Chair: Prof. Gábor Mezősi DSc
Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary (Mail: P.O.Box 653, H–6701 Szeged, Hungary)
Phone: (+36 62) 544 155, Fax: (+36 62) 544 158
Assistant Chair: Assoc Prof. János Unger PhD
Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Hungary (Mail: P.O.Box 653, H–6701 Szeged, Hungary)
Phone: (+36 62) 544 155, Fax: (+36 62) 544 158
Co-operating institutions
University of Szeged
Department of Mineralogy, Pedology and Geochemistry
Department of Geology and Paleontology
Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology
Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Department of Human Geography
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Centre for Regional Studies Kecskemét
Geochemical Research Institute
Founders of the Doctoral School of Geosciences: Prof. József Becsei, Bálint Csatári, Prof. László Jakucs(†), Prof. Ilona Bárány-Kevei, Prof. Gábor Mezősi, Prof. Rezső Mészáros MHAS, Prof. Béla Molnár, Prof. György Pantó, Assoc. Prof. Pál Sümegi, Prof. Tibor Szederkényi.
In average, the lecturers of the School publish 2-3 books, 30 articles in Hungarian, and 40 in foreign scientific journals per year. The School was partly financed by several successful Hungarian (PFP, FKFP, MÖB-DAAD) and European (FP6 and FP7 – e.g. Millenium, Quantify) projects. The financial results of these projects from 1993 (establishing the School) were used in the teaching process for example: invitation of foreign guest professors, new courses and PhD research topics and places for the students. Moreover, several projects connected to the main governmental foundation.
In average, PhD students (5–8 full-time and 10 part-time students accepted per year) have the opportunity to choose from more than 80 courses per an Academic year. Students have obligatory courses and other courses of free choice (for credits). Information on the existing credit system, requirements and courses are available on the web page of the school ( While the supervisor has to provide the students with all the necessary information and help, the Department has to give the appropriate infrastructural background to the work of the student. This infrastructural background includes library and computer facilities, free information access etc. For all the PhD students of the Program, there is an obligatory discussion seminar, once a week, where the current stage of their doctoral research and the further steps are discussed and analyzed.
The entrance exam takes place according to the standards of the doctoral committee. The applicants have one month after the official announcement to apply. The content and questions of the application form are issued by the doctoral committee of the university. The marks of the entrance exam partly depend on the diploma results (MSc max. 10 scores) and research activity (student competitions, articles in scientific journals etc.). The other significant part is the oral exam which takes place in the last week of June, where the scientific and research skills of the applicant is examined (max. 10 scores). Two additional scores might be earned with a second middle state exam in a foreign language (one is compulsory). According to the final results, the School gives the recommendations to the doctoral committee of the University.
Educational programmes
1. Spatial Changes and Forms of Human-Economic Processes
Programme director: Prof. Rezső Mészáros MHAS
Department of Human Geography
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6., Hungray
Phone: (+36 62) 544 174, Fax: (+36 62) 544 178
Research topics/programmes
– The present state of the tanya (farm) system (Supervisor: Prof. József Becsei DSc)
– The transformation of the Hungarian settlement system from the Hungarian conquest until the present days
(Supervisor: Prof. József Becsei DSc)
– The social geography and the classification of the rural settlements (small town, village, tanya) (Supervisor: Res.
Prof. Bálint Csatári CSc)
– The methods for valuing the processes of the settlements and spaces, qualifying regions (Supervisor: Res. Prof.
Bálint Csatári CSc)
– The geographical characteristics of the rural space and their transformations (Supervisor: Res. Prof. Bálint Csatári
– Quantitative, qualitative and behaviourist methods in human geography (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Péter Bajmócy
– The population geography of Hungary (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Péter Bajmócy PhD)
– The ethnic- and religion geography of the Carpathian Basin (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Péter Bajmócy PhD)
– The development and the effects of the second homes in Europe and in Hungary (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Csordás PhD)
– The forms of rural tourism, their main characteristics and improvement in Hungary (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Csordás PhD)
– Applying marketing devices in the regional development (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ábel Garamhegyi PhD)
– Examining cross-border cooperations at different spatial units (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Csaba Kovács PhD)
– The political geography of the post-socialist transformation (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Kovács DSc)
– The geographical phenomena of the urbanization (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Kovács DSc)
– The spatial processes of the social differentiation (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Kovács DSc)
– The spatial working mechanisms of the globalisation (Supervisor: Prof. Rezső Mészáros MHAS)
– The formation and the development of the interregional relationships in the Hungarian economy (Supervisor: Prof. Rezső Mészáros MHAS)
– The specific changes of tourism in various spaces (Supervisor: SRF. Gábor Michalkó PhD)
– The spaces of the service sector (Supervisor: SRF. Erika Nagy CSc)
– The geography of the information society (Supervisor: SRF. Gábor Nagy CSc)
– The geographical characteristics of the economic change of regime in Eastern-Europe (Supervisor: SRF. Gábor Nagy CSc)
– Territorial inequalities (Supervisor: Prof. József Nemes-Nagy DSc)
– Analysing the relationship between the geographical space and the works of art (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Viktor Pál PhD)
– The territorial processes of the Hungarian health tourism (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Viktor Pál PhD)
– The general questions of the health geography, international and Hungarian processes of the health geography
(Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Viktor Pál PhD)
– Demography (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Gabriella Ancsin-Szónoky PhD)
– The geography of the underprivileged social groups (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Judit Tímár CSc)
– The role of the social gender in the territorial processes (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Judit Tímár CSc)
– The social relations of the suburbanization and the gentrification (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Judit Tímár CSc)
2. Geology
Programme director: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS
Department of Mineralogy, Pedology and Geochemistry
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 642, Fax: (+36 62) 426 479
Research topics/programmes
– Stable isotope geochemistry (Supervisor: Attila Demény DSc)
– Analysis of uncertainty in geology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Geiger PhD)
– The geological scale problem (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Geiger PhD)
– Applied geomathematical modelling (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Geiger PhD)
– Stochastic simulations in geology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Geiger PhD)
– Organic matter in soils (Supervisor: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi DSc)
– Oil, gas and oil shale (Supervisor: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi DSc)
– Researches in environmental geology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Hum PhD)
– Quaternary environment reconstruction on the basis of Hungarian loess section investigations (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Hum PhD)
– Numerical hydrogeology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Balázs Kovács PhD)
– Modelling of fractured fluid reservoirs (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tivadar M. Tóth CSc)
– Basement of the Tisia Unit (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tivadar M. Tóth CSc)
– Environmental geochemistry (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Elemér Pál-Molnár PhD)
– Granitoid rocks of the Tisia Unit – Apuseni Mountains, paleotectonic reconstruction (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Elemér Pál-Molnár PhD)
– Alkaline magmatic petrological processes (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Elemér Pál-Molnár PhD)
– Cementation history (Supervisor: Res. Fel. Felix Schubert PhD)
– Geoarcheology and environment history (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Pál Sümegi CSc)
– Quaternary geology and paleoenvironment (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Pál Sümegi CSc)
– Geothermal systems (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Szanyi PhD)
– Thermal waters of the Great Hungarian Plain (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zoltánné Varsányi CSc)
3. Geomorphology
Programme director: Prof. Gábor Mezősi DSc
Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2–6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 155, Fax: (+36 62) 544 158
Research topics/programmes
– Soil erosion (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Károly Barta PhD)
– Karstmorfology and karstecology (Supervisor: Prof. Ilona Bárány-Kevei DSc)
– Human induced changes in fluvial morphology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tímea Kiss PhD)
– The velocity of the recent geomorhological processes (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tímea Kiss PhD)
– Analysing of the sand forms development (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Tímea Kiss PhD)
– Evaluation of the landscape changes using GIS technology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ferenc Kovács PhD)
– Modelling of wind and soil erosion (Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Mezősi DSc)
– RS data-processing with the help of geoinformatics (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Mucsi PhD)
– Actual problems of the hydrogeography in Hungary (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Rakonczai CSc)
– Applicatons of DDM in geosciences (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. József Szatmári)
4. Geoecology
Programme director: Prof. Ilona Bárány-Kevei DSc
Department of Climatology and Geoecology
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2–6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 157, Fax: (+36 62) 544 158
Research topics/programmes
– The sensitivity of soils in Hungary (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Andrea Farsang PhD)
– False ideas in the middle school geography (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Andrea Farsang PhD)
– Investigation of anthropogenic origin environmental change in a Hungarian landscape unit (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Andrea Farsang PhD)
– Landscape ecological evaluations (Supervisor: Prof. Ilona Bárány-Kevei DSc)
– Transport and the environmental load (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Makra PhD)
– Modelling of the air pollution (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Makra PhD)
– Climatic change (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. László Makra PhD)
– The risks and hazards in the physical environment (Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Mezősi DSc)
– Landscape metrics (Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Mezősi DSc)
– Internal consequences of the global environmental changes (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Rakonczai CSc)
– Climate modification effect of the surface (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Sümeghy PhD)
– History of cartography (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Sümeghy PhD)
– Thematic cartography (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Sümeghy PhD)
– Urban climatology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Unger PhD)
– Human bioclimatology (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Unger PhD)
Representative dissertations 2006–2010 (title, author, supervisor, year)