Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Doctoral Schools and Programmes  --  Régi doktori képzéses anyagok
Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine

Chair: Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc
Department of Dermatology and Allergology
H–6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 277, Fax: (+36 62) 545 954

Assistant Chair: Prof. György Bártfai MD, DSc
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
H–6726 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 1., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 499, Fax: (+36 62) 545 711

Co-operating institutions
Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Biochemistry

Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Biophysics

Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Genetics

Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Plant Biology

Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research Institute for Plant Genomics
Human Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Educational Programmes

1. Immunology
Programme director: Prof. Zsuzsanna Bata MD, DSc
Department of Dermatology and Allergology
H–6720 Szeged Korányi fasor 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 996, Fax: (+36 62) 545 954

The basic function of the immune system is to eliminate the materials recognized nonselves (as an antigen). This function is based on the activity of a lot of cell types and via their metabolic products (cytokine system). The "Immunology" program covers all important fields of this topic: innate and adaptive immunity, humoral and cellular elements of the host defense, skin immunology and disorders of the immune system.

Research programmes

(A) Mechanism and modulation of innate immunity and immune tolerance
Coordinator: Prof. Tamás Jánossy MD, CSc
Institute of Experimental Surgery
H–6720 Szeged Pécsi u. 4., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 696, Fax: (+36 62) 545 743

In the last decade, our knowledge has considerably increased on the cellular, genetic and molecular factors participating in, and regulating a wide variety of innate and acquired immune responses. Further studies will result in a better understanding of basic cellular and molecular immune mechanisms and, hopefully, in gaining several new information on immune mechanisms of clinical importance. Thus, the projects of this subprogram include analysis of distinct molecular events during the activation and regulation of the innate immune system, investigations on the cellular and molecular mechanisms participating in transplantation immunity (graft rejection, graft-versus-host disease) and transplantation tolerance as well as in the development of immune and lymphoproliferative disorders following immunological manipulations, furthermore, studies on the possible modulation of these phenomena.

Research topics
– Induction, mechanism and complications of transplantation tolerance (Supervisor: Tamás Jánossy MD, CSc)
– Mechanism and modulation of graft rejection (Supervisor: Tamás Jánossy MD, CSc)
– Induction, mechanism and prevention of graft-versus-host disease (Supervisor: Tamás Jánossy MD, CSc)
– Chromatin remodeling: distinct molecular events during the activation and regulation of the innate immune system
(Supervisor: István Nagy PhD)

(B) The role of the skin in the regulation of immunological reactions
Coordinator: Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc
Department of Dermatology and Allergology
H–6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 277, Fax: (+36 62) 545 954

Our knowledge about the physiologic and pathophysiologic functions of the skin has greatly changed in recent years. An increasing body of evidence proves that the epidermal cells are active in the inflammatory skin reactions, and are important participants of the skin immune system. The skin immune reactions are modulated by the cooperation between a large number of cells. There should be an important cooperation between the epidermal cells (keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans-cells, Merkel cells), but also between the epidermal cells and other cell-types found in the dermis (lymphocytes, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells). The projects of this subprogram include investigations of the above mentioned connections between cells, mediators and the environment, studies concerning the genomic background of different multifactorial immunodermatological disorders. The results of these studies may lead to better understanding of the function of the complex immunological network in the skin and the pathogenesis of skin disorders accompanied by benign or malignant hyperproliferations.

Research topics
– Regulation of keratinocyte cell cycle (Supervisor: Zsuzsanna Bata MD, DSc)
– The role of melanocytes in the skin immune system (Supervisor: Zsuzsanna Bata MD, DSc)
– The effect of UV light on the modulation of immunological functions in the skin (Supervisor: Lajos Kemény MD,
– Investigations of the photoprotective effect of the skin (Supervisor: Lajos Kemény MD, DSc)
– The role of the regulatory cells in skin immune system (Supervisor: Rolland Gyulai MD, PhD)
– Dysplastic naevus and melanoma (Supervisor: Attila Dobozy MD, MHAS)
– Precursor lesions and risk factors in malignant melanoma (Supervisor: Judit Oláh MD, PhD)
– Genomic studies in multifactoral dermatological disorders (Supervisor: Márta Széll PhD)

(C) Clinical immunology and reactions in humans due to disorders of the immune system
Coordinator: Prof. Sándor Husz MD, DSc 
Department of Dermatology and Allergology,
H–6720 Szeged Korányi fasor 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 249, Fax: (+36 62) 545 954

Disorders of the immune system, due to the primary and secondary immune deficiencies caused the most serious diseases in humans; including autoimmune and allergic diseases, and malignant proliferation as well.

Research topics
– Prognostic features in malignant lymphomas (Supervisor: Zita Borbényi MD, CSc)
– Modern diagnostic tools and prognostic features in patiens with acute leukemias (Supervisor: Zita Borbényi MD,
– Immunpathologic disorders in patients with drug allergy (Supervisor: Sándor Husz MD, DSc
– Roles of neuropeptides and their receptors in the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin disorders (Supervisor: Mária
Kiss PhD)
– The investigation of various immunopathological variables in renal and musculo-skeletal manifestations of systemic autoimmune diseases (Supervisor: László Kovács MD, PhD)
– Macrophage function and immune response (Supervisor: György Lázár MD, DSc)
– Morphological and clinicopathological examination of the factors affecting of the progression of the renal diseases
(Supervisor: Béla Iványi MD, DSc)

Major courses
– Clinical immunology (Zsuzsanna Bata MD, DSc)
– Molecular biological methods in medicine; Bioinformatics (Márta Széll PhD)
– Innate immunity (István Andó Vet. MD, DSc)
– Immunopathology (Tamás Jánossy MD, CSc)
– Immunology of the pregnancy (Zoltán Novák PhD)
– Skin immune system; health and disease (Attila Dobozy MD, MHAS)
– Skin immunology (Rolland Gyulai MD, PhD)
– Autoimmunity; Autoantibodies and diseases (Mária Kiss PhD)
– Immunological aspects of hematological disorders (Zita Borbényi MD, CSc)

2.  Reproductive Health
Programme director: Prof. György Bártfai MD, DSc
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
H–6726 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 1., Hungary
Phone.: (+36 62) 545 499, Fax.: (+36 62) 545 711

This postgraduate training programme summarizes all the experimental and clinical studies that are focussed on physiology of human reproduction and especially on reproductive health. The programme incorporates the vast experience gained through the cooperation and joint studies over the years with the Special Programme of Human Reproduction of the World Health Organization, since the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a designated Collaborating Centre of the WHO since 1972.

Research topics
– Emergency contraception and education of sexual behaviour of adolescents (Supervisor: György Bártfai MD, DSc)
– The effect of oral contraceptives on libido (Supervisor: László Kovács MD, DSc)
– Ultrasound examination in obstetrcics and gynaecology (Supervisor: Attila Pál MD, DSc)
– The physiology of phaetal heart (Supervisors: Béla Resch MD, DSc)
– Research to increase the fertilizing capacity of sperm (Supervisor: János Szöllősi MD, CSc)
– Evaluation of fetal status and behaviour; research in twin pregnancies (Supervisor: György Bártfai MD, DSc)
– Premature labor and its prevention (Supervisor: György Bártfai MD, DSc)
– Research on new methods of prenatal genetic diagnostics and their introduction into clinical practice (Supervisor: János Szabó MD, DSc)
– Medical methods for termination of pregnancy: experimental and clinical studies (Supervisor: László Kovács MD,
– Research in the use of antiprogesterones for contraception (Supervisors: Béla Resch MD, DSc)
– Subsequent fertility after IUD use (Supervisor: György Bártfai MD, DSc)
– Prenatal screening of fetal malformations (Supervisor: Attila Pál MD, DSc)
– Medical methods for termination of pregnancy: experimental and clinical studies (Supervisor: László Kovács MD,
– Problems of ageing male and female and their impact on the structure of family health (Supervisor: György Bártfai
MD, DSc)
– Investigation of the role of human papilloma virus in cervical carcinoma (Supervisor: Tibor Nyári PhD)
– Investigation of the role of environmental factors in childhood cancers (Supervisor: Tibor Nyári PhD)

Major courses
– Contraception (László Kovács MD, DSc)
– Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynaecology (Attila Pál MD, DSc)
– Diagnostics of fetal condition ante- and intrapartum (György Bártfai MD, DSc)
– The role of GnRH and its analogues in human reproduction (György Bártfai MD, DSc)
– Obstetric genetics (János Szabó MD, DSc)
– Reproductive endocrinology (Béla Resch MD, PhD)
– Neonatology (Hajnalka Orvos MD, PhD)
– Clinical pharmacology (J. Török MD)
– Gynaecological laparoscopy (János Gellén MD, DSc)
– Andrology (János Szöllősi MD, CSc)
– Hysteroscopy (Béla Molnár G. MD, PhD)

3. Clinical and Experimental Neuroscience 
Programme director: Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS 
Department of Neurology
H–6726 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 348, Fax: (+36 62) 545 597

Experimental science can not exist without the latest clinical results, and clinical science can not exist without basic research. The goal of this program is to make a link between the basic and applied neuroscience and to establish collaboration between the labs and to make the students work with the highest quality equipments. The students get knowledge in the scientific methods which inspire the future experiments and they can use these methods during their careers. The aim of the collaboration is that young clinicians and theoretical scientists working in the field of basic neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery get scientific degree. The access to the equipment in the other labs improves the quality of research in the clinical science.

The scientific aims of the programme

1. The collaboration between the labs will improve the use of the resources and the efficacy.

2. To assure the possibility of the scientific work to the students by providing modern labs and tutors and fit the quality of the research to the international standards.

3. To increase the number of the clinicians and researchers having Ph.D. degree in the field of neuroscience.

4. To improve the graduate program and the post doctoral program since neuroscience needs a continuous high quality work.

Research Programmes 
(A) Morphological and functional examination of the organization of the central nervous system
Coordinator: Prof. András Mihály MD, DSc 
Department of Anatomy
H–6724 Szeged, Kossuth Lajos sgt. 40., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 665
Fax: (+36 62) 545 707

Research topics
– Experimental morphological studies in animal models of disorders of the central nervous system (Supervisor: Eszter Farkas PhD)
– Pathomechanism of neuronal cell damage in epilepsy, ischemia and neurotrauma (Supervisor: András Mihály MD, DSc)

(B) Cognitive, neurobiological and pharmacological aspects of psychiatry
Coordinator: Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc 
Department of Psychiatry
H–6726 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 358
Fax: (+36 62) 545 973

Research topics 

– The investigation of the cholinergic system in the brain (Supervisor: Zoltán Rakonczay DSc)
– Cognitive and neurobiological correlates of different dementias (Supervisor: János Kálmán MD, PhD)
– Cognitive and biological aspects of suicide and depression (Supervisor: István Boncz MD, CSc)
– Cellular and molecular biological studies in Alzheimer’s disease (Supervisor: Magdolna Pákáski MD, PhD)
– Assessment of independent variables in panic disorders (Supervisor: Károly Lajkó MD, CSc)
– Pharmacogenetic aspects of antipsychotic therapy in schizophrenia (Supervisor: György Szekeres MD, PhD)
– Molecular biology and pharmacogenetics of psychiatric disorders (Supervisor: Zoltán Janka MD, DSc)
– Psychiatric consequences of central nervous system infections (Supervisor: Szatmár Horváth MD, PhD)
– Risk factors and evidence based treatment methods of childhood onset mood disorders (Supervisor: Ágnes Vetró
MD, PhD)
– Quality of life in different child- and adolescent psychiatric disorders (Supervisor: Ágnes Vetró MD, PhD)

(C) Diagnosis and neurosurgical therapy of pathologic processes of the nervous system. 
Coordinator: Prof. Pál Barzó MD, DSc 
Department of Neurosurgery
H–6725 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 972
Fax: (+36 62) 545 972

Research topics
– Diagnosis and neurosurgical therapy of pathologic processes of the nervous system (Supervisor: Mihaly Bodosi
MD, DSc)
– CSF circulation and its regulation in normal and pathological condition, especially in cases of traumatic brain injuries.
The importance of CSF drainage (Supervisor: Mihaly Bodosi MD, DSc)
– The importance of cerebral vasoreactivity in various CNS disorders (Supervisor: Pal Barzó MD, DSc)
– Modern management of severe brain injuries (Supervisor: Pal Barzó MD, DSc)

(D) Nuclear medicine investigations in disorders of the central nervous system.
Coordinator: Prof. László Pávics MD, DSc 
Department of Nuclear Medicine
H–6726 Szeged, Korányi fasor 8., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 390
Fax: (+36 62) 544 564

Research topic 
– Nuclear medicine studies in neurologic and psychiatric diseases (Supervisor: László Pávics MD, DSc)
– Modern neuroimaging (Supervisor: Erika Vörös MD, PhD)

(E) Pathomechanism of neurological disorders: investigation of novel therapeutic alternatives.
Coordinator: Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS 
Department of Neurology
H–6726 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 348, Fax: (+36 62) 545 597

Research topics 
– Behavioral and electrophysiological studies in experimental models of neurological disorders (Supervisor: József Toldi DSc)
– Changes in the trigeminovascular system in animal models of migraine (Supervisor: Árpád Párducz DSc)
– Neurodegeneration and inflammation (Supervisor: József Engelhardt MD, DSc)
– Electroencephalographic studies in neurological disorders (Supervisor: Tamás Járdánházy MD, CSc)
– Epileptogenesis, cellular and network mechanisms of epileptiform events (Supervisor: Magdolna Szente DSc)
– Experimental and clinical studies in headache (Supervisor: János Tajti MD, CSc)
– New therapeutic modalities in neurodegenerative disorders (Supervisor: Péter Klivényi MD, PhD)
– Multiple sclerosis to date: diagnosis, epidemiology, new aspects of the pathomechanism and the therapy
(Supervisor: Krisztina Bencsik MD, PhD)
– Electrophysiological studies in neurological disorders: neuro-ophthalmology (Supervisor: Krisztina Benedek MD,
– Nitric oxide donor nitroglycerin and trigeminal stimulation as an experimental migraine model: immunohistochemical studies (Supervisor: Árpád Párdutz DSc)
– Effects of peptides and other compounds on cerebral blood vessels in vitro (Supervisor: Délia Szok MD, PhD)
– Examination of biomarkers and cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics in multiple sclerosis patients (Supervisor: Cecília
Rajda MD, PhD)
– Electrophysiological investigation of visuo-motor integration in human (Supervisor: Tamás Zs. Kincses MD, PhD)
– Pathomechanism of neurological disorders: excitotoxins and neuroprotection (Supervisor: László Vécsei MD,
– The role of licit and illicit drugs in traffic accidents
– The role of alcohol intoxication and abuse in the traffic (Supervisor: Tibor Varga MD, PhD)
– Clinical and molecular mechanisms in neuroscience (Supervisor: Zoltán Szolnoki MD, PhD)
– The role of sub-cortical structures in cognition (Supervisor: Dezső Németh PhD, László Vécsei MD, MHAS)

Major courses
– New methods for the investigations in experimental neurology (András Mihály MD, DSc)
– Experimental neuromorphology with practical presentations (András Mihály MD, DSc)
– Organic diseases of nervous system: clinical and experimental neurology (László Vécsei MD, DSc, MHAS, József
Engelhardt MD, DSc, Tamás Járdánházy MD, DSc, János Tajti MD, PhD, Péter Klivényi MD, PhD)
– Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration and possibilities of neuroprotection (Péter Klivényi MD, PhD)

4. Experimental and Clinical Investigation of the Cardiovascular System 
Programme director: Prof. Miklós Csanády MD, DSc, F.E.S.C.
2nd Department of Medicine and Cardiology Centre
H–6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 6., Hungary
Phone.: (+36 62) 545 220, Fax: (+36 62) 544 568

Cardiovascular diseases still lead the morbidity and mortality statistics worldwide, exceeding those on malignant tumours. Healthcare has an important task, which includes the prevention and early detection, as well as adequate treatment of the disease. The investigation of cardiomyopathies and ischaemic heart disease is of paramount importance. PhD students can participate in studies on the following topics.

Research Programmes

(A) Molecular genetic studies of cardiovascular diseases
Coordinator: Prof. Miklós Csanády MD, DSc, F.E.S.C.

Recent discoveries in molecular genetics has allowed to clarify the genetic background of several cardiac disorders such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, long QT syndrome, dilated cardiomyopathy and the arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
The interest of the department is focussed on the genetic characterisation of the mentioned cardiac diseases by doing linkage mapping of the involved families, mutation analysis of the disease causing genes and investigating genotype-phenotype relations.

Areas of investigations to be developed:
– Detection of known mutations in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Searching for new mutations
– Linkage analysis in familial cardiomyopathies
– Investigations of genes, known to cause skeletal muscle dystrophy in DCM. Genetical evaluations of cardiac
involvement in primary skeletal muscle dystrophy
– Genetical analysis of patients with long QT syndrome
– Investigation of disease modifying genes in cardiomyopathies

(B) Clinical investigations on myocardial diseases
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Márta Hőgye MD, CSc

Dilated cardiomyopathy is considered to be a multicausal disease, and the background of the illness is only partly understood. In DCM patients, familial aggregation of the disease is frequent, therefore our aim is to screen the asymptomatic family members, to prove familiality. We intend to examine the gene polymorphism of DCM patients. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the occurrence of sensorineural hearing disturbances is relatively frequent and will be further investigated. Special attention is paid to modificator genes which can also influence the prognosis of the disease.

Areas of investigations to be developed:
– Investigation of ethiological factors in dilated cardiomyopathy.
– Study of rhythm disturbances by Holter monitoring, as well as blood pressure and heart variability in DCM.
– Study of the mode of inheritence in familial DCM .
– Study of immunological background in DCM .
– Follow-up of DCM patients, investigation of prognostic factors and natural course.

(C) Stress echocardiography and other imaging techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of ischaemic heart disease and cardiomyiopathies
Coordinator: Prof. Tamás Forster MD, DSc, F.E.S.C.

Pharmacologic stress testing, i.e. dipyridamole and dobutamine stress echocardiography are new and effective methods in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease. Our department is equipped with all resources and invironment necessary for top level teaching and research. We have close cooperation with foreign institutes (Thoraxcenter of Erasmus University Rotterdam and Institute of Clinical Physiology at University Pisa). Besides ischaemic heart disease, stress testing is of great importance in congestive cardiomyopathy in revealing functional capacity and prognosis of patients. Other imaging techniques such as intracoronary ultrasound and coronary flow reserve measurement are also used to reveal the pathophysiology of coronary heart disease.

Areas of investigations to be developed:
– Comparison of different form of stress testing with the results of intravascular ultrasound and coronary
– Search for new methodologies and their validation (e.g. transoesophageal stress echocardiography, tissue Doppler imaging, contrast echocardiography, intravascular ultrasound).
– Quantitative assessment of different type of stress echocardiographic studies.

Research topics
– Screenings, clinical follow up and examination of environmental influences in inherited myocardial diseases
(Supervisor: Miklós Csanády MD, DSc)
– Imaging and device therapy of heart diseases (Supervisor: Tamás Forster MD, DSc
– Molecular genetic studies in patients with familiar myocardial disorders (Supervisor: Róbert Sepp MD, PhD)
– Systemic manifestation in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), with especial focus on pulmonary
hypertony and endothelial dysfunction (Supervisor: Attila Somfay MD, PhD)
– Investigation of the ventillary, circulatory and musculatory components of loading intolerance in chronic pulmonary diseases (Supervisor: Attila Somfay MD, PhD)
– Evaluation of the vascular function by modern diagnostic methods (Supervisor: Attila Nemes MD, PhD)
– The role of echocardiography in the detection of cardiogenic embolic sources
– Clinical aspects of the transthoracic echocardiographic examination of coronaries (Supervisor: Attila Pálinkás MD,

Major courses
– Echocardiography – theory and practice (Tamás Forster, MD, DSc, F.E.S.C.)
– Diagnosis and therapy of cardiomyoapthies and ischaemic heart disease (Miklós Csanády MD, DSc)
– Electrocardiography and Holter monitoring (Márta Hőgye MD, CSc)
– Nuclear techniques in cardiology (Márta Hőgye MD, CSc)
– Exercise testing (practical course, bicycle ergometry, pharmacological tests) (Tamás Forster, MD, DSc, F.E.S.C.
and Noémi Gruber MD, CSc)
– Practical course to use the computerized follow-up program in dilated cardiomyopathy (Márta Hőgye MD, CSc)
– The basic concept of molecular biology and clinical genetics (Róbert Sepp MD, PhD)
– Basic techniques in the molecular biological laboratory (István Raskó MD, DSc)
– Non-pharmacologic treatment of heart diseases and rhythm disturbances (Miklós Csanády MD, DSc)

5. Clinical and Experimental Research for Reconstructive and Organ-Sparing Surgery
Programme director: Prof. Jenő Czigner MD, DSc
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
H–6725 Szeged, Tisza L. krt 111., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 310, Fax: (+36 62) 545 848,

Vice-director: Prof. György Lázár junior MD, CSc
Department of Surgery
H–6720 Szeged, Pécsi u. 4., Hungary
Phone/fax: (+36 62) 545 701

Co-operating institutions
Faculty of General Medicine
Department of Surgery
Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Department of Traumatology
Department of Urology
Department of Orthopaedic
Department of Ophthalmology

The present announced programme is based upon the cooperation of 6 departments dealing with surgery. The basic aim of this program is to find the best way in preserving the function of different organs despite the surgical intervention, minimizing the inevitable tissue damage during operations. If the only way for cure is the total surgical removal of an organ, the task is to substitute the missing function. Part of this programme is the substitution when it is performed with help of the armamentarium of surgery.
In general, the morbidity and mortality rates are in our country much higher comparing data to western countries. Especially frequent diseases are the congenital anomalies, traumatic injuries, tumours, and the vascular diseases. The therapy of these diseases can be managed mostly with the help of the surgery. Many surgical aspects are involved in the treatment of the “communication disorders”. Any novelty in the treatment is always built on the results of the basic sciences, like pathology, pathophysiology, and experimental surgery. The route from the discovery till the clinical application is a long and rough way. To shorten this distance is our enthusiastic task. The very person for this function is who can combine the clinical experiences with the results of the basic sciences. In our highly specialized world only long training can form such personalities. For this reason the proper person who can fulfil our program has to be familiar with minimum one of the seven surgical branches. An advantage is the degree of specialization.
The programme incorporates some compulsory courses for every candidate. Beside this – sub programmes may also contain – compulsory courses on their special field.
Within the thematic frame of the programme there is a free scope to promote any individual creation.

Research Programmes 
(A)  Surgical pathopsychology; clinical and experimental aspects
Coordinator: Prof. György Lázár junior MD, CSc
Department of Surgery
H–6720 Szeged, Pécsi u. 4., Hungary
Phone/fax: (+36 62) 545 701

The development of surgery in the last few years caused a significant changing of the surgical approach. Instead of the former methods with enormous mutilations the parenchyma saving methods are becoming more general. Operations with extended radicality are more and more pushed to the background compared to those regarded the patients’ better quality of life and function. These changes were not only consequences of the development of other disciplines but those of surgical research. Nowadays experimental surgery became an organizer of different basic researches with special interests. Ramified subjects of ours also represent these changes. Our themes originated from bedside and from their successful realization can be hoped the treatment of patients with increasing effect.

Research topics
– Experimental research of the acute large bowel obstruction (Supervisor: Ádám Balogh MD, CSc)
– The role of leukocytes activation in acute pancreatitis (experimental and clinical research) (Supervisor: Gyula
Farkas MD, DSc)
– The role of macrophages in shock conditions (Supervisor: György Lázár jr. MD, CSc)
– The role of cardiovascular risk in the lost of kidney graft (Supervisor: György Lázár jr. MD, CSc)
– Significance of microcirculation in the surgery (Supervisor: György Lázár jr. MD, CSc)
– Surgery in oncology (Supervisor: György Lázár jr. MD, CSc)
– The role of glucocorticoid hormones in the experimental acute pancreatitis (Supervisor: György Lázár jr. MD, CSc)
– Examination of myogenic activity of the canine and human portal vein (Supervisor: András Petri MD, CSc)
– Clinical and experimental investigation of portal hypertension (Supervisor: András Petri MD, CSc)
– Functional preservation of autologous and heterologous vascular grafts (Supervisor: János Pataricza MD, PhD)
– The role of imaging modalities and the interventional radiology in the diagnosis and treatment of renovascular
hypertension (Supervisor: Endre Nagy MD, PhD)
– Computered treatment planning and Finite Element analysis of the maxillofacial region (Supervisor: József Piffkó MD, DDS, PhD)
(B) Reconstructive and Organ Sparing Surgery, Clinical and Experimental Surgical Research in the Oto-Rhino-Laryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Coordinator: Prof. Jenő Czigner MD, DSc
Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
H–6725 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 111., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 310, Fax: (+36 62) 545 848

Vice-coordinator: Prof. József Jóri MD, DSc
Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
H–6725 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 111., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 310, Fax: (+36 62) 545 848

The main purpose of the research programme – in connection with the PhD education’s purpose – is the clinical and experimental surgical examination of function-preserving and reconstructive surgical methods used in the field of oto-rhino-laryngology, and head and neck surgery.
Both congenital and acquired illnesses in our field of specialty can cause organ malfunctions presenting as communication disorders (e.g. deafness, hearing impairment, and breathing and phonation disorders) which may be corrected with up-to-date technical aids or surgical techniques. The purpose of our subprogram is to develop, adopt and introduce methods for the possible surgical treatment to maintain the quality of life and to correct somatic disorders of communication (such as hearing, speech, breathing, swallowing, olfaction, tasting) and cosmetic deformities of the head and neck causing psychological disturbances that may be used to restore, improve or preserve these functions.
In connection with this purpose, the topics of our subprogram intend to set the clinical and experimental research program of the surgical procedures that may be of value in our field’s various areas.
During our every day’s clinical oto-rhino-laryngological practice we frequently face the problems of the mutilating and function destroying surgical interventions which often demand wide tissue defect and definitive loss of several interceptive functions. It has become increasingly typical of our medical and oto-rhino-laryngological practice to develop and routinely use surgical procedures which are less invasive but more comfortable for the patients and can reach more function and organ preserving methods. Conservation and CO2 laser surgery in the treatment of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers.

Research topics
– Conventional and CO2 laser surgery in the treatment of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers (Supervisor: Jenő Czigner MD, DSc)
– Clinical and experimental study of the laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer – immunological and cytogenetic aspects (Supervisor: Miklós Csanády jr. MD, PhD)
– Clinical and experimental study of the reconstructive methods after mutilating operations of the laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers (Supervisor: László Iván MD, CSc)
– Technological development of new microsurgical technics and methods in airway surgery (Supervisor: László Rovó MD, PhD)
– Clinical and experimental study of upper airways stenosis pathophysiology (Supervisor: László Rovó MD, PhD)
– Surgical treatment of congenital and acquired laryngo-tracheal stenosis with experimental surgical study (Supervisor: Jenő Czigner MD, DSc)
– Clinical and experimental study of the restoring surgical methods of the hearing function (Supervisor: József Jóri MD, DSc)
– Clinical and experimental study of the restoring methods of the facial nerve function (Supervisor: József Jóri MD, DSc)
– Clinical and experimental study of the restoring surgical methods of the hearing function (Supervisor: József Jóri MD, DSc)
– Acustics, bioacoustics (Supervisor: József Géza Kiss CSc)
– Clinical and experimentaly study (audiologycal, otoneurologycal) of the cochleovestibular function disturbances (Supervisor: József Géza Kiss CSc)
– Audiologycal and electrophysiological investigation in case of sensorineural hearing loss (Supervisor: József Géza Kiss CSc)
– Objective audiometrical and psychophysical investigation in case of cochlear implant (Supervisor: József Géza Kiss CSc)
– Electrophysiological diagnostic procedures in the indication and control of the function preserving surgical methods in the oto-rhino-laryngology (Supervisor: József Géza Kiss CSc)
– Clinical and experimental study of the restoring methods of nasal and paranasal sinuses (Supervisor: Edit Kadocsa MD, CSc)
– Clinical and experimental study of the nasal function (Supervisor: Edit Kadocsa MD, CSc)
– Surgical reconstruction of head and neck defects (Supervisor: Miklós Kásler MD, PhD)
– Development of rehabilitation to increase life quality after partial laryngeal resection operations and other laryngo-pharyngeal dysfunctions (Supervisor: György Lichtenberger MD, PhD)

Major courses
– Practical endolaryngeal surgery (Jenő Czigner MD, DSc, Gábor Répássy MD PhD, József Jóri MD, DSc)
– Functional, diagnostic procedures of the upper airway, voice analysis (László Rovó MD, PhD)
– Middle ear surgery (József Jóri MD, DSc, Gábor Katona MD, Ph.D, Imre Gerlinger MD, Ph.D)
– Audiology (József Jóri MD DSc, Géza József Kiss CSc, Éva Szabados MD)
– Surgery of the intra- and extratemporal parts of the facial nerve (József Jóri MD DSc, János Aurél Simonka MD CSc, Miklós Becske MD PhD
– Diagnostic methods of the facial nerve function (József Jóri MD, DSc)
– Acoustics (Géza József Kiss CSc, József Jóri MD, DSc)

(C) Clinical and Experimental Research of Preserving and Restoring the Functions of Human Organism Following Mechanical Injuries
Coordinator: Prof. Aurél János Simonka MD, CSc
Department of Traumatology
H–6725 Szeged, Semmelweis u.6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 530, Fax: (+36 62) 545 531

Mechanical effects can cause damage in human tissues, to which the organism reacts with regeneration. Our task is to assist, support the regeneration process, to ensure optimum conditions. While studying the complex and retroacting vital processes we can grab and study only part of a process.
In the seventies the regeneration of the peripheral nervous system was mainly investigated employing morphological and electrophysical methods while in the nineties molecular neurobiological techniques became predominant and lead us to a more thorough knowledge of the operation of the peripheral nerves, regeneration processes. We are aware of the similarities and differences in the operation and structure of the central and peripheral nervous systems thanks to neurochemical, pharmacological as well as molecular biological methods. The courses offer a detailed analysis of neuronal operation and its damages.
The hystological characteristics of the regeneration of bone tissues – bone healing – are well-known. Owing to several investigations we know very well the factors that lead to the healing process of the bone. We have for long known the role of biomechanical effects, however, even today we are not able to definitively predict what the effect of fixation, its method, stability, durability of a fracture of mechanical origin will be on the healing of the fractured part. With biomechanical examinations and image data-processing of the changes caused by the fracture of the bones, furthermore with computer analysis of the stabilising effect of the fixture we can gain further information. Besides providing morphological and biomechanical knowledge the course also aims at giving an insight into the image data-processing of the skeletal system.
The moving elements of the human supporting (skeletal) system are the muscles. Their morphology, operation, the biochemical bases of the operation is well-known. We have ample knowledge of the processes of hypotrophy and atrophy of the muscles; however our knowledge of denervation atrophy and reinnervation regeneration is rather meagre. The objective of the course is to demonstrate the biological foundations of the operation of muscles, the exploration of the biochemical foundations of normal and pathological muscle operation.
The mechanical impacts affecting the human body may lead to the above described changes on the one hand. On the other hand, however, we have to count on general effects originating predominantly from circulation and respiration. Modern intensive therapy treatment, respiration techniques, prevention of infections, avoiding or early treatment of complications are all inevitable if we are to improve the results of the treatment of the injured patients.
The prompt and fast transport in air (aid-helicopter) and on land of polytraumatised and heavily injured patients greatly enhance the chance of survival for those in trouble. Experiences of developed countries have shown that such injured people are luckier if instead of the geographically nearer institute (surgical department) they are taken to a well equipped centre perhaps further away, where they are received by a team with a good diagnostic background and who are trained to cater for all sorts of injuries. Such TRAUMA CENTRES can depend on a good diagnostic background and have sufficient operating theatre capacity of appropriate level which, in turn, is supplemented with a specially equipped intensive care unit.
Immediate or early treatment of the injured – according to literature and our experiences – can ensure the best result. Primary, definitive treatment can help the patient get over the effects of acute trauma to be rehabilitated as soon as possible. The prerequisites of primary treatment are a well equipped operating theatre, proper amount of good quality aids (instruments, implants, sutures) which can only be economically concentrated in centres. Given these conditions the surgeon can choose the most up-to-date technique that suits the injury best.
Shock and respiratory insufficiency lead to general consequences, in a polytraumatised state due to negative correlations they can result in a serious condition. To be able to understand the consequences caused by mechanical impacts it is inevitable to know the pathomechanism of shock. The course describes the origin, the process and the consequences of shock.

Research topics
– Experimental and clinical investigation of peripheral nerves and brachial plexus (Supervisors: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc, K. Gulya DSc)
– Experimental and clinical investigation of bone healing process (Supervisor: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc)
– Investigation and treatment of sport injuries and ligamentous injuries (Supervisors: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc, L. Dux MD, DSc)
– Correlation of alcohol and drug abuse and injuries (Supervisors: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc, T. Varga MD, CSc)
– Experimental and clinical investigation of chest injuries (Supervisors: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc, M. Boros MD, DSc)
– Clinical application of microsurgical techniques for reconstruction of the function (Supervisor: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc)
– Experimental and clinical investigation of the treatment of polytraumatized, multiple injured and skull-brain injured patients (Supervisors: J. A. Simonka MD, CSc, M. Bodosi MD, DSc)

Major courses
– Basic principles and practice of treatment of injured patients (J. A. Simonka MD, CSc)
– Peripheral circulation in traumatic shock and sepsis (M. Boros MD, CSc)
– Actual issues of neurology (L. Vécsei MD, MHAS)
– Regulation of neuronal gene expression (K. Gulya DSc)
– Treatment of skull and brain injuries (M. Bodosi MD, DSc)
– Fundamentals of forensic medicine (T. Varga MD, CSc)
– Molecular biology and biochemistry of muscles (L. Dux MD, DSc)

(D) Reconstruction and Function Preservation in the Urology
Coordinator:Prof. László Pajor MD, CSc
Department of Urology
H–6725 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 57., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 490 590/394, Fax: (+36 62) 424-496

Environmental pollution, chemical contamination and ageing of the population are the most important causes of the rising frequency of urological diseases. Especially the number of uro-oncological cases is growing continuously. The urology subprogramme summarizes our research lines in the field of urological surgery. The purpose of our subprogramme is to find the minimal surgical intervention and the maximal cure rate, with growing interest of the quality of life of the patients. As the activity of urological surgery is focused on the urine producing, collecting, transporting organs and the male genital organ, urology has high impact on two important parts of life quality; normal urination and sexual life.
Treatment of kidney cancer is mostly based on surgery although reasonable response rate are registered with immune-, target-, chemotherapy. In selected cases instead of radical nephrectomy nephron-spairing surgery is indicated. The conditions and the methodology of the organ spairing operations and the adjuvant therapy are still under investigations.
Bladder cancer – the exact diagnosis and the therapy – is still a challenged for the urology. Over and under treatment are frequently taken place in the every-day practice. Preservation of the bladder is also an important option in the therapy of tumorous process. The proper patient for endoscopic resection and intravesical instillation therapy is the superficial bladder cancer case, but the routine therapeutic scheme is under debate. On the long run BCG is superior than the other local drugs in preventing the patient against recidive and progression. In muscle invasive cancer cases radical cystectomy and bladder substitution is the method of choice. Lymph node metastasis means the tumorous process has left the boundary of the organ, so additional systemic chemotherapy is recommended. Laparoscopic lymph node dissection and histology can reveal the lymph node invasion and it helps the exact indication for radical cystectomy. The neobladder is created from different part of the gastrointestinal tract. The bowel was not designed for collecting and transporting urine and for this reason different consequences cause new secondary diseases. The consequences are the hyperchloraemic acidosis, vitamin deficiency syndromes, infections and drug metabolic distubances. To avoid these metabolic discases it is necessary to study the consequences of any urine diversion with bowel.
Morbidity rate of prostatic cancer is growing continuously in our region thanks to the wide application of the sensitive tumor markers. The stage migration will provoke more radical prostatectomy even by laparoscopy and new therapeutic schedules with the need of better life quality and preservation of the sexual ability. The way to reach this aim is to work up the proper indication and the meticulous surgical technique.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia causing lower tract urinary symptoms is one of the most frequent urological disease. New drugs – 5-alfa-reductase inhibitor and alpha-l-blockers – open the possibility for thousands of patient to avoid the risky surgery. At the same time minimal invasive surgical intervention entered the urologists armamentarium: among others laser, heating and freezing. The golden standard of therapy remained the transurethral resection, which has the best costs and benefits rate. The efficacy of the new proceedings has to be tested under the Hungarian circumstances.
The prevention and elimination of the hospital acquired diseases is one of the most important task of the urology. The inadvertent surgical intervention in the small pelvis can cause iatrogen injury in the neighboring organs. The consequences are fistulas of the ureter and the bladder, and strictures of the ureter and the urethra. Unfortunatelly no clear data are from randomized patients cohort supporting the decision between endoscopy and plastic open surgery in the reconstruction. From economical point of view the acquired urological infections result the biggest waste of money, not to speak about the inconvenience of the patients. Although a slow but continuos progress can be observed in the material and the surface of the catheters, stents and drains we are for from the ideal solution and the complicated inflammations coused by polyresistant bacteria are always connected with these urological tubes.
The therapy of urinary stones has revolutionary change in the last two decades. Open surgery for stones became ultimate intervention. Stones are mostly crushed with ESWL or with the help of endoscopy or laparoscopy. These minimal invasive interventions gave way to early and quick elimination of the stones and in the same time this pushed into the background the theory of stone formation, and the pro- and metaphylaxis at urinary stones. The correct proportion has to be found between conservative therapy, ESWL and endoscopical removal of stone, although it is still under debate and has to be determined on the basis of clinical data.

Conditions for research
The conditions for clinical research are available at the Department of Urology. Clinical data of all patients are on computer files. The complete diagnostic armamentarium – CT scan included – is established here. For the open and endoscopic urological operations separate theaters with the necessity facilities are available. An open library with the leading textbooks, periodicals and medline and uroweb connections are in service. For animal research in the field of urology the Experimental Surgical Department is ready to cooperate.

Research topics
– Evaluation of adjuvant therapy in combination with radical and nephron-spairing surgery in kidney cancer (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– Limitation of bladder preservation in bladder cancer cases (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– Comparative investigations in different bladder substitutions (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– Longer survival or/and better life quality in prostatic cancer (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– The realization of the ideal costs and benefits rate between conservative and surgical treament in benign prostatic hypertrophy (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc) Iatrogenic injuries in the organs of the small pelvis (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– Stone therapy in the third millennium (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– Endourology and minimally invasive methods (Supervisor: László Pajor MD, CSc)
– The methods of minimizing iatrogenic infections (Supervisor: Tenke Péter PhD)

Major courses
– General urology (László Pajor MD, CSc)
– Operations in the urology (László Pajor MD, CSc)

(E) Experimental and Clinical Research for Joint Reconstruction, Implantation Modalties for Surgical Therapy
Coordinator: Prof. Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc
Department of Orthopaedic,
H–6725 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 423, Fax: (+36 62) 545 418

Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc
Department of Orthopaedic,
H–6725 Szeged, Semmelweis u. 6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 423, Fax: (+36 62) 545 418

There are many various types of surgical management in the treatment of the deformities, degenerative diseases of the joints. The surgical methods can be evaluated clinically, and with various types of experimental and biomechanical techniques which can examine the functional results of these methods. The examinations try to answer for the following clinical orthopaedic problems.

Research topics
– Long-term follow-up and clinical investigations of results of knee and hip replacements (Supervisor: Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc)
– Revision surgery because of aseptic loosening of the prosthetic elements (long-term follow-up and clinical results) (Supervisor: Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc)
– Experimental and clinical examination of the musculosceletal system: osteoarthrosis, replacement surgery of the major joints, foot surgery, biomechanics (Supervisor: Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc)
– Bone grafting techniques in the joint reconstruction surgery (Supervisor: Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc)
– The bone remodellation after prosthesis implantation (histological and diagnostic imaging techniques) (Supervisor: Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc)
– Analysis of the joint function pre-, and postoperatively using muscle strength (clinical and biomechanical examinations)(Supervisor: Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc)
– Biomechanical investigations of the limbs in pathological conditions and after joint reconstruction surgery (Pedobarography) (Supervisor: Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc)
– The role of the pain in the function of the limbs (Experimental and clinical studies) (Supervisor: Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc)
– Evidence based physiotherapy (Supervisor: Tamás Bender MD, PhD)

Major courses
– The functional anatomy of the joints (Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc, András Mihály MD, DSc)
– Biomechanics (András Ringler CSc, Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc)
– The diagnosis and treatment of the orthopaedic diseases (Tamás Mészáros MD, CSc)

(F) Clinical and Experimental Research to Maintain, Improve and Restore the Vision
Coordinator: Prof. Lajos Kolozsvári MD, CSc 
Department of Ophthalmology
H–6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 10-11., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 488, Fax: (+36 62) 544 573,

Approximately Phoney 70-80% of the information from the external world is received via the visual system. The quality of vision determines the choice of work available for the individual, the quality of life and the ability to work. Accordingly, the eyes are the most important sense organs. This fact was represented in the medical education, too: Ophthalmology was taught few decades ago during four terms, nowadays during two terms.
As the number of ophthalmologists increases, the general and personal hygienic condition and the health care improves, some eye diseases have disappeared and the number of others has considerably decreased. On the other hand, ophthalmic tumors develop more often and HIV infections produce new and dangerous eye diseases. With the increasing age of population the number of cataracts, glaucoma’s and the senile, hypertonic and diabetic micro vessel and retinal diseases increases.
Several new devices appeared which are able to improve the refraction errors. New contact lenses and glasses provide more perfect optical view, the new progressive lenses give excellent visual comfort to any distance. Despite the development of contact lenses and glasses excimer laser technology proves to be a safe surgical way of correcting refraction errors. However, the progression of myopia can considerably be slowed down. Several equipment using automated and computerized evaluation methods are able to determine the refraction errors perfectly. The refracting power of the cornea can now be determined at any point of the surface.
Cataract surgeries give the highest number of not only ophthalmic, but medical surgeries. The modern technique of cataract surgery is technologically mature, the use of intraocular lenses can provide perfect visual comfort.
The surgical treatment of certain diseases of retina and vitreous body developed an almost independent specialization of vitreoretinal operations. There are hardly any cases left untreated due to surgical instruments and procedures.
Corneal transplantation is performed using refined surgical techniques. The most serious problem is the lack of donor corneas therefore cornea banks were developed and organized in international networks. A new technology called cryoconservation provides excellent opportunity to store donor corneas.
The early diagnosis of glaucoma was made possible by numerous electrophysiological and other diagnostic methods. The use of new vehicles and eye drops with pharmacological actions different from earlier concepts has reduced the number of surgeries due to glaucoma.
The above mentioned ophthalmic disorders, such as glaucoma, retinal micro vessel alterations, cataract, etc. are regarded as diseases affecting the majority of the population. Research concerning these diseases may lead to results which can be used in a greater scale as many younger patients (children, active workers) can be helped by them.
The utilization of clinical and experimental observations is particularly important because the equipment required for effective ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment is very expensive, amortizing very rapidly and often very complicated. The closed, homogenic nature of the eye, its location on the body surface and its well-circumscribed borders (orbital wall) result in the development of special investigation methods (ultrasound biomicroscopy, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy). In our department all the modern ophthalmic diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and experience are given and these can provide the required results.
There are three microsurgical operating facilities available with modern cataract and vitreoretinal operating equipment. The classical ophthalmic reconstructive and orbital surgical facilities are provided, too. There are number of diagnostic and research laboratories:
Ultrasound, electrophysiological, neuroophthalmological, contact lens, neuromorphological, angiographic, photo- and laser laboratories. Moreover, orthoptic, clinical- pharmacological units and refraction-surgery operating theatre contribute to the list. These units are directed by qualified staff members.

Research topics
– Ultrasound and ultrasound biomicroscopic characteristics of alterations of the anterior segment (Supervisor: Lajos Kolozsvári MD, CSc)
– The clinical use of cryoconserved cornea for transplantation (Supervisor: Lajos Kolozsvári MD, CSc)
– Recent surgical opportunities to maintain and restore the function of ocular bulb (Supervisor: Lajos Kolozsvári MD, CSc)
– Opportunities to cryoconserve the cornea for transplantation (Supervisor: Antal Nógrádi MD, CSc)
– Strategies to treat optic nerve lesions under experimental conditions (Supervisor: Antal Nógrádi MD, CSc)
– Degeneration of the retina: possibilities to improve the regenerative processes (Supervisor: Antal Nógrádi MD, CSc)
– Morphological investigation of the anterior segment of the eye of patients suffering from endocrine orbitopathy (Supervisor: Ágnes Szabó MD, CSc)
– Melanoma malignum in ophthalmology (Supervisor: Helga Hammer MD, CSc)
– Reconstructive surgery of the lacrimal apparatus (Supervisor: Mihály Végh MD, CSc)
– Reconstructive surgery of the eyelids and periorbital region (Supervisor: Mihály Végh MD, CSc)

– Anatomy, electrophysiology and pathology of the eye and its adnexes (Lajos Kolozsvári MD, CSc, Márta Janáky MD, CSc, Antal Nógrádi MD, CSc)

6. Study on the Pathomechanism and Therapeutic Possibilities of Different Vascular Diseases in Children
Coordinator: Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc
Department of Pediatrics,
H–6725 Szeged, Korányi fasor 14-15., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 330, Fax: (+36 62) 545 329

Vice-Coordinator: Eszter Karg CSc
Department of Pediatrics,
H–6725 Szeged, Korányi fasor 14-15., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 330, Fax: (+36 62) 545 329

Research programmes
(A) Examination of Endothel dysfunction by LASER Doppler instrument and biochemical markers (MDA, GSSG/GSH, vitamin E, antioxidant enzymes) in cardio- and renovascular diseases 
Supervisors: Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, Eszter Karg CSc, Emőke Endreffy CSc, 
Prof. Gyula Wittmann PhD

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity in adults worldwide and especially in Hungary. Over and above the genetic predisposition, children are relatively free from most common risk factors (hyperlipidemia, smoking, alcohol consumption, and diabetes mellitus) leading to accelerated atherogenesis. In spite of that, several studies have previously proved that the atherosclerotic process begins in childhood or adolescents. Juvenile essential hypertension (JEHT) presents more frequently in the adolescent age, is not only a signal of vascular dysfunction but also a predisposing factor for cardiovascular disease in young adults. The prevalence and severity of obesity, often associated with the future onset of hypertension are increaseng among children and adolescents. Blood pressure in children and adolescents is associated with the body mass index (BMI). Only one study has investigated early infancy risk factors for the disease. An endothelial dysfunction, caused by the impaired effect of endothelial vasodilation factor, NO is a crucial step in the development of essential hypertension.
In the last ten years the number of essential hypertension and obesity induced hypertension patients increased. Thus, beside the treatment and follow up of the patients, the research of the mechanism involved in the development of hypertension became the main task of our clinical activity.

The aims of the study are to answer the following questions

1. To study the pathogenesis of adolescent essential hypertension (renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system, the disturbance of the nitrogen monoxide/endothelin balance, the oxidant/antioxidant homeostasis, the LDL/HDL ratio, the pathologic interaction between the platelets and vessel-wall)

2. Which biochemical parameters are the first sensitive signals of the arteriosclerotic process starting in childhood before the pathologic changes in the LDL/HDL ratio?

3. Are there common genetic or biochemical characteristics in the obesity induced and essential hypertension?

4. To what extent can obesity be regarded as an early marker or risk factor of hypertension?

5. Is the frequency of any from the well known polymorphisms predisposing to vascular diseases higher in the Hungarian population?

(B) Study of the methylglyoxal metabolism in erythrocytes of uremic patients
Supervisor: Eszter Karg CSc

Carbonyl stress appears to participate in the pathogenesis of long-term complications associated with end-stage renal disease and dialysis, such as accelerated atherosclerosis, enhanced cancer development and amyloidosis. The importance of the carbonyl compound methylglyoxal in uremia is increasingly recognized. However, the reason for its increased concentration is not at all clear.
The carbonyl overload may either be due to increased formation, or to decreased clearance or degradation. Impaired methylglyoxal clearance has been proved to contribute to the carbonyl stress in uremic patients, but there are no data on the formation (and there is only one report on the degradation) of methylglyoxal.
The aim of the project is to characterize the methylglyoxal metabolism in hemodialysed patients with end-stage renal disease. We will measure the plasma and erythrocyte methylglyoxal and d-lactate levels, the erythrocyte glyoxalase I and II activities, and reduced glutathione content of hemodialysed patients and their change under in vitro conditions.

(C)  Investigation of lipid disturbances in haemodialysed uremic patients
Supervisors: Prof. Sándor Túri DSc, Gyula Wittman PhD

Although numerous findings are available on both plasmalogens and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, there are only few data in the literature concerning the levels and possible correlations between the two types of biomolecules within one experiment. The levels and ratios of these biomolecules are often determined from the total lipid content without the separation of the various lipid classes, although the distribution profile could also be informative and different in pathological cases.
No data have been published on the plasmalogens and the omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid levels and their correlation in uremic patients on haemodialysis. Our goal is to analyse the plasmalogen and omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid levels in uraemic patients on haemodialysis. We would also like to study the distribution of the omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids in the different lipid classes, and the changes in the levels of plasmalogens and omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids in pathological and normal cases.
As a result of the complex analysis, a more detailed understanding of the connection between increased oxidative stress and lipid disturbances is to be expected. The results of the correlation analysis of the plasmalogen and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid alterations in haemodialysed patients can contribute to a better understanding of the biochemical background of the adverse side-effects of haemodialysis treatment. Since our experiments involve a complex lipid analyse, this study may result in other novel data.

(D) Adaptation to the oxidative stress: Heme oxygenase 1 gene expression in different clinical condition
Supervisors: Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, Zoltán Maróti PhD

Heme oxygenase 1 (HO 1), a 32 kD oxidative stress protein plays a protective role against oxidative stress. HO 1 catalyze the rate-limiting step in heme degradation, resulting in the formation of iron, carbon monoxide, and antioxidant biliverdin/bilirubin. The transiently enhanced HO‑1 mRNA accumulation is the most sensitive marker of oxidative stress and the induced HO 1 plays a cytoprotective role both in oxidative stress and heme-mediated injury. A sensitive competitive RT-PCR method from 100 µl of whole blood has been developed to measure the increased copy number of HMOX1 mRNA instead of measuring HO-1 protein by immunoassay.

(E) Perinatal oxidative stress and a protective antioxidant gene expression
Supervisors: Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, Prof. Márta Katona MD, DSc, Zoltán Maróti PhD

In our previous studies we examined heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), the key enzyme of hemoglobin degradation in mature and premature neonates without organ disorders. Our hypothesis was that the enzyme immaturity of prematures can be shown in the expression of HO-1 too. In our study the expression of HO-1 was induced on the 2nd-3rd day after birth and dropped below the first day level at the 7th day but we did not find a significant difference in the levels between the two groups. Consecutively we examined whether there is difference between the HO-1 expression of mature neonates with and without respiratory distress syndrome. By our experiments in the neonates exposed to higher oxidative stress the expression of HO-1 was approx. 8 fold of normal controls.
The question arises whether the decreased HO-1 induction may play a role in the higher incidence of organ manifestation of “oxygen radical disease of prematurity” (ROP, BPD, NEC). Two known promoter polimorphysm of HO-1 decrease HO-1 expression in vitro and in vivo by 20–50%. The role of the two functional polymorphysm was described in several diseases with oxidative stress.
The aim of our study is to analyse the frequency of the two polymorphisms in the DNA of oxygene radical injury patients coming for after care support and in the control groups.

(F) Study of the microvascular function of obes and normal weight juvenile essential hypertension patients
Supervisors: Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc

The occurrence of hypertension in children is about 1–3%. The more frequent secunder type is associated with some organ disorder. The primer or so called essential hypertension has an increased frequency following puberty. It may occur with obesity or without. Dispaired micro vascular reactivity is caused by the altered physiological endothelial function. It is described in the literature that micro vascular dysfunction plays a role in the pathomechanism of several cardiovascular diseases. In adults it was also shown in the literature that micro vascular dysfunction plays a role in essential hypertension. However in young patients with essential hypertension there are not much data available on this field. The aim of the study is to investigate whether there are altered micro vascular reactivity in juvenile patients with essential hypertension and whether there is a difference between obes and normal patients. In our experiments we will use a Laser Doppler instrument to follow endothelial function non invasively.

(G) Molecular genetic studies on different renal diseases
Supervisors: Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, Emőke Endreffy CSc, Prof. Béla Iványi MD, DSc Zoltán Maróti PhD

1. Alport syndrome and thin basal membrane disease
The pattern of inheritance with 6 short tandem repeat markers is to analyze in type IV collagen nephropathies affected Hungarian families. The spectrum spans from thin basal membrane nephropathy (TBMD) COL4A3 or COL4A4 heterozygotes to severe forms of Alport syndrome (AS) with renal failure in childhood (COL4A5 male hemizygotes) and COL4A3 and COL4A4 homozygotes or mixed heterozygotes. Following the linkage analysis studies we are trying to identify the mutations by high resolution melting analysis and direct sequencing.

2. Autosomal dominant and recessive polycystic kidney disease
Linkage analysis will be performed on Hungarian families using three microsatelites linked to polysystic kidney disease type 1 (PKD1) and three microsatelites linked to PKD2 and 6 short tandem repeat markers linked to autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). This analysis in the ADPKD affected families allows both the pre-diagnosis in individuals younger than age 30 years and also helps in the establishment of prognosis. In the ARPKD affected families we advise prenatal diagnosis if there is demand for it. We have chance for Hungarian allele frequency analysis in these families.
– Evaluation of the child with global developmental delay (Supervisor: László Sztriha MD, PhD)
– Protein oxidation studies in chronic inflammatory lung diseases (Supervisor: Zoltán Novák MD, CSc)
– The role of endothelial barrier in pulmonary disorders (Supervisor: Zoltán Novák MD, CSc)
– Bronchological investigations in pulmonary disorders in childhood and in animal model (Supervisor: Zoltán Novák MD, CSc)
– The role of oxidative stress in pulmonary disorders (Supervisor: Zoltán Novák MD, CSc)
– The examination of splanchnic circulation in various ages and clinical circumstances, with the help of gastric tonometry (Supervisor: Gyula Tálosi MD, PhD)

Main general courses 
– Basics of computer use
– Biostatistics
– How to use library
– Molecular biological methods in medical research
– Molecular genetic methods in medical research

Main specific courses
New results in the pediatric clinics (Sándor Túri MD, DSc)
Recent actualities from the pediatric practice and/or new scientific results.

Nephrology and hypertension (Sándor Túri MD, DSc)
Juvenile essential hypertension (JEHT) is not only a signal of vascular dysfunction but also a predisposing factor for cardiovascular disease in young adults. Its pathoechanism is totally different from hypertension either with renal or endocrin origin. 

Neonatal vascular diseases (Sándor Túri MD, DSc)
Pathomechanism of neonatal diseases related to the vascular endothelial injury.

Endothelial function and dysfunction (Sándor Túri MD, DSc)
Balance in the production of vasoconstrictor endothelin and endothelial vasodilation factor, NO is a basis of normal vasoactive function of endothelial cells. Endothelial dysfunction, caused by the impaired effect of NO is a crucial step in the development of functional vascular injury. 

Alternative courses
Genetic aspects of vascular diseases (Emőke Endreffy CSc)
The frequency of different vascular disease in the population is highly determined by the inherited genetic code. Molecular genetic methods to determine these specific markers are shown and discussed.

Oxidant/antioxidant balance (Eszter Karg CSc)
The activity and regulation of different redox systems has an important role in the maintaining of the physiological state. Any alteration in the redox regulation can cause disturbances in the metabolism, antioxidant protective capacity with specific influence on the outcome of the diseased state.

7. Dental Medicine
Programme director: Prof. Zoltán Rakonczay DSc
Department of Prosthodontics and Oral Biology
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64-66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 301 Fax: (+36 62) 545 301

Vice-director: Prof. Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc
Institute of Clinical Microbiology,
H–6725 Szeged, Somogyi B. tér 1. (6701 Szeged P.O. Box 427), Hungary
Phone/Fax: (+36 62) 541 699

Co-operating institutions
Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Szeged
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
Institute of Surgical Research
Department of Pathophysiology
Department of Psychiatry, Behavior Science and Medical Psychology Section
Department of Forensic Medicine

The aim of the “Research in Dental Medicine” postgraduate programme is to train professionals who have gained theoretical knowledge, medical practice and research in stomatology. Further to this, we require these professionals to be capable of transferring their knowledge by actively assisting with the training of future researchers after receiving their scientific degrees. The postgraduate programme is designed to aid the development of new therapeutically techniques and also their subsequent introduction to the classic and new areas of dental practice.

Research Programmes

(A) Biointegration of alloplastic materials
Coordinators: Prof. András Fazekas DDS, CSc, Kinga Turzó PhD
Department of Prosthodontics and Oral Biology
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64-66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

The dental implantology, a special field of dentistry, dealing with the rehabilitation of the damaged chewing apparatus due to loss of the natural teeth, is the most intensively developing field of the prosthetic dentistry. The success and the long-term prognosis of the implant prosthetic therapy depend first of all on the anchorage of the implant in jaw bone, that is, on the so-called osseointegration. The Department has a long termed expertise in this field. During the periimplant bone healing and new bone formation which takes part after surgical insertion of the artificial root (e.g. implant or fixture), the osseointegration of the implant occurs, of which the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms are not entirely cleared up till now. Among these a special interest represents, which factors influence the quality of the osseointegration:

1. The implant shape (macro-structure, the millimeter size surface structure),

2. The implant micro-structure (micrometer size),

3. The chemical structure of the implant surface (nano-structure, the chemical composition of the implant surface).

In case of healthy bone matrix, our knowledge is usually satisfactory regarding the success of the implant prosthetic therapy. Nevertheless, if a non-healthy bone surrounds the implant, the issue becomes problematic. The osseointegration is especially important, in case of bone-augmentation, when prosthetic rehabilitation is performed after orofacial surgery in case of malignant tumor or other amp attendant illness. In this case the healing of the bone holding the implant renders to be more difficult. The question is, whether the quality of the osseointegration can be improved by influencing the periimplant bone healing process, that is, by special treatment of the implants’ surface, or by possible improvement of bone healing by drugs.

Main course
– Biointegration of alloplastic materials

Special Co-operating Institutions
Faculty of Science of the University of Szeged
Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Department of Colloid Chemistry
Department of Solid State and Radiochemistry
College Faculty of Food Engineering of the University of Szeged
Biological Research Centre of the HAS
University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
Essen University (SIMI-NAS grant, EC 5th FWP and bilateral Hungarian German project)

Research topics
– The role of the surface characteristics of the implant neck region and the type of the implant abutment mechanical connection in the periimplant pathoses (Supervisor: András Fazekas DDS, CSc)
– The influence of implant surface chemistry on the osseointegration (Supervisor: András Fazekas DDS, CSc)
– Ex perimental (biological surface science) methods to investigate the biointegration of titanium dental implants (Supervisor: Kinga Thurzó PhD)
– Micro structural characteristics and modification possibilities of the implant surface, in order to improve the osseointegration (Supervisor: András Fazekas DDS, CSc, Kinga Turzó PhD)

These problems will be investigated by in vitro and in vivo experimental modelling of osseointegration. For animal experiments all the necessary conditions are given at the Institute of Surgical Research.

(B) Ethiopathogenesis and functional maintain of periodontal involved teeth
Coordinator: Prof. István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc
Department of Parodontology,
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64-66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

Major Courses
– Etiopathogenesis and functional maintain of periodontal involved teeth
– Maintain and conservative restoration of teeth with caries or pulp disease
– Epidemiology, etiopathogenesis and surgical treatment of periodontal diseases
– The maintain and conservative restoration of teeth

Research topics
– Determinate of the risk factors and treatment need of periodontal diseases or examination the amount calcium in the role of periodontal disease with laboratory test and epidemiologic methods (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– Examination of different GTR methods with clinical radiological and isotope procedures (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– The role of mediators which induce osteogenesis during the treatment periodontal disease (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– The examination the effects of inflammatory mediators with clinical, radiological and isotope procedures (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– Periodontal disease and focal infection (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– Possible methods and effects of splinting mobile teeth (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– Conservative methods of tooth preservation and restauration (Supervisor: Márta Radnai, DDS, PhD)

(C) Maintain and conservative restoration of teeth with caries or pulp disease
Coordinator: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc
Department of Parodontology,
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64-66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

Major Courses
– Etiopathogenesis and functional maintain of periodontal involved teeth.
– Maintain and conservative restoration of teeth with caries or pulp disease.
– Epidemiology, etiopathogenesis and surgical treatment of periodontal diseases.
– The maintain, and conservative restoration of teeth.

Research topics
– In vitro comparison of the marginal adaptation of different restoratives with EM (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)
– Examination of different chemo-mechanical root treatment, and obturations methods and sealers (Supervisor: István Gorzó MD, DDS, CSc)

(D) Primer and secondary developmental anomalies of face, as well as its corrective and surgical treatment in orthodontics
Coordinator: Gábor Kocsis Savanya DDS, CSc
Department of of Children’s Dentistry and Orthodontics
6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64–66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

Developmental anomalies disturb mainly aesthetically besides the injured function in all regions of the face. We are planning in the programme the recognition of modern diagnostics of different face-defects as well as the planning of their therapy, and we are also planning to introduce the recent orthodontic methods.

Research topics
– The aetiology, forms, prevalence, and diagnostics of pathological face (Supervisor: Gábor Kocsis Savanya DDS, CSc)
– The planning and prognostics of the treatment of face-defects (Supervisor: Gábor Kocsis Savanya DDS, CSc)
– Conservative orthodontic and interdisciplinary treatments (Supervisor: Gábor Kocsis Savanya DDS, CSc)

Major Courses
– The characteristics, the forms, and the diagnostics of harmonic and pathologically disharmonic face.
– The treatment of pathological face.

(E) Research in oral and clinical microbiology
Coordinator: Prof. Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc
Institute of Clinical Microbiology,
H–6725 Szeged, Somogyi B tér 1. (6701 Szeged P.O. Box 427), Hungary
Phone/Fax: (+36 62) 545 712

The aims of this research program are to investigate the role of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria as well as fungi in different oral infectious diseases, to investigate the pathogenic factors including bio film formation, to develop rapid molecular genetic methods for detection, differentiation and typing of anaerobic oral pathogens and to investigate the genetic background of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic clinical isolates and the expression mechanisms of these resistance genes.

Main course
The role of anaerobic bacteria in the normal flora of the oral region and in the pathogenic processes; diagnostic procedures and therapeutic options.

Special Co-operating Institutions
Reference Unit of anaerobic bacteria of the UK, Cardiff, UK 
(John Brazier, Prof. B.I. Duerden)
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (Prof. Carl Eric Nord)

Research topics
– Investigations of antibacterial effect of plant peptides and vegetable oils (Supervisor: Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc)
– Investigation of the antibiotic resistance mechanisms of anaerobic bacteria by molecular methods (Supervisor: József Sóki PhD)
– Molecular typing of anaerobic bacteria isolated from different pathogenic processes (Supervisor: Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc.)
– Investigation of the relationship between the surface of the Titanium implants and the oral microflora (Supervisor: Edit Urbán PhD)
– The role of bio film production of fungi (originating from systemic and local infections) in the pathogenic processes (Supervisor: Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc)
– Investigation of the resistance mechanisms of anaerobic bacteria by genetic methods (Supervisor: József Sóki PhD)
– The role of human papillomavirus in oral cancer (Supervisor: Judit Deák MD, CSc)
– Role of noroviruses in the development of gastroenteritis (Supervisor: Judit Deák MD, CSc)

(F) Prosthetic rehabilitation following tumor surgery and its effect on quality of life
Coordinator: Prof. Katalin Nagy DDS, PhD
Department of Oral Surgery,
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64-66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

– Management of malignant tumors involving the tongue, mandible, and adjacent structures represents a difficult challenge for both the reconstructive surgeon and prosthodontist.
– Rehabilitation is an essential phase of cancer care and should be considered from the time of diagnosis. Surgical resection often creates large defects accompanied by dysfunction, and disfigurement while radiation therapy produces significant morbidity and unique tissue management problems.
– Speech, swallowing, control of saliva and mastication can be adversely affected. These cosmetic and functional impairments should be corrected or minimized, thereby allowing the patient to resume a normal working and social life.

Research topics
– Management of malignant tumors involving the tongue, mandible, and adjacent structures (Supervisor: Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD)
– Prosthetic rehabilitation following tumor surgery (Supervisor: Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD)

(G) Changes of the oral bacterial flora as side effects of oral cancer therapy (chemoradio)

Coordinator: Prof. Katalin Nagy, DDS PhD
Department of Oral Surgery
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64–66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

Research topics
– Overall rehabilitation after head – and neck surgery (Supervisor: Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD)
– The radiation changes associated with treatment of the oral cavity include mucositis, xerostomia, dermatitis, radiation caries etc.(Supervisor: Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD)
– The investigation of preventive modalities for those side effect serves the patients better quality of life (Supervisor: Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD)

(H) Salivary glands and saliva secretion in health and disease
Coordinator: Prof. Zoltán Rakonczay DSc
Department of Prosthodontics and Oral Biology
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64–66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 301 Fax: (+36 62)545 301

Main courses
– Neurotransmitter systems in health and disease
– Basic biochemical and molecular biological methods

Research topics
– Secretion of saliva in normal and pathological conditions (Supervisor: Zoltán Rakonczay DSc)
– Effect of radiation and anti cancer therapies on the cholinergic system of salivary glands (Supervisor: Zoltán Rakonczay DSc)
– Effects of micro elements (fluor, lead, chromium, mercury) on the cholinesterase activity (in vitro) and on the composition of saliva in salivary glands (in vivo) (Supervisor: Zoltán Rakonczay DSc)

(I) Epidemiology of stomato-oncologic diseases, immunological aspects of thermal surgery comparison with other modalities
Coordinator: Prof. István Sonkodi MD, CSc
Department of Oral Surgery
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64–66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282

In recent years, there has been a marked rise in the incidence of orofacial cancer especially in Hungary. Various modalities have been tried in an attempt to improve the treatment of such malignancies. Thermal surgery (cryo-laser) as a technique in the treatment of orofacial cancer is now a fact, and it is not just an alternative. Among many other advantages thermal surgery carries no mutilation and functional restriction comparing surgical excision. Cryo surgery induces a beneficial immunological response, no other modality (surgery, x-ray therapy and laser) is capable for this merit, but these immunological consequences need more clinical, laboratory and statistical investigations.

Research topics
– Computer-aided epidemiological study concerning orofacial premalignancies and malignancies at our Clinic from 1970 to 2003. (Supervisor: István Sonkodi MD, CSc)
– Statistical comparative study between cryo- and laser surgeries (1994–2003) (Supervisor: István Sonkodi MD, CSc)
– Immunological aspects of cryo, laser and other modalities treating orofacial premalignancies and malignancies (Supervisor: István Sonkodi MD, CSc)

Main course
– Thermal surgery in stomato-oncology

(J) Interdisciplinal aspects of dental diseases. Oral features of disease states with backround from genetics, obstetrics, internal medicine and other clinical sciences. Oral manifestations of systemic diseases

Coordinator: Prof. Katalin Nagy DDS, PhD and Zoltán Vajó MD. PhD
Department of Oral Surgery
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64–66., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 299 Fax: (+36 62) 545 282
University of Debrecen

Systemic diseases frequently have oral symptoms. In this program we focuse on the oral features of general systemic diseases. These are not primary oral diseases but may originate from systemic diseases e.g. diabetes, immune deficiencies, cancer, allergy, etc.

Research topics
– Oral features of inherited diseases (Williams-Beuren syndrome, cleidocranial dysplasia etc.)
– Oral manifestation of pregnancy. Effects of sexual steroids in the oral soft tissues
– Dental manifestation of allergy and their possible treatments
– Hematology – manifestation of cancer in the mouth
– Cardiovascular disease and periodontal diseases
Supervisors: Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD, Zoltán Vajó, MD. PhD

Main course
– Interdisciplinal aspects of dentistry

Representative dissertations (title, author, supervisor, year)

  1. Identification of proliferative subpopulations within normal and lesional psoriatic epidermisand intralesional T lymphocyte activation as a mediator of psoriatic epidermal hyperplasia, Zsuzsanna Bata MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 1997
  2. The significance of immunological methods and techniques of molecular biology in research and clinical practice of immunodermatological disorders, Mária Kiss, Prof. Husz Sándor MD, DSc, 1997
  3. Human herpesvirus 8 in skin tumors, Rolland Gyulai MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 1998
  4. An immunological approach towards the characterisation of Drosophila melanogaster hemocytes, Péter Vilmos, Res. Prof. István Andó Vet. Med. DSc, 1998
  5. Tumorproliferation and its modulators on Hep2 cells and in Kaposi’s sarcoma, Szilvia Nagy, MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 1999
  6. Experimental immunotargeting of carcioembryogenic antigen-expressing adenocarcinomas with anti-carcinoembryogenic antigen monoclonal antibodies in carcinoembryogenic antigen transgenic mice for possible therapeutic approaches, György Szalay, Prof. József Molnár MD, DSc ,1999
  7. Infection control and prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with oral malignancy, Katalin Nagy MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 1999
  8. DNA repair and cell survival properties after UVA and UVB irradiations of epidermal keratinocytes from normal and hyperphotosensitive xeroderma pigmentosum and trichodystrophy individuals, Iringó Ágnes Ottó MD, Prof. Attila Dobozy MD, MHAS, 1999
  9. The effects of tumor necrosis factor a (TNF) on the differentiation and development of cultured myoblast and Sertoli cells, Katalin Szalay, Res. Prof. Ernő Duda DSc, 2000
  10. Modern immunomorphological methods in diagnostic haematopathology, Enikő Bagdi MD, Prof. Gyula Varga MD, CSc, 2000
  11. Expression of BCL-1, BSAP, CAS, and P53 oncoporteins in normal and malignant lymphoid tissues, László Krenács MD,Prof. Gyula Varga MD, CSc, 2000
  12. The role of autoantigens and autoantibodies in the pathogenesis and diagnostics of autoimmune dermatological disorders, Katalin Molnár MD, Prof. Sándor Husz MD, DSc, 2001
  13. Investigation of keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation markers, Andor Pivarcsi, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2001
  14. Cutaneous dysplastic nevi: risk factors and prognostic markers in uveal malignant melanoma, Edit Tóth-Molnár MD,Prof. Helga Hammer MD, CSc, 2001
  15. The role of mannose-binding receptor in the innate immunity of human epidermal keratinocytes, Győző Szolnoky MD,Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2002
  16. The role of ethanol in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and the possible mechanisms of action of dithranol, Árpád Farkas MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2002
  17. Molecular biological tests and their application in parentage cases, Klára Csete, Prof. Attila Dobozy MD, MHAS, 2002
  18. Analysis of prognostic factors in patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma, Judit Oláh MD, Prof. Attila Dobozy MD, MHAS, 2003
  19. First-trimester screening of foetal chromosomal and structural abnormalities, Kornélia E.Wayda, Prof. János Szabó MD, DSc, 2002
  20. Investigation of natural killer cell activity, antioxidant enzymes and arylsulphatase-A activity in the human newborn, D. George Georgeson, Assos. Prof. Károly Streitman CSc, Prof. Aranka László MD, DSc, 2002
  21. 3 dimensional measurement of gestational and yolk sac volumes as predictors of pregnancy outcome in the first trimester, Ágota Bábinszki, Prof. Attila Pál MD, DSc, 2002
  22. Examination of hepatitis C, G and enterovirus infections in pregnant, newborn, pediatric and adult populations, Zsófia Müller, Prof. Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc, 2002
  23. Effectivity of GnRH analogue therapy in the patient with endometriosis, Attila Keresztúri, Prof. Attila Pál MD, DSc, 2002
  24. Investigation of interleukin-10 receptor expression in human placenta, isolated cytotrophoblast cells and human keratinocytes, Barnabás Szőny MD, Prof. György Bártfai MD, DSc, 2002
  25. The roles of a1 - adrenergic receptor subtypes in the regulation of uterine contractility – molecular pharmacological investigation, Eszter Ducza, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2002
  26. Asphyxia-induced brain oedema formation in newborn pigs: a particular role of histamine, József Kovács, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2002
  27. Pharmacological characterization of newly synthetized oxytocin antagonists in vitro and in vivo, Judit Havass, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2003
  28. Prenatal and postnatal evaluation of foetal renal hyperechogenicity in pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation, Andrea Surányi, Assoc. Prof. Károly Streitman CSc, 2000
  29. The role of a1-adrenergic receptor subtypes in the contractility and pharmacological reactivity of the pregnant uterus in vitro, Róbert Gáspár, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2000
  30. Establishment of a human granulosa cell culture for evaluation of the biological activity of human recombinant gonadotrophins, Imre Földesi, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2000
  31. Bilateral varicocele treated with microsurgery and male infertility, Edit Erdei, Prof. János Szöllősi MD, CSc, 2002
  32. Surgical-anatomical aspect of the cricoarytenoid joint, László Rovó, Prof. Jenő Czigner MD, DSc, 2004
  33. Pathogenetic examination of pre-eclampsia on an animal model and on humans, Gyula Tálosi, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2001
  34. Evaluation of plaPhoneet function in children and adolescents with kidney diseases and hypertension, Csaba Bereczki,Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2002
  35. Asphyxia induced brain oedema formation in newborn pigs: A particular role for histamine, József Kovács, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2003
  36. The role of fluctuating oxygen and carbon dioxide in development of retinopathy of prematurity, Balázs Gellén, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2004
  37. Humoral and afferent neuronal regulation of parvicellular and magnocellular neurosecretory systems: immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization studies, Erik Hrabovszky, Prof. Zsolt Liposits MD, DSc, 1998
  38. Morphological characterization of estrogen-sensitive neurons and their afferent connections in the rat forebrain, Imre Kalló, Prof. Zsolt Liposits MD, DSc, 1999
  39. Possible role of the C5a receptor in the cell death and neurodegeneration, Imre Farkas, Prof. Zsolt Liposits MD, DSc, 1999
  40. Role of the free radicals and excitotoxins in some neurological diseases and in their animal models, Péter Klivényi,Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2000
  41. Regulation of TRH- and CRH-synthesizing neurons of the PVN by neuronal populations of the arcuate nucleus in humans and rats, Emese Mihály, Prof. Zsolt Liposits MD, DSc, 2003
  42. Multiple sclerosis to date: diagnosis, epidemiology, new aspects of the pathomechanism and the therapy, Krisztina Bencsik MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2003
  43. Molecular genetic aspects of Huntington’s disease, Katalin Jakab MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2003
  44. Synaptic input to chemically identified basal forebrain neurons in the rat, Tibor Hajszán MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2003
  45. Visual disturbances in neuro-ophthalmological diseases with headache, Krisztina Benedek, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2004
  46. Functional consequences of basal ganglia pathologies, Sándor Beniczky MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2004
  47. Systemic administration of nitric oxide donor nitroglycerin as an experimental model for migraine headache in rats,Árpád Párdutz DSc, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2004
  48. Effects of the peptides endothelin and CGRP on cerebral blood vessels in vitro, Délia Szok MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2004
  49. Studies on etiology and pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, Cecília Rajda, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2004
  50. Cortico-striartal circuitry in visual perception, Tamás Zs. Kincses MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2004
  51. Receptor functions and genetic polymorphisms in schizophrenia, György Szekeres, Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, 2004
  52. Hemo-cyte specific molecular markers in the hematopoiesis and innate immunity of Drosophila melanogaster, István Nagy, Res. Prof. István Andó Vet. Med. DSc, 2004
  53. Investigation of pathogenetic factors in primary Sjögren’s syndrome - with special reference to an autonomic nervous system dysfunction, László Kovács MD, Prof. Gyula Pokorny MD, DSc, 2004
  54. Presentation of soluble antigens and haptens by murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells – Implications for immunotherapy, Edit Olasz MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2004.
  55. Neural regulation of uterine contractility in the rat: the role of adrenergic and sensory nerves, Anna Klukovits, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2004
  56. Pharmacodynamics of ß2-adrenergic receptor agonists and subtype-selective a1A –adrenoceptor antagonists on the pregnant rat uterus in vitro, Attila Mihályi, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2004
  57. Examination of the contractility of human placental blood vessels in vitro, Béla Resch MD, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2004
  58. Characterisation of µ, k and d opioid receptor selective antagonists by in vitro radioligand binding assays, Árpád Márki, Prof. György Falkay DSc, 2004
  59. The role of fluctuating oxygen and carbon dioxide in development of retinopathy of prematurity, Balázs Gellén MD, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2004
  60. Pathogenetic Studies of Vesicoureteric Reflux, Juvenile Essential Hypertension and Uremic Hemolysis, Ibolya Haszon MD, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2004
  61. Restenosis; mechanisms and its prevention after percutaneous coronary intervention, Attila Thury MD, Prof. Tamás Forster MD, DSc, F.E.S.C., 2004
  62. Use of routinely processed archive tissue samples in molecular genetic diagnostics, Róbert Sepp MD, Prof. Tamás Forster MD, DSc, F.E.S.C., 2004
  63. Surgical anatomical aspect of cricoarytenoid joint, László Rovó MD, Prof. Jenő Czigner MD, DSc, 2004
  64. Clinical features of bipolar-II disorder: focus on mixed depression, Franco Benazzi MD, Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, 2004
  65. Visual and Cognitive Processes in Schizophrenia, Oguz Kelemen MD, Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, 2004
  66. Identification and characterization of a novel, psoriasis-susceptibility-related non coding RNA gene, PRINS, Enikő Sonkoly MD, Márta Széll PhD, 2005
  67. Efficacy of Different Ultraviolet B Emitting Light Sources int he Induction of T Cell Apoptózis, Zoltán Novák MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2005
  68. Reproductive health concerns: jeopardised age-groups, Zoltán Kozinszky MD, Prof. György Bártfai MD, DSc, 2005
  69. Efforts to improve efficacy of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus, Tamás Bitó MD, Prof. László Kovács MD, DSc, 2005
  70. Novel approoaches of assessment and treatment of male infertility, Zoltán Závaczki MD, Prof. Attila Pál MD, DSc, 2005
  71. Clinical importance of fetometarnal transfusion after prenatal diagnostic procedures, János Sikovanyecz MD, Prof. János Szabó MD, DSc, 2005
  72. Dilemma of increased obstetric risk in pregnancies following assisted reproductive technology, János Zádori MD, Prof. Attila Pál MD, DSc, 2005
  73. The role of pathologist in management of male infertility, Ilona Lellei MD, Prof. János Szöllősi MD, CSc, 2005
  74. Computer assisted robotic technology in pediatric surgery, Attila Lőrincz MD, Prof. Kristóf Füzesi MD, DSc, 2005
  75. Molecular genetic mapping of Costello syndrome and heme oxygenase-1 gene expression studies in pediatric patients,Zoltán Maróti, Prof. EmőkeEndreffy CSc, - Prof. lona Németh MD, DSc, 2005
  76. Contrast echocardiography in myocardial infarction, Péter Andrássy MD, Prof.Miklós Csanády MD, DSc, F.E.S.C., 2005
  77. Ultrasound assessment of endothelial-dependent flow-mediated vasodilation of the brachial artery: ready for clinical arena, Emília Fábián MD, Prof.Miklós Csanády MD, DSc, F.E.S.C., 2005
  78. The role of bacterial biofilm formation in catheter related urinary tract infection and prostatitis, Péter Tenke MD, Prof. László Pajor MD, CSc, 2005
  79. The Strategy of Advanced Prostate Cancer, Treatment on the Basis of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, Olivér Pintér MD, Prof. László Pajor MD, CSc, 2005
  80. Effects of various chemical and pathophysiological stimuli on cerebral kynurenic acid synthesis, Csaba Kiss MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2005
  81. Polymorphism of HLA class II alleles and tumor necrosis factor alpha promoter alleles in Hungarian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and with primary Sjögren's syndrome, Attila Kovács MD, Ildikó Petri CSc, 2006
  82. Ophthalmological signs and lysosomal enzyme activities in patients with polysystemic diseases, Nicolette Sohár MD, Prof. Helga Hammer MD, CSc, 2006
  83. Photothreapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, Zsanett Csoma MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2006
  84. Treatment of skin diseases with 308 nm xenon chloride ultraviolet B laser, Eszter Baltás MD, Prof. Lajos Kemény MD, DSc, 2006
  85. The role of neuropeptides in the physiology of the human skins, Attila Dallos, Mária Kiss, PhD, 2006
  86. The prognostic significance of sentinel lymph node biopsy in malignant melanoma, Gabriella Liszkay MD, Prof. Attila Dobozy, MD, MHAS, 2006
  87. Lifestyle factors affecting male fertility, Imre Fejes MD, Prof. János Szöllősi MD, CSc, 2006
  88. Non hormonal options in the evaluation of male infertility and their therapeutic consequences, Zsolt Kopa MD, Prof. János Szöllősi MD, CSc, 2006
  89. Diagnostic, therapeutic and biochemical aspects of childhood management, Katalin Bartyik MD, Prof. Eszter Karg CSc, 2006
  90. The role of certain special elements of narcosis in function-preserving and reconstructive procedures in otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery, Marek Andrzej Brzózka MD, Prof. József Jóri DSc, 2006
  91. Minimally invasive endo-laryngo-microsurgery for precancerosis and early cancer of the vocal cord, and a new diagnostic laryngoscopy and surgical training device, Róbert Paczona MD, Prof. Jenő Czigner MD, DSc, 2006
  92. Neuroprotective effects of kynurenine and related compunds. Electrophysiological and behavioral studies, Hajnalka Görögné Németh, Prof. József Toldi MD, DSc, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2006
  93. The Vanilloid Receptor: localization, function and its potential as a new target for the treatment of pain, László Kárai MD, Zoltán Oláh, PhD, 2006
  94. Oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis in Down’s and Alzheimer’s lymphocytes, Marianna Zana, János Kálmán MD, PhD, 2006
  95. The effect of neurosurgical ablation of entorhinal cortex, Zsolt Kopniczky MD, Prof. András Mihály MD, DSc, 2006
  96. The treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with microvascular decompression. The role of magnetic resonance angiography in the indication of surgical treatment in trigeminal neuralgia, Ádám Kuncz MD, Prof. Mihály Bodosi MD, DSc, 2006
  97. Neuronal protooncogene expressionin the pharmacologicalassessment of the synaptic mechanisms of the hippocampus in rats, Réka Szakács MD, Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, Prof. András Mihály MD, DSc, 2006
  98. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and related peripheral neuropathies: the role of genetic testing, Kinga Szigeti MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2006
  99. Experimental neuroprotective therapeutics in animal models of Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, Gabriella Gárdián MD, Prof. László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2006.
  100. Biological markers in depression: light effects and dopamine functions, Zoltán Szabó MD, Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, 2006
  101. New Method for Modification of a Biomaterial Surface to Improve its Osseointegration, István Pelsőczi-Kovács MD,Prof. András Fazekas DDS, CSc, 2006
  102. Genetic background of venous ulcer development, Nikoletta Nagy MD, Márta Széll PhD, 2007.
  103. The Strategy of Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment on the Basis of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, Sándor Pintér MD, Prof. Antal Nógrádi MD, CSc, 2007
  104. Interaction of amyloid precursor protein and lipid metabolism with relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, Annamária Bjelik,János Kálmán MD, PhD, 2007
  105. Dental aspects of systemic genetic diseases – Williams-Beuren syndrome and Cleidocranial dysplasia, Gergely BalatonMD, Prof. Zoltán Vajó, MD, PhD, Prof. Katalin Nagy DDS, PhD, 2007
  106. Minimal invasive surgery of the uterine cavity: resectoscope in use without hormonal preoperative treatment, Zsolt Kormányos MD, Prof. Béla Molnár G. MD, CSc, 2008
  107. Incidence and outcome of congenital cytomegalovirus infection in neonates under intensive care, Aranka Nagy MD, DSc, Prof. Emőke Endreffy CSc-Prof. Rozália Pusztai MD, CSc, 2008
  108. Evaluation of role of anaerobic bacteria in gynaecological infections: such as bacterial vaginosis and infections due to long term use of contraceptive intrauterine devices, Zoltán Pál MD, Prof. Erzsébet Nagy MD, DSc, 2008
  109. Human cardiovascular baroreflex regulation: different methods of measurement, Éva Zöllei, Prof. László Rudas MD, DSc, 2008
  110. The effect of distal first metatarsal osteotomy on the forefoot conditions at hallux valgus surgery, Péter Kellermann MD, Prof. Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc, 2008
  111. The role of nectin-1 and oxidative damage in the development of herpes simplex encephalitis, Emese Prandovszky,Szatmár Horváth MD, PhD, 2008
  112. PARP activation and inflammatory reaction in selective neurodegeneration, Judit Soós MD, Prof. József Engelhardt MD, DSc, 2008
  113. Modulation of efflux pumps in tumour cells as a possible way of reversal multidrug resistance, Zoltán Baráth MD, Prof. József Molnár MD, DSc, Prof. Katalin Nagy, DDS, PhD, 2008
  114. Genetic and biochemical causes of juvenile essential hypertension, Ákos Baráth, Prof. Sándor Túri MD, DSc, Prof. Emőke Endreffy CSc, 2008
  115. Cytogenetic and hormonal changes in head and neck squamous cell cancer patients: potential biomarkers for functional approaches in surgical oncology, Éva Remenár MD, Miklós Kásler MD, PhD, 2008
  116. Neurocognitive models of schizophrenia and mood disorders: the role of decision-making and visual information processing, Anita Must MD, Prof. Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, Szabolcs Kéri MD, PhD, 2008
  117. Regulation of T cell signalling by galectin-1 and lyso-phosphatidylcholine, Ádám Légrádi, Prof. Éva Monostori DSc, 2008
  118. The role of D type cyclins in human keratinocyte cell cycle regulation and in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, Nóra Belső MD, Prof. Zsuzsanna Bata MD, DSc, 2008
  119. Importance of magnesium supplementation in children with atopic bronchial asthma, Olga Bede MD, Zoltán Novák MD, CSc, 2008
  120. Stroke prevention: the role of carotid artery stenting and the management of antithrombotic therapy, László Sztriha MD, László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2008
  121. Clinical and experimental tests carried out with medicinal water and medicinal caves containing radon, Katalin NagyMD, Tamás Bender MD, PhD, 2008
  122. Investigation of the endogenous contributing factors of proarrhythmia and myocardial contractility, Attila Farkas MD,András Farkas MD, PhD, 2008
  123. Potential role of glutamate neurotransmission in the pathogenesis of ischemic brain damage and of depression. Effects of L-kynurenine on the survival of the hippocampal neurons and on the corrticocere, Katalin Sas MD, László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2008
  124. Brain cellular immunresponse, c-fos protein expression, motor and cognitive performance following closed head injury in rats, Andrea Czigner MD, András Mihály MD, DSc, 2009
  125. Usefulness of the linear and non-linear quantitative EEG methods in functional analysis of the human brain, AnettJárdánházy MD, János Tajti MD, CSc 2009
  126. Examination of mother-child agreement and its influencing factors in symptom reports and quality of life of depressed and non-depressed children, Enikő Kiss MD, Ágnes Vetró MD, CSc, 2009
  127. Mechanisms of cytotoxic brain edema, Zsolt Zádor MD, András Mihály MD, DSc, 2009
  128. Clonality analysis of B- and T-cell extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Tímea Gurbity Pálfi MD, Zita Borbényi MD, CSc, 2009
  129. Transcranial direct current stimulation and human neuroplasticity, Edina Tímea Varga MD, Andrea Antal MS, PhD, 2009
  130. Study of the relation between preterm delivery and periodontitis. The role of prophylactic dental therapy in the prevention of preterm delivery, Tibor Antal Novák MD, Attila Pál, MD, DSc, István Gorzó DDS, CSc, 2009
  131. Dilemmas and pitfalls of indicating cochlear implantation in pediatric deafness caused by known and unknown inner ear lesions, Attila Torkos MD, József Jóri MD, CSc, 2009
  132. Prevalence and treatment possibilities of numerical, morphological dental anomalies and malposition during childhood,Noémi Katinka Rózsa Prof. Katalin Nagy DDS, PhD, Prof. Zoltán Vajó, MD, CSc, 2009
  133. Differential gene expression in acute and chronic seizure models in the rat brain, Andrea Bagosi MD, András Mihály MD, DSc, 2009
  134. Neurophysiologic signs of lower motor neuron impairment following lesions of the upper ones, Miklós Lukács MD,Sándor Beniczky MD, PhD, 2009
  135. Investigation of the Role of Human Papilloma Virus in CervicalCarcinoma in Sourh-Eastern Hungary. Epidemiological and Cost-Effectiveness Studies, László Kalmár MD, Tibor Nyári PhD, 2009
  136. Investigation of the Osseointegration of Dental Implants and Different Biomaterials Used in Guided Tissue Regeneration, Danica Matusovits MD, Kinga Turzó PhD, András Fazekas DDS, CSc, 2009
  137. Improvement of long-term outcomes in kidney transplantation, Edit Szederkényi MD, Béla Iványi MD, DSc, 2009
  138. Characterization of normal and degenerated human hyaline cartilage, Gellért Sohár MD, Kálmán Tóth MD, CSc, 2009
  139. The role of glucocorticoid-dependent mechanism in the pathogenesis of experimental acute pancreatitis, Attila Paszt MD, György Lázár MD, CSc, 2009
  140. Early neurodevelopmental and temperamental characteristics in childhood onset depression, Krisztina Kapornai MD,Ágnes Vetró MD, CSc, 2009
  141. Recent findings in kynurenine research in the field of experimental epilepsy and stroke models. Elektropsychological, behavioral and histological studies, Hermina Robotka, László Vécsei MD, MHAS, József Toldi DSc, 2009
  142. Protective compunds in animal models of trigeminal activation and neurodegeneration, Enikő Vámos, Árpád Párdutz DSc, Péter Klivényi MD, PhD, 2009
  143. Ionotropic glutamate antagonism in the 4-aminopyridine rat convulsion model: The morphological and functional aspects of the acute seisure, Roland Weiczner MD, András Mihály MD, DSc, 2009
  144. Ethical issues of prenatal screenings for Down's syndrome, Adél Tóth, János Szabó MD, DSc, 2009
  145. Hemispherical differences in the two subgroups of schizophrenia identified by systematic cognitive neuropsychiatric mapping, István Szendi MD, Zoltán Janka, MD, CSc, 2009
  146. Modulation of the nitroglycerin-induced activation of second order trigeminal neurons in the rat, Hedvig Varga, Árpád Párdutz DSc, 2009
  147. Cognitive models of neurological disorders: the role of perceptual integration, decision-making and multiple memory systems, Helga Nagy MD, László Vécsei MD, MHAS, 2010
  148. The role of Kupffer cells in mediating the microcirculatory and biochemical consequences of endotoxemia and obstructive jaundice in rats, Szabolcs Ábrahám MD, György Lázár MD, CSc, 2010
  149. Genetic risk factors in Alzheimer's disease, Ágnes Fehér, János Kálmán MD, DSc, Zoltán Janka MD, DSc, 2010
  150. Regulation of proteolytic activity in lung inflammation: cytokine-induced changes in pulmonary epithelial cells, Hajnalka Szabó MD, Sándor Túri MD, DSc, 2010



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