Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Doctoral Schools and Programmes  --  Régi doktori képzéses anyagok
Doctoral School of Enviromental Sciences

Doctoral School of Enviromental Sciences


Chair: Prof. Zoltan Kónya DSc
Dept. of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, University of Szeged,

Hungary. H-6720,Rerrich B. tér 1.
Phone: +36-62-544-620 Fax: +36-62-544-619


Co-operating institutions:
Faculty of Science and Informatics of the University of Szeged 
Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Department of Medical Physics and Informatics
Department of Biotechnology
Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science
Department of Ecology
Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology
Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
Department of Plant Biology
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty of Engineering 
Department of Technical and Process Engineering
Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty
Department of Technology
Department of Environmental Biology and Education
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Public Health
Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged
Biotechnological Institute of the Zoltán Bay Applied Research Foundation, Szeged
Chemical Research Centre of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Centre for Energy Research of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

International Cooperation (see in the website of institutes)

General introduction
Environmental education and research at the University of Szeged has long‑standing and internationally acknowledged traditions. The regular education in environmental sciences at the graduate and postgraduate levels has been started at the early years of the last decade. The doctoral education in environmental sciences was started in 1993 by the organisation of five accredited PhD programmes, such as Environmental biochemistry and biotechnology, Ecological protection, Geographical analysis of regional processes and urban climate and air pollution, Environmental chemistry and analysis and Environmental geology. Following the reorganisation of the structure in doctoral education in Hungary, the PhD School of Environmental Sciences was founded and accredited in the year of 2001. In the last decade almost 200 students entered into the three-year long education program and more than 60 participants have obtained PhD degree.
Applicants have to pass serious exams for entering a doctoral program after having to meet preset requirements (good university results, foreign language knowledge, previous scientific work, interview, etc.). After successfully entering they obtain student status. There are four basic forms of doctoral education: (a) full-time student with state scholarship (state-financed student), (b) full-time student without state scholarship, (c) part-time student and (d) students preparing themselves individually for the doctoral degree.
The two parts of the process of becoming a doctor are: (a) training or educational program, which takes 3 years and each student (except the ones preparing individually) has to take part in courses prescribed by the programme or the tutor (altogether approximately 15 courses in 6 semesters) and collect credits in the courses; participating in the education of undergraduate level students, (b) the degree awarding process: prerequisites are completed training, medium-level proficiency (verified by state-recognized exams) in two foreign languages and an original scientific work verified by original publications and summarized in a written thesis. Students have to pass three oral doctoral exams and defend the theses in public.

Facilities, instrumentations
– More, than 10000 pieces of books and a nationwide outstanding collection of leading journals of environmental and related sciences in printed and electronic forms are available in the Central Library of University and deposit libraries of participant departments.
– All of the PhD students have to use the electronic network and services of the University Computer Centre.
– The following instrumentations, devices and equipments are available for the PhD students at the departments of PhD School:
X-ray diffraction, small angle X-ray scattering, static and dynamic light scattering, electrophoresis, thermoanalysis, microcalorimetry (sorption and titration), gas adsorption, atomic force microscopy, surface plasma spectroscopy, TOC/TOX, UV, visible and fluorescence spectrophotometry, osmometry, surface tension, rheology, ICP and atomic absorption spectrometers, FT-IR spectrophotometer adopted for in situ catalytic measurements, diffuse-reflexion UV-VIS spectrophotometer, automatic adsorption equipment, TEM, SEM, X-ray diffractometers, derivatograph, different types gaschromatographs with FID, TCD and ECD units, GC-MS, HPLC chromatographs, HPLC-MS, CE-MS, high temperature synthesis ovens, laboratory reactors, established computer system with the proper software, Oil Show analyser, DRON UM1 X-ray diffractormeter, X-ray fluorescence analysator, four channel nuclear analysator, tunable laser sources for spectroscopic purposes: diode lasers (DFB and external cavity), quantum cascade lasers (DFB and F-P). Photoacoustic detectors. Signal processing electronics: Lock-in amplifiers and AD/DA converters. Complete sets of gas handling and calibration systems. Optical systems and components: spectrum analyzers and detectors, microscopes, scanning electron microscope, access of taxonomic collection botanical garden for outdoor experiments; research site and station in the Kiskunság National Park and field cars.



Educational Programmes


1.  Environmental Biochemistry and biotechnology
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. Gábor Rákhely PhD 
Department of Biotechnology
H–6726 Szeged, Közép fasor 52., (P.O.B. 521), Hungary,
Phone: (+36 62) 546 940, Fax: (+36 62) 544 352,

Research programmes

– Biotechnology as green chemistry (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Gábor Rákhely PhD)
Design and production of enzymatic and whole cell biocatalysts for chemical, pharmaceutical food e.t.c industry, agricultural and environmental applications.
– Environmental microbial biotechnology: bioremediation (Supervisors: Katalin Perei, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Gábor Rákhely PhD)
Biotechnological systems for biodegradation of hazardous wastes (oil,unctuous wastes, halogonated, sulfonated aliphatic aromatic compounds, proteins, (hemi)cellulosic wastes).

– Development of microbiological methods for oil industry (Supervisor: Peter Kesseru, PhD Bay Zoltán Institute)
– Bioremediaton on field scale (Supervisor: Istvan Kiss, PhD Bay Zoltán Institute)
Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defense systems (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Edit Hermesz PhD)

Stress response in fish (Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Edit Hermesz PhD, Ágnes Ferencz PhD)

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced during cellular metabolism and functional activities. However, excessive ROS formation, induced by environmental stressors, promotes oxidative stress which may lead to macromolecular damages. Aerobic organisms to protect themselves against oxidative stress have evolved complex antioxidant defense systems. These antioxidants are sensitive and highly conserved between species so they are useful biomarkers to characterize a polluted environment.

– The effects of heavy metals on mitochondrial function (heavy metal poisoning) (Supervisor: Monika Csonka Kiricsi Ph.D)
– Investigation of stress protein (Supervisor: Prof.László Vigh, MHAS)
– Research on renewable energy sources: biohydrogen (Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Gábor Rákhely PhD, Prof. Kornél L Kovács DSc)
Biological systems capable of producing hydrogen, the purest energy carrier known, from renewable energy sources such as sun or biomass are studied. Hydrogenases, the key enzymes of the process are studied in phototrophic, hyperthermophilic and metanotrophic microorganisms using molecular biological, biochemical, biophysical and microbiological approaches
 Research on renewable energy sources: biogas (Supervisor: Prof. Kornél L. Kovács DSc, Associate Prof. Zoltán Bagi, PhD)
The process of biological methane production and utilization is examined. We develop new methods stimulating the conversion of biomass from various sources to profitable energy source.
– Environmental microbial biotechnology: bioremediation (Supervisors: Katalin Perei, PhD, Prof. Kornél L Kovács DSc, Assoc. Prof. Gábor Rákhely PhD)
Biotechnological systems for biodegradation of hazardous wastes and compounds that are toxic for humans and/or nature are developed. The hazardous compounds are converted into biomass of the degrading microorganisms, which is harmless for the environment, and thus the toxic compounds are returned into the natural circle of the elements.

Selected courses
- Advanced Biochemistry (Kotormán Márta PhD, Edit Hermesz PhD,)

- Environmental Stress Biochemistry (Edit Hermesz PhD, Ágnes Ferencz PhD)

- Synthetic biology (“Omics”) (Prof. Imre Boros, Edit Hermesz PhD, Zsuzsanna Újfaludi PhD)

– Microbiological process of denitrification (Péter Kesserű, PhD)
– Fundamentals in Biotechnology (Prof. Kornél Kovács, Gábor Rákhely PhD)
– Selected topics in molecular biotechnology (Gabor Rakhely PhD)
– Methods in environmental biotechnology (Katalin Perei PhD)
– Biotechnology (Prof. Kornél Kovács DSc)
– Molecular biotechnology (Gábor Rákhely PhD)

– Advanced biotechnology (András Tóth, PhD, Gábor Rákhely PhD)
– Methods in environmental biotechnology (Katalin Perei PhD)

– Bioinformatics (Péter Kós PhD, Gábor Rákhely PhD)

– Bioremediation processes (Alexandra Németh, Zsolt Szabó)




2. Conservation Ecology
Programme director: Dr. Zsolt Pénzes PhD
Department of Ecology
H–6726 Szeged, Közép fasor 52., Hungary,
Phone: (+36 62) 546 947 Fax: (+36 62) 546 949;

Research programmes

– Population and conservation genetics of arthropods (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zs. Pénzes PhD)
– Phylogenetic diversity of communities (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zs. Pénzes PhD)
– Ecological analysis of invertebrate communities in characteristic habitats of Pannon region (Supervisor: Prof. Emeritus L. Gallé DSc)
– Evaluation and assessment of conservation management and habitat restoration (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. K. Margóczi PhD)
– Ex-situ conservation of protected plant populations (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. E. Mihalik CSc)
– Hydrological relations of natural vegetation of Kiskunság region (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. I. Bagi, CSc)
– The role linear landscape elements in metacommunity dynamics (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. L. Körmöczi CSc)

Selected courses

– Population biology (Assoc. Prof. Zs. Pénzes and Prof. Emeritus L. Gallé DSc)
– Population interactions and ecological communities (Prof. Emeritus L. Gallé and Assoc. Prof. Zs. Pénzes PhD)
– Conservation biology (Assoc. Prof. K. Margóczi PhD)
– Phylogenetics (Assoc. Prof. Zs. Pénzes PhD)
– Nature conservation (Assoc. Prof. K. Margóczi CSc)
– Phenotypic plasticity in plants (Assoc. Prof. Erzsébet Mihalik CSc)


3. Environmental Physics
Programme director: Prof. Gábor Szabó MHAS 
Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 9., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 273, Fax: (+36 62) 544 658

Research programmes
Photoacoustic spectroscopic gas detection (Supervisors: Prof. G. Szabó DSc, Assoc. Prof. Z. Bozóki CSc)
Based on the photoacoustic measuring principle, we construct high sensitivity gas concentration monitoring systems, which are capable to work automatically even under industrial conditions. We optimize and develop various units of these systems (such as external cavity diode lasers, photoacoustic cells, electronics and software), test the integrated system by calibrating it to well established reference methods, and furthermore operate them under industrial and field conditions. Well advanced is our diode laser based photoacoustic water vapour detection system, which has proved its applicability in numerous industrial as well as in climate research projects.

Selected courses
– Environmental Physics (Prof. G. Szabó, Assoc. Prof. Z. Bozóki)
– Environmental biophysics (Prof. Péter Maróti DSc)
– Biophysical methods in photosynthesis (Prof. P. Maroti)
– Physics of natural catastrophes (Prof. G. Szabó)
– Spetcromertric methods in environmental sciences (Prof. G. Szabó)



4. Environmental Geography
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. János Rakonczai CSc 
Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem utca 2-6. P.O.B. 653, Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 395 , Fax: (+36 62) 544 158

Research programmes
Evaluation of environmental changes by geographical methods (Supervisors: Prof. G. Mezősi DSc, Assoc Prof. L. Makra PhD, Assoc Prof. L. Mucsi PhD, Assoc Prof. J. Rakonczai CSc, Assoc Prof. Andrea Farsang PhD)
One of them deals with basic research and aims to analyze environmental elements using geoinformatical methods (e. g. estimation of ecologically available water through remote sensing, stream network analysis with GIS used for catchment basin pollution or flood modeling). The goal is better understanding of the factors, process modeling, effect calculation.
The other topic is more practically oriented; its topics include measuring soil and wind erosion and analyzing their effects, displaying changes in natural-environmental characteristics due to social activities (esp. in terms of hydrogeography, urban-ecology and pedology.

Recent questions of urban climate and air pollution (Supervisors: Prof. G. Mezősi DSc, Assoc Prof. L. Makra PhD, Assoc Prof. L. Mucsi PhD, Assoc Prof. J. Rakonczai CSc, Assoc Prof. Andrea Farsang PhD)
In connection with the problems of the urban atmospheric environment we offer research programs and course in two groups. One of them is characterized rather as basic research, but it has also great possibilities in applications. This program (urban climate) is directed on the modeling of the spatial structure of the urban heat island, on the spatial magnitude and temporal dynamics of the air temperature and humidity along and urban cross section, on the relationships between the heat island and the phenological phenomena, as well as on investigations of urban human comfort. It applies mobile measurements, surveys, geoinformatical and remote sensing evaluations and mathematical statistical methods. Studying problems of air pollution can be basic and applied research. Air pollution parameters considered (CO, NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, O3, TSP and deposited dust) come from RIV- and monitoring stations. The region examined are firstly Szeged and Csongrád county, furthermore Budapest, Eger Pécs, Győr, Nyíregyháza and Miskolc. The aim of the research is studying statistical structure as well as spatial distribution of concentrations of air pollutants, determining concentrations of air pollutants according to given urban cross-sections, to reveal reasons and to plan strategies for reducing air pollution. Further research field is determining pollen pollution of the air; to reveal connection between climatic elements and, on the one hand the air pollutants examined and, on the other hand, pollen pollution; to analyse the role of these two components of human comfort; to determine types of large-scale weather situations for both air pollution and pollen pollution; classification of air pollution load and pollen pollution load; and prediction of weather types connected to them. Methods: mathematical statistics, chemical analysis of samples.

Selected courses
– Analysis of environmental elements using geoinformatical methods (Prof. G. Mezősi, Assoc. Prof. L. Mucsi)
– Soil and wind erosion (Assoc. Prof. Andrea Farsang)
– Recent questions of urban climate and air pollution (Assoc. Prof. L. Makra)
– Global environmental problems (Assoc. Prof. J. Rakonczai)
– Methods of soil sampling and field examinations (Assoc. Prof. Andrea Farsang)



5. Environmental Geology
Programme director: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS 
Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology
H–6722 Szeged, Egyetem utca 2–6., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 642 , Fax: (+36 62) 426 479

Research programmes
– Composition, turnover and stabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) and its role in the terrestrial carbon cycle and in different environmental processes (Supervisor: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS)
– Organic matter in recent sediments with implication in different environmental processes (Supervisor: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS)
– Geochemical characterization of the main SOM-types in Hungary (Supervisor: Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS)
– Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in the Pannonian Basin (Supervisor: Prof. Irén Varsányi DSc)
– Environmental role of fractured fluid reservoirs (Supervisor: Prof. Tivadar M. Tóth, DSc)
– Environmental radiochemistry and complex environmental geochemistry of fluvial and saline lake sediments (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Elemér Pál-Molnár
– The role of sulphur in petroleum formation and in coalification processes (Supervisor: László Pápay PhD

Selected courses
– Environmental geochemistry (Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS)
– Environmental geology (Prof. Tivadar M. Tóth DSc and László Hum PhD)
– Environmental mineralogy (Assoc. Prof . Elemér Pál-Molnár)
– Petroleum formation and migration (Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS)
– Hydrogeology (János Szanyi PhD)
– Organic matter in soils and recent sediments (Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS)
– Reconstruction of fossil and modern sedimentary environments (János Geiger, PhD)
– Geochemistry of catchment basins: marshlands, lakes and oxbow lakes (Prof. Pál Sümegi, DSc)
– Water-rock interactions (Prof. Irén Varsányi, DSc)



6. Colloids in Environmental Chemistry
Programme director: Prof. Etelka Tombácz DSc 
Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Szeged
H–6720 Szeged, Aradi Vértanúk tere 1., Hungary
Tel.: (+36 62) 544 212, Fax: (+36 62) 544 042

Research programmes
Adsorption and photocatalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons derivatives (Supervisor: Prof. Imre Dékány MHAS)
Preparation of semiconductor nanoparticles on clay supports for effective photocatalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons and poisonous substances.

Particle aggregation and dispersing in the environmental aqueous systems (Supervisor: Prof. Etelka Tombácz, DSc)
pH- and electrolyte dependent surface charge and aggregation state of clay minerals, oxides and humic substances; dispersing (e.g. soil erosion), sedimentation (e.g. silting).

Selected courses
– Structure and thermodynamical properties of interfaces (Prof. Imre Dékány, MHAS)
– Interfacial equilibria and colloidal stability in aqueous dispersions (Prof. Etelka Tombácz, DSc)
– Soil Chemistry (Prof. Etelka Tombácz, DSc)



7. Environmental Chemistry and Analysis
Programme director: Prof. András Dombi DSc 
Department of Material Sciences and Engineering,
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza L.krt.103., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 338, Fax: (+36 62) 544 338

Research programmes
– Reaction kinetic of radical type reaction (Supervisor: Prof. László Wojnárovits, DSc (Centre of Energy research, Budapest)
– Advanced oxidation processes in environmental protection; removal of organic pollutants of waters (Supervisor: Prof. Erzsébet Takács, DSc, (Centre of Energy Research, Budapest)
– Investigation of autocatalytic reactions (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ágota Tóth DSc)
– The effect of diffusion in ionic reactions (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dezső Horváth DSc)
– Development of trace elements analytical methods (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Gábor Galbács CSc)
– Removal of pesticides from waters by advanced oxidation processes (Supervisor: Tünde Alapi PhD)
– Determination and removal of trace pharmaceuticals and their derivatives from purified waste waters (Supervisor: Krisztina Schrantz PhD)
– Chemical mechanism and reaction kinetic of advanced oxidation processes in environmental technology (Supervisors: Prof. András Dombi DSc)
– Preparation of second generation photocatalysts by flame hydrolysis (Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Pál Sipos DSc)
– Preparation and characterization of photocatalysts by sol-gel method (Supervisor: Zsolt Pap PhD)
– Development of separation techniques for analysis of chiral compound (Supervisor: István Ilisz PhD)
– Water purifications by combination of advanced oxidation processes and flocculation (Supervisors: Károly Mogyorósi, PhD) (Prof. András Dombi DSc)
– Investigation the environmental risks of electromagnetic fields and/or persistant compounds under experimental conditions (Prof. Márta Gálfi CSc)
– Investigation of unhealthy environmental pollutants (Supervisor: Prof. László Nagymajtényi, DSc)

Selected courses
– Advanced oxidation processes in environmental chemistry (Assoc. Prof. A. Dombi DSc, I. Ilisz PhD)
– Chemistry of ozone (Prof. A. Dombi DSc)
– Environmental chemistry (Prof. A. Dombi, DSc, Krisztina Schrantz PhD)
– Selected topics of environmental analysis ( Prof. A. Dombi DSC, Assoc. Prof. Pál Sipos DSc)
– Coupled techniques in environmental analysis (Assoc. Prof. G. Galbács CSc)
– Statistic evaluation of environmental data (Assoc. Prof. Gyula Tasi CSc)


8. Environmental Technology
Programme director:  Prof. Zoltán Kónya DSc 
Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry
H–6720 Szeged, Rerrich tér 1., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 620, Fax: (+36 62) 544 619

Research programmes
– Silicate-carbon nanocomposite materials: synthesis, characterization and application in environmental technology (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Kónya DSc)
– Alternative energy resources (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Kónya DSc)
– Nanostructures in the Environmental Science (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Kónya DSc)
– Investigation of adsorption and catalytic properties of zeolites (Supervisor: Prof. István Hannus DSc)
– Catalytic degradation of wastes (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. János Halász CSc)
– Suppress of carbon formation in the dry reforming of methane (Supervisor: Prof. Zoltán Schay DSc [Institute of Isotopes, Budapest])
– Fuel production by biocatalysis (Supervisor: Prof. József Valyon DSc [Chem. Res. Inst., Budapest])

Selected courses
– Environmental catalysis (Assoc. Prof. János Halász CSc)
– Waste treatments (Assoc. Prof. J. Halász CSc)
– Environmental technology (Prof. I. Hannus, Assoc. Prof. János Halász CSc)


9. Environmental Engineering
Programme director: Prof. István Hannus DSc 
Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry
H–6720 Szeged, Rerrich tér 1., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 626, Fax: (+36 62) 544 619

Cooperating Institution:
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
H–6724 Szeged, Mars tér. 7., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 546 030, Fax: (+36 62) 546 549

Research programmes
– Application of nanoengineering in environmental industry (Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Szabó DSc)
– Complex heat transfer processes at drying and extraction (Supervisor: Prof. Gábor Szabó DSc)
– Application of membrane separation in water- and waste water treatment (Supervisor: Prof. Cecilia Hodúr PhD)
– Membrane processes for by-products utilization (Supervisor: Prof. Cecilia Hodúr PhD)
– Complex systems in waste management (Supervisor: Prof. Cecilia Hodúr PhD)
– Application of advanced oxidation processes in food industry (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zsuzsanna László PhD)
– Modeling of environmental effect of city transportation (Supervisor: Prof. József Pitrik PhD)
– Biological effect of electromagnetic noise and chemicals (Supervisor: Prof. Márta Gálfi CSc



Representative dissertations (title, author, supervisor, year)

  1. Taxinomy and zoology of ants in Carpatian basin, Sándor Csörsz, Prof. László Gallé DSc, 2007
  2. Decomposituion of water and air pollutants by UV/VUV photolysis and heterogeneous photocatalysis, Tünde Alapi, Prof. András Dombi DSc, 2007
  3. Investigation of adsorption properties of carbon nanotubes by spectroscopic Methods, Zsolt Ötvös, György Onestyák PhD, 2007
  4. Evolutios and environmental geology of serpentinit body in Gyód, Gábor Kovács, Prof. Tivadar M-Tóth DSc, 2007
  5. Platinium nanoparticles on silicate, type SBA-15; preparation, characterization and catalytic activity, Éva Dormányné Molnár, Prof. Imre Kiricsi DSc, 2007
  6. Interfacial and colloid interactions in complex aqueous disperse systems containing montmorillonite, iron oxide, humic acids and calcium ions, Andrea Majzik, Prof. Etelka Tombácz, 2008
  7. Soils of cities in our region; classification and characterization of soils in Szeged, Irén Puskás, Andrea Farsang PhD, 2008
  8. Preparation and characterization of multiwall carbon nanotube films, Rita Smajda, Ákos Kukovecz PhD and Zoltan Kónya DSc, 2008
  9. Vegetation Structure and Edaphic Properties of Grassland Community Boundaries, Márta Zalotai, László Körmöczi PhD, 2008
  10. Development and application of analytical instruments based on photoacustic detection, Helga Huszár, Prof. Gábor Szabó, MHAS, 2009Estimation and modeling of Mammalian population parameters, Győző Horváth, Prof. László Gallé DSc, 2009
  11. The effect of reactor parameters on movement of medium in autocatalytic chemical fronts, Tamara Tóth , Assoc. Prof. Ágota Tóth PhD, 2009
  12. Characterization of organic components of soils by Rock-Eval pyrolisis, Tünde Nyilas, Prof. Magdolna Hetényi MHAS, 2009
  13. The effects of heavy metals on the liver cytochrome P450 dependent monooxigenase systems in different fish species, Mária Henczova, Assoc. Prof. Aranka Deér PhD, 2010
  14. Rheological investigation of soil suspension, Zsuzsanna Czibulya, Prof. Etelka Tombácz DSc 2010
  15. Preparation and characterization of one-dimensional nanostructures, Mohl Melinda, Prof. Zoltán Kónya Dsc, 2011.
  16. Nehézfémkezelés által kiváltott oxidatív stressz vizsgálata csírázó indiai mustár (Brassica juncea L.) magvakban, Szőllősi Réka, Assoc. Prof. Mihalik Erzsébet, 2012



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