, Allentown / Changing hoods / Autoclave, Matachana / EOPS area / Conventional area / Quarantine area / Inflatable seal airlock in the EOPS facility
Expertise areas
animal models, pharmacology, preclinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
I2BC / Plateforme de microscopie de fluorescence à super-résolution
Key equipments
Single channel detection, OptoMask -iXon ULTRA, Andor - Cairn / Two-channel detection, OptoSplit -iXon ULTRA, Andor - Cairn
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, spectroscopy, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular imaging
I2BC / Plateforme de spectroscopie IRTF
Key equipments
Step-scan spectrometer, Vertex 80 V, Bruker / Nanosecond laser + OPO, Surelite, Continuum / DTGS detector, D316/6-M, InfraRed associates / Bolometer, LN-6/c, IRLabs / MCT detector, s, Kolmar technologies / FTIR spectrometer, Thermo-Nicolet 6700, Thermo / ATR accessory / SEIRA accessory, VeeMax III, Pike technologies
Expertise areas
cellular biology, structural biology, spectroscopy, electrochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Physicochemical analysis; Chemistry / Screening
IAS / Station d'étalonnage (essais spatiaux)
Key equipments
Space Simulators / Vacuum oven / Plasma discharge lamp / Clean rooms / Laminar flows & Sterile laminar flows / Sterile clean room & Cleaning room & Sterilization means & Cleanliness in simulators / Optical room / Vibration pot / Leak detectors
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Simulations; Simulations
MYRTHO - Micrométéorites sYstème solaire Rassemblement THématique d'Orsay
Key equipments
Sample storage chamber under dry atmosphere / 3 laminar flow hoods equipped with microscopes and binocular loupe / Microbalance / Ultra-microtome / Micro-press / Collimator assembly for gamma-ray emitting sources / Motorized telescope mounting table / Measurement electronics and data acquisition / Climatic chamber
Expertise areas
astrophysics, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Astrophysics; Astrochemistry
Plateau Technique d'Imagerie Cellulaire et Tissulaire [histologie de recherche]
Key equipments
Cryostat, CM3050S, Leica / Microtome, HM 3040 E, Microm Microtech
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, histology, cellular imaging, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Plateau Technique d'Imagerie Cellulaire et Tissulaire [imagerie électronique à transmission]
Key equipments
Transmission electron microscope, Jeol 1010, Jeol / Inclusion automaton, Leica / Microtome, Leica / CCD camera, ErlangShen 500W, Gatan
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Plateau d'Imagerie Cellulaire et Tissulaire - Bicêtre (UMS 44)
Key equipments
Spinning Disk Microscope, Olympus IX73 / CrestOptics X-LIGHT/6LEDs (Lumenchor), Nikon / High Throughput Microscope (HTM), Arrayscan VTI HCS Reader, Thermofisher / Straight Fluorescence Microscope, Axio Imager A1, Zeiss / Upright fluorescence microscope, Axioskop 20, Zeiss / Upright fluorescence microscope, Aristoplan, Leica / Microscope, Axiovert135, Zeiss / Microscope, Labophot, Nikon / Stereomicroscope, Lumar. v12, Zeiss / Confocal microscope, LSM 510-Meta, Zeiss
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
Plateau technique de l'institut André Lwoff / Animalerie
Key equipments
IVIS spectrum, IVIS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System, Perkin Elmer / anesthesia station, isoflurane, Tem sega / Isolation I-Box, multi glove, Noroit / steril PSM, Olis 1200, Noroit
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
Plateau technique de l'institut André Lwoff / Bioinformatique
Key equipments
R software and associated specific packages (pamr, proc, limma, FactoMiner, Random Forest ....etc) / Microarray : Mev environment under java 64bit / Networking : Cytoscape / Functional enrichment : Go-Elite, DAVID NIH (online) / Gene set enrichment analysis : GSEA with MiSig Db 4. 0 and custum gene set on demand / CGHarray : experimental filtration under IVG / Next generation sequencing : short reads pipeline analysis : Hg19 BWA alignment, FastQC fastq quality, Samtools variant calling, VCF annotation (exome sequencing) mutation analysis (filtration + annotation): RefSeq or Ensembl VCF prediction, dbSNP polymorphism annotation, prediction of regulatory sites, prediction of protein damage, prediction of GWAS association with a pathological phenotype. / VEP : variant effect prediction in a virtualized ubuntu64bit machine with MAF : prediction 1000genome / Discovery of gene master class by prediction of cis regulation module in a transcriptional signature / Integration miRnome and transcriptome after enrichment on KEGG annotation maps
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plateau technique de l'institut André Lwoff / Cytometrie en flux
Key equipments
BD FacsAria SORP, BD Sciences / Becton dickinson Fortessa / Becton dickinson Accuri C6
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, cytometry, hematology, oncology, stem cell
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Plateau d'Imagerie Cellulaire et Tissulaire - Paul Brousse (UMS 44)
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, SP5-AOBS, Leica / Videomicroscope / Light sheet microscope (SPIM / Light Sheet)
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, cellular imaging, microscopy, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
Plateau de chromatographie liquide haute performance LC-MS/MS
Key equipments
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography, Acquity H Class, Waters / Tandem quadrupole, Xevo TQS, Waters / Automated system for sample preparation, ExtraHera, Biotage
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Preclinical / clinical exploration
ICMMO - Plateforme MEB - MET
Key equipments
Transmission electron microscope 200 kV, 2100 plus, Jeol / Scanning electron microscope FEG, Sigma HD, Zeiss / Scanning electron microscope FEG, Supra 55 VP, Zeiss
Expertise areas
chemistry, material sciences, microscopy, physicochemical analysis, cellular imaging
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Cellular imaging; Structure of matter
Diffraction RX sur poudre
Key equipments
Diffractometer, MPD PRO, Panalytical / Front monochromator / Oven (300K - 1375K) - Low temperature (10K - 300K)
Expertise areas
chemistry, material sciences, physicochemical analysis, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Irradiation; Materials and nano-materials; Light-matter interaction
Diffraction des Rayons X en incidence rasante / sur couches minces
Key equipments
Diffractometer, X'Pert PRO MRD, PANalytical (Phillips) / X-ray emitting tube, copper or chromium anticathode / Euler cradle, 4-circle goniometer / Fast detector, X'celerator / Proportional detector, gas (Xenon) / Rear monochromator
Expertise areas
chemistry, material sciences, physicochemical analysis, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials
Plateforme Interactions Laser-Verre, FLAG
Key equipments
Writing bench with high rate femtosecond laser, 1030 nm or 515nm, 250fs, 10 microJ/pulse, 100kHz-2MHz, Satsuma, Amplitude / Diagnostic tools, Optical microscopy (QPM, birefringence) SEM and derived methods (EBSD, chemical analysis)
Expertise areas
chemistry, material sciences, physicochemical analysis, laser, nanomaterials, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Irradiation; Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials
ICP / SpICy : SpectroImageries et Cytométrie
Key equipments
Flow Cytometer, SPACE (4 lasers), SYSMEX-PARTEC / BIFLUOR, TE2000 inverted FLIM detection, Nikon / Flora, DMi8 inverted, Leica / Mona, TE200 inverted, Till monochromator, Nikon
Expertise areas
microscopy, cytometry, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
ELYSE - Centre National de Cinétique Rapide
Key equipments
Gas pedal, pulse duration : < 10 ps at half height, charge per pulse : 1 nC to 7 nC, energy : 4 to 9 MeV, repetition rate : 0.1 to 10 Hz, rms energy dispersion : 1 % (100 keV to 9 MeV), beam diameter on the target : 3 to 4 mm / Laser, Low rate channel / RADIOLYSIS pulse duration : 100 fs at half height, l = 780nm E = 2mJ Freq = 0.1 - 10Hz / Laser, High rate channel / PHOTOLYSIS pulse duration : 130 fs at half height, l = 780nm E = 2,3mJ Freq = 1kHz
Expertise areas
physics, laser, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Time-resolved experiences; Irradiation
CLIO - Centre Laser Infrarouge d'Orsay
Key equipments
Inverter - Micro pulse duration 10ps - Macro pulse duration 10µs - Maximum energy in the micro pulse 100 µJ - Macro pulse repetition rate 25 Hz, 5 µm to 150 µm / Tandem mass spectrometer, based on a quadrupole ion trap, Esquire, Bruker / AFMIR, near-field nano-objects (AFMIR) / Pump probe, (2 colors) / SFG, interfaces by generation of the frequency-sum (SFG) / High resolution tandem mass spectrometer of type Fourier transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) Ion characterization can be done via standard collisional fragmentation (CID), low energy electron capture (ECD), and also via infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD), APEX Q, Bruker
Expertise areas
physics, laser, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Spectroscopy; Microscopy
ICSN / Plateforme HPLC-MS, SFC
Key equipments
Single and Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, Time of Flight, SQD2, TQD, TSQ Vantage, LCT Premier, Waters, Thermoscientifics / Liquid Chromatography systems (HPLC, UHPLC at analytical and preparative scale), Alliance type chains, Acquity UPLC, Ultimate 3000 UHPLC / 600 and 2545 pump, Waters, Dionex-Thermoscientifics / Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC), Investigator II analytical and semi-preparative, Thar-Waters
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ICSN / Laboratoire d'extraction de principes actifs (LEPA)
Key equipments
Accelerated solvent extraction systems (2 modules), Dionex ASE 350, ThermoFisher / Zippertex, HPHT4, prototype ICSN / Zippertex, HPHT10, prototype ICSN / Grinding, Pulverisette 9, Fritsch / Evaporator, 20L capacity, Buchi
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, screening
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
ICSN / Plateforme de criblage de thermostabilité des protéines par fluorescence (CTPF)
Key equipments
96 gradient quantitative PCR, StepOnePlus, Applied Biosystems / Robotic 384 quantitative PCR, ABI 7900 HT, Applied Biosystems / Next generation 384 quantitative PCR, QuantStudio 12KFlex, Applied Biosystems / Pipetting robot, EpMotion 5075, Eppendorf / Fluorimeter, Qubit, Thermo Scientific / Automated electrophoresis, Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent / Ultracentrifuge, Optima Max, Beckman / 96-channel pipetting station, EpMotion 96, Eppendorf
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, pharmacology, screening
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
ICSN / Plateforme de PCR quantitative haut débit (qPCR)
Key equipments
Quantitative PCR 384 with microfluidic cards option, ABI 7900 HT with loading robot, Applied Biosystems / Quantitative PCR 384 new generation with OpenArray option in nanofluidic, QuantStudio 12KFlex with Accufill system, Applied Biosystems / PCR gradient and quantitative PCR gradient format 96, Mastercycler gradient, StepOnePlus, Eppendorf, Applied Biosystems / Microbiological Safety Workstation, UCS4, Techgen / Sample grinder, Precellys Cryolys, Bertin / Robot sample preparation, Qiacube, Qiagen / Pipetting robot, EpMotion 5075, Eppendorf / Fluorimeter, Qubit, Thermo Scientific / RNA electrophoresis, Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent / Microplate freeze dryer, AES 1000, Savant
Expertise areas
natural products, drug development, genomics, transcriptomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
ICSN / Plateformes de RMN
Key equipments
300 MHz NMR Spectrometer, QNP and BBFO probes, 60-sample changer, Bruker / 300 MHz NMR Spectrometer, dual C13 probe, Bruker / 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer, BBI ATM and TXI probes, 60-sample changer, Bruker / 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer, BBO ATMA probe, 60-sample changer, Bruker / 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer, TXI 1.7mm TBI probe, Bruker / 60 0MHz NMR Spectrometer, TXI and HR-MAS probes, Bruker / 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer, TCI (1H, 13C, 15N) and QCI (1H, 19F, 13C, 15N) cryoprobe, refrigerated samplejet, Bruker / 700 MHz NMR Spectrometer, TXO cryoprobe (13C, 1H, 15N) optimized for 13C detection, Bruker / 800 MHz NMR spectrometer, TCI cryoprobe, high pressure (Daedalus Innovations, LLC), Bruker / 950 MHz NMR spectrometer, TCI cryoprobe, Bruker
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, physicochemical analysis, structural biology, NMR spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
ICSN / Plateforme de criblage de composés bioactifs (CIBI)
Key equipments
Robotic station, BIomek FX, Beckman Coulter / Robotic station, BIomek NX, Beckman Coulter / Robotic station, Biomek 3000, Beckman Coulter / Cytometer, FC500, Beckman Coulter / Microplate reader, Polastar Omega, BMG Labtech / Microplate reader, Paradigm, Molecular Device / Microplate reader, SpectrMax ID3, Molecular Device / Fluorescence microscope, TE2000, Nikon
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, chemical biology, cytometry, screening
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
ICSN / Cristallographie structurale
Key equipments
Microfocus rotating anode (70 µm) with Cu, MM007HF double output: 1) CMF optics + RAPID2 IP 2) VarimaxHF optics + RAXISIV++, RIGAKU / Mo microsource, XtaLABPRO MM003 + Pilatus200K HPAD detector, RIGAKU / Cryogenic system to collect data at liquid nitrogen temperature, series 800, OXFORD INSTRUMENTS
Expertise areas
natural products, drug development, structural biology, crystallography
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Material of biological interest; Chemistry / Screening; Diffraction
ICSN / Chimiothèque ICSN
Key equipments
robot/pipettor for 96 plates, Biomex 300, Bechmann
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, screening
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
ICSN / Extractothèque
Key equipments
Robot pipettor, Biomek NX, Beckman Coulter / Evaporator, HT4-SII, Genevac / Evaporator, HT8-SII, Genevac
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, bioproduction, biobanking
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
ICSN / Souchothèque
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products, drug development, bioproduction, biobanking
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
IDMIT / Laboratoire d'imagerie de l'infection et de l'immunité (L3I)
Key equipments
In vivo fluorescence imager, FluobeamTM, Fluoptics / In vivo confocal fiber microscope, Cellvizio DualBand, Mauna Kea Technologies / Positron Emission Tomography (PET) coupled to an X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) scanner, Vereos, Philips / Biphoton microscope, SP8 MP, Leica
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, vaccine development, preclinical evaluation, in vivo imaging, PET imaging, CT imaging, cellular imaging, OI, multimodal imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Cellular imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration
IDMIT / Laboratoire FlowCyTech
Key equipments
Flow Cytometer (17 colors), LSR II, BD Biosciences / Flow Cytometer (18 colors), LSR Fortessa, BD Biosciences / Sorter (9 colors, 4 output channels), ARIA, BD Biosciences / Flow Cytometer (25 colors), ZE5, BioRad / Sorter (4 colors, 2 output channels), S3e, BioRad / Mass Cytometer, Helios, Fluidigm
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology; Bioinformatics; Preclinical / clinical exploration
IDMIT / Laboratoire Immunologie et Infectiologie (L2I)
Key equipments
Cell counter, ViCell, Beckman Coulter / Cell sorter, Multimacs 24, Miltenyi / Luminex reader, Bioplex 2000, Biorad / ELISPOT and Fluorospot 3 color reader, iSpot FluoroSpot Reader System, AID / Multimodal microplate reader, Spark 10M, Tecan / Tissue homogenizer, Precellys 24, Bertin / Real-time quantitative PCR machines, CFX96 C1000, CFX96 Touch, Biorad / RNA, DNA and protein analyzer, NanoDrop 2000, ThermoFischer / Automated bacterial colony counter, Scan 300, Interscience
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, cellular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Genomics / Post genomics; Preclinical / clinical exploration
IDMIT / Laboratoire Sciences de l'Animal et Bien-être Animal
Key equipments
Level A1 aviaries (25 animals/aviary, 3 for macaca and 1 for baboon) / 400 Techniplast slots for non-human primates / 30 housing rooms (capacities of 4, 6, 10, 12 or 24 places) / 20 observation cameras with microphones, 1 incubator for non-human primates, 3 equipped surgical tables, 3 equipped necropsy tables, 3 volatile anaesthesia machines + respirator, 1 blood count machine (NFS), 1 ultrasound machine
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, US imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration; Biobanks / Biological Resources; Preclinical / clinical exploration
IDMIT / Centre de Ressources Biologiques
Key equipments
Freezers -150°C (9 unites) and freezers -80°C (24 units), total storage capacity = 1 million tubes, Sanyo - Panasonic / sample handling tables at -20°C, 2 units, Froilabo
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, biobanking, drug development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
IDMIT / Equipe d'informatique et bioinformatique (IBI)
Key equipments
Workstations (4), Precision 7920 (128 GB RAM, Nvidia RTX2080 graphics card), DELL / Workstations (4), Precision 7910 (80 GB RAM), DELL
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Bioinformatics
IDMIT / Laboratoire d'Immunomonitoring (LIM)
Key equipments
Cytometer, FACSCanto I, Becton Dickinson / Cytometer, FACSCanto II, Becton Dickinson / Cytometer, LSRFortessa, Becton Dickinson / Cytometer, ZE5 Analyzer, Biorad / Mass Cytometer, Helios, Fluidigm / Sorter, FACSAria III, Becton Dickinson / bead-based immunoassay platform, Simoa HD-X, Quanterix / Chromium 10X, Chromium 10X, 10X Genomics
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, immunity, cytometry, biomarker development, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Cytometry / Histology; Biobanks / Biological Resources
IDMIT / Laboratoire de Pharmacocinétique et Pharmacodynamique (LPPD)
Key equipments
UPLC-MS/MS spectrometer, ThermoFisher
Expertise areas
infection, inflammation, virus handling, animal models, innovative therapies, preclinical evaluation, immunity, pharmacology, metabolism study
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Preclinical / clinical exploration
JANNuS Saclay - Jumelage d'Accélérateurs pour les Nano-Sciences, le Nucléaire et la Simulation
Key equipments
Epimetheus ion gas pedal, ECR source, 3MV, Pelletron, NEC / Japet ion gas pedal, SNICS-II, 2MV, Tandem, NEC / Pandora ion gas pedal, RF source, 2.5MV, Pelletron, NEC / Triple beam chamber / In situ Raman spectroscopy, inVia Reflex, Renishaw / Irradiation/implantation chambers
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Irradiation; Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
Pelletron 4 MV, NEC / Metal Liquid Ion Source (LMIS), NAPIS (Nano Particle Ion Source), Orsayphysics / Electron Cyclotron Resonance Source (ECR), RF Frequency: 10 GHz Magnetic field adjustment, Pantechnik / EVE Mass Spectrometer for sub-micrometer ion imaging, Home made IPNO-TAMU / Stella Lab, experimental station for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure, Home made IPHC and collaborations / EDEN chamber, reflection or transmission mass spectrometry, RBS analysis, energy loss measurement, Home made IPNO / IRAD and DIESX irradiation stations for TEM analysis, Home made IPNO / Cryotarget : Low temperature irradiation station (liquid nitrogen), Home made IPNO
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Ionic irradiation; Ion implantation; Ion-matter interaction
JANNuS-SCALP - Synthèse et Caractérisation avec des Accélérateurs d'ions pour la recherche Pluridisciplinaire
Key equipments
IRMA, 190 kV ion implanter, Home-made / ARAMIS Tandem/Van de Graaff 2MV, Home-made / Sample holder, -170°C to 1000°C, Home-made / Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), equipped with GIF, EELS, STEM, HAADF, EDX. Sample holder, -170°C to 1300°C, 200 kV Tecnai F20 Twin, FEI
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Irradiation; Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
JANNuS-Orsay - Jumelage d'Accélérateurs pour les Nanosciences et la Simulation pour le Nucléaire
Key equipments
IRMA 190 kV Ion Implanter, Bernas-Nier Source, Home-made / ARAMIS Van de Graaff / Tandem 2 MV, Home-made / Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), equipped GIF, EELS, STEM, HAADF, EDX. Sample holder from -170°C to 1300°C., 200 kV Tecnai F20 Twin, FEI
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Ionic irradiation; Ion implantation; Microscopy
Plateforme de multi-irradiation JANNuS (Jumelage d'Accélérateurs pour les Nanosciences, le NUcléaire et la Simulation)
Key equipments
ARAMIS @ JANNuS-Orsay, 2 MV Tandem-Van de Graaff ion accelerator, Home-made / IRMA @ JANNuS-Orsay, 190 kV ion implanter, Home-made / In situ dual ion beam TEM @ JANNuS-Orsay, 200 kV Tecnai G2 F20 Twin, FEI / SIDONIE @ JANNuS-SCALP, 50 kV isotope separator, Home-made / Epiméthéé @ JANNuS-Saclay, ECR source, 3 MV Pelletron ion accelerator, NEC / Japet @ JANNuS-Saclay, SNICS-II, 2 MV Tandem ion accelerator, NEC / Pandore @ JANNuS-Saclay, RF source, 2.5 MV Pelletron ion accelerator, NEC / In situ Raman @ JANNuS-Saclay, inVia Reflex, Renishaw
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, nanosciences, material sciences, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Irradiation; Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials
ALTO (Accélérateur linéaire et Tandem à Orsay)
Key equipments
Electrostatic machine, Tandem 15 MV, HVEC / LINAC, 50 MeV electrons, Built by ALTO team / Splite-Pole, High resolution spectrometer, Built by lab / Bacchus, High resolution spectrometer, Built by lab
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Ion-matter interaction; Spectroscopy; Time-resolved experiences
IJPB / Observatoire du végétal - Plateforme de Biochimie
Key equipments
Electrophoresis equipment 1D, 2D, IEF / Bioanalyzer system, Agilent 2100, / Image acquisition systems (luminescence) : CCD cameras, LAS 3000 and LAS 4000 / Image acquisition systems (fluorescence and radioactivity), Typhoon-FLA9500 / Chromatography, AKTA-Purifier, GE Healthcare Life Sciences / French press for cell breaking / Ultracentrifuge benchtop, OptimaMax-XP / Micro Scale Thermophoresis (MST), Monolith NT 115 / Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zetasizer microV / Pipetting robot, VIAFLO 96
Expertise areas
plant sciences, agroecology, biochemistry, transcriptomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
IJPB / Observatoire du végétal - Centre de ressources biologiques Arabidopsis
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
plant sciences, agroecology, biobanking
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
IJPB / Observatoire du végétal - Plateforme de culture de plantes
Key equipments
Greenhouses S2, S3 and quarantine / Culture chambers (15 units) S2, S3 and quarantine, Strader - Seitha
Expertise areas
plant sciences, agroecology, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
IJPB / Observatoire du végétal - Plateforme de Cytologie et Imagerie Végétale
Key equipments
Confocal microscopes, SP5, SP8, SP2, Leica / Confocal microscope, 710, ZEISS / Laser microdissector, PALM, ZEISS / Spinning Disk/TIRF, ZEISS / Macroscopes, Axiozoom fluorescent, Axiozoom brightfield, ZEISS / Benchtop scanning electron microscope, Hirox / Slide scanner (robotic fluorescent/clearfield microscope, 160 slides), ZEISS/metasystems / Upright microscope, Z2 Apotome, Z2fluo (X3), ZEISS / Automatic shrink microtomes (3 units), Leica, MICROM / Vibratomes (2 units), CryoMicrotome, Leica, MICROM, THERMO
Expertise areas
plant sciences, agroecology, cytology, microscopy, genetics, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Cytometry / Histology
IJPB / Observatoire du végétal - Phenoscope
Key equipments
High throughput phenotyping robots 'Phenoscope' (2 units), for small plants at vegetative stage (INRAE - IJPB - Phenoscope) / High throughput phenotyping robots 'Phenoscope XL' (1 unit), for medium size plants or Arabidopsis at reproductive stage (INRAE - IJPB - Phenoscope)
Expertise areas
plant sciences, agroecology, genomics, genetics, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation; In vivo imaging
IJPB / Observatoire du végétal - Plateforme Chimie-Métabolisme
Key equipments
UPLC/triple quadrupole MS spectrometer, UPLC I-Class and Xevo TQ-S, Waters / UPLC/MS-MS high resolution Q-TOF, Impact II, Bruker / GC-MS (3 units), GC 7890 / MS 5975, Agilent / MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer, Reflex III, Bruker / HPLC/UV, UFLC, Shimadzu / HPIC/PAD, IC5000, Dionex / NIRS, Antaris II, Thermofisher Scientific / FT-IR coupled to microscopy, Nicolet, Nexus / NMR spectrometer, 400 MHz, Bruker
Expertise areas
plant sciences, agroecology, metabolism study, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Key equipments
Sequencer, MiSeq, Illumina / Sequencer, NextSeq500, Illumina / Digital droplet PCR and its generation robot, QX200 and AutoDG, Biorad / Robotic pipetting station adapted for gDNA extraction in filtration, Biomeck Fx, Beckman / Automated electrophoresis system for high-throughput DNA sample separation, PippinHT, Sage Science / Fluorescence and luminescence imaging system for plants, Nightshade LB 985, Berthold Technologies
Expertise areas
plant sciences, genomics, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
IPS2 / Plateforme de transcriptOmique (POPS)
Key equipments
Access to CNS Genomics Institute sequencers, HiSeq 4000, Illumina / Sequencer, NextSeq 500, Illumina / Automated RNA-seq library builder, Biomek FX, Beckman Coulter / Highly sensitive high-throughput fluorometer, CLARIOstar, BMG Labtech / Focused ultrasonics, M220 AFA, Covaris / Sequencer, MinION, Oxford Naopore / Single-cell transcriptome analyses, Chromium, 10x Genomics
Expertise areas
plant sciences, proteomics, transcriptomics, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics
IPS2 / Plateau de Cytologie et Imagerie de l'IPS2
Key equipments
Fluorescence macroscope / Fluorescence microscopes / Stereomicroscopes / Fluorescence stereomicroscope (GFP) / Video microscope with structured illumination module (apotome or optigrid)
Expertise areas
plant sciences, cytology, cellular imaging, immunohistology, histology, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging; Cytometry / Histology
IPS2 / Plateforme Métabolisme Métabolome
Key equipments
Isotope mass spectrometer coupled to an elemental ananlyzer, Vario Pyrocube and Isoprime 100, Elementar / Elemental Analyzer, FlashEA 1112, Thermofisher / HPLC, 1260, Agilent / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, 400 MHz NMR Bruker Biospin, Bruker / UPLC Mass Spectrometer TOF, MicroTOF II, Bruker / GC MS Mass Spectrometer, GC 7890B - MSD 5977A, Agilent / LC MS Mass Spectrometer, 6540 UHD Accurate Mass Q-TOF LC/MS/MS, Agilent / Ion Chromatography, ICS5000, Thermofisher / IRMS in GC-C-IRMS or LC-IRMS coupling, Isoprime, Elementar
Expertise areas
plant sciences, metabolomics, metabolism study, physicochemical analysis, metabolomics, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Plant / agronomic experimentation; Biobanks / Biological Resources
IPS2 / Plateforme Interactomique (SPOmics-Interactome)
Key equipments
Robot colony picker, Qpix2XT, Genetix / Plate handler, Orbitor RS, ThermoFisher-Scientific / Dispenser for 384 and 96 well plates, Multidrop 384, ThermoFisher-Scientific / Centrifuge, 5810R, Eppendorf / Incubator - shaker, ISF-4-W, Kuhner / Robot pipettor, TPS-96, Apricot
Expertise areas
plant sciences, structural biology, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Bioinformatics
IPSIT / Plateforme Criblage, Interface Biologie-chimie et Laboratoire Opérationnel de Transfert (CIBLOT)
Key equipments
Robot pipettor, Biomek FX, Beckman Coulter / ALPHA plate reader, Enspire, Perkin Elmer / Multimode plate reader, Envision, Perkin Elmer / uFill dispenser, AF1000A, BioTek / Plate washer, EL405, BioTek / Semi-automatic pipette, epMotion 96, Eppendorf
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, screening, cellular biology, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
IPSIT / Plateforme Animex
Key equipments
High-frequency ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging system, VEVO LAZR-X, VISUALSONICS FUJIFILM / In vivo Imaging System, IVIS Lumina LT Series III, PerkinElmer / Open field test system, detection by infra-red backlights, monitored by four black and white cameras with varifocal optics and polarizing filters, Vivo-tech - Ugo Basile / Small animal telemetry system, Data Sciences International
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, animal models, US imaging, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
IPSIT / Plateforme d'Histologie souris Immunopathologie de Clamart (PHIC)
Key equipments
Mounting station, HistoStar, Thermo Scientific / Automated tissue dehydration system, STP 120 Spin, Thermo Scientific / Semi-automatic polytome, HM340E, Thermo Scientific / Cryostat, Cryotome FSE, Thermo Scientific / Cytocentrifuge, Cytospin 3, Shandon / Automated stainer, Shandond Varistan Gemini ES, Thermo Scientific / Slide scanner with fluorescent option, HPF-NANOZOOMER RS2.0, Hamamatsu / Microscope (two reading outputs), type CH, Olympus / Fluorescence microscope, LMD7, Leica / Demasking chamber, NxGen, Biocare Medical
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, histology, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
IPSIT / Plateforme de Transcriptomique
Key equipments
UV-visible spectrophotometer, NanoDrop ND 2000 and Biomate 3, Thermo Scientific / Spectrophotometer-spectrofluorometer, Xenius 96 wells, Safas / Microfluidic electrophoresis system, Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent / Experimental chain for microarrays, hybridization oven G2545A - scanner G2505C, Agilent / Scanner for slides, 428 Array scanner, Affymetrix / Thermocyclers for real time qPCR, CFX96 and CFX384, Bio-Rad / Conventional thermocycler, TC-512, Techne / Pipetting machine, EpMotion 5073M, Eppendorf / Electrophoresis machine, QIAxcel, Qiagen
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, transcriptomics, genomics, spectrometry, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
IPSIT / Plateforme d'imagerie cellulaire (MIPSIT)
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, TCS SP8, gated STED, Leica / Confocal microscope, LSM 510, META, ZEISS / Videomicroscope, AXIO-OBSERVER Z1, Colibri - TIRF 3, Zeiss
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
IPSIT / Plateforme d'immuno-monitorage (Plaimmo)
Key equipments
Sorter, FACAria, BD Biosciences / Multi-color analyzer, BD LSR-Fortessa, BD Biosciences / 2100 Bioanalyzer, Agilent / LightCycler LC 480, Roche
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, transcriptomics, biomarker development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
IPSIT / Plateforme Interactions moléculaires (INTERMOL)
Key equipments
Biacore T100, T100, GE Healthcare
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, screening
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
IPSIT / Service d'Analyse des Médicaments et Métabolites (SAMM)
Key equipments
UHPLC-HR mass spectrometer, LTQ-Orbitrap Velos Pro, ThermoScientific / GC-MS mass spectrometer, TRACE GC-ITQ900, ThermoScientific
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Chemistry / Screening
IPSIT / Protéomique / Trans-Prot
Key equipments
Mass spectrometer, Xevo G2-XS Q-Tof, Waters / nano LC system, Acquity UPLC M-Class, Waters / Scanning gels, Image Scanner, Typhoon 9400, GE-Healthcare
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, proteomics, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Genomics / Post genomics
IPSIT / Bioinfo
Key equipments
Workstation dedicated to biostatistical analysis (rstudio), PC / workstation dedicated to functional analysis (Ingenuity, Reactome, Gene Ontology, Cytoscape)
Expertise areas
therapeutic innovation, drug development, genomics, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics; Cellular imaging
Key equipments
FAB1, Laser 1 kHz, 15 mJ, 800 nm, 23 fs, CEP stabilized, Amplitude Technologies / FAB10, Laser 10 kHz, 2 mJ, 800 nm, 23 fs, CEP stabilized, Amplitude Technologies / OPA1, Optical Parametric Amplifier : 1 kHz, 1 mJ, tunable 1200-2000 nm, LightConversion / Atto Line SE1, UVX Source 1 kHz, 10-100 eV, ~100 as pulse trains / Atto Line SE10, UVX Source 10 kHz, 3 modes: VBB: 15-50 eV/200 as, BB: 30-70 eV/1 fs, NB: 15-50 eV/10 fs / Gas phase station, Electron/ion spectrometers: MBES, VMIS, COLTRIMS / Solid phase station, Electron/ion spectrometers: MBES, VMIS, COLTRIMS / Solid phase station, Electron spectrometers: ARPES, Spin-TOF, Atto-PEEM
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, nanosciences, spectroscopy, magnetism
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Ultra-fast dynamics
Key equipments
Experimental equipped stations (2), receiving a 100TW class laser, 25 fs, 10hz
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, nanosciences, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction
ALIENOR (Accélérateur LInéaire d'Electrons NanOseconde pour l'étude de la Radiolyse)
Key equipments
Gas pedal, electron 8-10 MeV (50 nC pulse), LINAC
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, nanosciences, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Liquid, gas and plasma phases
Microsonde Nucléaire
Key equipments
Particle gas pedal, Van de Graaff single stage 0.4-3.5 MeV / Microbeam line, Quadrupole dipole
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, nanosciences, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Material of biological interest
UBM (Ultra Bas Bruit Magnétique)
Key equipments
Shielded magnetic chamber / Non-magnetic chamber / Very low field MRI / Magnetic scan / Magnetic noise measuring bench
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, in vivo imaging, MRI, magnetism
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Magnetometry; In vivo imaging
Appareils de diffusion neutronique - Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB)
Key equipments
1T1, 2T1, 4F1, 4F2, Spectrometer for inelastic scattering (spectroscopy) / 3T2, G41, G44, Powder diffractometers / 5C1, 5C2, 6T2, Diffractometers for single crystals / 6T1, Diffractometers for the study of materials / 7C2, Diffractometers for the study of diffuse scattering / MUSES, Spectrometer specialized in the study of quasi-elastic scattering (spectroscopy) / PAXY, PACE, PA20, TPA, Spectrometers specialized in the study of small angle neutron scattering / HERMES, PRISM, Reflectometers
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, material sciences, spectrometry, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter; Material of biological interest
Diffractomètre pour monocristal - Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB)
Key equipments
Nonius KappaCCD, KappaCCD, Nonius (Bruker) 4-circle diffractometer / N2 blower (80 -500 K), Cryostream700plus, Oxford CryoSystems
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, material sciences, matter exploration
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
SAXS - Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB)
Key equipments
SAXS Xeuss, Xeuss 2.0, Xenocs
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, material sciences, matter exploration
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials; Material of biological interest
Plateforme de microscopie à force atomique multifonctionnelle et interdisciplinaire (IMFAFM)
Key equipments
Atomic Force Microscope, Fast-Scan Head, Icon Head, NanoScope V, Bruker / Piezoelectric Force Microscope, Fast-Scan Head, Icon Head, NanoScope V, Bruker / Surface potential microscope, Fast-Scan Head, Icon Head, NanoScope V, Bruker / High resolution electrical conductivity microscope (fragile samples), Fast-Scan Head, Icon Head, NanoScope V, Bruker / Electrical current microscope, Fast-Scan Head, Icon Head, NanoScope V, Bruker
Expertise areas
radiation-matter interactions, low-carbon energies, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
GENOPOLE / Plate-forme d'Irradiation expérimentale
Key equipments
X-ray generator, Faxitron MultiRAD 350, Edimex / Preparation room (laboratory L2)
Expertise areas
radiobiology, radiotoxicology, genomics, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
IRCM / Cellule d'ingénierie génétique et d'expression - CIGEx
Key equipments
Cluster, software
Expertise areas
radiobiology, radiotoxicology, molecular biology, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
IRCM / plateforme de microscopie photonique
Key equipments
Motorized wide field microscope, Nikon Pathfinder, Nikon / Confocal microscope, Leica SPE, Leica / Video confocal microscope, Nikon A1, Nikon / Confocal microscope, Leica SP8, Leica / Video spining disk microscope, Yokogawa/Nikon/Gataca
Expertise areas
radiobiology, radiotoxicology, cellular imaging, microscopy, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
La Maison de l'Imagerie MuOnique et de Ses Applications (MIMOSA)
Key equipments
Cosmic bench, 1 m², M-Cube / Cosmic bench, 0.25 m², Tomomu / Muting tomography telescope, 0.5 m², Charpack / Muting tomography telescope, 0.5 m², Degennes
Expertise areas
physics, large instruments, astrophysics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter
Key equipments
Beam test facilities / Large cryomagnetic test stations / High magnetic field test stations / Cryogenic temperature characterization stations / RF device and superconducting cavity test stations / Chemistry facilities, clean rooms and assembly halls / Characterization and measurement laboratories / Superconducting magnet winding and insulation laboratories / Helium refrigerators and liquefiers
Expertise areas
physics, magnetism, large instruments, matter exploration
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
Key equipments
Transmission Electron Microscope, 0.1-1.2 MeV / Heated sample holder MET slides, 300-1000 K / Heated sample holder SAT tips, 300 - 573K
Expertise areas
physics, irradiated materials, matter exploration, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter; Irradiation; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
no particular equipment, cluster and softwares
Expertise areas
physics, informatics, simulation, calculation
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
OPERA (Outil Plateforme pour les Etudes en RAdioprotection)
Key equipments
no particular equipment, cluster and softwares
Expertise areas
physics, informatics, simulation, calculation
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
ISMO UMR 8214 / Centre de Photonique pour la Biologie et les Matériaux (CPBM)
Key equipments
Cell culture laboratories, Level 2 confined: One L2 eukaryote and one L2 microbiology - Level 1 confined : One L1 eukaryote and one L1 microbiology / Confocal microscope, UV, visible and IR two-photon lasers : confocal spectral imaging mono and biphotonic, equipped with a FLIM FCS module and a FRAP module, Leica and PICOQUANT / IDEFIX experiment, FCS and FCCS biphotonic experiment, equipped with a shear module / Microscope, an upright epifluorescence microscope coupled with a camera, OLYMPUS / Microfluidic coupled microscope, full field microscope (intensity imaging, absorption and emission spectroscopies) coupled to a microfluidic system / Spectrophotometer / Spectrofluorimeter
Expertise areas
material sciences, microscopy, spectroscopy, cellular imaging, cell culture
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Material of biological interest
ISMO / DTPI (Détection: Temps-Position-Image)
Key equipments
Time-to-Digital Converters, TDC-V4, TDC-V4-E / Discriminators, Leading Edge, CFD, or PDD types / Modular open standard, Fox (FPGA Open eXtension) including discriminators and time converters / Other realizations, Simultaneous Time-Energy Coding (LRTA-8), Amplitude Detection and Coding (PDC-1 POCI)
Expertise areas
material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Time-resolved experiences
LBPA / Plateforme de cultures cellulaires
Key equipments
P2 laboratories for human cell line culture (6 workstations) / P2 laboratory for confocal microscopy platform (1 workstation) / P3 high security laboratory (5 workstations) / Flow cytometer analyser-sorter, BD FACSCalibur 4 color, BD Bioscience
Expertise areas
oncology, cell culture, cytometry, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
LBPA / Plateforme biophotonique et d'imagerie cellulaire
Key equipments
Confocal/Multiphoton/FLIM, SP2 + pulsed laser fs 80 MHz (720-920 nm), Leica Spectra Physics / Confocal, SP8, Leica / TIRF, AxioObserver, Zeiss / FCS and FCCS (multiphoton excitation), Inverted microscope TE2000 + ALV 6000 correlator, Nikon ALV-GmbH / Fluorescence decays and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy, Pulsed laser fs 80 MHz (690- 1040 nm) + pulse picker + frequency doubler/tripler, Spectra Physics
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
LIST / Plateforme des technologies pour la radiothérapie et l'imagerie (DOSEO)
Key equipments
Medical gas pedals / Brachytherapy platform / Scanner / Irradiators / Measuring equipment / Computing cluster
Expertise areas
radiotherapy, dosimetry, calculation, simulation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Preclinical / clinical exploration; In vivo imaging
Micro et nanotechnologies : lithographies, couches minces, caractérisations
Key equipments
Field emission scanning electron microscope, Supra55VP, Zeiss / Electron lithography, NPGS software / Spectrometer for microanalysis, Quantax, Brucker
Expertise areas
physics, material sciences, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
STEM@LPS (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes)
Key equipments
Scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM), USTEM 200 (2011), NION / Generator, HB 501, Vacuum / VG Light, VG HB501 / Computer cluster, 39 computer nodes equipped with Xeon processors (a total of 644 computing cores), 96 Gb of RAM per node and it runs under the Rocks cluster distribution
Expertise areas
physics, material sciences, microscopy, nanomaterials, nanosciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
Electron microscope, JEM 2010F CRYO, Jeol / Cryo-ultramicrostome, UC6/FC6, Leica microsystems / Vitrification robot, Vitrobot Mark IV, Thermofisher / Cryofractor, Balzers BAF400T, Balzers (Leica) / "Slam-freezing", Cryovacublock (liquid helium), Reichert
Expertise areas
physics, material sciences, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Material of biological interest
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) / SQUID
Key equipments
PPMS measurement platform, PPMS 9 T 2009, Quantum Design / SQUID magnetometer, MPMS 2013 SQUID: 7 T, Quantum Design
Expertise areas
physics, material sciences, magnetism, nanomaterials, nanosciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Magnetometry; Condensed matter
CoMic - Plateforme de microscopie confocale à balayage laser
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, SP8, Microscope / Rotating head periscope
Expertise areas
physics, material sciences, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Structure of matter
MORPHEUS - Diffusion des rayons X pour nanomatériaux
Key equipments
Rotating anode X-ray generators, HU2R, HU3R, Micromax007, Rigaku / Multilayer optics, CMF FOX 2D, Rigaku Xenocs / Photostimulable image plate detectors, MAR345, MarXperts / Hydride pixel detector, Pilatus 200K, Dectris
Expertise areas
physics, material sciences, nanomaterials, matter exploration
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials; Material of biological interest
INGESTEM / Plateforme ESTEAM Cellules souches et Ingéniérie Tissulaire
Key equipments
3D Organoids Bioreactors (Reprogramming and Amplification)
Expertise areas
oncology, stem cell, bioproduction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
Plateforme Ingénierie Génomique et Cytogénétique (ESTEAM)
Key equipments
Scanning and imaging platform, Metafer, Metasystem / Sequencer, NextSeq, Illumina
Expertise areas
oncology, stem cell, genomics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Banque nationale de cellules souches pluripotentes
Key equipments
Cell close culture system, Prodigy
Expertise areas
oncology, stem cell, bioproduction, cell culture
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources
MIRCEN / Biologie moléculaire et production virale
Key equipments
Biosafety level 2 and 3 culture rooms, PSM and ultra-centrifuges / PCR quantitative plates 96 and 384, CFX 96, CFX 384, Biorad / PCR quantitative plates 96, Mastercycler, Eppendorf / Pipetting robot, Ep Motion, Eppendorf / Chip capillary electrophoresis, Bioanalyzer, Agilent / Sample crusher, Precellys, Bertin / Multi-well plate reader for fluorescence, luminescence and absorbance measurement, Glomax, Promega
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, preclinical evaluation, viral vectoring
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
MIRCEN / Aptamère
Key equipments
Semi-automated platform for aptamer selection, Microlab STARlet, Hamilton / Molecular biology equipment for aptamer production and purification / Biosafety level 2 culture rooms, / Room dedicated to radioelement handling and affinity measurement (Automate, LigandTracer), LigandTracer, Ridgeview Instruments
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, drug development, aptamer development, therapeutic innovation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioproduction; Chemistry / Screening
MIRCEN / analyse comportementale
Key equipments
Ethovision XT software, Noldus / Observer XT software, Noldus / Activity cages x6 / Open field / Rotarod / Catwalk / Morris pool / Context conditioned fear cages / Y maze
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, drug development, preclinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
MIRCEN / imagerie TEP, IRM et Optique
Key equipments
MRI, 7T horizontal magnet - 40 cm, Agilent / MRI, 11.7 T horizontal magnet, Bruker / PET tomographs (2 units), FOCUS 220, Siemens / Automated blood entry function measurement systems (2 units), twilite, Swisstrace / Near-infrared fluorescence imaging system / Fibered confocal endo-microscopy (pCLE) system
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, PET imaging, MRI, OI, biomarker development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
MIRCEN / Neurochirurgie et chirurgie générale
Key equipments
Neurosurgery room (brain and spine), biosafety level 2 and 3 / Room dedicated to general surgery: visceral, cardiovascular, obstetrics and ophthalmology
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, surgery, obstetrics, cardiovascular sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
MIRCEN / Histologie
Key equipments
Macroscopy tables / Cryostats, CM 3050S, Leica / Microtomes with cooling plates, SM 2400, Leica / Vibratome, HM 650V, Microm / Automated IHC - HIS, Discovery XT, Ventana - Roche / Confocal microscope, SP8, Leica / Brightfield and fluorescence macroscope / Motorized brightfield and fluorescence microscopes, Leica / Slide scanner, Axioscan Z 1, Zeiss / Software for automated acquisition of histological sections (mosaics) and automatic detection of objects, Explora Nova / Stereology software, Explora Nova
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, histology, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
MIRCEN / Traitement d'images
Key equipments
High resolution scanner / optical bench with acquisition system / software for image analysis (MCID) / software tools in image processing (BrainVISA, BrainRAT, Anatomist, SPM, ...)
Expertise areas
neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, in vivo imaging, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Key equipments
Transmission electron microscope, high resolution (0.1 nm), TITAN-G2
Expertise areas
material sciences, microscopy, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
material sciences, microscopy, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Irradiation; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
Super Critical Chromatography, Acquity UPC2, Waters / UPLC - Mass Spectrometer, UPLC Acquity I Class XEVO TQS (Triple Quadrupole), Waters / UPLC - Mass Spectrometer, UPLC Acquity XEVO TQMS (Triple Quadrupole) Waters / Liquid chromatography, Nexera 30, Shimadzu / Mass spectrometer, TSQ Quantum Ultra (Triple Quadrupole), ThermoFisher / Liquid chromatography, UFLC Prominence, Shimadzu / UPLC - Mass spectrometer, UPLC Acquity I Class XEVO TQ-XS (Triple Quadrupole), Waters
Expertise areas
metabolomics, drug development, quantification, spectrometry, metabolism study
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Physicochemical analysis
Métabolome - IDF
Key equipments
UHPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap, LTQ-Orbitrap Discovery mass spectrometer, Thermo / UHPLC-Orbitrap, Exactive, Thermo / UHPLC-Q-Exactive, Q-Exactive, Thermo / UHPLC-Orbitrap Fusion, Orbitrap Fusion, Thermo / LC capillaire-Q-Exactive, Q-Exactive, Thermo / UHPLC-Q-TOF, Maxis Impact HD, Bruker / MALDI-TOF/TOF, Ultraflextreme, Bruker
Expertise areas
metabolomics, drug development, quantification, spectrometry, metabolism study
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Plateforme de chimie combinatoire et criblage à haut débit (CCCHD)
Key equipments
Automated screening station, Genesis 200, Tecan / UV-Vis microplate reader, Spectramax 384 plus, Molecular Devices / Fluorescence and luminescence microplate reader, Gemini XS, Molecular Devices / Radioactivity microplate reader Microbeta trilux, Perkin Elmer / Multimodal plate reader, M5e bbblll, Molecular Devices / Caliper pipetting robot, Zephyr, Perkin Elmer / Analytical and semi-preparative LC/MS, 2525 and micromass Zq, Waters
Expertise areas
drug development, screening, therapeutic innovation, chemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
Plateforme imagerie ex-vivo (beta-imagerie)
Key equipments
Digital radioimager, Beta IMAGER Tracer, Biospace Lab
Expertise areas
drug development, ex vivo imaging, isotopic labeling, therapeutic innovation, biomarker development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Plateforme de production d'anticorps
Key equipments
Label free detection system (biolayer interferometry), Octet red 96e, Fortebio / Flow cytometer, Melody, Becton Dickinson / Microplate readers (UV Vis, FRET, Flurorescence), Multiskan - Rubystar - Fluostar, Labsystems - BMG / SPR analysers (2 units), Biacore 2000 - Biacore T200, Biacore
Expertise areas
drug development, antibody development, in vitro diagnostic, rapid antigen detection test (RADT) development, therapeutic innovation, biomarker development, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plateforme de marquage isotopique
Key equipments
Tritium laboratory / 14C laboratory / 400 MHz NMR spectrometer, Bruker / Scintillation counter, Tricarb 2910 TR, PerkinElmer
Expertise areas
drug development, radiochemistry, isotopic labeling, screening, chemistry, therapeutic innovation
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Physicochemical analysis
Key equipments
Learning in a T-maze / Passive avoidance in adult Zebrafish / Spatial learning by visual discrimination / Measuring aggression in adult Zebrafish / Risk-taking in a choice test in adult Zebrafish / Risk-taking in a predator avoidance test in adult Zebrafish / Measuring exploration in fish / Measuring locomotor activity in a fish larva / Associative learning: Matching-to-sample and Delay-Matching-to-sample / Sociability test in fish
Expertise areas
neurosciences, preclinical evaluation, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
Neuro-PSI / Acquisition Dichroïsme Circulaire
Key equipments
Spectropolarimeter equipped with a Peltier thermostat, J810, Jasco
Expertise areas
neurosciences, preclinical evaluation, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Neuro-PSI / Transgénèse des Amphibiens
Key equipments
Microinjectors, Picospritzer, Parker Hannifin / Syringe Pumps, PHP 2000 , Harvard apparatus / Micropipette puller, P-97 , Sutter Instrument
Expertise areas
neurosciences, preclinical evaluation, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
TEFOR Paris-Saclay (UMS TPS)
Key equipments
Fish aquarium racks with automatic feeding system Tritone, Zebtec, Tecniplast / Compact Supply multiphoton microscope, SP8, Leica / Airyscan high resolution confocal microscope, LSM 880, Zeiss / Confocal microscope, A1R, NIKON
Expertise areas
neurosciences, preclinical evaluation, animal models, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration; In vivo imaging; Bioinformatics
TEFOR Paris-Saclay / TEFOR Core Facility (TCF)
Key equipments
Multiphoton microscope Compact Supply, SP8, Leica / Confocal microscope (High Resolution), Airyscan / LSM 880, Zeiss / Confocal microscope, A1R, NIKON
Expertise areas
neurosciences, preclinical evaluation, animal models, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration; In vivo imaging; Bioinformatics
TEFOR Paris-Saclay / Zootechnie aquatique (TPS-AQUA)
Key equipments
Fish aquarium racks with automatic feeding system Tritone, Zebtec, Tecniplast
Expertise areas
neurosciences, preclinical evaluation, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie in vivo chez l'homme, ex vivo et in vitro, IRM 3T
Key equipments
3T-MRI (clinical) scanner 3T, Magnetom Prisma fit, Siemens
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation, MRI, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie chez l'homme en MEG
Key equipments
Magnetoencephalograph, Neuromag 306, Elekta
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation, MEG, cognitive neurosciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie in vivo chez l'homme, ex vivo et in vitro, IRM 7T
Key equipments
7T-MRI (clinical) scanner, Magnetom 7T, Siemens
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation, MRI, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie in vivo chez l'homme, ex vivo et in vitro, IRM 11.7T
Key equipments
11.7-MRI (clinical) scanner, ISEULT (prototype)
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, MRI, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie in vivo préclinique, ex vivo et in vitro, IRM 7T
Key equipments
7T-MRI (preclinical) scanner, Pharmascan, Bruker
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, preclinical evaluation, MRI, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie in vivo préclinique, ex vivo et in vitro, IRM 11.7T
Key equipments
11.7T-MRI (preclinical) scanner, Biospec 117/16 Avance III, Bruker Biospin
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, preclinical evaluation, MRI, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Imagerie in vivo préclinique, ex vivo et in vitro, IRM 17.2T
Key equipments
17.2T-MRI (preclinical, horizontal bore) scanner, BioSpec, Bruker Biospin
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, preclinical evaluation, MRI, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Key equipments
informatics, clusters, softwares, databanks
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, MRI, cohort, biomarker development, cognitive neurosciences, neurodegenerative diseases
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Key equipments
EEG system, 256 channels, EGI, EGI
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation, EEG
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
NEUROSPIN / Plateforme Imagerie Neuronale Profonde
Key equipments
Laser, Monaco 1035-40-40, Coherent / Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO), Opera-F, Coherent / Microscope, Standard (8kHz resonant scanner and one galvo), Neurolabware / Pre-compressor, Femto Control, APE
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, preclinical evaluation, 3-photon imaging, microscopy, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Cellular imaging
CeMOX - Couches Minces pour l'Optique X
Key equipments
X-ray reflectometer, Discover D8, BRUKER / Magnetron sputtering deposition machine, MP800S, PLASSYS / Magnetron sputtering deposition machine, MP1000, PLASSYS
Expertise areas
physics, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials; Ultra-fast dynamics
Plateforme d'Imagerie Multiphotonique du Petit Animal (PIMPA)
Key equipments
Confocal/multiphoton microscope, TCS SP8 MP-FLIM, Leica
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, in vivo imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
UMRS 1193 Site Orsay / Plateau technique d'imagerie cellulaire
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, EZC2, Nikon / Confocal macroscope, TCS SP5 LSI, Leica / Videomicroscope, TE300, Nikon / Videomicroscope, TE200, Nikon / 2 straight epifluorescence microscopes, Axioskop, Zeiss
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Chiral-IST (Chiralité et Innovation Spectroscopique et Technologique)
Key equipments
Circular dichrograph, CD6, Jobin-Yvon-SPEX / Spectro-fluorometer, SPF 60, Perkin-Elmer / Differential absorption spectrometer, Lambda 20, Perkin-Elmer / Fluorescence polarization spectro-fluorometer, Fluoromax, SPEX
Expertise areas
drug development, physicochemical analysis, therapeutic innovation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Structural Biology / Biophysics
Lip(sys)²/ Plateforme de spectroscopies et imageries vibrationnelles
Key equipments
Raman imaging microspectrometer, Labram HR evolution, Horiba scientific / FTIR (MIR and NIR) imaging microspectrometer, FTIR (MIR and NIR) microspectrometer, Perkin Elmer / FTIR-ATR spectrometer, Spectrum 2, Perkin Elmer / Transportable Raman spectrometer, NanoRam, Bwteck / Portable Raman spectrometer, MIRA, Metrohm / Raman probe in vivo, Micro-head, Horiba scientific / Biometric measurement probes in vivo, Monaderm
Expertise areas
drug development, physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
UMR 8076 BioCIS / Plate-forme de chromatographie
Key equipments
High performance liquid chromatography, Infinity 1260 717/2996/1525 1100 series, Agilent Technologies Waters Agilent Technologies / Liquid chromatography coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Alliance 2695-LCT premier, Waters / Preparative liquid chromatography, DeltaPrep, Waters / CHN elemental analyzer, CHN 2400, Perkin Elmer / Gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry quadrupole, 7820A/5977E, Agilent Technologies
Expertise areas
drug development, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
SayFood / Halle technologique Procédés Aliments (SayFood UMR AgroParisTech INRAE)
Key equipments
Instrumented pilots for food process engineering (45 units)
Expertise areas
agroecology, food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Food processes
SayFood / Plateau francilien d'études céréalières (FRECE)
Key equipments
Spiral-type mixers (5 units) / Instrumented baking ovens / Moulders / Rotary moulder / Aseptic packaging line
Expertise areas
agroecology, food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Food processes
Plateforme analytique (GMPA)
Key equipments
Ultra high performance liquid chromatograph coupled to orbitrap technology high resolution mass spectrometry (uHPLC-HR/MS), Q EXACTIVE, Thermo Scientific / High performance liquid chromatograph coupled to quadrupole technology mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), ISQEC-LC, Thermo Scientific / Liquid chromatographs equipped with specific detectors (refractometers, UV/Visible spectrophotometers and diode array), e2695, Waters / Gas chromatographs coupled to mass spectrometry equipped with automatic injectors (liquid, gas and/or Solid Phase MicroExtraction SPME) and an olfactometric detector (GC-MS), 5973 and 5975, Agilent / Gas chromatographs coupled to mass spectrometry equipped with an automated arm for dynamic headspace analysis (GC-MS), TDU/DHS 5977B, Gerstel and Agilent / Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID), GC 6890, Agilent / Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer for Dynamic Analysis of Volatile Compounds ( PTR-MS), IONICON / Infrared Spectrometers, Magna 550 and 750, Thermo Scientific / Infrared microscope, In10, Thermo Scientific / Automated accelerated solvent extraction system, ASE 350, Thermo Scientific
Expertise areas
agroecology, food sciences, physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Food processes
Halle Technologique
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
agroecology, food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Food processes
BIOMAPS / Plateforme d'Imagerie MultiModale in Vivo (IMMV) / MicroIRM
Key equipments
MRI spectrometer (horizontal) 7T / 11 cm diameter, Avance II-BGA 9, BRUKER / Gradient insert RRI, access 9 cm, gradients 300 mT/m / Volumetric antennas, 68, 32 and 24 mm, body / head rat and mouse / Actively decoupled surface antennas, rat and mouse head / Acquisition and processing software, Paravision 6.0.1 / AMIRA, BRUKER / Thermo Fisher Scientific
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, MRI, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
BIOMAPS / Plateforme d'Imagerie MultiModale in Vivo (IMMV) / Plateforme préclinique ultrasons 2D/4D
Key equipments
Ultrasound scanner, APLIO SSA-700A, Toshiba / ultrasound scanner, XV, Toshiba / ultrasound scanner, APLIO XG , Toshiba / ultrasound scanner, VEVO 2100, Visualsonics
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, US imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Key equipments
1.5T whole body MRI scanner and post-processing station, Achieva, PHILIPS
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, MRI, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
SHFJ / Imagerie clinique, in vivo, TEP/CT
Key equipments
PET/CT scanner, BIOGRAPH, Siemens
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, PET imaging, CT imaging, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
SHFJ / Imagerie préclinique et clinique, in vivo, TEP HR
Key equipments
High resolution PET scanner, HRRT, Siemens
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, PET imaging, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
SHFJ / Imagerie préclinique et clinique, in vivo, TEP/IRM
Key equipments
PET/MRI dual scanner, SIGNA, GE / Ultrasound and navigation system & fusion imaging, Aixplorer Multiwave, SuperSonic
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, PET imaging, MRI, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
SHFJ / Imagerie préclinique, in vivo, TEP
Key equipments
PET scanner, HR+, Siemens
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, PET imaging, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
SHFJ / Imagerie préclinique, in vivo, MicroTEP
Key equipments
µPET scanner, Inveon, Siemens / µPET/CT scanner, Inveon, Siemens
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, preclinical evaluation, oncology, neurology, PET imaging, inflammation, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
SHFJ / Radiochimie
Key equipments
Automated radiosynthesis machine, TRACERLab FX-C Pro, GE / Automated radiosynthesis machine, TRACERLab FX-FN, GE / Automated radiosynthesis machine, TRACERLab FX-N Pro, GE / Automated radiosynthesis machine, MeI+ Research, SYNTHRA
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, multimodal imaging, radiochemistry, radiotracer development, radiopharmaceutical development, biomarker development, chemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Synchrotron SOLEIL / ANATOMIX (NanoimagesX)
Key equipments
Parallel beam microimaging, In-house development / Nanotomography station (full field transmission X-ray microscopy), In-house development
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Astrophysics; Astrochemistry; Materials and nano-materials
Synchrotron SOLEIL / PX1
Key equipments
Inverter type U20 / Transformer / Monochromator type channel-cut / Goniometer 3-axis / Sample changer type CATS / Detector EigerX-16M / Cooling system type Cryosystemes, Oxford / Fluorescence detector / Loading of microfluidic chips / Interface MXCuBE-Qt4
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Synchrotron SOLEIL / SWING
Key equipments
SAXS 5-17kev / WAXS 5-17 kev / GISAXS
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Synchrotron SOLEIL / AILES (Advanced Infrared Line Exploited for Spectroscopy)
Key equipments
AILES A, High resolution interferometer / AILES B, intermediate resolution interferometer
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Irradiation
Synchrotron SOLEIL / ANTARES (A New Tailored Angle REsolved Spectroscopies beamline)
Key equipments
High resolution electron analyzer, R4000 ( 5 axis high precision Cryo sample manipulator), Scienta / Sample manipulator (x, y, z)
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Condensed matter
Synchrotron SOLEIL / CASSIOPEE (Combined Angular- and Spin-resolved SpectroscopIes Of PhotoEmitted Electrons)
Key equipments
Electron spectrometer R4000, R4000, Scienta / Electron spectrometer SES2002 and Mott detector, SES2002, Scienta / Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber, home-made
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Synchrotron SOLEIL / CRISTAL (Cristallography and structure of condensed matter)
Key equipments
Powder diffractometer, 2-circle equipped with a multi-crystal analyzer / diffractometer, 4-circle for large scattering vector q measurements / diffractometer, 6-circle for full exploration of reciprocal space, which offer exceptional experimental potential
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Structure of matter; Condensed matter
Synchrotron SOLEIL / DEIMOS (Dichroism Experimental Installation for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy)
Key equipments
Cryo-magnet, Superconducting coils providing a field of +/-7 Tesla along the beam direction and +/-2 Tesla normal to the beam, at a temperature of 1.5K-370K / Magnetwo, Electromagnetic coils providing a field of +/-2 Tesla at a switching rate of 1Hz, sample temperature from 20K up to 1000K / Preparation chamber, MBE (connected to the beamline which are dedicated to sample preparation and treatment) / Preparation chamber, RAOUL (connected to the beamline which are dedicated to sample preparation and treatment) / Glove box, Connected to the beamline and available for air sensitive sample preparation and/or insertion into the beamline
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Magnetometry; Structure of matter; Spectroscopy
Synchrotron SOLEIL / DESIRS (Dichroïsme Et Spectroscopie par Interaction avec le Rayonnement Synchrotron)
Key equipments
Variable polarization inverter (LH, LV, CPL), 4-40 eV / Multipurpose molecular beam chamber with i2PEPICO spectrometer / VUV FTS absorption spectrometer
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Irradiation; Light-matter interaction
Synchrotron SOLEIL / GALAXIES (Great beamLine for advanced X-ray Inelastic scattering and Electron Spectroscopy)
Key equipments
RIXS spectrometer, Newport / High energy hemispherical electron analyzer, EW4000, SCIENTA
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Condensed matter
Synchrotron SOLEIL / HERMES
Key equipments
Inverter, Appel II: HU42 - HU64. Energy range: 70eV - 2.5keV / microscope, STXM (Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy) / microscope, X-PEEM (X-ray PhotoEmitted Electron Microscopy)
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials
Synchrotron SOLEIL / LUCIA (Line for Ultimate Characterization by Imaging and Absorption)
Key equipments
Inverter, HU52 / double crystal monochromator, Up to five different crystals, namely KTP(011), MGM (Multilayer Grating Monochromator), InSb(111), Si(311) and Si(111), Kohzu
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials
Synchrotron SOLEIL / Metrologie (Metrology and Test beamline)
Key equipments
Bending magnet, D05-1 / X-soft monochromator, Hettrick-Underwood / VLS plane gratings 30 1900 eV, / X-hard monochromator, Double Crystal Si(111) 3 40 keV / Two-axis goniometers, Soft X-ray, Hard X-ray / Optical table, Hard X-ray / Deep X-ray photolithography station, Hard X-ray
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Irradiation; Light-matter interaction
Synchrotron SOLEIL / ODE (Optique Dispersive Exafs)
Key equipments
Polychromator, vacuum curved / High pressure cell, for high and low temperature: from 3k to 500K / 2 CCD cameras, camera coupled with a scintillator / A fast detector, Ultra DAC quantum detector (micro second)
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Spectroscopy
Synchrotron SOLEIL / PLEIADES (Polarized Light source for Electron and Ion Analysis from Diluted Excited Species)
Key equipments
Inverters, HU256 electromagnetic (period: 256 mm) / Inverters, HU80 (period: 80 mm) with permanent magnets (Apple II type) / Monochromator, PGM without input slit using planar arrays with variable line spacing (VLS) and variable line depth (VGD) / Electron spectrometer, high resolution / Electron spectrometer, high brightness
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Liquid, gas and plasma phases
Synchrotron SOLEIL / PSICHE (Pression Structure Imagerie par Contraste à Haute Énergie)
Key equipments
Monochromator, double crystal (Si111 and sagittal focusing Si 311) / Double monochromator, multilayer / Focusing mirrors
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Synchrotron SOLEIL / SAMBA (Spectroscopies Applied to Materials Based on Absorption)
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Liquid, gas and plasma phases
Synchrotron SOLEIL / SEXTANTS (Soft x-ray EXperimenT resonANT Scattering)
Key equipments
SEXTANTS light line, Resonant scattering of polarized X-rays (Energy range: 50 - 1700 eV)
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, matter exploration
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Magnetometry; Structure of matter; Spectroscopy
Synchrotron SOLEIL / SIXS (Surfaces and Interfaces X-ray Scattering)
Key equipments
UHV Diffractometer, coupled with interchangeable chambers, Newport - Microcontrol / MED Diffractometer, Newport - Microcontrol
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, matter exploration
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
Synchrotron SOLEIL / SIRIUS (Soft Interfaces and Resonant Investigation on Undulator Source)
Key equipments
Diffractometer, Multipurpose / Langmuir Trough / UHV Chambers, 1D 2D Flurorescence / Detectors / Monochromators, Double Crystals Multilayer Grating / Inverter, Apple II Helicoidal
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials
Synchrotron SOLEIL / TEMPO (Time resolved Experiments on Materials with PhotOelectron spectroscopy)
Key equipments
2 Helicoidal Inverters, 2 I.D. (HU44-HU80), 50-1500 eV, Apple II / Monochromator
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Synchrotron SOLEIL / Surface Science Laboratory (LaSu)
Key equipments
Variable temperature scanning microscope with AFM extension (Q-plus), (VTSTM) / Argon spray gun / Calibrated co-evaporation with 4 pockets (all UHV) / Auger spectrometer / LEED / Ultrasonic bath, adjustable temperature (4l) / Spin Coater (7Ktpm) / Optical microscope, CCD-camera included
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Microscopy
Synchrotron SOLEIL / MARS (Multi analyses on Radioactives Samples)
Key equipments
information not currently available
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Structure of matter; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
Circular dichroism spectrometer VUV, Home made / Circular dichroism spectrograph, Home made
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening; Physicochemical analysis
Synchrotron SOLEIL / SMIS
Key equipments
Mid-IR Microscope, Continuum XL - Nicolet 5700 spectrometer, ThermoFisher Scientific / Mid-IR Microscope, Continuum - Nicolet 8700 spectrometer, ThermoFisher Scientific / Raman Microscope, DXR, ThermoFisher Scientific / Far-IR Microscope, Far-IR Infrared Microscope Nicplan spectrometer IS50, ThermoFisher Scientific / Infrared Imager 128x128 pixels matrix, Cary 620, spectrometer Cary 670, Agilent / Infrared Optical Photothermal Microscope, mIRage, PTIR Corp / Nano IR System, Nano IR 2S, Bruker / Thermal Chamber -120-600°C, FTIR 600, Linkam / Micromechanical Stretching Stage 0. 1-20N, TST 350, Linkam / Thermostatically controlled micro-fluidic cell for cell culture, SMIS-2, SMIS
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Physicochemical analysis; Structural Biology / Biophysics
Synchrotron SOLEIL / PX2A
Key equipments
U24 vacuum inverter / Si[111] monochromator type / 3-axis goniometer of the Micro-diffractometer type with mini-Kappa / CATS type sample changer (capacity 9 Unipucks) / Eiger X9M two-dimensional detector / CryosyStream type cooling system, Oxford / X-ray fluorescence detector / Crystallization plate sieve / MXCuBE-Qt4 interface
Expertise areas
matter exploration, material sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, crystallography, structural biology, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening; Physicochemical analysis
Spectrométrie de Masse d'Ions Secondaires (SIMS)
Key equipments
Magnetic sector ion analyzer, 7f, CAMECA
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter; Structure of matter
Plateforme de mesures NOVATECS : Magnétisme et magnétotransport sous 9 Tesla et jusqu'à 1000K
Key equipments
Temperature control 2K-1000K under 9 Tesla, PPMS 9T, Quantum Design / DC resistivity under perpendicular field 2MOhms / VSM magnetometer 10-6emu, 2K-1000K / High impedance magneto-transport 10GOhms, rotating sample / Conductivity under fiber illumination / Low frequency voltage noise
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, microscopy, magnetism
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Magnetometry; Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Key equipments
Atomic force microscope, Dimension ICON, Bruker
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
Key equipments
UV/Visible spectrophotometer
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials
Croissance de semiconducteurs II-VI par technique MOCVD
Key equipments
Semi-industrial R&D MOCVD frame, MR Semicon / experimental MOCVD frame, Home made
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
2 Batis PLD avec caractérisation in-situ (RHEED, ellipsométrie)
Key equipments
Spectroscopic ellipsometer, 350-850nm 370-1600nm, SENTECH WOOLAM / RHEED, 15kV, STAIB Instruments / IR Camera, FLIR Systems / Emission Spectrometer, OCEAN OPTICS / Residual Gas Analyzer
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectroscopy, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
Atelier de préparation de cible pour PLD
Key equipments
Grinder, planetary, Retsch PM100 / Press, uniaxial, Albert Petit / Sintering furnaces, vertical, Pyrox
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials
Spectroscopie de photoluminescence
Key equipments
Visible and UV lasers / monochromator equipped with multichannel analysis (1024 x 256 pixel) with a CCD camera, 550, Triax / dual monochromator equipped with a photomultiplier, U1000
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials
Spectroscopies Infrarouge à transf. de Fourier
Key equipments
interferometer, DA8, Bomem / laser, Nd at 1.06 µm, YAG / cryostat, helium bath between 2 and 300 K
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Materials and nano-materials
Ellipsomètre spectroscopique in-situ
Key equipments
Phase modulation spectroscopic ellipsometer, UVISEL, Horiba -Jobin Yvon / cold finger / closed helium circuit / cryostat
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Structure of matter
Dispositif de microscopie optique de champ proche (SNOM)
Key equipments
Near field optical microscope, Aurora 2, Veeco instruments / Laser, Diode, continuous, pulse / spectrometer / avalanche photodiode / photomultiplier tube
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, microscopy, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Dispositif de microscopie confocale sous champ magnétique, inséré dans un cryostat
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, magnetic field up to 9T, temperature adjustable between 4K and 300K / piezoelectric positioning device / photon counting device / spectrometer
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Magnetometry
Key equipments
Retractable parabolic mirror, RPM2000, Horiba Jobin Yvon / monochromator, TRIAX550, Horiba Jobin Yvon / silicon CCD camera, Symphony, Horiba Jobin Yvon / photomultiplier, Hamamatsu, Horiba Jobin Yvon / mapping acquisition module, CL-Link, Horiba Jobin Yvon / cryogenic liquid helium stage, CF302, Gatan / scanning field emission microscope, 7001F, Jeol / macro-CL (CLview), Cathodyne, OPEA / metallizer (gold), 108 auto, Cressington
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Microscopy; Materials and nano-materials
Spectroscopie micro - Raman
Key equipments
Microscopes, Labram HR 8500 (confocal), Horiba Jobin Yvon / motorized table / Linkam cell, 90K to 850K / Polarizers / half-wave blades
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, spectroscopy, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Microscopy
Banc de mesures resistivité et effet Hall Haut température et a haute impédance
Key equipments
Controlled atmospheres, 80K-880K, 10GOhm, 1nA, 1.6T, Home buit / Vacuum 2K-400K, 9T, 10GOhm,0.1nA, PPMS+Home build option, Quantum design+GEMaC
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
Magnétomètre à échantillon vibrant (VSM) gros échantillons et hautes températures
Key equipments
Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) high temperature - large samples, Specificities : 10-3 emu 80K-1000K 1.2 Tesla Sample (g, cm), Instrumentation developed at GEMAC
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, magnetism
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Magnetometry; Materials and nano-materials; Condensed matter
ILV / Centre d'Etude et de Formation en Spectroscopies électroniques de Surface (CEFS2)
Key equipments
Spectrometer XPS, Nexsa, Thermo Fisher Scientific / Spectrometer XPS, Theta Probe, Thermo Fisher Scientific / Spectrometer XPS, Escalab 250xi, Thermo Fisher Scientific / Scanning Electron Microscope, JSM 7001F, Jeol / Auger Nano Probe, JAMP 9500F, Jeol / Ion Cross Section Polisher, IB-09010 CP, Jeol
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Materials and nano-materials; Spectrometry
ILV / Plateforme de RMN de l'ILV
Key equipments
NMR 500 MHz WB spectrometer, NEO Advance, Bruker / NMR 400 MHz SB spectrometer, AVI, Bruker / NMR 200 MHz SB spectrometer, DPX, Bruker
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
ILV / Plateforme DRX - diffraction des rayons X (ILV)
Key equipments
X-ray powder diffractometer, D5000, SIEMENS / X-ray powder diffractometer (2 units), D8 ADVANCE, BRUKER / X-ray diffractometer for single crystals, X8 APEX, BRUKER / X-ray diffractometer for single crystals, D8 VENTURE, BRUKER
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, crystallography
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
UFR Simone Veil - Santé / Plateforme de spectrométrie de masse (MasSpecLab)
Key equipments
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, Element XR, Thermofisher / Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to liquid chromatography, TSQ Quantiva, Thermofisher / High resolution mass spectrometer coupled to liquid chromatography, Q-Exactive, Thermofisher / Time-of-flight mass spectrometer coupled to two-dimensional gas chromatography, Pegasus BT 4D MPS, Leco
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, metabolomics, spectrometry, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Plateforme génomique / Département de Biotechnologie de la Santé (DBS) - UFR Simone Veil Santé - UVSQ
Key equipments
Sequencer, NextSeq500, ILLUMINA / Pipetting robot, JANUS NGS Express Workstation, PERKIN / Bioanalyzer, LAB CHIP GX, PERKIN / Spectrophotometer, LAB CHIP DS, PERKIN / Q-PCR apparatus, CFX-96, BIORAD / Q-PCR apparatus, CFX-96, BIORAD / Q-PCR apparatus, CFX-384, BIORAD / Sonicator, Bioruptor, Diagenode
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Département Biotechnologie Santé / Plateforme d'imagerie et cytométrie (CYMAGES)
Key equipments
Confocal microscope, SP8-x (white laser), Leica / Confocal microscope, SPE, Leica / High throughput microscope, Scan-R, OLYMPUS / ImageStream Amnis Mark II / High throughput cytometer, Fortessa 18 colors, Becton-Dickinson / Cell sorter, Facs Aria III, Becton Dickinson
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, cytometry, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Cytometry / Histology
Plateforme histopathologie immunomarquage et lames virtuelles / Département de Biotechnologie de la Santé (DBS) - UFR Simone Veil Santé - UVSQ
Key equipments
SNAPFROST Excilone / Cryostat, NX70, Microm / Microtome, RM2245, Leica / Automated immunostaining machine, BOND III, Leica / High-speed scanner, Aperio AT2, Leica / Paraffin embedding station, HistoCore Arcadia, Leica / Automated impregnation machine, Tissue-Tek VIP 5 Jr, Sakura / Automated staining machine, Multistainer ST5020, Leica / Slides pasting machine, CV5030, Leica
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, histopathology, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Image Analysis Facility
Key equipments
JEOL 100 kV TEM, Olympus 1000 Fi compact confocal microscope, 3DHistech Digital Slide Scanner
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Hamilton STARlet automated liquid handling system
Key equipments
Hamilton STARlet
Expertise areas
genomics, transcriptomics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Illumina MiSeq sequencing system
Key equipments
Illumina MiSeq sequencer, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
Expertise areas
genomics, transcriptomics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System
Key equipments
QX100 droplet generator QX100 droplet reader
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics, transcriptomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Electron Mircoscopy Center
Key equipments
FEI G2 200 kV TEM FEI Apreo SEM HITACHI S4700 SEM HITACHI desktop SEM Hummingbird in situ cells SEMPrep-2 ion milling system
Expertise areas
nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Surface Science Center
Key equipments
XPS, Auger, LEIS, Kelvin probe Beneq TFS 200 ALD
Expertise areas
nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Computer tomography center
Key equipments
Bruker SkyScan 2211
Expertise areas
material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Electrochemistry Center
Key equipments
Completely equipped electrochemical laboratory from the very low (pA) to very high (kA) current densities and all coupled analytical tools
Expertise areas
electrochemistry, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Fermentation center
Key equipments
2 x 5 L Bioostat C fermenters (Braun Biotech In) 2 x 2 L Biostat B twin fermenter/chemostats (Sartorius) 15 x 5 L custom made biogas fermenter 1 x 1 m3 custom made industrial fermenter
Expertise areas
food sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioanalytical center
Key equipments
1 db Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph 1 db Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph coupled to mass spectrometer Merck Elite Lachrom and Hitachi Chromaster HPLC-s, NGC Qest 10 Plus FPLC chromatography system, Variomax C/N analyzer
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Fluorescence Microscope (Zeiss Axio Observer 7)
Key equipments
Fluorescence Microscope (Zeiss Axio Observer 7)
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, cytometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging; In vivo imaging
HEKA Patch clamp system (EPC 10 USB Single)
Key equipments
HEKA Patch clamp system (EPC 10 USB Single)
Expertise areas
structural biology, electrophysiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
In vivo hemodynamic measurement platform (PV loop system)
Key equipments
ADV500 PV System
Expertise areas
animal models, biochemistry, physiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
FACS (Fluorescence Activated Cell Analyzer)
Key equipments
Partec CyFlow ML
Expertise areas
biochemistry, genetics, cytometry, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Fluorescent microscope (Nikon Ni-U)
Key equipments
Nikon Ni-U upright microscope
Expertise areas
microscopy, cellular imaging, cellular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Odyssey® CLx Imaging System
Key equipments
Odyssey® CLx Imaging System
Expertise areas
molecular biology, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
GE Vivid IQ ultrasound system
Key equipments
GE Vivid IQ ultrasound machine with GE 12L-RS Linear Probe and GE 12S-D Phased Array Probe, EchoPac Software for PC
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, US imaging, clinical evaluation, cardiovascular sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration
PCR Detection platform
Key equipments
BioRad CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System; T100 Thermal cycler; Nanodrop Onec
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics, molecular biology, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Ultracentrifuge platform
Key equipments
SORVALL Discovery 90SE - High rpm centrifuge with swing-out and fixed angle rotors; SORVAL RC-M120EX - Ultra-speed microcentrifuge with a S120-AT2 fixed angle rotor
Expertise areas
biochemistry, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources; Structural Biology / Biophysics
Microplate reader platform
Key equipments
BMG Labtech CLARIOstar microplate reader; BMG Labtech FLUOstar Optima microplate reader
Expertise areas
biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Organic Synthesis Center
Key equipments
TA Instruments Discovery TGA 55, ATPIO-SM400 ultrasonic microwave reactor, Magritek Spinsolve 80 MHz NMR
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Bioproduction; Chemistry / Screening
Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Pharmacology Laboratory (HECRIN)
Key equipments
Olympus IX 83 Microscope w. ScanR, Allevi 3D Bioprinter, Biotek Accuwound,Acea Xcelligence DP
Expertise areas
microscopy, cellular imaging, cellular biology, stem cell, screening
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Cytometry / Histology
Key equipments
Liconic SAB biobank Storage, Thermo TX 700, 500, 400, 300, Artiko ULF 390, 540
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Clinical Research, Phase I Trial Centre and GMP Cell Therapy Laboratory
Key equipments
Bioquell Cube MX35
Expertise areas
preclinical evaluation, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System
Key equipments
QX100 droplet generator, QX100 droplet reader
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
JASCO modular, solid phase peptide synthesizer with flow system (LC-4000 Series, RHPLC)
Key equipments
LC-NETII/ADC Interface Box, BP-4340 Back Pressure regulator, UV-4075 UV/VIS Detector, CO-4060 Column Oven, AS-4150 RHPLC Autosampler, PU-4180 RHPLC Pump, PU-4180 RHPLC Pump
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
JASCO anayltical HPLC system with diode-array (3D) detectors (LC-4000 Series)
Key equipments
LC-NETII/ADC Interface Box, MD-4015 Photo Diode Array Detector, PU-4086-Binary Binary Semi-preparative Pump
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
JASCO anayltical HPLC system with diode-array (3D) detectors (LC-4000 Series)
Key equipments
LC-NETII/ADC Interface Box, MD-4017 Photo Diode Array Detector, AS-4050 HPLC Autosampler, PU-4180 RHPLC Pump
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
CEM Liberty Microwave peptide synthesizer
Key equipments
CEM Liberty Microwave peptide synthesizer
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, proteomics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
THERMO LC/MS: Thermo Scientific LCQ Fleet MS
Key equipments
DIONEX Ultimate 3000 Pump,DIONEX Ultimate 3000 Autosampler, DIONEX Ultimate 3000 Column Compartment, LCQ Fleet
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
THERMO GC/MS: Thermos Scientific Trace 1310
Key equipments
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Bruker Avance DRX 400 Mhz NMR spectrometer
Key equipments
Bruker Avance DRX 400 Mhz NMR
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
JASCO analytical HPLC system (2000 Series)
Key equipments
LC-NETII/ADC Interface Box AS-2057 Plus Intelligent Sampler PU-2080 Plus Intelligent HPLC Pump PU-2080 Plus Intelligent HPLC Pump MX-2080-32 Dynamic mixer DG-2080-54 4-line degasser MD-2010 Plus Multiwavelength Detector
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, chemical biology, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
PharmaTech Center
Key equipments
Physico-chemical-analytical equipments: XRPD, FTIR, NIR, RAMAN, DSC, TG-MS; Leica thermo microscope, Dataphysics OCA 20 Contact Angle system, ZetaSizer, MasterSIzer, Microscopes, UPLC/HPLC, UV-Vis, Philips MiniPal X-ray fluorescent elemental analyzer. Particle engineering: Büchi spray dryers, freeze dryer, Emulsiflex HP-Homogenizer, Ball mill, Crystallization reactor.Dosage formulation: ProCepT 4M8 high-shear granulator; Niro-Aeromatic Strea-1 fluid-bed granulator; Freund CF-360 centrifugal granulator; Caleva mini extruder/spheronizer; Korsch EK0 instrumented (upper and lower compression force, displacement of upper and lower punch) eccentric tablet press; Manesty F3 instrumented eccentric tablet press; Ronchi AM8S instrumented rotary tablet press; ZUMA semi-automatic capsule filler; ProCepT Pancoat perforated drum pan coater, rheology, in vitro characterization (dissolution, permeability, penetration test, texture analyzer, aerodynamic impactor)
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, nanosciences, biotechnologies, pharmacology, drug development
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Others
QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System
Key equipments
Agilent 5975 MSD, Agilent 7820 A GC system, Agilent 5975 B inert XL MSD, Agilent 6890N Network GC system
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
Photosynthesis Research Center
Key equipments
LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System, DUAL-PAM-100 (Heinz Walz GmbH), PAM-2000 (Heinz Walz GmbH), MICROSCOPY-PAM (Heinz Walz GmbH)
Expertise areas
plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
Nuclear Medicine Center
Key equipments
Mediso Anyscan SCP SPECT/CT/PET
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging, PET imaging, CT imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Nuclear Medicine Center
Key equipments
GE Discovery IQ 5 Ring -16 Sl (PET/CT) GE NM/CT 850
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging, PET imaging, CT imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Nuclear Medicine Center
Key equipments
GE Logiq E9
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging, US imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Liquid Chromatography-based Separation Center
Key equipments
Thermo Scientific TSQ Fortis Tandem MS, Waters Acquity UPLC H-Class, Shimadzu Nexera UHPLC, Äkta purifier FPLC
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, pharmacology, drug development, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry, metabolomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
ABI 310 Genetic Analyser/SeqStudio DNA Capillary Sequencer
Key equipments
ABI 310 Genetic Analyser/SeqStudio DNA Capillary Sequencer
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
LG Vivid E95 Echocardiography machine
Key equipments
LG Vivid E95 Echocardiography machine
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, US imaging, clinical evaluation, cardiovascular sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Illumina MySeq System
Key equipments
Illumina MySeq
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics, oncology, transcriptomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Automated Peptide Synthesis System
Key equipments
Liberty Blue Automated Microwave Peptide Synthesizer
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
LC-MS Systems
Key equipments
ESI/APCI ion source and quadrupole analyser containing mass spectrometers
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development, spectrometry, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
OMICS' Laboratory
Key equipments
Q Exactive Plus orbitrap mass spectrometer (Thermo), Acquity I-Class UPLC, M-Class UPLC
Expertise areas
proteomics, physicochemical analysis, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System
Key equipments
QX100 droplet generator QX100 droplet reader
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Karyotyping&FISH microscope system
Key equipments
Leica DM6 B microscope, CytoVision platform
Expertise areas
microscopy, cellular imaging, cytometry, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging
CLARIOstar Plus plate reader (BMG Labtech)
Key equipments
CLARIOstar Plus high-performance microplate reader
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, biochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging
NIKON epifluorescent microscope
Key equipments
Nikon Fn1 epifluorescent microscope; Andor Zyla microscope camera
Expertise areas
neurosciences, microscopy, cellular imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology; Cellular Imaging
Neuromorphology lab.
Key equipments
confocal scanning laser microscope, inverse biological microscope, behavioural test system
Expertise areas
animal models, neurodegenerative diseases, histology, neurology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Unit of Metabolomics (UM)
Key equipments
GC-MS (GC2010,QP2020,AOC6000), UHPLC-HRMS (Dionex3000-Qexactive Orbitrap)
Expertise areas
metabolomics, spectroscopy, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
Unit of Microbiological Product Purification (UMPP)
Key equipments
Flash/Prep hybrid system ( CombiFlash EZ Prep); CPC/Flash/Prep system (PLC 2250 Flash/Prep hybrid);
Expertise areas
chemistry, natural products
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
Unit of High Throughput Antimicrobiological Screening (UHTSS)
Key equipments
Hamilton Starlet workstation
Expertise areas
natural products, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Szeged Microbiological Collection (SZMC)
Key equipments
UltraFreezer (-130 C), Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Freezer (-130 C)
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, plant sciences, food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Unit of Quantitative Cell Imaging (UQCI)
Key equipments
Luminex Multiplexing Instrument; Amnis FlowSight, Microscopes
Expertise areas
microscopy, cytometry, cellular imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Electrochemistry Center
Key equipments
Mass spectrometry Acquity UPLC H Class, Xevo TQ-S micro Agilent 1200 HPLC
Expertise areas
electrochemistry, chemistry, spectrometry, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
RT-PCR System
Key equipments
Bio-Rad CFX96 RT-PCR System
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Key equipments
Zeiss Axio Imager Microscope with Stereo Investigator and Neurolucida software
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, cytometry, neurosciences, cellular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Rodent behavioural Center
Key equipments
Vital View Data Aquisition System, Starr Open Field Cages
Expertise areas
neurosciences, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
Key equipments
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Zebris CMS20TMS-2 Electrode and TMS localizer
Key equipments
CMS20 box, UST stand
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Magstim Rapid2 TMS
Key equipments
TMS unit
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Tobii TX300 Eyetracker
Key equipments
Eyetracker monitor
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Brain Products Brain Vision EEG
Key equipments
EEG amplifier
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
GE Voluson P6 Ultrasound system
Key equipments
US unit
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
DWL Transcranial Doppler Sonography Ultrasound system
Key equipments
US unit
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Voluson Expert S10 4D Ultrasound
Key equipments
Ulttasound device with abdominal and transvaginal scanners
Expertise areas
US imaging, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation, obstetrics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Voluson S8 2D Ultrasound
Key equipments
Ulttasound device with abdominal and transvaginal scanners
Expertise areas
US imaging, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation, obstetrics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Radiation Biology Group
Key equipments
Varian TrueBeam, Varian VitalBeam, Varian Clinac linear accelerators
Expertise areas
radiobiology, biobanking, preclinical evaluation, dosimetry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Operating microscope for microsurgery OM-18
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, surgery, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Operating microscope for microsurgery OPMI
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, surgery, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Operating microscope for microsurgery OPMI VISU 140
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, surgery, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Operating microscope for microsurgery KMAT OPMI
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, surgery, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Operating microscope for microsurgery HAAG STREIT Allegra 900
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, surgery, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Wide field retinal imaging OPTOS "A10650 CALIFORNIA AQUA ICG (FA/RG/AF)
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Ophthalmic laser: EasyRet Laser with int. Zeiss Type Slit L
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging, surgery, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Opthalmology Group
Key equipments
Inverted microscope OLYMPUS IX73
Expertise areas
microscopy, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Labor of Electron Microscopy
Key equipments
JEOL JEM-1400 series 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope ST-DC
Expertise areas
microscopy, histopathology, immunohistology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging
High-throughput screening system for analyzing drug candidates (semi automated patch-clamp setup)
Key equipments
Complete semi high-througput setup (Nanion Port a patch system)
Expertise areas
drug development, pharmacology, electrophysiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
In vitro analysis of drug candidates in various mammalian cardiac preparations
Key equipments
Complete standard microelectrode (3) and patch-clamp (3) technique and isolated organs (3) setups
Expertise areas
drug development, pharmacology, electrophysiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
In vivo electrophysiological analysis of drug candidates in small and large animal models
Key equipments
Complete in vivo electrophysiological setups for small (2 setups) and large animal (1 setup) models
Expertise areas
drug development, pharmacology, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Neuroscience Center
Key equipments
Electrophysiological and imaging techniques (2P imaging Femtonics 2D & 3D systems, Zeiss LSM 7MP, CARS imaging, Olympus 61 BW, HEKA EPC9 EPC10, spinning disk confocal system Andor Technology, Blackrock in vivo amplifier)
Expertise areas
neurosciences, in vivo imaging, microscopy, electrophysiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging; Cytometry / Histology
Confocal laser scanning endomicroscopic system
Key equipments
OptiScan Confocal laser scanning endomicroscopic system
Expertise areas
physiology, histology, microscopy, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Laser Doppler Flowmeter / Periflux 5000
Key equipments
Laser Doppler Flowmeter / Periflux 5000
Expertise areas
physiology, clinical evaluation, laser
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Oroboros high-resolution respirometer with fluorimeter and titration-injection micropump
Key equipments
Oroboros high-resolution respirometer with fluorimeter and titration-injection micropump
Expertise areas
biochemistry, physiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
Oxygraph-2k for high-resolution respirometry
Key equipments
Oroboros high-resolution respirometer with fluorimeter and titration-injection micropump
Expertise areas
biochemistry, physiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
laparoscopic tower, monitor, camera, light source, insufflator and accessories, suction and rinsing, stand, digital image, data archiving system - operating room
Key equipments
laparoscopic tower, monitor, camera, light source, insufflator and accessories, suction and rinsing, stand, digital image, data archiving system - operating room
Expertise areas
surgery, in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Circular Dichroism, Flurorescence Spectrometers and Microplate reader
Key equipments
JASCO J-1500 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer; HORIBA Fluoromax Plus spectrofluorometer with Time Correlated Single Photon Counting; BMG Labtech Clariostar Plus
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Spectroscopy
Capillary Electrophoresis System
Key equipments
Agilent 7100 Capillary Electrophoresis System with UV-vis diode array detector
Expertise areas
proteomics, drug development, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Spectrometry
Isothermal Titration Calorimeter
Key equipments
Nano ITC (Low Volume) TA Instruments
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, biochemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Material of biological interest
Laser and Plasma Atomic Spectroscopy Center
Key equipments
ASI J-200 LA/LIBS tandem instrument, Agilent 7700X ICP-MS, Anton Paar Microwave sample preparation system, Alpine K700 laminar flow clean hood
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, material sciences, physicochemical analysis, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Spectroscopy
Water analysis and separation techniques laboratory
Key equipments
Agilent 1100 HPLC/DAD and HPLC/MS (ESI and APCI), GC/MS, COD, BOI apparatus, photochemical reactors equipped with various light sources for water treatment
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Physicochemical analysis
Laser materials processing laboratory
Key equipments
Indupro InduWeld 4.0 laser welding station based on a Trumpf Trufiber 1000 fiber laser and a Trumpf PFO laser scanner CorActive CLM 1000 fiber laser SPI redENERGY G3 SPI-P40 and SPI-P20 fiber lasers Fujikura FSM-100M+ fusion splicer Fujikura CT-105 fiber cleaver Thorlabs OSA202C optical spectrum analyzer
Expertise areas
laser, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials
Electrical discharge-based nanoparticle generation laboratory
Key equipments
Custom-made spark and arc discharge nanoparticle generators (based on a VSPARTICLE HVU high-frequency power supply and a FUG HCK 800-12500 power supply). TSI 3938L52 Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
Expertise areas
nanosciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Liquid, gas and plasma phases; Light-matter interaction
3D Printing Center
Key equipments
plastic (resin) printers: 3D Systems ProJet 6000 Hd and 3D Systems ProJet MJP 3600, metal printer: EOS M 290, bioprinters: Regemat3D, Allevi 2, scanner: Creaform 307 metrological scanner, Test instruments (optical 3D microscope, dynamic mechanical tester)
Expertise areas
material sciences, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Materials and nano-materials
High Intensity, sub-ps, UV laser center
Key equipments
femtosecond hybrid-dye excimer laser systems, nanosecond excimer lasers, vacuum chambers, target areas for high-intensity laser-matter interaction and material’s processing, large variety of diagnostic equipments
Expertise areas
laser, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction
Aerosol Research Center
Key equipments
EEPS, DMA, COC, OPC, Aethalometer, MAAP, Multi wavelength-PA, SMPS, TEOM, EO/OC analyser, AURORA3000 Nerphelometer.
Expertise areas
laser, material sciences, nanosciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
dSTORM superresolution microscopy center
Key equipments
Nikon Eclipse Ti-E inverted fluorescence microscope, OptoSplit II+Bypass dual-view unit
Expertise areas
microscopy, cellular imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular Imaging; In vivo imaging
Confocal microscopy center
Key equipments
Nikon C2 confocal with PicoQuant LSM Upgrade kit
Expertise areas
microscopy, cellular imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular Imaging; In vivo imaging
Low power laser material processing center
Key equipments
Twin-tube excimer laser (at 193 and 248 nm), Nd:YAG laser (at 1064, 532, 266 nm), CO2 laser (200 W), CO2 laser (30 W)
Expertise areas
nanosciences, material sciences, laser, surgery
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Structure of matter; Structural Biology / Biophysics
3D surface mapping center
Key equipments
PSIA Atomic force microscope, Dektak surface profiler
Expertise areas
nanosciences, material sciences, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Structure of matter
OLYMPUS FLUOVIEW FV10i Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Key equipments
OLYMPUS FLUOVIEW FV10i Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Expertise areas
genetics, cytometry, cellular biology, histology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Genomics / Post genomics
Prometheus NT.48 NanoDSF Protein Stability Instrument
Key equipments
Prometheus NT.48 nanoDSF
Expertise areas
proteomics, biochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Monolith NT.115 MicroScale Thermophoresis Instrument
Key equipments
Monolith NT.115
Expertise areas
proteomics, biochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Laparoscopic Center
Key equipments
OLIMPUS VISERA ELITE II. Endoscopic tower + 3D monitor
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; In vivo imaging
Diagnostic Center
Key equipments
HITACHI Arietta 85 MR fusion Ultrasound Diagnostical EQUIPMENT
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; In vivo imaging
Operativ Urologycal Center
Key equipments
Sock Pulse SE Ultrasound stone breaking EQUIPMENT
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, US imaging, in vivo imaging, surgery
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; In vivo imaging
Diagnostic Center
Key equipments
ZIEHM Solo FD X-Ray Image Monitor
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, in vivo imaging, surgery
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; In vivo imaging
Operativ Urologycal Center
Key equipments
ValleyLab Ligasure Surgical bipolar EQUIPMENT
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, surgery
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Operativ Urologycal Center
Key equipments
Rhapsody H-30 holmium laser system
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, surgery
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Protein analyis Unit (Zentrallabor für Proteinalaytik ZfP)
Key equipments
2x Exploris480-Mass spectrometer; CE-MS System TTOF6600, Qexactive HF, timsTOFpro, Rapiflex, 4800 MALDI
Expertise areas
proteomics, physicochemical analysis, biochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Flow Cytometry (CFFlowCyt)
Key equipments
Analyzers: Cytek Aurora, BD LSRFortessa, BD FACSCanto; Cell Sorters: BD FACSAriaFusion (No1), BD FACSAriaFusion (No2), BD FACSAriaIIIu; Amnis ImageStream MarkII Imaging Flow Cytometer; Fluidigm Biomark: IFC Controller MX for 48x48 Dynamic Array IFCs, IFC Controller HX for 96x96 and FLEXsix IFCs
Expertise areas
cytometry, immunology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Bioimaging
Key equipments
Brightfield, fluorescence, confocal, multi-photon and high resolution microscopes; phase contrast microscope, live-cell microscope, Automated image acquisition through motorized microscope stages, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), Deconvolution und Time-Gating
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Core Facility Biophysics
Key equipments
ProteomeLab XL-I (Beckman-Coulter): Absorbance (180-800 nm) & interference optics; Microcal PEAQ-ITC (Malvern), Microcal iTC200 (GE, now Malvern Instruments); Monolith NT.LabelFree (Nanotemper); Infinite M1000 PRO (Tecan); Typhoon FLA9500 (GE)
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, biochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Gene Center Flow Cytometry Facility
Key equipments
BD LSRFortessa, BD FACSAria Fusion, BD FACSMelody,
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Gene Center Liquid Handling Unit
Key equipments
single-channel and multi-channel pipetting capabilities
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Gene Center Bioimaging
Key equipments
confocal microscopes (Leica SP8, Zeiss LSM710 and Zeiss LSM510), stereomicroscopes (two Leica M205), Widefield microscopy (Leica DMI6000, High Performance Fluorescence Anisotropy (HiP-FA)), Light sheet microscopy (Single-objective selective plane illumination microscopy (soSPIM))
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular imaging
Biocenter - Bio-analytics
Key equipments
surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry, Dynamic and Multiple Angle Light Scattering, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Monolith NT.115 device (NanoTemper) Microscale-Thermophoresis, Fluorescence spectroscopy
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Biocenter - Center for Advanced Light Microscopy
Key equipments
High content screening, Light sheet microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscope, spinning disk confocal microscope, STED microscopy, Structured illumination, wide field fluorescence microscopy, compute servers (gpu-1, gpu-2), storage server (tetraploid)
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
Biocenter - Core Facility Electron Microscopy
Key equipments
Electron Microscopes: Zeiss EM912 (TEM), Hitachi S-4100 (SEM), Zeiss Auriga Crossbeam (FIB/SEM), 200 kV Cryo-(S)TEM (coming soon); Additional devices (selection): Leica HPM100 High pressure freezer, Leica AFS2 Freeze-substitution, Critical point drying
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Biocenter - FACS
Key equipments
BD Biosciences FACS Aria II Sorter, BD Biosciences FACSCalibur Dual Laser Flow Cytometer, FlowJo Analysis Workstation
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Biocenter - Genomics Service Unit
Key equipments
96-well thermocyclers, Typhoon, Odyssey, Biorad 96-well real-time thermocyclers, Agilent Bioanalyzer, Electronic multi-channel pipettes, ABI 3730 capillary sequencer,
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Biocenter - Mass spectrometry
Key equipments
Metabolomics: GC-MS (with two Pegasus HT GC-TOF-MS by Leco), timsTOF (trapped ion mobility separation quadrupole time of flight); Proteomics: Ultra-High Resolution Qq-Time-Of-Flight impact II (Bruker), LTQ Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer (Thermo)
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Gene Center Cryo-EM core facility
Key equipments
300 KV transmission electron microscopes Titan Krios and Titan Krios G3, 100 KV transmission electron microscope Morgagni, 120 KV transmission electron microscope Tecnai G2 Spirit, Vitrification Robot Vitrobot Marc IV, Plasma Cleaner and Glow Discharger
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, crystallography
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular imaging
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services I
Key equipments
FEI Helios G3 UC with EDX-Detector, scanning-transmissions-detector and Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services II
Key equipments
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services III
Key equipments
ICP OES (Varian Vista RL)
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services IV
Key equipments
Bruker Avance III-500 (500 MHz, 11.74 T)
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services V
Key equipments
measuring device for melting/boiling point: Büchi M560, Stuart SMP10; refractometer: Krüss Abbe AR4D with thermostat Julabo F12-MC, Krüss Abbe AR4
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services VI
Key equipments
MAT 95 und MAT 90
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services VII
Key equipments
NMR 200, 300, 400, 600 and 800 MHz
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services VIII
Key equipments
NMR 400 MHz (Jeol), 2 x 400MHz (Bruker)
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services IX
Key equipments
D8 Quest, D8 Venture, XCalibur, low temperature
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services X
Key equipments
powder diffractometer
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services XI
Key equipments
FT-IR Perkin Elmer Spectrum BXII/1000 with Smiths ATR, Polarimeter Krüss P8000, UV/VIS Varian Cary 50 with thermostat F33-EH
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services XII
Key equipments
IR (with Glovebox), RAMAN
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Central Services XIII
Key equipments
Pharmacy NMR: 400 and 500 MHz
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Laboratory for Leukemia Diagnostics
Key equipments
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
LMU Platform for Rare Diseases Sequencing
Key equipments
SOLiD 5500xl Sequencer (Life Technologies), NextSeq 500 Sequencer (Illumina), Covaris S220 (Covaris Inc.), Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies), Qubit 2.0 (Life Technologies)
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Laboratory for Functional Genome Analysis (LAFUGA)
Key equipments
Illumina Sequencing Technology, Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technology, Mantis liquid handling system, nano-HPLC and high resolution FT mass spectrometers, nano-LC-QTRAP mass spectrometers
Expertise areas
genomics, sequencing, spectrometry, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Crystallization Platform
Key equipments
4-Channel Phoenix Robot, Tecan Evo200 Liquid Handling robot,
Expertise areas
structural biology, crystallography
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Core Facility Flow Cytometry (Großhadern) - Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III
Key equipments
MoFlo Astrios EQ, CytoFLEX LX
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Flow Cytometry (Großhadern) - Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, und Transplantationschirurgie
Key equipments
BD LSR Fortessa
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Flow Cytometry (Großhadern) - Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlenstrahlentherapie und Radioonkologie
Key equipments
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Flow Cytometry (Innenstadt) - Abteilung für Klinische Pharmakologie
Key equipments
Becton Dickinson FACS Calibur A 4 C, Becton Dickinson FACS Canto II, Becton Dickinson FACS Fortessa
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Mass Spectrometry (Großhadern) - Institut für Laboratoriumsmedizin
Key equipments
2x tims TOF pro
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Core Facility Mass Spectrometry (Innenstadt) - Kinderklinik und Med IV
Key equipments
1100 Agilent HPLC – Sciex API2000, 1260 Agilent HPLC – Sciex QTRAP 4000, 1290 Agilent UHPLC – Sciex QTRAP 6500+, 1290 Agilent UHPLC – Sciex QTRAP 6500+ mit SelexION, 7890A Agilent GC-FID, 3800 DANI GC-FID
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, proteomics, metabolomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Intravital Imaging Core Facility (IPEK)
Key equipments
TPLSM system (Leica SP5 MP), dual channel fluorescence intravital microscopy (IVM), Two-photon laser scanning microscopy
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, cardiovascular sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging
Animal Facility
Key equipments
MicroCT, MicroUltrasound, X-Ray, ColoView, Ivis Lumina, Inverted microspcope and microinjection setup, Conditioning operant chamber
Expertise areas
animal models, oncology, infection, neurology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; In vivo imaging
Advanced Light Microscopy
Key equipments
Laser Scanning Confocal microscopes, TCS SP5 & TCS SP8, Leica Microsystems; Spinning disk microscope, Revolution XD, Andor Technologies; Light-sheet microscope, DLSFM, home build; TIRF microscope, Nikon Ti, Nikon; live cell imaging systems, DMI6000, Leica Microsystems
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, cellular biology, oncology, infection
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular Imaging; In vivo imaging; Cytometry / Histology
Key equipments
NextSeq550 Illumina, GeneTitan Affymetrix, S5XL Ion Torrent
Expertise areas
genomics, oncology, Infection, neurology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Proteomics Scientific Platform
Key equipments
nanoUHPLC (Ultimate 3000), MS Q-Exactive (Thermo Scientific)
Expertise areas
proteomics, oncology, infection, neurology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
BioSciences Screening
Key equipments
OperaPhenixPlus (Perkin-Elmer), INCELL Analyzer (GE Healthcare), JANUS Liquid Handler (Perkin-Elmer)
Expertise areas
screening, oncology, infection, neurology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Cellular Imaging
Smart Grids and Electrical Vehicles Laboratory (SGEVL)
Key equipments
Design and modelling control systems, algorithms and electronics, prototyping general and power electronics and light-duty mechanics, and conduct performance and operation tests with electric equipment and integrated/system tests
Expertise areas
low-carbon energies, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Modular Platform for Research, Test and Validation of Technologies supporting a Sustainable Blue Economy (TEC4Sea)
Key equipments
Test tanks; anechoic camera; acoustic submarine signal processing equipment; optical and image sensors; maritime wireless networks testbed; robotic platforms capable of supporting different payloads, including buoys and aerial, surface, and underwater vehicles; 19m ship for scientific research.
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory – Portugal (EMSO-PT)
Key equipments
EMSO Generic Instrument Module for integration and use in a Turtle underwater relocatable node; network of underwater gliders for collection of oceanographic data.
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
iiLab - Industry and Innovation Lab
Key equipments
Cargo transporter for internal logistics, freight transport outdoor, autonomous forklift, collaborative and adaptive manipulators, collaborative robotic line for packaging
Expertise areas
informatics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory
Key equipments
Two test tanks, large set of robotics platforms (underwater, surface, aerial, and terrestrial), large size industrial 3D printer, etc.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
INESC TEC Institutional & Research Data Repository
Key equipments
DSpace platform, CKAN platform
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (STIC)
Typologies (up to three)
Dental Clinical Research Center
Key equipments
Multiple dental care units, Cone beam computed tomograph, Orthopantomograph, CAD/CAM dental system,
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, dental medicine
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
BoneLab (Biocompatibility and cytocompatibility / Genotoxicity assessment / Hemocompatibility assessment / Antibacterial activity assessment)
Key equipments
Cell culture facilities, optic microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, live cell imaging, gene and protein expression assays; Bacterial culture facilities, fungal culture facilities, optic microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, gene and protein expression assays
Expertise areas
cell culture, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Laboratory for Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
Key equipments
High resolution (Schottky) Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope with X-Ray Microanalysis and Backscattered Electron Diffraction Pattern; High resolution Scanning Electron Microscope with X-Ray Microanalysis and CryoSEM experimental facilities
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; Microscopy
Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry
Key equipments
High resolution Mass Spectrometer attached to a Liquid Chromatography system (LC/MS/DAD) with Electrospray (ESI) ion source, Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Spectrometry
Laboratory for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Key equipments
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Spectrometry
Laboratory for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Key equipments
Digital Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Spectrometry
Ultrafast laser spectroscopy for biomedicine
Key equipments
Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (RS) with highly increased acquisition speeds compatible with present clinical practices, Broad spectrum and high-peak power few-cycle (7 fs) lasers for real-time and multi-labeled fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy measurements
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Spectroscopy
Population Biobank
Key equipments
freezer cabinets
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Bioinformatics
Cohorts (EPIteen, Generation XXI, Very Preterm babies, Men Who Have Sex With Men)
Key equipments
data base
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Bioinformatics
Laboratory of Bromatology and Hydrology
Key equipments
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Food processes
Laboratory of Applied Chemistry
Key equipments
UPLC/MS-MS, microplate readers, electrochemical impedance spectroscope, Langmuir troughs coupled to IRRAS and BAM, cell culture facilities, 3D-printer
Expertise areas
spectrometry, chemistry, electrochemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Laboratory of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Key equipments
HPLC-DAD, UPLC UV/VIS/FLD with fraction colector, UV/Vis Spectrophotometer with a dual cell Peltier Thermostattable, Microwave Synthesis Labstation, FTIR (KBr pellets), Multi-Mode Microplate Reader - Biotek - Synergy HT, HPLC Column Packing System
Expertise areas
chemistry, spectrometry, drug development, pharmacology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Chemistry / Screening; Others
Laboratory of Pharmacognosy
Key equipments
HPLC-DAD, HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn, UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS, Multi-mode Elisa plate reader, Fluorometer, Carbon dioxide incubators, Confocal microscope, Inverted microscopes, Vertical laminar airflow Cabinets, Thermal cycler
Expertise areas
natural products, chemistry, inflammation, drug development, neurodegenerative diseases, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Cellular Imaging; Others
Laboratory of Biochemistry
Key equipments
UPLC/MS-MS; cell culture facilities, PCR
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Cellular Imaging
Laboratory of Microbiology
Key equipments
PCR and real-time PCR, Culture rooms, Culture rooms P1 and P2, Flow cytometers, Plate spectrophotometer, FTIR, PFGE
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Biobanks / Biological Resources; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Genomics / Post genomics
Laboratory of Toxicology
Key equipments
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology; Genomics / Post genomics; Cellular Imaging
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology
Key equipments
HPLC-DAD, dissolution apparatus
Expertise areas
pharmacology, nanosciences, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Others
Laboratory of Pharmacology
Key equipments
Expertise areas
pharmacology, drug development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Cellular Imaging
Biomechanics Lab (Human Movement Analysis, Force Assessment, Muscle Activity and Pain, Training Evaluation and Assessment)
Key equipments
Land-based motion capture system (12 Oqus cameras, Qualisys, Sweden), Water-based motion capture system (6 Oqus cameras, Qualisys, Sweden); 5 Bertec force plataforms (Bertec Inc, USA); 1 Kistler force platform (Kistler, Switzerland); 1 treadmill instrumented with force platforms (AMTI, USA); Stabilometry system (Biodex Balance System, Biodex, USA); Delsys Trigno EMG (Delsys, USA); pressure insoles (Pedar-X, Novel, Germany); pressure insoles (Tekscan, USA); pressure plate (emed, Novel, Germany), pressure walkway (Tekscan, USA); 5 Bertec force plataforms (Bertec Inc, USA); 1 Kistler force platform (Kistler, Switzerland); 2 waterproof force platforms (AMTI, USA); 1 treadmill instrumented with force platforms (AMTI, USA); Stabilometry system (Biodex Balance System, Biodex, USA); Delsys Trigno EMG (Delsys, USA); instrumented starting block with 7 force platforms (self production); several uni-axial load cells (no brand); Delsys Trigno EMG System (Delsys, USA); Delsys Bagnoli dEMG (Delsys, USA); Delsys Galileo dEMG (Delsys, USA); isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex, USA); 2 electrostimulators (Digitimer, USA); 8-channel land/water EMG system (self produced);
Expertise areas
biomechanics, sports
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genealogy data base
Key equipments
Computer and internet access
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Social Sciences and Humanities; Demography / Economics / Epidemiology
Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology
Key equipments
High-density (128-channel) and high impedance EEG/ERP system from EGI - Electrical Geodesics, Inc.
Expertise areas
neurosciences, cognitive neurosciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Peptide and Peptide-Nucleic Acids Synthesis Facility (POP-UP)
Key equipments
24-channel multiplex synthesizer "Symphony X", from Protein Technologies Inc., with the option of infrared-assisted synthesis. Microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis instrument "Liberty 1", from CEM; Analytical HPLC-DAD system Merck-Hitachi LaChrom Elite; Preparative HPLC system Merck-Hitachi LaPrep Sigma; LC/MS system Finnigan Surveyor LCQ DECA XP MAX, from Thermo Electron Corporation; Amino acid analysis system using the Waters AccQ-Tag® method
Expertise areas
spectrometry, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
FCUP | DQB - Lab&Services
Key equipments
AAS, ET AAS, FTIR, NIR, Benchtop NMR, Fluorimeter, DLS , Refractometer, HPLC, UHPLC, DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter), STA (TGA-DTA, Thermogravimetry)
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
BODYCOMPNUT - DXA Body Composition, Nutrition & Health
Key equipments
DXA, Hologic Horizon WI Bone Densitometer, Hologic
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
FERMFOODS - Fermented Foods Lab
Key equipments
HPLC Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity II, MicroPlate Reader Multiskan™ FC with incubator, Incubating orbital shaker (Professional 3500), Top loading VWR® VAPOUR-Line autoclaves
Expertise areas
biochemistry, food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Food Processes
Hemodynamics Lab
Key equipments
Workstation full equipped with CFD and FSI software and licenses; Laser PIV (Litron Lasers, LDY-300PIV); High-speed CMOS camera (Photron FASTCAM Mini UX100); Tensiometer (Biolin, Sigma 701); High-speed PIV camera (Dantec, Speedsense M); Extensional rheometer (Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ CaBER™); Rotational rheometer (Diener, Zepto B); Microscopes (Leica DMIL LED), (Leica DMI 5000 M), (Olympus IX83).
Expertise areas
Infection, cardiovascular sciences, physicochemical analysis
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Life Sciences (SDV); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Bioinformatics
Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering / Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (Cyclic Adsorption Processes, Process Intensification, Environmental Catalysis, Catalysis & Photocatalysis, Nanostructured Carbon Materials, Processes for Pollution Control, Waste Reuse, Recycling & Valorization, Mixing in Chemical Reactors, Nano-Micro Functionalized Materials, Agro-Food-Bio Processes and Valorization)
Key equipments
Rubotherm microbalance, Batch Reactor, GC, HPLC, SC-HPLC, fixed-bed units, PSA units, ESA unit, gas phase SMB, liquid phase SMB, parametric pumping unit, Pervaporation Membrane unit, Expanded-Bed unit, VLE; Batch reactor, Fixed-bed reactor, Pressure swing adsorption reactor, Simulating moving bed reactor, pervaporation membrane unit; HPLC; Computerized microactivity catalytic reactors; Ozone generator; Ozone analyser; Bromate analysis LC; LC-MS; Gas chromatograph; SolarNETmix Labscale reactor; Bench scale LED photoreactors; Bench scale reactors and photoreactors for AOTs; Bench-scale membrane and photo-assisted systems; Oscillatory flow reactor; Solarbox; LC-MS/MS; HPLC–DAD; TOC analyser; Ion Chromatography; Fluorimeter; Gas chromatograph; Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator; Atomic absorption spectroscopy; Bench scale Reactor autoclave system; Reactor autoclave; Computerized microactivity catalytic reactors; Photoelectrochemical station; Solar simulator; Bench scale LED photoreactors; Solar Box ; Spectroradiometer; Gas chromatograph; Micro-GC; HPLC; Surface area & pore size analyzer; Catalyst Characterization (TPD/TPR); TG/DSC; CHNS Elemental Analyzer; O Elemental Analyser, rapid OXY cube analyser; Tubular furnace; Microwave Synthesis Reactor; Microwave Furnace; Vacuum oven; Muffle with automatic gas supply; Dip-Coater; Spin-Coater; Absolute digimatic indicator; Ultrasonic Processor; Ball-miller; Autoclaves; Temperature programmed desorption coupled to a MS detector; Surface area & pore size analyzer; FTIR (DRIFT and ATR) Spectrophotometer; Thermogravimetric analyzer and differential scanning calorimeter; UV-Vis Spectrophotometer; Elemental analyser; Spectroradiometer; Raman Spectrophotometer; Optical tensiometer for contact angle measurements; Automated gas adsorption analyzer (Autosorb i Q2); Ion chromatography; HPLC-DAD; TOC analyzer; Suntest simulator; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Flame; Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer; Respirometer; Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer; GC-FID/uTCD; Ion chromatography; HPLC-DAD; TOC analyzer; Suntest simulator; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Flame; Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GF-AAS); Respirometer; Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer; NETmix and T-jets reactor set-ups; ANSYS multiphysics; Benchtop SEM; NETmix reactor set-ups; Reactor IKA 2L; Foulard; Thermo Fixation Oven; Spray-Dryer; Centrifuge; UV-Vis Spectrophotometer; Tabletop centrifuge; Shaker water bath; Batch high-temperature/pressure reactor; GC-MS triple quadrupole; Supercritical fluid extraction; Olfactometer; Headspace chromatography; Diffusion tube; Fluorometer; HPLC; Densimeter Antoon Paar; Supercritical gas cromatography; Tensiometer; DSC, Osmometer
Expertise areas
environmental sciences, chemistry, bioproduction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Materials and nano-materials
Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment Biotechnology and Energy (Energy LAB, Adsorption and Membrane Gas Separation LAB, Graphene-based biomaterials LAB, Biofilm Eng LAB, FISH LAB, Nanotechnologies LAB, Cristallization LAB, AIR Quality and Health LAB, TRACES LAB, Multifunctional reactors Lab)
Key equipments
Atomic layer deposition; Sputtering (up to 30 cm2); Glass-laser sealing technology; Inkjet printer; Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis; IPCE; Benchtop SEM; 10 Electrochemical workstations; test bench for all the electrochemical processes; BET; Microbalance (200 bar and 200 ºC); bench test for permeability, diffusivity, and adsorption isotherms determination; laboratory PSA; test bench for carbon molecular sieves membranes; Pilot-scale nanographene production setup, highpower ultrasound disperser; Biofilm reactors (e.g. Flow cells); Epifluorescence microscopy; Optical coherence tomography; Flow cytometry; Epifluorescence microscopy; Flow cytometry; Zetasizer ZS, Malvern; FTIR, Bruker; Fluorescence microscope, Nikon Inverted Microscope Eclipse Ti-S; Oscillatory Flow Plate Unit (OFRTECH, Portugal); Oscillatory Flow Tube Unit (OFRTECH, Portugal); Mini Spray-dryer BÜCHI B-290, Inert Loop B-295 from BÜCHI, Electrospinning and Electrospraying kit - Spraybase®; Nikon SMZ1500 Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope with a Nikon DS-2M digital camera, image analysis software; Particle monitors (TSI, EDC, SKC), Indoor Air Portable Monitor (EDC/SKC), Gases monitors (Graywolf, Hazscanner), Radon Monitor (Radim), several low-cost sensors (Air visual, RadonEye, Wavemini); GC-MS triple quadrupole (EVOQ SCION SQ 436-GC, Bruker); GC-MS ion-trap (240 MS, VARIAN); Freezer UltraLow, Eppendorf (Cryocube F570, Germany); ICP-OES (iCAP 7400 ICP-OES; Fisher Sicentific); Magnetic Suspension Balance (CI Precision Microbalance); GC (Agilent); HPLC; Online Gas Analysers (CO2, CO, CH4, H2, etc.; Servomex); Set-ups for testing membrane reactors and hybrid adsorption-reaction processes.
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, nanosciences, environmental sciences, chemistry, bioproduction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Life Sciences (SDV); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Materials and nano-materials
HEAL_ICT-ML Machine Learning for Clinical Diagnosis / HEAL_ICT-OCNL OptIcal control and non linear control for clinical decision support systems
Key equipments
Computational Infra-structure
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (STIC)
Typologies (up to three)
Mutant and Transgenic Animal Unit (UAMT)
Key equipments
automated micromanipulation system, AM6000, Leica
Expertise areas
animal models, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
Animal resource core (Animal Facility Unit)
Key equipments
Anestesic system: Labanimal active scavenging, VETEQUIP USA, LAAS 901820; Class 2 biosafety cabinet, TECNIPLAST, BS48; Rack IVC Ecoflo, ALLENTOWN, PNCXJU63MEZ-R; Rack IVC ATU, ALLENTOWN, ATU-T2LM-12; Dump chamber, Tecniplast, DS36; Biosafety Changing Station Phanton, ALLENTOWN, Phanton; Biosafety Changing Station ATS, ALLENTOWN, ATS; Descontaminator, JONHSON&JONHSON, Glossair 400; Horizontal sterilizer, AJCOSTA, 5050100-L-20-JT; Horizontal sterilizer, PROHS, 250LTR - 2PB;
Expertise areas
animal models, preclinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
UnIC Cardiovascular Centre (Cardiac surgery databases, Heart Failure databases, Cardiobank, Small muscle tissue (cardiac and skeletal) function, ex-vivo), Biomimetic adult myocardium culture, ex-vivo, Molecular Biology applied to Cardiovascular Sciences; Histology applied to Cardiovascular Sciences)
Key equipments
Isolated Muscle System, 1500A, Aurora Scientific Inc.; Vibratome, 7000smz-2, Campden Instruments Ltd.; Biomimetic myocardium culture system, MyoDish System, InVitroSys GmgH; Vibratome, 7000smz-2, Campden Instruments Ltd.; CO2 Incubator, HERACELL 150i, ThermoScientific; Laminar Airflow Cabinet Class II, MSC-Advantage 1.2, ThermoScientific; ChemiDoc Imaging System (Biorad); Thermocycler (Biorad); PikoReal 96 Real time PCR System (Thermo Scientific); Infrared Imaging System Odissey (LiCor); Minilys Homogenizer (Bertin); Trans-Blot Turbo (Biorad); HistoCore Pearl Tissue Processor, HistoCore Arcadia Embedding System, Leica RM2125 RTS Microtome
Expertise areas
cardiovascular sciences, molecular biology, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Biobanks / Biological Resources; Genomics / Post genomics
Global Congestive Heart Failure Registry
Key equipments
no equipment (database)
Expertise areas
cardiovascular sciences, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Heart failure telemedicine technologies
Key equipments
weight scale, dynamometer, computers
Expertise areas
cardiovascular sciences, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Inflammatory Diseases registry and software
Key equipments
no equipment (database)
Expertise areas
inflammation, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Severe Asthma registry and technology assessment
Key equipments
no equipment (database and software)
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Obstetric registry and software
Key equipments
no equipment (database and software)
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Primary health care data quality indicators
Key equipments
no equipment (database)
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Heart intervention technology data base
Key equipments
no equipment (database)
Expertise areas
cardiovascular sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Key equipments
MVN-LINK, Xsens technologies B.V.; Quote No.ABT-01657-0-AnyBody Modeling System™, Abaqus, mimics, EEG and ECG systems, uniaxial/ biaxial and compression equipment, 3D printting; Equivital eq02+ LifeMonitor (Equivital EQ02, Hidalgo, UK); FARO laser scanner
Expertise areas
biomechanics, 3D-printing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Typologies (up to three)
10 fs Transient Absorption Lab @ Chemical Physics
Key equipments
Laser equipment
Expertise areas
laser, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
3D Laboratory
Key equipments
EOS Formiga P110, Stratasys Prodigy Fused Deposition Modelling printer, FormLabs SLA 3D Printer, 3D Systems V-Flash SLA machine, A Z-corp Spectrum 510, A Full Spectrum 12""x24"" Laser Cutter
Expertise areas
3D-printing, designing and prototyping (FabLabs)
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
3D Laboratory Biology
Key equipments
Artec 3D Spider, Artec 3D Leo, GOM ATOS, Custom photogrammetry platforms
Expertise areas
3D-printing, designing and prototyping (FabLabs)
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
3H and 14C Isotopic Labeling Laboratory
Key equipments
Conviron plant growth chamber, with possibilities to simulate permafrost conditions, T, RH, light control (air Temp 4 to 40 degC, permafrost -10 to 25 degC, RH 30 to 99 %, PAR 3 discrete levels, Sample Oxidizer, Model 307 - PerkinElmer, Scintillation counter, Tri Carb 2800 TR – PerkinElmer, centrifuge, fume cabinet, drying oven, lift tables, UAV light, compressed air
Expertise areas
isotopic labeling
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation; Physicochemical analysis
4D Imaging Lab
Key equipments
Zeiss Xradia Versa XRM520 3D X-ray microscope with Diffraction Contrast Tomography (DCT) add-on & RXSolutions EasyTom150 x-ray tomograph + software and hardware for image visualisation and analysis
Expertise areas
CT imaging, material sciences, mechanics, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Structure of matter
Acoustofluidics Lab
Key equipments
State of the art lab for acoustophoresis and acoustic trapping. Particle and cell handling as well as equipment to go from sample prep to analysis.
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, nanosciences, physics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
ACTRIS Sweden (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure)
Key equipments
Aerosol size distributions 3 nm - 850 nm, aerosol multi-wavelength light scattering, aerosol multi-wavelength light light absorption, Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor, OC/EC Sampler and Analyzer, Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Adeno-Associated Vector (AAV) Platform
Key equipments
Technical platform includes a general molecular laboratory and a class2 cellular laboratory at A11 BMC Lund.
Expertise areas
genetics, genomics, viral vectoring
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Analyses of Dispersions and Emulsions
Key equipments
Static light scattering (Malvern), Multiple light scattering for sedimentation and particle size analyze Turbiscan, Dynamic image analyses QICPIC (Sympatec), Light microscopy, Optical density
Expertise areas
food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Analytical Lab
Key equipments
Dionex ICS-2500 (HPLC) + Applied Bioscience 2000 Q-Trap (MS), LMWOC’s: Organic acids, Amino acids, Carbohydrates, Shimadzu QP2010 plus + PerkinElmer TurboMatrix 650 ATD (automatic thermal desorber), (Isoprene, Monoterpines, lipid biomarkers), Shimadzu GC-2014 FID (CH4 concentration)
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Anterior Chamber of the Eye (ACE) Imaging Platform
Key equipments
Custom-build instruments for transplantation, microscope
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Archaeological and Historical Collections at the Historical Museum at Lund University
Key equipments
Archives for archaeological documentation, reports and photographs, a small archaeological library, internal database MuseumPlus.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Bagadilico Behavioral Platform
Key equipments
Stereotaxic surgery, in vivo monitoring of transmitter release, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging
Expertise areas
MRI, in vivo imaging, PET imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Animal facility and functional exploration
Balder Beamline - Hard X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Key equipments
Two 7-element fluorescence detectors. XES spectrometer with 3 crystal sets. LHe close-cycle cryostat. Gas handling and mixing system with a vaporizer and MassSpec. Several in-situ cells. Digital data of absorption and emission spectra.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
BioMAX Beamline - Macromolecular Crystallography
Key equipments
Diffractometer, MD3, Arinax; X-ray area detector, Eiger 16M, Dectris; Robotic sample changer, Isara, Irelec; Humidity controller, HC-lab, Arinax
Expertise areas
crystallography, large instruments
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Biophysics Labs (at the division of solid state physics (FTF))
Key equipments
Optics and fluidics labs (Q129 and Q112): Advanced epifluorescence microscopes (Nikon TE2000) with high sensitivity cameras (Andor iXon, Hamamatsu) and one ultrafast camera (Motionblitz). Flow control using pressure controllers from Fluigent. Standard electronics (signal generators, HV amplifiers, oscilloscopes). * Soft lithography (PDMS) lab (Q126): Laminar flow benches, spinner for silicone rubber (Laurell Technologies), oxygen plasma, ovens, icemachine, incubators * Super resolution microscopy (STED) lab (Q115): Two STED instruments from Abberior Instruments GmbH, equipped with FLIM and polarization. Biosafety Level Two (BSL2) Lab (Q262): Incubators of various types, optical microscope with camera and fluorescence capability, biosafety work bench (laminar flow hood for bio) * Cell Culture Lab (Q125): Incubators of various types, optical microscope. * Chemistry Lab (Q226): Standard biochemistry, DNA analysis, electrophoresis, spectrometer, centrifuges, asbestos working station, -80C freezer (located in Q100 lab corridor) * Optical Tweezers Lab (Q225): Homebuilt optical tweezers setup based on 1064nm laser. Various other homebuilt fluorescence systems.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Life Sciences (SDV); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Animal facility and functional exploration
Bloch Beamline - Spin and Angular Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Key equipments
Energy tunable soft x-ray beamline 10- 1000eV, UHV based sample environment, hemispherical photo electron analyzer with high angle and energy resolution, 2nd end station hemispherical photo electron analyzer with additional 3D spin detection, scanning tunneling microscope, 6 axis LHe sample manipulators
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Bone Densitometer
Key equipments
iDXA machine consists of a scanner arm, a device with a X-ray source and an examination table
Expertise areas
physiology, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Botanical Garden
Key equipments
Living collection of plants, exhibition areas, biological material
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, plant sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation; Biobanks / Biological Resources
CALIFA Detector Laboratory
Key equipments
DAQ systems for readout of sampling ADCs for pulseshape analysis (FEBEX). XY-table for light output linearity measurements. Dark box for scintillator crystal APD readout. Temperature driving peltier element. Desiccator storage. Oven for optical coupling curing.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Key equipments
Differential Scanning Microcalorimeter (MicroCal), temp range -10C to 130C, isothermal Titration Microcalorimeter (MicroCal), temp range 2C to 80C
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, molecular biology
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Cellomics High Content Screening/Analysis
Key equipments
Cellomics ArrayScan VTI HCS Reader/HCS Studio software, Automated microscope for acquisition of fluorescence and brightfield images, Automated image analysis software, Microtitre plate or slide format
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, screening, toxicology, neurosciences, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Preclinical / clinical exploration; Cellular imaging
Center for Translational Genomics
Key equipments
NovaSeq 6000, NextSeq 2000, MiSeq, GridION, 10X chromium, iCell8cx
Expertise areas
genomics, bioinformatics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / post genomics; Bioinformatics
Center for Translational Proteomics
Key equipments
Orbitrap Fusion (Thermo)
Expertise areas
proteomics, spectrometry, biochemistry, sequencing, transcriptomics, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Characterization of Semisolid Materials
Key equipments
Rheometers, Differential scanning calorimetry, Texture analyser, collaboration with Perten instrument and through them additional instruments might be availble.
Expertise areas
food sciences, material sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Materials and nano-materials
Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (spectropolarimeter)
Key equipments
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Collection of Coins and Medals at the Historical Museum
Key equipments
50 000 coins and medals available for international and national research.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Collections at the Biological Museum
Key equipments
High resolution photography, scanning electron microscopy, whole genome sequencing
Expertise areas
genomics, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Computing and Storage Facility for Subatomic Physics
Key equipments
Computing nodes and storage servers
Expertise areas
physics, informatics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Diffraction; Ion-matter interaction
Confocal Microscopy
Key equipments
Five true spectral confocal channels simultaneously with a prism spectrometer for high transmittance and tunability. HeNe laser (543 and 633 nm), an Argon laser (458, 476, 488 and 514 nm) and an IR (800 to 1100 nm). A fast resonant scanner (50 frames/sec at 512 x 256 pixels) and a non-resonant scanner (1400 lines/sec), piezo-stage for fast z-scanning (50 frames/sec at 256 x 128 pixels). SMD Detection package FCS.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Conventional Lasers
Key equipments
Several laser systems consisting of pulsed Nd:YAG lasers, Excimer lasers, Alexandrite lasers, often in combination with tunable dye/OPO systems, physical access and virtual access
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Core Facilities at Stem Therapy
Key equipments
Bioinformatics, Electrophysiology, ES/iPS & CRISPR, FACS, Imaging, Single-cell Genomics, FacilityVector Core Facility & Genetic Screening
Expertise areas
stem cell, bioinformatics, genetics, screening, neurosciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging; Bioinformatics
Correlative Imaging and Processing Analysis
Key equipments
Open source/free programs such as ImageJ/Fiji, Scipion, Relion and CellProfiler. Commercial programs such as MATLAB and through collaborations Arivis Vision 4D and Imaris Neuroscience.
Expertise areas
informatics, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging; Bioinformatics
CoSAXS Beamline - Multipurpose Small Angle X-ray Scattering
Key equipments
time resolved SAXS, SAXS/WAXS, protein solution SAXS, microfocusing SAXS, anomalous X-ray scattering and XPCS, exceptional pool of sample environments and detector systems, Solution and Bio-SAXS, with pipetting autoloader from 96 well plates, flow-through quartz capillary, in-line HPLC, Multiple capillary, multiple position solid sample holders, with thermostatic water bath; Linkam heating stage with liquid nitrogen cooling pump
Expertise areas
matter exploration, matter-light interaction, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscope with Tomography, JEM-2200FS
Key equipments
Three transmission electron microscopes and one scanning electron microscope. Microscope-200kV TEM equipped with a field emission gun, cryo-holders (Fischione), single-tilt holder (RT, tomography) and double-tilt holder.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer
Key equipments
CytoFLEX flow cytometer
Expertise areas
infection, cytometry, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
DanMAX Beamline – a Danish X-ray Materials Science Beamline
Key equipments
X-ray powder diffractometer, Pilatus CdTe 2M area detector, synchrotron radiation source
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanomaterials, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Energetics and Processes (MEP); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Database of Swedish Innovations
Key equipments
FileMaker Pro relational database, spreadsheets
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Department of Objects Conservation at the Historical Museum at Lund University
Key equipments
Three vacuum freeze dryers (Northstar and Labconco), of which the largest has a chamber that measures 75 cm/diam x 150 cm deep, PIVAB Dent Extend Mobile.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
DNA Sequencing Facility at the Department of Biology
Key equipments
DNA (NGS) Sequenceing, MiSeq Sequencer, Illumina; DNA (Sanger) Sequencer, 3500 Genetic Analyzer, Applied BioSystems, DNA/RNA Analysis. 2100 BioAnalyzer, Agilent; DNA Fragmentation, Focused-Ultra Sonicator M220, Covaris; DNA Size Selection, BluePippin, Sage Science; Laboratory Automation, NGS MicroLab Star, Hamilton
Expertise areas
bioinformatics, genetics, genomics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Biobanks / Biological Resources
Dynamic Light Scattering Plate Reader
Key equipments
Expertise areas
matter exploration, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Diffraction
Economic History Data
Key equipments
Digital and physical collections, databases
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Electronics Lab
Key equipments
Electronics lab instrumentation; magnetometers, radio/optical spectrum analyzers, data loggers, oscilloscopes, protocol analyzers and different signal sources. We have got electronics simulators, modern CAD software and software development tools for several microcontroller platforms. The lab has soldering equipment, a large array of precision tools, and a basic mechanical workshop to be able to manufacture prototypes and service equipment. In our lab we have prototyping kits for several different microcontroller families
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Energy Laboratory
Key equipments
2+2 rooms with special feature; necessary equipment for thermal measurements etc. is available.
Expertise areas
material sciences, matter exploration, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Epihealth Cohort Study
Key equipments
Database of 25,104 individuals from Uppsala and Malmö in the age groups 45-75 years and was collected during 2010-2016. Data include lung function (spirometry), inch ECG, blood pressure, body composition, cognitive test (Trial-Making-Test), fasting blood glucose and blood fats. A questionnaire that includes sociodemographic lifestyle factors, previous illnesses.
Expertise areas
biobanking, cohort, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Bioinformatics
Epilepsy Center
Key equipments
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, neurosciences, therapeutic innovation, innovative therapies
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Facility for In vitro Analysis of Respiration in Soil and Water
Key equipments
Temperature chamber ‘PU3J’ (408 liter) from ESPEC, Japan, Flexible oxygen sensing system, ‘Oxy-10’ from PreSen, Germany, Oxygen and/or pH sensing ‘SensorDish Reader’ system (SDR) from PreSens Germany.
Expertise areas
ecosystem functioning
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Facility for TEM and Site-specific Sample Preparation from Hard Materials
Key equipments
Diamond wire saw Well 4240, Gatan PECS (Model 682), Gatan PIPS II (Model 695), Struers TenuPol-5, many standard and in-house built accessories including goniometers, SEM FEI Quanta MKII with EDAX EBSD+EDS systems
Expertise areas
material sciences, designing and prototyping (FabLabs)
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Material of biological interest
FemtoMAX Beamline – Beamline for Structural Dynamics
Key equipments
Energy tunable hard x-ray beamline 2-20 keV, Synchroniized femtosecond laser, In-air and in-vacuum sample environments for X-ray diffraction and X-ray spectroscopy, Area detectors
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, laser, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Femtosecond Laser System
Key equipments
Fs-laser system, optics, CCD cameras, spectrometers, MCP-PMT, and an ultrafast streak camera
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS/EBSD-analysis
Key equipments
InstrumentModel: Tescan Mira3Resolution: 1.0 nm, at 30kV and high vacuum modeElectron source: High brightness Schottky emitterAcceleration voltage: 50V to 30kVVacuum: high vacuum <9 × 10-3 Pa, low vacuum 7 to 500 Pa.Chamber: Internal diameter: 340 mm (width) × 315 mm (depth)Beam Deceleration Technology (BDT) for resolution at low beam voltagesDecontaminator/plasma cleaner; DetectorsStandard ET SE detectorIn-beam (in-lens) back scatter detectorIn-beam (in-lens) secondary electron detectorRetractable back scatter detectorLow vacuum (up to 500 Pa) secondary electron detectorPanchromatic motorized retractable CL detector (spectral range of 185 – 850 nm)Energy dispersive spectrometer: X-MaxN 80 from Oxford Instruments (124 eV, 80mm2)Electron backscatter diffraction spectrometer: NordlysNano from Oxford InstrumentsAnalytical software: Automated AZtecEnergy
Expertise areas
microscopy, material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Field Flow Fractionation Analysis
Key equipments
Two complete AF4 setups with a variety of separation channels. Multiple detection options are also available such as multiangle light scattering (MALS), differential refractive index (dRI), UV and fluorescence.
Expertise areas
food sciences, spectroscopy, matter exploration, matter-light interaction
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
FinEstBeAMS Beamline - Finnish-Estonian Beamline for Atmospheric and Materials Science
Key equipments
Electron spectrometers Scienta R4000 and SPECS Phoibos 150; fluorescence spectrometer Andor Shamrock 330i
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, material sciences, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Physicochemical analysis; Spectroscopy
FlexPES Beamline - Soft X-ray Beamline for Photoemission and X-ray Absorption in Solids and Low Density Matter
Key equipments
Hemispherical photoelectron analyzer, home-built partial electron yield MCP detector for XAS, energy-dispersive fluorescent yield detector for XAS, one analysis chamber, two sample preparation chambers, one fast entry and storage chamber, facilities for sample transfer, manipulation, heating (up to 1200 C), cooling (down to 20 K), surface cleaning and characterization by low-energy electron diffraction. Mobile ICE (“Ions in Coincidence with Electrons”) setup, reaction microscope (from RoentDek), time-of-flight detectors for ions and electrons, a magnetic-bottle spectrometer for electrons (self-built), and a sample delivery system.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Flow Cytometry Core Facility at LUDC
Key equipments
BD Aria Fusion (cell sorter equipped with 4 lasers), CytoFlex (flow cytometer equipped with 3 lasers), Gallios (flow cytometer equipped with 3 lasers), Luminex (multiplex analyser), dongle for FlowJo (analysis program)
Expertise areas
cytometry, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Flow Cytometry Facility @ Immunology Section
Key equipments
BD LSR II 15 fluorescent parameter analysis instrument, BD LSR II 12 fluorescent parameter analysis instrument, BD FACS Aria II 12 fluorescent parameter sorting instrument.
Expertise areas
cytometry, immunology, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
ForMAX Beamline - Small- and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering with Tomographic Imaging on Wood-based Materials
Key equipments
Full-field synchrotron microtomography (SRμCT) on microscopic length scales with small-and wide-angle x-ray scattering (SWAXS) on nanoscopic length scales.
Expertise areas
matter exploration, matter-light interaction, physics, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
Gait and Motion Lab
Key equipments
Expertise areas
physiology, motor handicap, locomotion disorders, sports
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Gamma Counter for the Measurement of 210Pb
Key equipments
Ortec germanium detector (Model GEM-FX8530P4-RB), Ultra Low Background Lead Shield, Electrical cooling unit, Multi-channel analyzer, GammaVision software, calibration source
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Gas Turbine Laboratory
Key equipments
Exhaust emission analyzers, Cooling tower, Natural gas connection, Large exhaust system
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Good Aging in Skåne Database
Key equipments
Digital collection
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Bioinformatics
Key equipments
Flooding systems, greenhouse lights, growth chambers.
Expertise areas
plant sciences, ecosystem functioning
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation
Hertz Laboratory
Key equipments
Thermco Oxidation furnace, Heidelberg DWL66+ mask writer, Karl Süss MA4 mask aligner, Brewer 100CB spinner, Edwards auto306 metal evaporator, wet etching equipment, Micro Automation 602M dicing saw, Ambios XP-1 profilometer, microscopy.
Expertise areas
material sciences, biotechnologies, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
High-frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging for Preclinical Small-Animal Cardiovascular Models
Key equipments
Vevo LAZR-X multi-modal imaging platform (FUJIFILM VisualSonics, Toronto, Canada).
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, US imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
High Power THz Set-up @ Chemical Physics
Key equipments
Amplified Ti:Sapphire laser Solstice Ace (Spectra-Physics), 796 nm, 4 kHz repetition rate, pulse duration 60 fs, pulse energy 2 mJ.
Expertise areas
physics, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
High Pressure Fluid Facility
Key equipments
Pressurized liquid extraction system, 10-100 mL (ASE-350 Thermo), Pressurized liquid extraction system, 10-100 mL (ASE-200 Thermo), Supercritical fluid extraction system, 5-10 mL (MV-10 Waters), Supercritical fluid extraction system, 500 mL (Thar Technologies/Waters), Supercritical fluid extraction system, 10 mL (Isco), Subcritical water extraction with continuous flow (homebuilt), High-pressure syringe pumps, up to 120 MPa (Isco), Semi-preparative supercritical fluid chromatography system (Thar technologies/Waters), High-pressure variable volume view cell (homebuilt) ,High-pressure vessel with ultrasonication and windows (homebuilt), Stirred high pressure fluid reactor, 100 mL (Mini React Autoclave Eng.)
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
High Repetition Rate fs-Lab @ Chemical Physics
Key equipments
Laser type: Millennia pump laser & Ti:Sapphire oscillator Output parameters: 80 MHz, laser wavelength is tunable between 750÷1000 nm generates laser pulse of about 80 fs, 19 nJ @ 800 nm, 250-540 nm are also available via second- and third-harmonic generation.
Expertise areas
physics, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM);
Typologies (up to three)
High-resolution Fluorescence Microscopy
Key equipments
Setup based around a Nikon Eclipse TE2000 U microscope, with a Nikon Apo TIRF 60x (NA = 1.49) oil objective for the TIRF studies. Other objectives available are: 10x and 20x air objectives. Excitation light comes from two Cobolt MLD diode lasers operating at 488 nm (maximum 60 mW power) and 638 nm (maximum 140 mW power). The excitation laser power is adjusted with a motorized filter wheel from Thorlabs. Images are collected with a sCMOS camera from Hamamatsu (ORCA-Flash4.0 LT). 2) Setup based around a Nikon Eclipse Ti-E microscope, with a Nikon Apo TIRF 100x (NA = 1.49) oil objective. Excitation light comes from either of four Oxxius diode lasers operating at 405 nm (100 mW power), 488 nm (100 mW power), 561 (100 mW power) and 638 nm (180 mW power). Images are collected with a sCMOS camera from Photometrics (Prime 95B). The setup supports perfect focus imaging and has a motorized stage for automation.
Expertise areas
microscopy, chemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
High-speed Optical Diagnostics
Key equipments
Nd:YAG laser cluster (Thales) capable of up to eight high power (500-1000 mJ/pulse @532 nm) pulses in rapid sequence. *Two framing cameras capable of frame rates up to 100 MHz for sequences consisting of 8 frames. *Burst laser system: Burst duration 10 ms (100-5000 pulses), Rep. Rate 10-500 kHz, pulse energy up to 1200 mJ @ 532 nm, Fully tunable (UV-IR) trough application of OPO *Two high-speed image intensifiers with UV sensitive photo cathodes. *Three high-speed CMOS cameras with up to 20 kfps at 1M pixel resolution and 1 Mfps at reduced resolution.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
HIPPIE Beamline - Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS)
Key equipments
Ambient pressure XPS and XAS experiments at pressures up to 30 mbar and 120 Hz. (Scienta HIPP-3 analyzer), Gas panel for premixing of gas, QMS (Hidden) for gas analysis, PM-IRAS (Bruker Vertex 70), Standard UHV preparation chamber with LEED, sputter gun and sample heater.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Horiba Aqualog - High Speed Combined Fluorescence and Absorbance Analyzer
Key equipments
‘Aqualog-UV-800’ UV/NIR system from Horiba, interfaced with 24-position 10 ml vial autosampler ‘Alias-SP840.400’ from Spark Holland
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
ICOS Carbon Portal
Key equipments
The ICOS Carbon Portal relies on its server, hosted at Lunarc, and storage and cloud services provided by SNIC and EGI in EUDAT CDI (to be transferred into the European Open Source Cloud, EOSC).
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C) Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
ICOS Sweden (Integrated Carbon Observation System)
Key equipments
Ecosystem stations measure fluxes of CO2, CH4, H2O and heat, together with the ecosystem variables needed to understand the processes behind the exchange of energy and greenhouse gases between the ecosystems and the atmosphere. Atmosphere stations continuously measure greenhouse gas concentrations of CO2, CH4, CO and radiocarbon-CO2 in the atmosphere due to regional and global fluxes. Ocean stations consist of a network of ships and fixed stations monitoring the carbon exchange between the surface ocean and the atmosphere, along with other variables such as ocean acidification, surface temperature and salinity. ICOS Sweden is running 10 measurement stations – six ecosystem stations, three atmospheric stations and one marine station. Lund runs four of these stations – the forest sites Hyltemossa and Norunda that has one Ecosystem station and one Atmosphere station each. For the coming funding period, SMHI will join ICOS Sweden with FerryBox measurements on a ship cruising the Baltic Sea.
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, atmospheric sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C) Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Image Facility at Immunology
Key equipments
A laser scanning confocal (Zeiss LSM700), inverted fluorescence microscope with incubator for live cell imaging (Zeiss Axiovert 200) and a more advanced TIRF, Spinning disc, IRM, FLIM and point scanner inverted microscope with 6 laser lines (Zeiss/3I).
Expertise areas
microscopy, immunology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Industrial Membrane Process Research and Development Centre - MemLab
Key equipments
1 - Membrane Unit, LabUnit M10, Alfa Laval 2 - Membrane Unit, LabUnit M20, Alfa Laval 3 - Membrane Unit, PilotUnit Combi M39/3.8 4 - Membrane Unit, Uniflux (cassette). GE HealthCare 5- Membrane Unit, Uniflux (hollow fibre). GE HealthCare. Membrane equipment able to handle feed solution volumes in the range of milliliters to cubic meters. The equipment can handle all kinds of membranes (polymeric as well as ceramic). All conventional module configurations (tubular, flat-sheet, spiral-wound, and hollow fibre) plus shear-enhanced modules (rotating and vibrating) are available. Additionally, key pre-treatment equipment such as drum-filters, screens, centrifuges and filter presses are available.
Expertise areas
bioproduction, food sciences, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Food processes
Infrastructure at Paediatrics
Key equipments
Cellix Multiflowsystem, VEVO MD IMAGING SYSTEM
Expertise areas
US imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Instrumental Chemistry
Key equipments
ICP-MS (Bruker Aurora Elite), ICP-OES (Perkin Elmer Optima 8300), EA-analyser (Elementar Vario Max), TOC/TN-analyser (Shimadzu), TC/IC-analyser, Ion-chromatograph, Metrohm, FIA, Foss, microwave digestion oven (MARS)
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, plant sciences, chemical biology, chemistry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening
Integrated Vibration Spectroscopy - Microcosm Laboratory for Molecular-scale Biogeochemical Research
Key equipments
Two infrared (IR) microspectrometers, a super-resolution optical photothermal IR microspectrometer, a Raman scattering microspectrometer, and a high-performance vacuum IR spectrometer.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Inter Arts Center
Key equipments
Wide variety of audiovisual equipment and facilities such as microphones, PA systems, cameras, lights, video-conference systems as well as technical assistance.
Expertise areas
performing and visual arts
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory
Key equipments
Horiba Mexa 7000 and AVL AMAi60 exhaust emission analyzers.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo Imaging System Spectrum CT 3D
Key equipments
IVIS Spectrum CT, microCT
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, OI, PET imaging, toxicology, inflammation, oncology, neurosciences, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
Key equipments
Expertise areas
physicochemical analysis, molecular biology, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
IVIS In vivo Imaging System
Key equipments
IVIS spectrum imaging unit, anesthesia system and Living Image analytical software.
Expertise areas
in vivo imaging, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
KILU/CAS Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure
Key equipments
High (UHPLC/SFC-QTOF and Orbitrap) and low resolution (UHPLC/SFC-QQQ) mass spectrometers.
Expertise areas
spectrometry, earth sciences, physicochemical analysis, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Spectrometry
Key equipments
Helium liquefier, recovery system for helium gas connected to the liquefier, nitrogen liquefier
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Laboratories at School of Civil Engineering (National Sustainable Construction Laboratory & LTH Fire Laboratory)
Key equipments
NASCOL; Mechanical testing equipment: servo-hydraulic machinery, load and displacement measurements; Soil parameters characterization equipment: plastic and liquid limit, water content, granulometry etc; soil samples preparation tools, compactor, and extractor; Triaxial test apparatus; Isothermal calorimetry lab; Dynamic Vapor Sorption technique (DVS) – hygroscopic sorption 0-95% RHPressure Plate/Pressure Membrane – overhygroscopic sorption 93-100% RH and more. LTH Fire Laboratory: a one third room test for reduced scale room fire tests (1/3 of ISO 9705), a flame spread apparatus (ISO5658), a cone calorimeter (ISO5660) to test heat release of material and product for building and transport applications and more.
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, physicochemical analysis, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Laboratoriet för Digital Arkeologi DARK Lab
Key equipments
UAS, laser scanners, photografic equipment for photogrammetry, workstations customized for 3D visualization
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Laboratory of Steady-state Spectroscopy
Key equipments
Absorption spectrometer Lamda 1050 (Perkin Elmer) can measure absorption spectra in high resolution from UV to IR (~200-1600 nm) from very diluted samples up to very high OD (saturates around OD 8). Operation in dual beam mode (sample and reference) assures that correct background can be subtracted at the same time as the sample is measured. Both liquid and solid samples (films) can be measured. The integrating sphere is particularly useful for high-scattering samples. Emission spectrometer Fluorolog-3 from Horiba, coupled with TRIAX spectrometer can measure both excitation and emission spectra in wide range of wavelengths due to several available detectors. PD offering high sensitivity over broad range of wavelengths, CCD for detecting large spectra region at a time and InGaAs PD for detection of IR photons. Both CCD and InGaAs need to be cooled by liquid nitrogen for noise suppression.
Expertise areas
physics, spectroscopy, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Spectroscopy
Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology / HT Libraries
Key equipments
Digital collections, Physical collections, databases, books, journals.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Social Sciences and Humanities
Lighting Lab
Key equipments
LUX meters, Luminence meters, Spectroscope meters, EEG equipment.
Expertise areas
EEG, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Light Scattering
Key equipments
Laser light scattering goniometer system from ALV, light scattering instrument from LS Instruments (3D), Zetasizer Nano ZS from Malvern Instruments, Diffusive wave spectrometer (DWS).
Expertise areas
physics, laser, matter exploration, matter-light interaction, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Diffraction
Low Turbulence Wind Tunnel for Animal Flight Research
Key equipments
Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry, DaVis software, high speed imaging stereo imaging system, respirometer
Expertise areas
earth sciences, physics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
LUDC-Sequencing Facility
Key equipments
Illumina NextSeq500 system
Expertise areas
genomics, genetics, sequencing
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
LU Microbial Flow Cytometry Labs
Key equipments
Beckman Coulter Moflo XDP cell sorter, BD Accuri C6 Csampler, BD Accuri C6 Plus, +Oncyt module
Expertise areas
cell culture, cytometry, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
LUNARC - Center for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University
Key equipments
Aurora HPC resource, Upcoming COSMOS HPC resource
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Lund Cathedral Archive and Scanian Ecclesiastical Archive
Key equipments
Physical collections
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Lund High Power Laser Facility
Key equipments
Terawatt laser system 10 Hz, 35 fs pulse duration, 1.5 J, 800 nm, kilohertz laser system 1 kHz, 20 fs, 5 mJ, 800 nm, CEP stable, OPCPA laser system 200 kHz, 10 micro Joul, 7 fs, 800 nm (600-1100 nm), CEP stable.
Expertise areas
laser, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction
Lund High-pressure Combustion Facility
Key equipments
Electrical substation, supply of air and natural gas with individual compressors, liquid fuel tanks, equipment for exhaust emissions.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Lund Ion beam Analysis Facility
Key equipments
3MV single-ended electrostatic accelerator, Macro chamber for routine PIXE elemental analysis, Total Ion Beam Analysis (TIBA) chamber, A chamber for micro-PIXE analysis using a large solid angle X-ray detector
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Ion-matter interaction
Lund Laser Centre
Key equipments
More than 30 major laser systems, detection and auxiliary equipment, electron spectrometers.
Expertise areas
laser, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction
Lund Luminescence Laboratory
Key equipments
Risø TL/OSL reader model DA-20, SUERC portable OSL reader
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Lund Nano Characterization Labs
Key equipments
coordinating more than 100 different equipments
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, microscopy, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Materials and nano-materials; Microscopy
Lund Nano Lab
Key equipments
Ziess Gemini SEM, Hitachi SU8010 SEM, Ellipsometry, Bruker Icon Atomic Force Microscope, Temescal E-Beam evaporator, Sputter tools, Reactive Ion Etch, Electron Beam Lithography, Direct Laser Writer, FEI FIB-SEM, Aixtron MOVPE, Talbot Displacement Lithography, Plasma Therm ICP-RIE, Atomic Layer Deposition; Tepla Asher
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Life Sciences (SDV);Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (STIC)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Cellular imaging; Others
Lund OsteoArthritis Division
Key equipments
7T MRI (via the National 7T facility in Lund) and molecular analysis and diagnostics including mass spectrometry
Expertise areas
MRI, in vivo imaging, cohort, clinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Lund Protein Production Platform
Key equipments
LP3 is a cross-faculty center of Lund University for protein production and crystallization and structure determination. We primarily provide service with the area of protein production and make equipment available for protein characterization and crystallisation. For more details please see: www.lu.se/lp3
Expertise areas
structural biology, molecular biology, crystallography, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Bioproduction; Chemistry / Screening
Lund University Aerosol Laboratory
Key equipments
Exposure chamber: 22 m3 stainless steel chamber for exposure studies, instrument calibration and emission source characterisation * Chemical analysis of particles: Aerosol mass spectrometers (HR-ToF-AMS and ToF-ACSM), Thermal optical analyzer (EC/OC) * Size of particles: Scanning mobility particle sizers (5-900 nm), Aerodynamic particle sizers (0.5-20 µm), Impactors *Number concentration of particles: Condensation particle counters, Nanotracers *Mass concentration of particles: Tapered element oscillating microbalance, Dusttraks * Mass/density of particles: Aerosol particle mass analyzer * Shape/structure of particles: Samplers for subsequent electron microscopy analysis * Soot (Black Carbon) particles: Single particle soot photometer (SP2), MAAP, Aethalometers * Biological particles: oline measurements of bioaerosols (BioTrak) and equipment for biological sampling (Sartorius, Coriolis, etc) * Cloud formation and water-uptake: Cloud condensation nuclei counter, Tandem differential mobility analyzer * Gas analysis: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, Nitric oxides, VOCs* Aerosol generators: including Electrospray, and Vibrating orifice aerosol generators * Aerosol processing: Oxidation flow reactor (PAM), Thermodenuder * Equipment to deposit aerosol particles directly onto lung cells at the air-liquid interface
Expertise areas
environmental sciences, nanomaterials
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Mathematics (M); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Lund University Archives
Key equipments
Archival collection
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Social Sciences and Humanities; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Lund University Bioimaging Center
Key equipments
Microscopy, Preclinical Nuclear Medicine, Preclinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, The national 7Tesla Facility, Analysis & Visualization
Expertise areas
microscopy, preclinical evaluation, CT imaging, in vivo imaging, MRI, radiopharmaceutical development, radiotracer development, oncology, therapeutic innovation, innovative therapies
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging; Cellular imaging
Lund University Bioinformatics Infrastructure
Key equipments
Knowledge network
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics
Lund University Bioinformatics Infrastructure - Large Scale Genomics Analysis
Key equipments
Dedicated blades with larger memory for bioinformatics. GDPR-compliant environment for data analysis and short term storage.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics
Lund University Cognitive Robotics Lab
Key equipments
5 Humanoid robots (Epi, in different versions), A number of smaller mobile robots, 3D printers.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Social Sciences and Humanities; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Lund University Corvid Cognition Station
Key equipments
Video cameras of various sorts (including heat cameras).
Expertise areas
cognitive neurosciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Social Sciences and Humanities; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Lund University Humanities Lab
Key equipments
electromagnetic articulography (x2 Karstens); BioPac system; EEG (x2 EGI, Neuroscan); eye-tracking (ca 35 units from SMI, Tobii, EyeLink); Qualisys optical motion capture; 3D laser scanners (1 Faro Focus phaseshift laserscanner; 2 NextEngine triangulation 3D-scanners, 1 Artec Eva structured light scanner); virtual reality; differential GPS-systems, corpus server for language data; audio-video studio; anechoic chamber
Expertise areas
humanities, neurosciences
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Social Sciences and Humanities; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Lund University Mobile Biosphere Observatory
Key equipments
Spectrometer, quadrant photodiode, LIDAR (laser radar), Quadrant detection, hi-speed cameras.
Expertise areas
earth sciences, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Mathematics (M); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Lund University Population Research Platform
Key equipments
Digital collections, Data curation and documentation.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Demography / Economics / Epidemiology
Lund University Press
Key equipments
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Lund University Primate Research Station Furuvik
Key equipments
Eyetracking (Smarteye pro 60Hz)
Expertise areas
cognitive neurosciences, earth sciences
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Animal facility and functional exploration
Lund University Scanning Probe Facility
Key equipments
Omicron VT STM, Omicron STM 1, Sigma Inifinity LT-STM, Unisoku SEUL STM, JPK Nanowizard II AFM
Expertise areas
natural products, nanosciences, microscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Platform for Proteoform Analysis
Key equipments
Mass spectrometer, QExactive HF-X, 2018. LC system, EASY nLC 1200, 2018. LC system, EvoSep One, 2020.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, physicochemical analysis, proteomics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / post genomics; Bioinformatics
MAXPEEM Beamline, SPELEEM Microscope - Photoelectron and Low Energy Electron Microscope
Key equipments
Spectroscopic PhotoElectron and Low Energy Electron Microscope (SPELEEM), optical microscope, a table for preparation and several cabinets (for storing acetone and ethanol, for tools and for storing UHV components. Optical microscope, camera: Olympus SC50, Polarizer: Olympus U-DICR Nomarski Prism Reflected Light. Micromanipulator, Rigid stand with platform: Thorlabs MP150.
Expertise areas
material sciences, nanosciences, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C); Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Medical Metabolomics
Key equipments
Expertise areas
clinical evaluation, preclinical evaluation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics
Medicon Village Astrogeobiology Laboratory
Key equipments
Acid leaching facilities, Table SEM-EDS equipment, mineral polishing facilities, optical microscopes.
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU); Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
MESO QuickPlex
Key equipments
MSD MESO QuickPlex SQ120, MesoScaleDiscovery The MESO QuickPlex SQ 120, Neuroinflammation panels, alpha-synuclein kit and Ab38/40/42 panel, Cytokine & Chemokine profiling, Intracellular signaling.
Expertise areas
biomarker development, neurology, neurodegenerative diseases, neurosciences, screening
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics
Meteorological and Environmental Measurement Stations in Sudan: Demokeya and Senegal: Dahra
Key equipments
Meteorological, soil, spectral and eddy covariance sensors.
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, atmospheric sciences
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Physicochemical analysis
MicroMAX Beamline – Macromolecular Crystallography
Key equipments
Diffractometer, MD3-UP, Arinax
Expertise areas
crystallography, large instruments
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Micro Particle Imaging Velocimetry (µPIV) and Confocal and Fluorescence Microscope
Key equipments
Nikon Ti2 microscope, CrestOptics X-light V3 spinning disc
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy Community Lund University (MicLU)
Key equipments
Expertise, microscopes, hardware, software
Expertise areas
microscopy, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging; In vivo imaging; Structural biology / Biophysics
Microscopy Facility at Department of Biology
Key equipments
TEM Jeol 1400 Plus, SEM Hitachi SU3500, CLSM Leica SP8 DLS, Leica UC7, Leica CPD300, Cresington 108 auto
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Millennia Laboratory
Key equipments
Amplified femtosecond laser system Spitfire XP Pro from Spectra Physics. The seed laser, MaiTai is delivering broadband, short seed laser pulses (FWHM 60 nm, 40 fs) into the amplifier, where they are amplified in two stage amplifier (regenerative and multipass amplifiers). Each of the amplifiers is optically pumped by a pumping laser EmPower (mode-locked 16.5 W, 532 nm). After pulse re-compression, the output of the system is 6 W beam, 45 fs pulses @ 1 KHz (6 mJ per pulse). This beam is further split onto 3 optical tables to be used in desired experiment. The THz radiation is generated in Zn-telluride crystal, the IR-VIS-UV excitation and probe pulses are generated using two OPAs Topas C (Light Conversion). The x-ray is generated in a water jet and detected with state-of-the-art single x-ray photon detector co-developed in-house.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, physics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Molecular Recognition in Life
Key equipments
Expertise areas
microscopy, spectrometry, bioinformatics, genomics, biochemistry, structural biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Structural biology / Biophysics; Genomics / Post genomics
Monastica – A Dynamic Library and Research Tool
Key equipments
Digital collections - Digitized registers of metadata and content.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Others; Social Sciences and Humanities
M Squared SLM CW Laser
Key equipments
Narrow linewidth single-longitudinal mode tunable system covering the 200 - 250, 350-500 and 700-1000 nm spectral ranges
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy
MultiPark Confocal Microscope Platform
Key equipments
Leica SP8 confocal microscope, 3 LED lasers, standard detector and HyD SP detector.
Expertise areas
microscopy, laser, neurosciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
MultiPark Flow Cytometry Facility
Key equipments
BD FACS Aria III Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS), 3 LASERs
Expertise areas
cytometry, cellular imaging, cellular biology, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cytometry / Histology
Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art
Key equipments
Photo studio for large-sized sketches, Photo studio for models, Scanning studio with a bookeye overhead scanner for sketchbooks, File Maker Pro database
Expertise areas
performing and visual arts
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
NanoMAX Beamline - The Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Beamline
Key equipments
X-ray microscopy with various detection modes and sample environments.
Expertise areas
microscopy, matter exploration, matter-light interaction, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction; Spectroscopy; Diffraction
NanoTemper Monolith NT.115 System for Microscale Thermophoresis
Key equipments
NanoTemper Monolith NT.115 system for microscale thermophoresis
Expertise areas
biochemistry, crystallography, microscopy, spectrometry
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
Key equipments
Compute clusters
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Genomics / Post genomics
National Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy
Key equipments
Cryo-TEM, Analytical HRTEM, Environmental HRTEM, FEG-SEM
Expertise areas
microscopy, nanosciences, multimodal imaging
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Microscopy; Physicochemical analysis
Nikon SIM-E Microscope
Key equipments
Nikon SIM-E Microscope
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
NIKON SMZ25 Fully Automated xyz Microscope for Time-lapse In vivo imaging
Key equipments
NIKON SMZ25. Fully automated xyz microscope for time-lapse in vivo imaging.
Expertise areas
microscopy, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Nikon TE-300 Microscope
Key equipments
Nikon TE-300 Microscope
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Nikon Ti2 Pathogen Live Microscope
Key equipments
Nikon Ti2 Pathogen Live Microscope
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
NMR Center
Key equipments
Bruker Avance Neo 600 MHz, 4 channels, CryoProbe QCI (1H-19F,13C,15N,31P); Varian VNMR-S 500 MHz, 3 channels, RT HCX
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, structural biology, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Structural Biology / Biophysics; Chemistry / Screening
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Liquid State
Key equipments
Bruker Avance II 400 MHz, 2 channels, RT BBOF-probe; Bruker Avance III HD 500 MHz, 2 channels, RT BBOF-probe
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, structural biology, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Optical Characterization Labs at the Division of Solid State Physics (FTF) (PL-CL Lab)
Key equipments
Scanning electron microscope based cathodoluminescence. Micro-photoluminescence (cw and pulsed). Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy. All with possibilities of measuring at lHe temperatures.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, microscopy, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Optical Projection Tomography – 3D Imaging Platform
Key equipments
Custom-build OPT scanning device.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory
Key equipments
Costech ECS4010 elemental analyzer; Agilent 7890B GC-FID; Buchi atuomated soxhlet.
Expertise areas
biomarker development, environmental sciences, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Particle Analysis Center
Key equipments
3Flex: Physisorption/chemisorption/TCD, Autopore IV - Mercury intrusion porosimetry, Sympatec HELOS: Laser diffraction particle measurement.
Expertise areas
environmental sciences, material sciences, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Peripheral CT-scanner
Key equipments
Peripheral CT-scanner
Expertise areas
CT imaging, in vivo imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Phase Modulation Ultrafast Spectroscopy Lab @ Chemical Physics
Key equipments
Laser system and parameters: Mirror-dispersion-controlled Synergy Ti:Sapphire oscillator (Spectra-Physics).
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Picosecond Laser System
Key equipments
Amplified Nd:YAG ps-laser, Two OPGs, pumped by the Nd:YAG.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Light-matter interaction
Pilot Plant - Food Engineering
Key equipments
Dryers, Emulsion technologies, Membrane technology, Dairy applications, Brewing, Cider making, Ovens, Blast freezer, Range of digital monitoring setups, Climate chambers with programmable temperature, humidity, solar simulators, Tablet machines.
Expertise areas
food sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Plant / agronomic experimentation; Food processes
Plate Runner
Key equipments
Plate RUNNER HD by Trophos, Whole well imaging in 96/384 well format.
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Platform for Advanced Radiation Detectors
Key equipments
Front-end detector signal processing electronics, digitizers, DAQ dedicted computers, 3D printer e.g. for detector mounts, annealing oven for curing of detector radiation damage, desiccator for hygroscopic detectors.
Expertise areas
electronics, physics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Physics of the Two Infinite (P2i)
Typologies (up to three)
ionic irradiation; Simulations
Portable Energy Filtered Photo Emission Electron Microscope
Key equipments
Focus Integrated Stage Energy Filtered PEEM with Ultra High Vacuum Chamber and damped optical table for vibration isolation.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
Key equipments
MSOT InVision 512-Echo
Expertise areas
US imaging, in vivo imaging, animal models, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Process Development Unit for Biorefinery Processes
Key equipments
Supr2G continuous biomass pretreatment reactor from AdvanceBio Systems (max 18 bar steam), 10 l batch pretreatment reactor (max 30 bar steam), 4 l batch pretreatment reactor (max 30 bar steam), 2*30 l fermentors (BioEngineering), 100 l fermentor (BioEngineering), 22 l fermentor (BioEngineering), 16 l fermentor (BioEngineering), 5 l fermentor (BioEngineering), Additional smaller scale fermentors, AMPTS biogas-potential measurement systems, Hydrolysis vessels 40-200 l, Larox pilot filter, Various HPLC systems for biomass and product analysis including Dionex and LC-MS (electrospray), HP5M and HP25M tincture presses.
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, biochemistry, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer Instrumentation
Key equipments
High sensitivity PTR-MS (Ionicon, 2004) using a quadrupole and a PTR-TOF-MS (PTR-TOF 8000, Ionicon; 2012) using time-of-flight techniques for compound separation.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory
Key equipments
SSAMS: ‘Single Stage Accelerator Mass Spectrometry’ for AMS-measurement of 14C. Supplier is National Electrostatic Corp. (NEC), Wisconsin, USA. AGE-3: automated graphitization equipment for graphitization of organic and carbonate material, manufactured by ETH Zurich/Ionplus AG. This is coupled to an elemental analyzer (EA).
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Key equipments
Advanced Rheometric Expansion System (ARES) strain controlled rheometer, Anton Paar MCR301 stress controlled rheometer.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Robotics Laboratory
Key equipments
ABB iRB120 and IRB140 (IRC5), Gantry-Tau robot (IRC5), ABB IRB2400 and the latest dual-arm concept robot ABB Yumi/Frida (IRC5) plus new both commercial and experimental robot control systems.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Key equipments
SAXSLAB instrument
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
Single-Cell Genomics Facility
Key equipments
10X Chromium,Bravo robot (agilent), and access to sequencing instruments within CTG
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Single Crystal and Powder Diffractometers
Key equipments
Optical microscopy for mounting. Also available is inert atmosphere.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Diffraction; Physicochemical analysis
Single Molecule Spectroscopy Laboratory
Key equipments
Several lasers (pulsed and CW): Ar-ion laser, laser diode lasers (CW and 100 ps pulses, PicoQuant), pulsed continuum laser (“white” light, NKT photonics), three epi-fluorescence microscopes.
Expertise areas
microscopy, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Physicochemical analysis
Smart Mini Factory Testbed for Small-scale Production of Biologics
Key equipments
2 extended ÄKTApure 150 systems for integrated downstream processing, 1 extended ÄKTApure 25 system for advanced chromatographic separation and integrated downstream processing, 2 extended ÄKTAexplorer 100 systems for integrated downstream processing and connected for continuous chromatography, 2 ÄKTAexplorer 100 systems connected for continuous chromatography, 1 ÄKTApurifier 100 system with autosampler for batch purification and analysis. ,2 HPLC-systems (Knauer) for protein separations.
Expertise areas
biotechnologies, biochemistry, chemistry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Bioproduction
SoftiMAX Beamline - Soft X-ray Beamline for Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM), Ptychography and Other Coherent X-ray Imaging Techniques (CXI)
Key equipments
Endstation for scanning transmission x-ray microscopy & ptychography, giving 2D images with chemical contrast, applicable to samples from many different research areas. Photon energy range: 275 - 1600 eV (under 2022: extended to 2500 eV).
Expertise areas
microscopy, spectroscopy, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Ion-matter interaction; Light-matter interaction
Solar Simulator Laboratory
Key equipments
Solar simulator, equipment for thermal measurements, loggers, temperature sensors, air speed sensors.
Expertise areas
electronics, earth sciences, environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
Solid Mechanics Lab @ LTH
Key equipments
Tensile test machine, MTS 810 250kN. Digital image correlation system, 29MPx 4fps, correlated solutions. Digital image correlation system, 2MPx 250fps, Correlated solutions
Expertise areas
material sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Soot Optical Diagnostic Laboratory
Key equipments
Nd:YAG lasers, diode lasers, photomultipliers, image intensified CCD camera, mini-CAST soot generator, nephelometer, various burners, particle disperser.
Expertise areas
laser, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Source Testing Facility
Key equipments
radioactive neutron and gamma-ray sources, thermal and fast neutron detectors, gamma-ray detectors
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Key equipments
GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler, nCounter platform, RNAscope system
Expertise areas
biomarker development, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Chemistry / Screening; Preclinical / clinical exploration
SPECIES Beamline - Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Resonant In-elastic X-ray Scattering
Key equipments
Two resonant in-elastic X-ray spectrometers, ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron analyser with capability of measuring at pressures up to 10 mbar.
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
SPM Laboratory - Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy Laboratory
Key equipments
Base pressure 5E-11 mbar, Ar+-sputtering, In situ annealing (1200 C) and cooling (-150 C) with direct temperature control, CVD or direct evaporation of materials on substrates, Quartz microbalance, Low-energy electron spectrometer (LEED)
Expertise areas
microscopy, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Microscopy
Spray Laboratory: Spray Optical Diagnostics and Advanced Imaging
Key equipments
SLIPI: Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging systems; PDA: Phase Doppler Anemometry; 6 sCMOS camera / 2 Long range microscope objectives for high resolution imaging / 4 pulse Nd:YAG lasers / 4 DPSS continuous laser / 1 femtosecond (100 fs) laser.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Statistical Consulting Unit
Key equipments
Consulting service
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mathematics (M)
Typologies (up to three)
Stem Therapy Bioinformatics Core
Key equipments
High-performance computing.
Expertise areas
bioinformatics, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Stem Therapy Electrophysiology Core Facility
Key equipments
EPC10 double patch clamp amplifier, Multi Elecrode Array (MEA).
Expertise areas
genetics, stem cell, electrophysiology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Stem Therapy Imaging Core Facility
Key equipments
Olympus VS-120 Virtual Slide Microscope, Zeiss 780 confocal laser-scanning inverted microscope for high-resolution imaging
Expertise areas
stem cell, genetics, microscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Stem Therapy Viral Vector Core Facility
Key equipments
Cell culture lab, ultracentrifuge and rotors.
Expertise areas
stem cell, genetics, innovative therapies
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics
Storing the Current - Computing the Future
Key equipments
PowerEdge R730
Expertise areas
earth sciences, environmental sciences, informatics, calculation
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (STIC)
Typologies (up to three)
Superresolution Microscope
Key equipments
Elyra P1 system, TIRFM microscope, Calcium imaging system
Expertise areas
cellular imaging, microscopy, nanosciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Surface Characterization
Key equipments
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer (Horiba), Ellipsometer (Rudolph Research), Multiskop (Optrel), Quartz Crystal Microbalance (Q-Sense), Atomic Force Microscope (Park Systems), Langmuir Devices (KSV Instruments), Drop and Bubble Shape Tensiometer (Sinterface).
Expertise areas
microscopy, spectroscopy
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structure of matter
Surface Plasmon Resonance Instrument
Key equipments
Expertise areas
biochemistry, molecular biology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Materials and nano-materials; Cellular imaging; Light-matter interaction
Swedish Bird Survey
Key equipments
Virtual server instances hosted by LDC, running a client/server application based on Open Development tools (Linux/RedHat, PostgreSQL database backend and basic web applications / ODBC server).
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
Key equipments
Cloud Server
Expertise areas
bioinformatics, earth sciences
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Bioinformatics; Others
Targeted Exposomics at Lund University
Key equipments
one Q-TRAP 6500+, two Q-TRAP 5500 and one QTRAP4500 (liquid chromatography - tandem MS instruments, several equipped with the possibility of 2D LC-MS/MS; AB Sciex). LC - quadrupole Time-of-flight (Q-TOF (5600+; AB Sciex) . (GC-MS and GC-MS/MS; Agilent). ICP-MS; Thermo X7, Thermo Elemental).
Expertise areas
biomarker development, toxicology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Preclinical / clinical exploration
Temperature Controlled Room
Key equipments
Lift tables -UAV light sources -compressed air -Centrifuge (0-10000 rpm, -9 -> 40 oC) -freeze dryer
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
The Edlén Laboratory
Key equipments
Bruker IFS125 IR, Chelsea Instrument FT500
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, astrophysics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Astrophysics
The Folklife Archives with the Scania Music Collections
Key equipments
Physical collections
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
The Human Embryonic Stem Cell / Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell and CRISPR Gene Editing Core Facility
Key equipments
4 laminar flow cabinets (tissue culture hoods), 4 incubators (1 with hypoxia), 2 table top centrifuges (1 with refridgeration ability), 2 stereo microscopes, 2 inverted microscopes, 2 computers, 2 combine Fridge freezers, -80C freezer, cell counter, liquid nitrogen and -150C freezer storage
Expertise areas
stem cell, cellular models, cohort, neurosciences, animal models
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Genomics / Post genomics; Cellular imaging
Malmö Population-Based Cohorts
Key equipments
Population-based cohorts database and biobanks
Expertise areas
biobanking, cohort, genetics
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Genomics / Post genomics
The Microfossil Laboratory
Key equipments
Tanks and tubs for rock digestion in acid. Computer system monitoring acid exchanges. Magnetic and heavy liquid separation equipment.
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
The National Swedish Archaeological Research Laboratories at Lund University
Key equipments
Microscopes (Lintab, Aniol, Rinntech), Measuring devices, Microtome
Expertise areas
spectrometry, microscopy
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU); Life Sciences (SDV); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis
The Palaeomagnetic Laboratory
Key equipments
2G-Enterprises superconducting rock magnetometer (model 760), Magnetic Measurements Ltd MMTD80 thermal demagnetiser, Princeton Measurements Corporation alternating gradient magnetometer (M2900-2), AGICO MFK-FA three frequency multifunction kappabridge
Expertise areas
earth sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Planetary and Universe Sciences (SPU)
Typologies (up to three)
The Quantum Information Group
Key equipments
Continuous wave lasers, cryostats, high precision cavities & software for coherent control & spectral tailoring in rare earth ion doped crystals.
Expertise areas
physics, spectroscopy, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Thermal Environment Laboratory (Gait Lab)
Key equipments
Two climatic chambers with temperature range from -25 C to +50 C, heated thermal manikin, equipment for thermal physiological studies, inclinable walkway with inbuilt force plate.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
The Scanian Economic-Demographic Database
Key equipments
Computer servers and data storage.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Demography / Economics / Epidemiology
The Structural Engineering Laboratory
Key equipments
Hydraulic testing machines (MTS, MAN) up to 10.000kN, loading equipment/load cells, deformation measurement, climate chamber, moisture sensors.
Expertise areas
environmental sciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Mechanics, Energetics and Processes (MEP)
Typologies (up to three)
Physicochemical analysis; Materials and nano-materials
The Swedish Infrastructure for Biological Mass Spectrometry
Key equipments
Masspectrometers able to perform analyses of biological materials.
Expertise areas
bioinformatics, biomarker development, spectrometry
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics; Bioproduction; Chemistry / Screening
The Swedish Interdisciplinary Panel
Key equipments
Expertise areas
humanities, cohort
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Demography / Economics / Epidemiology
Time-resolved Fluorescence
Key equipments
TRPL is based on a 100 fs Ti:Sapphire laser Tsunami, Spectra-Physics, class IV laser, STREAK-camera.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Tissue Micro Array Center
Key equipments
Autostainer (Agilent/DAKO) automated system, Aperio scanner.
Expertise areas
immunohistology, inflammation, oncology, neurosciences, screening, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Cellular imaging
Transient X-ray spectroscopy - Millenia Lab @Chemical Physics
Key equipments
Laser system and parameters: Pump – 1 kHz repetition rate, 800nm, 400nm, or OPA (TOPAS, Light Conversion) output, probe – detector limited – 2-9 keV X-rays, <1ps
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Two-dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy Infrastructure
Key equipments
Amplified ultrashort pulse laser system (Pharos, Light Conversion), Two parametric amplifiers, Spectrograph with the CCD camera detector, two-dimensional spectroscopy spectrometer,cryostats (Oxford Instruments), dewars and cryogen transfer line (Oxford Instruments).
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, laser
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Two-Photon Microscopy (in vivo / ex vivo)
Key equipments
ZEISS LSM710 NLO microscope, connected to a MaiTai two photon laser. The ‘ex vivo’ system is combined with a standard patch clamp rig (Axon amplifier and Digidata digitizer).
Expertise areas
microscopy, ex vivo imaging, in vivo imaging, neurosciences, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Ultrafast Transient Absorption
Key equipments
CLARK CPA 2001 and LC Pharos, both class IV lasers.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Electrical, Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction; Time-resolved experiences
Ultrasound Group at the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Key equipments
Clinical Ultrasound scanner EPIQ7, Pre-clinical Ultrasound scanner Visualsonics Vevo 2100, Research Ultrasound Scanner ULA-OP.
Expertise areas
US imaging, clinical evaluation, oncology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Unit for Rapid Engineered Antibody Development
Key equipments
MW16 phage display library, Vectors for production of antibody fragments in E. coli, Hamilton robot, KingFisher robot.
Expertise areas
cytometry, immunology, drug development, antibody development, innovative therapies, cytology, inflammation
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
Usability Laboratory
Key equipments
UX Lab consists of a test room and a control room that are separated by a mirror wall.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Varieties of Democracy
Key equipments
Data on 450+ democracy indicators, 47 mid-indices and 5 high-level indices, for 201 countries in 1789-2017 in Excel, Stata, SPSS and CSV format.
Expertise areas
Principal domain
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Primary sector
Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Veritas Beamline - Soft X-ray Resonant Inelastic Scattering (RIXS)
Key equipments
RIXS spectrometer, Liquid microjet, closed cycle He-cryostat, goniometer.
Expertise areas
material sciences, spectrometry, large instruments
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM); Chemistry (C)
Typologies (up to three)
Spectroscopy; Light-matter interaction
Lund Universty Photoacoustic Center
Key equipments
Photoacoustic Imaging system (Vevo LazR-X from Visual Sonics). Hyperspectral imaging camera (400-1700 nm) from Norsk Elektro Optikk, Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Laser Speckle Imaging, Multispectral microscopy,Optical goniometry
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, laser, microscopy, US imaging
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration
Virtual Reality Laboratory
Key equipments
Expertise areas
informatics, electronics
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE); Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE); Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
Typologies (up to three)
Social Sciences and Humanities
X-ray Phase Contrast Micro Computed Tomography
Key equipments
X-ray micro-CT
Expertise areas
microscopy, CT imaging, in vivo imaging, ex vivo imaging, physics, oncology, neurosciences
Principal domain
Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Optical and Electronic Engineering (EOE)
Typologies (up to three)
Preclinical / clinical exploration; Cellular imaging
Zeiss 710 Live Cell Inverted Confocal Microscope
Key equipments
Zeiss 710 Live Cell Inverted Confocal Microscope
Expertise areas
laser, histology, microscopy, immunology, in vitro diagnostic, cellular imaging, oncology, cytology
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
In vivo imaging
FragMAX Platform for Crystal-based Fragment Screening
Key equipments
Equipment for large-scale crystal mounting, BioMAX beamline.
Expertise areas
crystallography, chemical biology, large instruments, pharmacology, screening, vaccine development, chemistry, drug development
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
Lund University Medical Laser Centre, LUMLAC
Key equipments
Several advanced laser systems and detectors for spectroscopy and imaging including: Photoacoustic Imaging system (Vevo LazR-X from Visual Sonics). Hyperspectral imaging camera (400-1700 nm) from Norsk Elektro Optikk, Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Laser Speckle Imaging, Multispectral microscopy,Optical goniometry
Expertise areas
spectroscopy, laser
Principal domain
Life Sciences and Health (LSH); Science and Engineering (SE)
Primary sector
Life Sciences (SDV); Physics of Waves and Matter (PHOM)
Typologies (up to three)
Structural Biology / Biophysics
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017572