Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Doctoral Schools and Programmes  --  Régi doktori képzéses anyagok
Doctoral School of Computer Science

tanari_informatika_01Chair: Prof. Tibor Csendes DSc
Institute of Informatics
H–6701 Szeged, P. O. Box 652., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 305,

The School prescribes the completion of 8 courses, active participation in the Institute's seminars, and the conduction of research under the supervision of a thesis adviser appointed by the Council of the School. The courses embrace a number of fields in computer science without the intention of being exhaustive. The language of education in the three-year education is mainly Hungarian, but invited professors teach in English. A course may be offered as a reading course if enrolment is low. In such cases consultation is provided.


Main Research Areas

1. Theoretical Computer Science

Research topics
From the theory of automata and formal languages, which is now considered a classical field, to the most up-to date topics such as advances in computational complexity, term rewriting, tree automata and tree transformations, mathematical semantics of programming languages, process algebras, theory of fixed points, temporal logic, semirings.
Supervisors: E. Csuhaj-Varjú DSc, Z. Ésik DSc, Z. Fülöp DSc, F. Gécseg MHAS, Gy. Turán PhD, S. Vágvölgyi PhD.

Major courses
– Theory of fixed point (Zoltán Ésik DSc)
– Automata and formal logic (Zoltán Fülöp DSc)
– Tree Automata (Zoltán Fülöp DSc)
– Quantum computing (Sándor Vágvölgyi PhD)


2. Operations Research and Combinatorial Optimization

Informatikai és Matematikai doktorandusz KonferenciaResearch topics
Theory of economic decisions, multiciriteria decision making, group decisions, fuzzy theory, learning algorithms, global optimization, reliable numerical procedures, interval inclusion functions, process network synthesis, bin packing algorithms, online optimization, scheduling, logistic.
Supervisors: T. Csendes DSc, J. Csirik DSc, J. Dombi CSc, G. Galambos CSc, P. Hajnal PhD, L. Hatvani MHAS, Cs. Imreh, PhD, Z. Kovács PhD, F. Móricz DSc, A. Pluhár PhD, P. Szabó PhD, V. Totik MHAS.

Major Courses
– Global optimization (T. Csendes DSc),
– Fuzzy theory (J. Dombi CSc),
– Game theory (A. Pluhár PhD),
– Packing and scheduling (Cs. Imreh, PhD)


3. Applications of Computer Science

Research Topics

Informatikai és Matematikai doktorandusz KonferenciaRange from software engineering, to artificial intelligence and picture processing. Software engineering topics: advanced programming paradigms, theory of compilers, compilation of embedded systems, legacy system analysis, program slicing, software maintenance and reengineering, software dependencies, object-oriented design and development, web programming, databases and data mining, network protocols, formal specification and testing of protocols, distributed programming. Artificial intelligence: frame and rule based knowledge representation, machine learning algorithms (decision trees, inductive logic programming, genetic algorithms, neuron networks), complexity of the machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, speech recognition. Image processing and medical applications: image processing in nuclear medicine, image reconstruction from projections, discrete tomography, picture archiving and communication systems, segmentation of medical images, image registration, skeletonization, thinning and its applications, geographic information systems. Applications in engineering (sensor networks, robotics).
Supervisors: Z. Alexin PhD, P. Balázs PhD, Á. Beszédes PhD, J. Csirik, DSc, J. Dombi CSc, R. Ferenc PhD, T. Gyimóthy DSc, Z. Hantos DSc, Cs. Imreh PhD, M. Jelasity PhD, E. Katona PhD, Z. Kató PhD, E. Máté CSc, M. Maróti PhD, I. Matijevics PhD, Gy. Mester PhD, A. Nagy PhD, L. Nyúl PhD, K. Palágyi PhD, Sz. Pletl PhD, L. Tóth PhD, Gy. Turán PhD.

Major courses
– Self organizing algorithms (M. Jelasity PhD)
– Randomized algorithms (J. Csirik DSc)
– Robotics (Gy. Mester PhD)
– Software reengineering (T. Gyimóthy DSc)
– Software evolution and refactoring (Á. Beszédes PhD)
– Skeletonization in image processing (K. Palágyi PhD)
– Variational methods in image processing (Z. Kató PhD)


Representative dissertations (title, author, supervisor, year)

  1. Packing of Equal Circles in a Square - bounds, repeated patterns and minimal polynomials, Szabó Péter Gábor, T. Csendes, 2006
  2. Development, comparison and application of global optimization methods and investigation of atomic cluster problems, Tamás Vinkó, T. Csendes, 2006
  3. Shape preserving Tree Transducers, Zsolt Gazdag, Z. Fülöp, 2006
  4. Binary Tomography Using Geometrical Priors: Uniqueness and Reconstruction Results, Péter Balázs, A. Kuba and J. Csirik, 2007
  5. Registration Methods and Their Medical Applications, Attila Tanács, A. Kuba, 2007
  6. The “gas of circles” model and its application to tree crown extraction Péter Horváth, Z. Kató and I. Jermin
  7. Computer-assisted proofs for chaotic and stability behaviour in dynamical systems and stability of dynamical systems – investigated by reliable computational methods, Balázs Bánhelyi, T. Csendes, 2008
  8. Higher Dimensional Automata, Zoltán Németh, Z. Ésik, 2008
  9. Logic and tree automata, Szabolcs Iván, Z. Ésik, 2008
  10. Learnability and Characterization Results for Classes of Boolean Functions, Balázs Szörényi, Gy. Turán, 2008
  11. Feature Engineering for Domain Independent Named Entity Recognition and Biomedical Text Mining ApplicationsGyörgy Szarvas, J. Csirik, 2008
  12. Evolutionary tree reconstruction and its application in protein classification Róbert Busa-Fekete, J. Csirik and A, Kocsor 2008
  13. Some applications of global optimization and semi-on-line bin packing" János Balogh, T. Csendes 2009
  14. Program Code Analysis and Manipulation, Ákos Kiss, T. Gyimóthy, 2009
  15. Automatic Syntactic Parsing of the Hungarian Language Applying Rule-based Machine Learning Methods, András Hócza, T. Gyimóthy, 2009
  16. Fuzzy reasoning models and fuzzy truth value based inference, Zsolt Gera, J. Dombi, 2009
  17. Protein Classification in a Machine learning Framework, Attila Kertész-Farkas, J. Csirik and A. Kocsor, 2009
  18. Dependence-based static program slicing and its applications, Judit Jász, T. Gyimóthy, 2009



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