

Welcome to the webpage of the EUGLOH Annual Summit 2024, Szeged!

We cannot wait to welcome you in Szeged, the city of sunshine!

Important dates

Excited about going to Szeged?

These are the most important dates you'll need to keep in mind.

Annual Summit 2024 Szeged:
11-14 June 2024

  • 11 June 2024 Day 0.1: Arrival of participants; Programs for Institutional and WP Managers, Erasmus Coordinators, Student Board members
  • 12 June 2024 Day 0.2: WP meetings day 1: Working day with meetings for WPs, Erasmus Coordinators, Management, International Academic Board
  • 13 June 2024 Szeged Summit Day 1: Opening ceremony, keynote speeches; 4 parallel sessions; GB meeting, Gala Dinner
  • 14 June 2024 Szeged Summit Day 2: Plenary closing; 2 parallel sessions; EB meeting; Closing session: Awards, Next Year's venuet, End of the Annual Summit



Registration is opening soon!

Once registration opens, each EUGLOH partner will receive a call.

Please check back with us in a couple of weeks!



Interested in where the Annual Summit will be held within Szeged?

For everyone's convenience, Summit venues will be close to each other, to local hotels, restaurants and the city center.



Plan your visit

AS 2024 App

The Annual Summit 2024 Szeged will be utilizing an event's application for the ease of communications.

More information on the app coming coon!



If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the USZ EUGLOH organizing team via the following e-mail address:
