Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Doctoral Schools and Programmes  --  Régi doktori képzéses anyagok
Doctoral School of Linguistics

Chair: Prof. István Kenesei DSc
Department of English
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 248
Fax: (+36 62) 544 249

Assistant Chair: Assoc. Prof. Károly Bibok CSc 
Department of Russian Philology
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone/fax: (+36 62) 544 160

Co-operating institutions
Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Institute for Linguistics

Educational Programmes

1. Altaic Studies
Programme director: Prof. Emeritus András Róna-Tas MHAS
Department of Altaic Studies
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+ 36 62) 544-320
Fax: (+36 62) 544 319

Research topics
– Issues in the history and description of Altaic languages (Supervisor: Prof. András Róna-Tas MHAS)
– Mongolian word-formation (Supervisor: Bajarma Kempf PhD)
– Turkic word-formation (Supervisor: László Károly PhD)

Major courses
– Analysis of Old Turkic texts (László Károly PhD, Tibor Porció PhD)
– Analysis of Middle Turkic texts (Éva Kincses Nagy PhD, Mária Ivanics DSc)
– Recent developments of diachronic, comparative and synchronic Altaic Studies (Bajarma Kempf PhD)
– Theory of language kinship (András Róna-Tas MHAS)
– Introduction to research in Altaic Studies (András Róna-Tas MHAS)
– Recent developments in the history of Mongolian (Bajarma Kempf PhD)
– Recent developments in the history of Turkish (Éva Kincses Nagy PhD)
– Phonology (see Theoretical linguistics)

Available facilities for students
The programme gives access to the internationally known specialised libraries of Gyula Németh (professor of turkology) and Lajos Ligeti (orientalist professor). Besides, students can use the library of the Department of Altaic Studies, too. The above mentioned libraries include some 16.000 volumes and nearly 10.000 offprints. The Department’s library offers a rich collection of journals as well, with the leading titles of the field. PhD students can use all the facilities of the Department of Altaic Studies.

Conditions of admission
– Knowledge of the literature given by the programme
– Apart from the knowledge of the oriental (Turkish, Mongolian) language under investigation, knowledge of European languages (English, German, Russian) is also required.

2. English Applied Linguistics
Programme director: Prof. Miklós Kontra DSc
Department of English Language Teacher Education and Applied Linguistics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone/fax: (+36 62) 544 024

Research topics
– Questions of language policy (Supervisor: Prof. Miklós Kontra DSc)
– Teaching and learning English in Hungary (Supervisor: Prof. Miklós Kontra DSc)
– The English of speakers of Hungarian from the point of view of language contact (Supervisor: Prof. Miklós Kontra DSc)
– Theories of second language acquisition (Supervisor: Donald W. Peckham PhD)
– Strategies for learning foreign languages (Supervisor: Donald W. Peckham PhD)
– Discourse analysis (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Erzsébet Barát PhD)
– Language contacts (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Anna Fenyvesi PhD)

Major courses
1st and 2nd terms:
– Phonetics (Mária Gósy DSc)
– Phonology/Syntax (Gyula Zsigri PhD)
– Research methods (Donald W. Peckham PhD)
– Sociolinguistics (Miklós Kontra DSc)
– Linguistic analysis (Anna Fenyvesi PhD)
– Second language acquisition (Donald W. Peckham PhD)

3rd and 4th terms:
– Discourse analysis (Erzsébet Barát PhD)
– Psycholinguistics (Mária Gósy DSc)
– Language contact (Anna Fenyvesi PhD)

5th and 6th terms:
– Language policy, language planning (Miklós Kontra DSc)
– Pragmatics (Csilla Bartha CSc)
– Individual research seminars

The English Applied Linguistics Programme prescribes the following courses:
During the first five terms seven mandatory and five optional seminars or lectures are to be taken. In the first two semesters three courses per term must be completed, for the rest of the programme two per term. Part of the optional five lectures/seminars can be individual research seminars. By the end of the 4th semester PhD students will have to prepare their dissertation proposal and submit it before the teachers of the programme and to choose their supervisor too.

Available facilities
Students can use the Institute and University libraries and the program’s student office and computers.

Conditions of admission
Documented English knowledge
The entrance examination consists of two parts. The first involves material from a book chosen from a list of readings proposed by the programme. The second part of the exam aims at testing the applicant’s background in general linguistics. Those possessing an MA degree in general and applied linguistics or in theoretical linguistics are dispensed from this part of the exam.

3. French Linguistics
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. Zsuzsanna Gécseg PhD
Department of French Linguistics and Literature
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 546-375 ext. 6375
Fax: (+36 62) 544 243

Research topics
– French lexicography (Supervisor: Prof. Miklós Pálfy CSc)
– Translation theory (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Sándor Albert CSc)
– French syntax (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zsuzsanna Gécseg PhD)
– French semantics (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zsuzsanna Gécseg PhD)

Major courses
– French linguistics in the 20th century (Zsuzsanna Gécseg PhD)
– Comparative linguistics (Marie-Josèphe Gouesse)
– French syntax (Zsuzsanna Gécseg PhD)
– French lexicology and lexicography (Sándor Albert CSc)
– Theories of translation (Sándor Albert CSc)
– French phonetics and phonology (Ilona Kassai DSc)

Conditions of admission
– Documented French knowledge
– Knowledge of the literature given by the programme

4. German Linguistics
Programme director: Prof. Péter Bassola DSc
Department of German Linguistics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 504
Fax: (+36 62) 544 249

Research topics
– Investigations of early New High German (syntax, word order, etc.) (Supervisor: Prof. Péter Bassola DSc)
– Contrastive research on German and Hungarian (valency, word order, determiners, etc.) (Supervisor: Prof. Péter Bassola DSc)
– Investigation of some specific problems of the grammar of German (structures with infinitives, noun phrases, word order, etc.) (Supervisor: Prof. Péter Bassola DSc)
– History of German spoken in Hungary (Supervisor: Prof. Péter Bassola DSc)
– New-high German grammar (synchronic and diachronic morphology and syntax) (Supervisor: Prof. Vilmos Ágel CSc)
– Relation between spoken and written language in the history of German (Supervisor: Prof. Vilmos Ágel CSc)
– Dependency Grammar (Supervisor: Prof. Vilmos Ágel CSc)
– Valence theory (Supervisor: Prof. Vilmos Ágel CSc)
– Cognitive semantics (Supervisor: Prof. András Kertész MHAS)
– Lexicology (e.g. phraseology), lexicography (Supervisor: Regina Hessky CSc)
– Language typology (Supervisor: Prof. Gisela Zifonun)
– Text linguistics, Pragmatics (Supervisor: Ewa Vargáné-Drewnowska PhD)
– Semantics, Morphology (Supervisor: György Scheibl PhD)

Major courses
1st and 2nd terms
– German phonetics and phonology (András Kertész MHAS)
– German morphology (György Scheibl PhD)
– German syntax (Vilmos Ágel CSc)
– German lexicology (Regina Hessky CSc)
– History of German (Péter Bassola DSc, Prof. Andreas Gardt)

3rd and 4th terms:
– Text linguistics or Pragmatics (Ewa Vargáné-Drewnowska PhD)
– Sociolinguistics (Miklós Kontra DSc) or
– Cognitive semantics (András Kertész MHAS) or
– Theory of grammar (Vilmos Ágel CSc) or
– History of science (Prof. Andreas Gardt)
– Contrastive linguistics (Péter Bassola DSc) or
– Language typology (Prof. Gisela Zifonun)

The German Linguistics Programme, in accordance with the basic principles of the Graduate School in Linguistics, prescribes the following courses
During the first four terms, lectures and seminars are given either as class-room courses or as tutorials (even in bigger blocks) pending on the decision of the teacher. In the 1st term three courses per week, in the remaining three terms two courses per week are required. Students take mandatory courses in the first two terms, while later on they can choose from the offered optional courses.
In accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School in Linguistics, by the 5th or 6th terms students must choose the precise topic of the dissertation and the supervisor. They are expected to collect material for the dissertation and to spend a term abroad if possible.

Available facilities
PhD students are entitled to use the Institute and the University library and some of the Institute’s computers.

Conditions of admission
– Knowledge of the literature given by the programme
– Besides knowledge of German, some English is also needed (reading and understanding).

5. Hungarian Linguistics
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. Tamás Forgács CSc
Department of Hungarian Linguistics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 815
Fax: (+36 62) 544 687

Research topics
– Descriptive Grammar of Hungarian: Investigation of specific problems of the grammar of Hungarian (e.g.: morphology, syntactic problems, complement structure, verb classes, etc.) (Supervisors: Prof. Imre Békési DSc, Assoc. Prof. Tamás Forgács CSc, Assoc. Prof. Valéria Maróti-Korchmáros PhD, Katalin B. Fejes CSc)
– Historical linguistics: History of Hungarian, Questions of language change (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tamás Forgács CSc)
– Text linguistics and stylistics: Investigations in text analysis and stylistics (Supervisors: Prof. Imre Békési DSc, Prof. László Büky DSc)
– Phraseology: Hungarian or contrastive phraseology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tamás Forgács CSc)

Major courses
1st and 2nd terms:
– Phonology (Assoc. Prof. Krisztina Polgárdi PhD, Gyula Zsigri PhD)
– Morphology (Valéria Maróti-Korchmáros PhD)
– Syntax (István Kenesei DSc, Zoltán Bánréti CSc)
– Semantics (Márta Maleczki CSc, Ferenc Kiefer MHAS)
– Pragmatics (Enikő Németh T. CSc)
– Historical linguistics (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc, Tamás Forgács CSc)

3rd and 4th terms:
– History of Hungarian Language(Tamás Forgács CSc)
– Language typology (Ágnes Lerch) or
– Altaic Studies (András Róna-Tas MHAS) or
– Finno-Ugric Studies (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)
– Text analysis (Imre Békési DSc, László Büky DSc) or
– Stylistics (László Büky DSc, Katalin B. Fejes CSc)
– Sociolinguistics (Miklós Kontra DSc, Miklós Németh PhD) or
– Valency theory (Tamás Forgács CSc)
– Descriptive and historical phraseology (Tamás Forgács CSc)
– Psycholinguistics (Ildikó Hoffmann PhD)

The Hungarian Linguistics Programme, in accordance with the basic principles of the Graduate School in Linguistics, prescribes the following courses
During the first four terms, lectures and seminars are given either as class-room courses or as tutorials (even in bigger blocks) depending on the decision of the teacher. In the 1st and 2nd terms three courses are compulsory a week, in the 3rd and 4th only two per week are obligatory. Students take compulsory courses in the first two terms, while later on they can choose from the offered optional courses.
In accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School in Linguistics, by the 5th or 6th terms students must choose the precise topic of the dissertation and the supervisor. They are expected to collect material for the dissertation and to spend a term abroad if possible.

Available facilities
PhD students have access to the libraries of the Department of Hungarian Linguistics, the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies and the Department of General Linguistics. Furthermore, they can use computers, printers, Xerox machines of the Department of Hungarian Linguistics together with the Department’s electronic databases.

Conditions of admission
– Every applicant must hand in their M.A. thesis or a longer paper in linguistics two weeks before the entrance examination
– Apart from that, the applicant has to talk about their research perspectives and about their field(s) of interest in linguistics
– Knowledge of modern languages or knowledge of Latin in case of interest in historical linguistics is strongly preferred. Besides, every applicant should have some knowledge of English (reading and understanding)
– Knowledge of the literature given by the programme

6. Russian Linguistics
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. Károly Bibok CSc
Department of Russian Philology
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone/fax: (+36 62) 544 160

Research topics
– Morphosyntax of Russian (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Károly Bibok CSc)
– Word meaning from semantic and pragmatic points of view (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Károly Bibok CSc)
– Sociolects (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Szergej Tóth PhD)
– Language and power (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Szergej Tóth PhD)
– Changes in the lexicon in the past ten years (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Katalin Kugler PhD)
– Russian–Hungarian comparative morphology (Supervisor: Prof. István Pete DSc)
– Russian–Hungarian comparative syntax (Supervisor: Prof. István Pete DSc)
– Semantic and pragmatic problems of the Russian verb aspect (Supervisor: Prof. József Krékits DSc)
– Computational methods of morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis in Russian (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Károly Fábricz CSc)

Major courses
– The theory of syntax (István Kenesei DSc)
– Formal semantics (Márta Maleczki CSc)
– Russian syntax (Károly Bibok CSc)
– Sociolinguistics of Russian (Szergej Tóth PhD)
– Lexical semantics (Károly Bibok CSc)

In addition, there is a set of recommended courses from which students have to choose four
– Phonology (Assoc. Prof. Krisztina Polgárdi PhD)
– Computational methods of Russian language processing (Károly Fábricz CSc)
– Contrastive linguistics (István Pete DSc)
– Semantic and pragmatic problems of the Russian verb aspect (József Krékits DSc)
– Evolution of the Russian literary language and its modern state (István Ferincz PhD, Katalin Kugler PhD)
– Stylistic and poetic methods of text research (Katalin Kugler PhD, Ibolya Bagi CSc, Katalin Szőke CSc)

In accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School in Linguistics, by the 5th or 6th terms students must choose the precise topic of the dissertation and the supervisor. They are expected to collect material for the dissertation and to spend a term abroad if possible.

Available facilities
Students can use the University and Department libraries, teachers’ books and a computer with printer and Internet connection.

Conditions of admission
– Proficiency in Russian
– Some knowledge (reading, understanding) of another widely spoken language
– Preliminary research project
– Examination based on the recommended reading list

7. Slavic Historical Linguistics
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. István Ferincz PhD
Department of Slavic Philology
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u.2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 000 ext. 3149
Fax: (+36 62) 544 160

Research topics
– Analysis and description of linguistic records of mid-Bulgarian (Supervisor: Prof. Imre H. Tóth DSc)
– Research methods of historical linguistics (Supervisor: Gábor Balázs L. PhD)
– Stylistic analysis of Slavic linguistic records (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. István Ferincz PhD)
– Analysis of Serbian linguistic records found in Hungary (Supervisor: Ágnes Kacziba PhD)
– Analysis of Ukrainian church manuscripts found in Hungary (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mihály Kocsis PhD)

Major courses
1st and 2nd terms
– Old Church Slavic Grammar (Imre H. Tóth DSc, Gábor Balázs L. PhD)
– Greek (Teréz Olajos CSc)
– Indo-European (comparative) linguistics (Gyula Wojtilla DSc)

3rd and 4th terms (Old Church Slavic–Bulgarian specialisation)
– Diachronic phonology and morphology (Gábor Balázs L. PhD)
– Text reading (Gábor Balázs L. PhD, István Ferincz PhD)
– Old Church Slavic (Old Bulgarian) Grammar (Imre H. Tóth DSc, Gábor Balázs L. PhD)

3rd and 4th terms (History of Russian specialisation)
– Diachronic phonology and morphology (Gábor Balázs L. PhD)
– Text reading (Mihály Kocsis PhD, István Ferincz PhD)
– History of Russian (Mihály Kocsis PhD)

5th and 6th terms
– Old linguistic records (Imre H. Tóth DSc)

Optional courses
– Slavic Comparative Grammar (Ágnes Kacziba PhD)
– Origins of the vocabulary of Russian (András Zoltán DSc)
– History of the Russian literary language (István Ferincz PhD)

The Programme, in accordance with the general rules of the Graduate School in Linguistics, prescribes the following courses:
During the first four terms, lectures and seminars are given either as class-room courses or as tutorials (even in larger blocks) pending on the decision of the teacher. In the 1st and 2nd terms three courses are compulsory a week, in the remaining four terms only two per week are mandatory. Students take compulsory courses in the first two terms, while later on they can choose from the offered optional courses.
In accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School in Linguistics, by the 5th or 6th terms students must choose both the precise topic of the dissertation and the supervisor. They are expected to collect material for the dissertation and to spend a term abroad if possible.

Available facilities
Students can use the University and Department libraries, teachers’ books and a computer with printer and Internet connection.

Conditions of admission
– Besides knowledge of the Slavic language under investigation, some knowledge (reading and understanding) of a major European language is needed, too.
– Examination based on the recommended reading list.

8. Theoretical Linguistics
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. Enikő Németh T. CSc
Department of General Linguistics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 128
Fax: (+36 62) 544 687

Research topics
– Syntax (Supervisors: Prof. István Kenesei DSc, Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Bánréti CSc, Assoc. Prof. Huba Bartos PhD, Prof. Mihály Bródy DSc)
– Formal semantics (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Márta Maleczki CSc)
– Pragmatics (Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Enikő Németh T. CSc, Lívia Ivaskó PhD)
– Phonology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Krisztina Polgárdi PhD)

Major courses
The programme consists of three main parts
1. mandatory courses,
2. consultations helping the preparation of the dissertation,
3. external term: training abroad, consultations (with the objective of promoting the writing of articles and the dissertation).

1st and 2nd terms
– The theory of syntax (István Kenesei DSc)
– Phonology (Krisztina Polgárdi PhD)
– Psycholinguistics (Dezső Németh PhD)
– Formal semantics (Márta Maleczki CSc)
– Pragmatics (Enikő Németh T. CSc)
– Computational linguistics (Tibor Szécsényi PhD)

3rd and 4th terms
– Cognitive linguistics (Lívia Ivaskó PhD)
– Two courses chosen from the courses of the specializations in Syntax or Semantics or Phonology or Pragmatics (István Kenesei DSc, Márta Maleczki CSc, Krisztina Polgárdi PhD, Enikő Németh T. CSc, respectively)
– Research seminars

5th and 6th terms
– External term(s) and/or consultations (with the objective of promoting the writing of articles and the dissertation)

Available facilities
Students can use the libraries of the Department of General Linguistics and the English Department; furthermore, they can use a room of the Department of General Linguistics with computers and a Xerox machine.

Conditions of admission
– Knowledge of English (at least intermediate level),
– Preliminary research project,
– Examination based on the recommended reading list.

9. Uralic Studies 
Programme director: Prof. Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc
Department of Uralic Studies
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 546
Fax: (+36 62) 544 687

Research topics
– Samoyedic Studies
– Descriptive and historical analysis of Ob-Ugric languages
– Descriptive and historical investigations in comparative grammar and language typology
– Descriptive and historical investigations in lexicography and semantics
– Sociolinguistics of the Uralic languages
Supervisors: Any member of the Uralic Studies Programme is eligible as a supervisor

Major courses
1st term
– Historical and comparative linguistics (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)
– Descriptive Grammar of a Uralic language (Edit Mészáros CSc, Beáta Wagner-Nagy PhD, Katalin Sipőcz PhD, Sándor Szeverényi PhD, István Kozmács PhD)
– Phonology, Syntax, Semantics (see Theoretical linguistics)

2nd term 
– Language typology (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)
– Historical Grammar of a Uralic Language (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc, Edit Mészáros CSc, Beáta Wagner-Nagy PhD, Katalin Sipőcz PhD, Sándor Szeverényi PhD, István Kozmács PhD)

3rd term
– Phonology (General and Uralic) (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc)
– Word-formation (General and Uralic) (Edit Mészáros CSc)
– Morpho-syntax (General and Uralic) (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc, Sándor Szeverényi PhD)
– Lexicology (General and Uralic) (Katalin Sipőcz PhD)

4th term
– Consultations (with specialists of the chosen field)
– Research Seminar (Marianne Bakró-Nagy DSc and the supervisors)

5th and 6th terms
– Research seminar, training abroad, consultations

The Uralic Studies Programme, in accordance with the general rules of the Graduate School in Linguistics, prescribes the following courses:
During the first three terms, lectures and seminars are given either as class-room courses or as tutorials (even in bigger blocks), the number of compulsory courses is three per week. Later on, courses can be chosen from the optional list. Students are expected to know at the entrance exam the subfield of Uralic studies that the dissertation will be about. The specific topic must be announced at the beginning of the 4th term.

Available facilities
PhD students can use the University Library and the Department’s library, computers and tape-recorders.

Conditions of admission
– MA degree in Finno-Ugric Studies with distinction: it guarantees the necessary background and literature for the successful completion of the courses.
– The applicants have to join their M.A. thesis and a 1–2 page long preliminary research project.
– Some knowledge (reading and understanding) of the Uralic language(s) under investigation. Reading and understanding of Finnish, German and English, reading of Russian.
– Examination based on the recommended reading list.

Representative dissertations (title, author, supervisor, year)

  1. A csagatáj irodalmi nyelv mongol elemei [Mongolian elements of the Chagatai literary language], Éva Kincses Nagy,Prof. András Róna-Tas, 2009
  2. Dialekt, Sprachmischung und Spracheinstellungen am Beispiel deutscher Dialekte in Ungarn, Attila Németh, Prof. Csaba Földes, 2009
  3. Lokalitás és argumentum öröklés. A magyar infinitívuszi szerkezetek leírása HPSG-keretben [Locality and argument inheritence. Description of Hungarian infinitival constructions in HPSG], Tibor Szécsényi, Assoc. Prof. Márta Maleczki, 2009
  4. Verb formation in the Secret History of the Mongols, Béla Kempf, Prof. András Róna-Tas, 2009
  5. A nagyorosz szerkesztésű egyházi szláv nyelv normájának változásai a XVII. század második felében [Changes in the norms of the Church Slavonic language of Great Russian style in the second half of the 17th century], Iván Hegedűs, Assoc. Prof. István Ferincz, 2008
  6. Buchstabengebrauch in der Ödenburger Kanzleischriftlichkeit vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (1510–1800), János Németh, Prof. Péter Bassola, 2008
  7. The written assessment of the vocabulary knowledge and use of English majors in Hungary, Katalin Doró, Donald W. Peckham, 2008
  8. Tulajdonságfogalmak a nganaszanban [Property concepts in Nganasan], Sándor Szeverényi, Beáta Wagner-Nagy PhD, 2008
  9. Yakut derivational morphology. An historical approach. Volume One: Deverbal nominals, László Károly, Prof. Árpád Berta and Prof. András Róna-Tas, 2008
  10. A tuva nyelv mongol jövevényszavai [The Mongolian loanwords of the Tuva language], Baiarma Khabtagaeva, Prof. Árpád Berta and Prof. András Róna-Tas, 2007
  11. Az alakzatok kérdése a pragmatikában [The problem of tropes in pragmatics], László Attila Nemesi, Assoc. Prof. Enikő Németh T., 2007
  12. Az angol szókészleti elemek kölcsönzésének kérdései a mai orosz nyelvben: Az 1980-as évektől napjainkig [Problems of the borrowing of English lexical items in Modern Russian: From 1980-s to date], Szabolcs Janurik,Assoc. Prof. Károly Bibok, 2007
  13. A kvalitatív hiperkorrekció [Qualitative hypercorrection], Éva Mitring, Prof. Miklós Kontra, 2006
  14. A pragmatikai kompetencia szerepe a sikertelen diskurzusokban [The role of pragmatic competence in unsuccessful discourses, Lívia Ivaskó, Enikő Németh T., 2005
  15. Le mot phonologique en français du Midi: Domaines, Contraintes, Opacité, Gábor Turcsán, Prof. Jacques Durand and Krisztina Polgárdi PhD, 2005
  16. Zwei Senatoren bestechen drei Vestalinnen. Die referentiell-strukturelle Ambiguität im Deutschen, György Scheibl,Assoc. Prof. Márta Maleczki, 2005



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