Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Doctoral Schools and Programmes  --  Régi doktori képzéses anyagok
Doctoral School of Theoretical Medicine


Chair: Prof. Gábor Jancsó MD, DSc
Department of Physiology
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 10., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 099, 544 577, Fax: (+36 62) 545 842

Assistant chair: Prof. Gyula Telegdy MD, MHAS 
Institute of Pathophysiology
H–6720 Szeged, Semmelweis u. l., Hungary
Phone.: (+ 36 62) 545 797, Fax : (+ 36 62) 545 710

Co-operating institutions 
Department of Biophysics, Biological Research Center of HAS
Address: H–6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt. 62.
Department of Biochemistry, Biological Research Center of HAS
Address: H–6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt. 62.

Two academicians and 23 Doctor of Sciences with significant international collaboration take part in the two training programs: Physiological and Pathological Function of the Neuroendocrine System and Neuroscience. Besides their knowledge and experiences the high scientific requirement guarantees the outstanding level of the PhD thesises. The PhD candidates ought to have a minimum of two original papers, one of them as first author in an international scientific journal with impact factor. Total impact factor required of the publications is 4.0.

Educational Programmes

1. Physiological and Pathological Function of the Neuroendocrine System
Programme director: Prof. Gyula Telegdy MD, MHAS  

Institute of Pathophysiology
H–6720 Szeged, Semmelweis u. l., Hungary
Phone.: (+36 62) 545 797, Fax : (+36 62) 545 710

The programme offers a broad spectrum of training starting from basic sciences through clinical and applied sciences.
The project of synthesis of hormonally active peptides (peptide hormones, neuropeptides) supports the research for basic sciences. The recognition of the structure related to the biological actions synthesis of analogues, agonists and antagonists, may lead not only to the recognition of the biological significance of the peptide, but may offer new therapeutical approaches.
The animal experiments would involve the regulation of secretion and synthesis of hormones – mainly the involvement of the peptides in the central regulation of the endocrine system. The effects of hormones on brain function cover the action on such basic physiological activities as learning, memory, food and water intake, locomotion anxiogenesis-anxiolysis etc. Role of neuropeptides under such pathological activities, as alcohol and narcotics dependence and tolerance.
In the clinical field, a number of biologically active peptides have been revealed with still unclarified, putative physiological roles in the regulation of hypophyseal hormone secretion.
Alcoholism creates a burden to a major proportion of the population. A variety of hormonal dysfunctions are to be expected under acute and chronic alcohol abuse.
Hirstutism, seborrhea and alopecia of women and the diseases of the prostate cause much suffering of a number of patients. Via the study of steroid metabolism in the target organs of androgens, the pathomechanism and new therapeutic methods may be approached.
The gastrointestinal endocrinology would include studying the synthesis, storage, release, transport and neurocrine mode of action of gastrointestinal hormones. The information obtained from these studies enables to understand the physiological and pathological basis of different gastrointestinal disorders and opens new perspectives in the therapy of gastrointestinal disorders.

Research topics
– Molecular background and research of heterogenity of opioid/nociceptin system (Supervisor: A. Borsodi DSc.)
– New therapeutic approaches in acute pancreatitis (Supervisor: L. Czakó PhD)
– Hyperlipidemia induced acute pancreatitis (Supervisor: L. Czakó PhD)
– Early gastrointestinal malignancies: diagnosis and endoscopic therapy (Supervisor: L. Czakó PhD)
– New imaging modalities in the diagnosis of biliopancreatic diseases (Supervisor: L. Czakó PhD)
– The role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of acute necrotizing pancreatitis: experimental and clinical examinations
(Supervisor: Prof. Gy, Farkas DSc.)
– Methodology of neuro-endocrine investigation (Supervisor: Prof. M. Gálfi PhD)
– Functional and molecular characterization of ion transporters in colonic epithelial cells (Supervisor: P. Hegyi PhD.)
– Modern intracellular experimental techniques in gastrointestinal research (Supervisor: P. Hegyi PhD)
– The structure and function of gastrointestinal epithelial cells (Supervisor: Z. Rakonczay jr. PhD)
– The effect of neuropeptides on endocrine, behavioral and autonomic processes (Supervisor: M. Jászberényi PhD)
– Androgen metabolism in peripheral organs (Supervisor: Prof. J. Julesz PhD)
– Effects of environmental harms for the endocrine system (Supervisor: Prof. J. Julesz PhD)
– Manifestations of diabetic autonomic and sensory neuropathy in the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system
(Supervisor: Cs. Lengyel PhD)
– Mechanism of Helicobacter pylori-induced cellular damage in peptic ulcer disease and in ulcer-like dyspepsia
(Supervisor: Prof. J. Lonovics DSc.)
– New therapeutic modalities in the treatment of sphincter of Oddi and gallbladder dysfunction (Supervisor: Prof. J.
Lonovics DSc.)
– Biliary tract motility disorders - Experimental and clinical studies (Supervisor: Prof. J. Lonovics DSc.)
– Role of the colon capsule endoscopy in the early diagnosis of colorectal diseases (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– New possibilities in the endoscopic practice (simulators and biological models) (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– Prevention and treatment of post-ERCP pancreatitis in patients at high-risk (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– Role of endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and submucosal dissection (ESD) in the endoscopic management of
early neoplastic lesions of the rectum (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– Examination of the diagnostic and pathophysiological markers of diabetic gastroparesis (Supervisor: László
Madácsy PhD)
– Examination of early prognostic factors, possibilities and limits of endoscopic management in acute biliary
pancreatitis (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– Examination of biliary tract hypersensitivity in patients with sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia before and after the
endoscopic management (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– Diagnosis and management of gallbladder motility disorders (Supervisor: László Madácsy PhD)
– Role of the mediators in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders (Supervisor: Zs.
Mezei PhD)
– Problems arising during the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Supervisor: Tamás Molnár PhD)
– Colorectal cancer and polyposis syndromes (Supervisor: Tamás Molnár PhD)
– Correlations between the clinical outcome and therapy in inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and
ulcerative colitis) (Supervisor: F. Nagy PhD)
– Vascular differentations in endocrine diseases (Supervisor: A. Nemes PhD)
– Effect of beta-amyloid peptides on the behaviour and learning process (Supervisor: Prof. B. Penke DSc.)
– The role of heavy metal ions in the toxicity of beta-amyloid peptides (Supervisor: Prof. B. Penke DSc.)
– Formation of beta-amyloid oligomers and fibrils (Supervisor: Prof. B. Penke DSc.)
– Effect of neuropeptides on narcotic tolerance and dependence (Supervisor: Prof. Gy. Szabó DSc.)
– Effect of neuropeptides on nociception (Supervisor: Prof. Gy. Szabó DSc.)
– Effect of alcohol tolerance on CNS adaptive processes (Supervisor: Prof. Gy. Szabó DSc.)
– Studies on the pathomechanism of acute pancreatitis (Supervisor: Prof. T. Takács DSc.)
– Role of neurohormones and neuropeptides in the endocrine and neuronal systems (Supervisor: Prof. Gy. Telegdy DSc., MHas)
– Assessment of digestive disorders and cental neuronal afferentation in diabetic autonomic and sensory neuropathy
(Supervisor: T. Várkonyi PhD.)
– The role of intestinal permeability and luminal protease activity in the pathogenesis of functional and inflammatory
bowel diseases (Supervisor: Prof. T. Wittmann PhD)

Main Teaching Courses
– Biostatistics
– Biomedical ethics
– Methodology and ethics of medical publications and presentations
– Computerized methods of research
– Scientific literature
– Detection of hormonal actions on brain function
– Physiology and clinical relevance of gastrointestinal hormones
– Possibility of synthesis of biopolimers
– Pathophysiology of the neuroendocrine system
– Clinical endocrinology
– Molecular genetics in clinical endocrinology
– Molecular neuroendocrinology
– Measurement of gastrointestinal hormones
– Polipeptides, proteins, nucleic acids
– Peptidases and peptide inhibitors
– Morphology of the neuroendocrine system
– Chemistry of natural carbone compounds
– Separation techniques
– Laboratory techniques measuring the function of the endocrine system
– Histology of the neuroendocrine system

2.  Neuroscience 
Programme director: Prof. Gábor Jancsó MD, DSc
Department of Physiology
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 10., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 099, 544 577, Fax: (+36 62) 545 842

The Neuroscience Programme of the Medical Faculty of the University of Szeged is dedicated to provide a high quality of educational and research possibilities for young scientists. The program offers a PhD course in Neuroscience to students graduated from medical universities or faculties of natural sciences. It is our hope that the new scientific knowledge considered vital for neuroscientists will allow them to promote our understanding of nervous mechanisms.
We offer high quality educational courses and research possibilities in many areas of neurobiology. The program involves main courses in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropathophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology and molecular neurobiology. The main fields of research activities in the frame of this program include morphological, functional, neurochemical and molecular biological investigations concerning visual functions, neurohumoral regulation of sleep, neuronal plasticity, neuronal degeneration and regeneration, pathomechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, regulation of cerebral circulation, neurobiology of pain and neuronal gene expression. The programme is organised by scientists of international reputation.

Research topics
– Characterization of rhythmic changes in the cutaneous microcirculation in healthy subjects and patients with chronic
diseases (Supervisor: Prof. F. Bari DSc.)
– Characterization of functional and morphological alterations in the cerebral function of rats with hypoperfused brain
(Supervisor: Prof. F. Bari DSc)
– Development of sensory functions. Plasticity in the brain (Supervisor: Prof. Gy. Benedek DSc.)
– Electrophysiological and morphological studies in the sensorimotor systems (Supervisor: Prof. Gy. Benedek DSc)
– G protein-linked neuroreceptors: celullar and molecular research of dimerization (Supervisor: S. Benyhe DSc)
– Opioid and antiopiotic neuropeptides: functional research of endogenic agonists and synthetic analogs (Supervisor: S. Benyhe DSc)
– Characterization of preconditioning mechanisms against hypoxic brain injury (Supervisor: F. Domoki PhD)
– Stress markers in experimental brain hypoxia (Supervisor: F. Domoki PhD)
– Peptidergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of headaches (Supervisor: M. Dux PhD)
– Neurodegeneration and inflammation (Supervisor: Prof. J. Engelhardt DSc)
– Regulation of neuronal gene expression (Supervisor: Prof. K. Gulya DSc)
– Insulin- and IGF-I-mediated modulation of the functions of primary nociceptive neurons (Supervisor: P. Sántha
– The role of endogenous ligands, acting different receptors, on the pain mechanism (Supervisor: Gy. Horváth PhD)
– Investigation of the spinal mechanism of itching (Supervisor: Gy. Horváth PhD)
– Study of the spinal mechanism of pain (Supervisor: Gy. Horváth PhD)
– Plasticity of nocireceptors (Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Jancsó DSc.)
– Morphological and functional plasticity of the pain system (Supervisor: Prof. G. Jancsó DSc)
– Structural and neurochemical plasticity of injured primary sensory neurons (Supervisor: Prof. G. Jancsó DSc)
– Effect of capsaicin on spinal pain mechanisms (Supervisor: Prof. G. Jancsó DSc)
– Molecular biology and pharmacogenetics of psychiatric disorders (Supervisor: Prof. Z. Janka DSc)
– Inhibitory effect of amyloid-beta on axon terminals and GSK-3beta in in vitro tissue culture (Supervisor: J. G. Kiss PhD)
– Neuropathological and neurochemical alterations of the locus coeruleus in Alzheimer's disease (Supervisor: J. G.
Kiss PhD)
– Molecular base of the function of blood-brain barrier (Supervisor: I. Krizbai PhD)
– Pathophysiology and pharmacology of myocardial infarction (Supervisor: Prof. I. Leprán DSc.)
– Repair of the injured cervical cord by embryonic spinal cord grafts (Supervisor: A. Nógrádi PhD)
– Degeneration and regeneration of the CNS pathways: axonal growth-promoting effect of grafted stem cells
(Supervisor: A. Nógrádi PhD)
– The role of integrins in the regeneration of CNS pathways (Supervisor: A. Nógrádi PhD)
– The role of gonadal hormones and neurosteroids in neuroprotection (Supervisor: Prof. Á. Párducz DSc.)
– Gonadal steroids and neuro-glial plasticity (Supervisor: Prof. Á. Párducz DSc.)
– The role of microglia and neuroinflammation in the pathomechanism of Alzheimer' disease (Supervisor: Prof. B.
Penke DSc)
– Protein profile changing in Alzheimer's disease (Supervisor: Prof. Botond Penke DSc)
– Cellular mechanisms of form and shape vision in the primate visual system (Supervisor: Gy. Sáry PhD)
– Immune/inflammatory processes during neuronal degeneration (Supervisor: Prof. L. Siklós DSc)
– Role of calcium in neuronal degeneration (Supervisor: Prof. L. Siklós DSc)
– The use of glutamate scavengers as a possible tool for neuroprotection (Supervisor: Prof. J. Toldi DSc)
– Tryptophan metabolites as possible tools for neuroprotection (Supervisor: Prof. J. Toldi DSc)

Main Teaching Courses
– Biostatistics
– Biomedical ethics
– Methodology and ethics of medical publications and presentations
– Computerized methods of research
– Scientific literature
– The use of scientific databases
– Neuroanatomy and neurohistology
– Neurophysiology
– Neuropathophysiology
– Neuropharmacology
– Neurochemistry
– Neurpathology
– Neuroimmunology
– Molecular neurobiology

Represantive dissertations (title, author, supervisor, year)
Physiological and Pathological Function of the Neuroendocrine System

  1. Role of cytokines in experimental acute pancreatitis, János Márton, Prof. Gy. Farkas, 1998
  2. Exocrine and enocrine pancreatic function in rats after acute pancreatitis, János Czakó, Prof. J. Lonovics, 1999
  3. Effects of gastrointestinal hormones and pharmacological agents onn tyhe spincter of Oddi, Borbála Velősy, Prof. J. Lonovics, 1999
  4. Role of arachidonic cascade of the brain microvessels and platelets in the neurohumoral regulation of the microcirculation and action of some drugs, Béla Kis, Prof. Gy. Telegdy, 1999
  5. Role of neuropeptides in behavioural and neuroendocrine changes mediating hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, Éva Bíró, Prof. G. Tóth, 1999
  6. Design, synthesis and tritium labeling of conformationally constrained delta opioid peptides, Zsuzsa Darula, Prof. Gy. Telegdy, 2000
  7. Chemical studies on opioid peptide affinity labels, Ildikó Szatmári, Res. Prof. A. Borsodi, 2000
  8. Binding characteristics, G-protein activation and receptor regulatory mechanisms of opioid ligands, Beáta Bozó, Prof. B. Penke, 2000
  9. New pathophysiological roles of adreno-corticotropin and alpha melanotropin in vitro and in vivo studies, Whaled Khalil, Prof. J. Julesz and Assoc. L. Gáspár, 2000
  10. Qualitative and quantitative investigation of heterotrimeric G-proteins of brain origin, Gabriella Fábián, Res. Prof. M. Szűcs, 2001
  11. Role of natriuretic peptides and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide in rat thermo-regulation, Imre Pataki, Prof. Gy. Telegdy, 2001
  12. Development and clinical application of new scintigraphic and manometric methods for the diagnosis of functional disorders of the gallbladder and the sphincter of Oddi László Madácsy, Prof. J. Lonovics, 2001
  13. Interactions of estrogen and nitric oxide in the circulatory homeostatic control Éva Morschl, ifj.Prof. F. László, 2001
  14. Impairment of Nitrergic Relaxation of the Spinchter of Oddi in Experimental Hypercholesterolaemia and Lovastatin-treatment in Rabbits Zs. Réka Sári, Prof. J. Lonovics, 2003
  15. Development, synthesis and tritium labelling of delta-opioid peptide antagonist, István Kertész, Prof. G. Tóth, 2001
  16. Conformationally constrained and tritium labelled analogues of endomorphins Csaba Tömböly, Prof. G. Tóth 2001
  17. Oxytocin and neuroadaptation to cocain Zoltán Sarnyai, Prof. J. Telegdy, 2001
  18. Regeneration after acute pancreatitis: The insulin-acinar relationship Péter Hegyi, Prof. J. Lonovics, 2002
  19. Synthesis and biological investigation of ß-amyloid peptides Krisztina Jost, M. Zarándi, 2003
  20. Experimental and clinical investigations into the mechanisms of actions of acute and chronic alcohol exposure on the gastrointestinal motility Ferenc Izbéki, Prof. J. Lonovics, 2003
  21. Role of Activatory and Inhibitory Neuropeptides in the Regulation of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal System Miklós Jászberényi, Prof. G. Telegdy, 2003
  22. Effect of genetical environmetal and clinical factors on the etiology and natural course of inflammatory bowel diseaseTamás Molnár, Prof. J. Lonovics, 2003
  23. Pathogenetic role of diabetic central and peripheral polyneuropathy in the development of impaired gastrointestinal motility Tamás Várkonyi, Prof. J. Lonovics, 2004
  24. Role of recently discovered opioid neuropeptides in the regulation of open-field behaviour and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, Erika Bújdosó, Prof. G. Telegdy, 2004
  25. In vitro modelling of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection specific for Alzheimer’s disease in cell cultures Zsolt László Datki Prof. B. Penke, 2005
  26. The potential role of heat shock proteins in the prevention of acute experimental pancreatitis Zoltán Rakonczay Prof. T. Takács 2005
  27. Penetratin: A efficient peptide-vector for the intracellular delivery of bioactive compunds Tamás Letoha Prof. B. Penke, 2005
  28. Chemical and biological investigations of ß-amyloid peptides Zsolt Molnár, Prof. B. Penke, 2005
  29. Aggregation studies, design and synthesis of amyloid aggregation inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s diseaseLívia Fülöp, Prof. B. Penke, 2005
  30. Stereoselective syntheses of N-containing heterocyclic compounds in intra- and intermolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions Petra Pádár, L. Kovács, 2006
  31. Receptor binding and functional biochemical studies on synthetic μ-opioid receptor selective ligands Fanni Tóth, A. Borsodi DSc, 2006
  32. Agressive and protective mediators in the regulation of intestinal mucosal integrity Zoltán Szepes, Prof. J. Lonovics-Ifj. F. László, 2007
  33. The role of trypsin and bile acids in acute and chronic pancreatitis Béla Ózsvári, P.Hegyi – Z. Rakonczay, 2008
  34. Examination of primary epithelial cells under normal and pathophysiological conditions Viktória Venglovecz, P.Hegyi – Z. Rakonczay, 2008
  35. Role of vasodilator mediators in endothelial dysfunction, Gábor Csányi, Zsófia Mezei, 2008
  36. Structure-activity studies of novel, conformationally restricted delta opioid-receptor selective tetrapeptides; Enikő Ioja, Prof. Anna Borsodi; 2009
  37. Endomorphin analogs containing alicyclic ß-amino acids: influence on conformation and pharmacological profile; Attila Keresztes; Géza Tóth, 2009
  38. Effect of natural products on the pathogenesis of acute experimental pancreatitis, Annamária Szabolcs, Prof. Tamás Takács; 2009
  39. Synthesis and radioactive labeling of biologically active peptides, peptide and protein fragments; Erzsébet Szemenyei, Géza Tóth; 2009
  40. The role of monoaminergic and galaninergic systems on the regulation of oxytocin secretion in rat neurohypophyseal cell cultures; Marianna Radács, Márta Gálfi, 2009
  41. The essence of cytokines from experimental acute pancreatitis through organ preserving pancreatic head resection;Gyula Farkas Jr.; Prof. Tamás Takács; 2009
  42. Role of proteases and protease-activated receptor 2 in the regulation of physiological colonic barrier function and in the pathogenesis of visceral hypersensitivity; Richárd Róka; Prof. Tibor Wittmann, 2009
  43. Clinical evaluation of primary and secondary oesophageal motility disorders: new data on the pathogenesis of cardiac and respiratory manifestations of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, the characteristics of motility disorders in patients diabetes mellitus and in primary Sjögren’s syndrome; András Rosztóczy; Prof. Tibor Wittmann, 2009
  44. The value of indigo carmine staining in endoscopy and endoscopic mucosal resection in the human stomach; Tibor Szalóki; László Czakó; 2009

Representative dissertations (title, author, supervisor, year)

  1. Structural organization of the cholinergic system and neuropathological alterations in the olfactory bulb, Imre Kovács,Prof. P. Kása, 1998
  2. Event related potentials in monkey and man, Andrea Antal, Prof. Gy. Benedek, 1998
  3. Functional anatomy of cutaneous capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves, Mária Dux, Prof. G. Jancsó, 1998
  4. Experimental Immune-Mediated Damage of Septal Cholonergic Structures and its effect on learning and memory functions, János Kálmán, Prof. J. Engelhardt, 1998
  5. Free radical scavengers in ischemic-reperfused retina, Szabó Márta, Prof. Gy. Benedek, 1998
  6. Cochlear implantation, a medical intervention utilizing electrical field stimulation, Judit Szilvássy, G. J. Kiss CSc, 1999
  7. Interactions between sleep and endocrine regulation, László Beranek, Prof. F. Obál jr., 1999
  8. Application of biostatistical methods in neuropsychiatric examinations, Krisztina Boda, Prof. Z. Janka, 1999
  9. Neurogenic modulation of cutaneous vascular reactions by galanin, Péter Sántha, Prof. G. Jancsó, 2000
  10. Normal and impaired visual development in children, Petra Kozma, Prof. Gy. Benedek, 2000
  11. Perceptual categorization: application for the experimental psychopathology of schizophrenia, Szabolcs Kéri, Prof. Z. Janka and Prof. Gy. Benedek, 2000
  12. Sensory neurotoxin-induced degenerative and neuroplastic phenomena in the rat ureter, Andrea Ambrus, Prof. G. Jancsó, 2001
  13. Preservation of neuronal-vascular reactivity to N-methyl-D-aspartate after ischemia in newborn pigs, Ferenc Domoki,Prof. F. Bari, 2001
  14. Ischaemia increases prostaglandin H-synthase-2 levels in retina and brain of piglets, Rózsa Dégi, Assoc. Prof. A. Nógrádi, 2001
  15. Modulation of transmitter release in tissue slices from rat brain. Implications for Alzheimer’s disease pathology, Mónika Forgon, Prof. P. Kása, 2001
  16. Intracellular calcium homeostasis of motoneurons in animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Róbert JánosAdalbert, L. Siklós, 2002
  17. Alzheimer’s disease. With special emphasis on in vitro and in vivo model systems and the effect of donepezil applied for treatment of the disease, Henrietta Papp, Prof. P. Kása, 2002
  18. Immune-mediated neuronal damages and the role of intracellular calcium in the degeneration of neurons Izabella Obál, Prof. J. Engelhardt – L. Siklós, 2003
  19. The potential role of spinal ketamin in multi-component antinociception Gabriella Joó,  Prof. G. Benedek 2004
  20. Endogenous ligands in pain control at the spinal level: agmatine, emdomorphin-1 and kynurenic acid Gabriella Kékesi, G. Horváth 2004
  21. Studies on k-opioid receptor expression in cell cultures Erzsébet Cserpán, KatalinMaderspach, Prof. G. Tóth 2004
  22. A visual system of tectal origin in the mammalian brain Attila Nagy Prof. G. Benedek 2003
  23. Selective lesion of the basal forebrain cholineric system as a model for Alzheimer’s disease: a morphological analysisCsaba Varga Prof. Á. Párducz 2004
  24. Effects of environmental pollutant heavy metals on the electric activity of the somatosensory system in rats in acute application László Pecze, Prof. L. Nagymajtényi, 2004
  25. Neuronal and hormonal influences in sleep regulation Zoltán Péterfi, Prof. F. Obál, 2006
  26. BiochemiCa2+l studies in Alzheimer’s disease: the APParent diagnostic and therapeutic role of antipsychotics on calcium homeostasis and amyloid-precursor-protein metabolism András Palotás, Prof. Z. Janka – Prof. B. Penke 2006
  27. Neuroprotection by pharmacological preconditioning, the role of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel Krisztina Nagy, Prof. F. Bari, 2006
  28. Evidence for the role of GHRH in the regulation of sleep János Gardi Prof. F. Obál, 2006
  29. Effects of amyloid 1–42 investigated by in vivo single – unit electrophysiology: Ionotropic glutamate receptors and neuroprotection Viktor Szegedi Prof. B. Penke 2006.
  30. 2D physical properties in the responses of the macaque inferotemporal cortex, Tamás Tompa, Prof. G. Benedek, 2006
  31. The possible role of somatomammotrop hormones in sleep regulation, Balázs Bodosi Prof. F. Obál, 2007
  32. Mechanisms of delayed neuronal preconditioning induced by transient energy deprivation and by the antianginal drug, bepridil, Tamás Gáspár Prof. F. Bari, 2007
  33. Significance of neurotransmitter inputs of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal system in the human diencephalon Bertalan Dudás Prof. A. Mihály, 2007
  34. Protection Against Blood-Brain Barrier Damages in Pathological Conditions: in vivo and in vitro studies, Szilvia Veszelka, M. Deli, 2007
  35. The role of estrogen and dehydroepiandrosterone in synaptic remodeling Eszter Csákvári Prof. Á. Párducz, 2008
  36. Studies on preparation technics and properties of nanomaterials for medical applications Szabolcs Beke, J.G. Kiss, 2008
  37. Cerebral blood flow regulation following hypoxic attacks and seizures in the newborn piglet Alíz Zimmermann, F.Bari, 2008
  38. Neuronal coding of spatial visual information; Gabriella Eördegh; Prof. Gy. Benedek; 2009
  39. Mechanisms of diabetes mellitus associated depletion of interstitial cells of Cajal in the murine stomach, Viktor József Horváth, Prof. J. Lonovics ; 2009
  40. New approaches to neuroprotection in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in the rat; Ádám Institóris, Prof. Ferenc Bari; 2009
  41. Regulation of Calmodulin gene expression in the rat brain stem-medulla region after induction of chronic orofacial skin inflammation and subsequent steroid treatment; Iván Oroján, Prof. Károly Gulya, 2009
  42. Visual properties of neurons along the tecto-thalamo-caudate nucleus pathway, Zsuzsa Paróczy; Prof. György Benedek; 2009
  43. Spatial and temporal analysis of information processing in the ascending tectofugal visual system; Antal Berényi; Prof. György Benedek; 2009
  44. Oxidative and osmotic stress induced changes in brain endothelial cells; Elek Attila Farkas; István Krizbai, 2009
  45. Signaling pathways activated by stress factors in brain endothelial cells ; Imola Wilhelm; István Krizbai, 2009
  46. Effect of distinct amyloid ß1-42 assemblies on synaptic plasticity, Gábor Juhász; Prof. Botond Penke; 2010
  47. Subcortical multisensory loop in the ascending tectofugal system; Zita Márkus; Prof. György Benedek 2010
  48. In vivo rat models of amyloid pathology; Eszter Sipos; Prof. Botond Penke, 2010
  49. The mechanisms of sleep suppression and drinking elicited by intracerebral somatostatinergic stimulation, Ildikó Hajdú, Prof. Ferenc Obál; 2010
  50. Mass spectrometry analysis of protein post-translational modifications: phosphorylation and O-GlcNAc glycosylation;Éva Klement, Prof. Botond Penke, 2010
  51. Nonsyndromic hearing loss of genetic origin in Hungary: from molecular biology to clinical data; Attila Nagy; József Géza Kiss; 2010
  52. Neurogenic vascular responses mediated by capsaicin-sensitive nociceptive afferents in the rat dura mater encephali: Implications for the pathomechanism of headaches; Judit Rosta; Mária Dux- Prof. Gábor Jancsó; 2010
  53. Application of Auditory Evoked Responses in Special Cases; Ferenc Tóth; József Géza Kiss; 2010
  54. The role of ghrelin and neuropeptide Y in the shared regulation of feeding and arousal Éva Szentirmai; Prof. Ferenc Obál Jr. 2010



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