Szegedi Tudományegyetem Ahol tudás és szándék találkozik

Doctoral Schools and Programmes  --  Régi doktori képzéses anyagok
Doctoral School of Physics


Chair: Prof. Gábor Szabó MHAS 
Institute: Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 9., Hungary

Phone/Fax: +36 62 544 273


Co-operating institutions
University of Szeged

  • Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
  • Department of Theoretical Physics
  • Department of Experimental Physics
  • Department of Medical Physics and Informatics
  • Department of Radiology
  • Department of Nuclear Medicine

Biological Research Center of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

  • Institute of Biophysics
  • Institute of Plant Biology

Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

  • Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics
  • Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics

The Doctoral School of Physics was established in 1994, based on four traditional research fields of physics at University of Szeged (formerly JATE University): atomic physics, optics and laser physics, solid state physics and biophysics. Since then new co-operating institutions and groups has joined the School, which led to a significant expansion of the research areas and profiles. The School reached its present form in 2007, integrating 11 co-operating departments of 3 national research/educational institutes. The School offers graduate courses in a broad range of physics, including atomic and molecular physics, optics and laser physics, material science, mathematical physics, astrophysics, biophysics, clinical radiology and nuclear medicine. Well-equipped laboratories are available for experimental research projects. Facilities include several high-intensity and ultrashort-pulse lasers, atomic-force-, optical- and electron microscopes, spectrographs, vacuum chambers, clinical CT-, MR- and SPECT-equipments, a computer grid and an astronomical observatory. The research projects are funded by national (OTKA, NFÜ) and international (mainly EU) agencies.


Educational Programmes


1.  Optics, laser physics, application of lasers

PhysicsProgramme director: Béla Hopp DSc
Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 9., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 657

Research topics
– generation of femtosecond laser pulses, application of TW laser pulses, fs optics (supervisors: Károly Osvay PhD, Zoltán Horváth PhD, Attila Kovács PhD, Prof. Zsolt Bor MHAS, Mária Csete PhD)
– UV photoablation of polimers and biological materials (Béla Hopp PhD, Prof. Béla Rácz DSc, Tomi Smausz PhD)
– photoacoustic spectroscopy (Prof. Gábor Szabó DSc, Zoltán Bozóki PhD, Árpád Mohácsi PhD)
– laser assisted material deposition (Zsolt Geretovszky PhD)
– microscopy and ellipsometry (Zsolt Tóth PhD)
– excimer-band special laser systems, development of excimer gain modules (Prof. Sándor Szatmári DSc)

Major courses
– Application of lasers (Prof. B. Rácz)
– Microscopy (Zs. Tóth)
– Lasers in biological and medical applications (B.Hopp)
– Photoacoustic spectroscopy (Z. Bozóki)
– High-intensity lasers (Prof. S. Szatmári)
– Scalar theory of diffraction (Z. Horváth)



2. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

MatematikaProgramme director: Prof. Mihály Benedict DSc
Department of Theoretical Physics
H–6720 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 84-86., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 369

Research topics
– Integrable systems, soliton equations and conformal field theory, Hamiltonian and Lie algebraic methods (Prof. László Fehér DSc)
– Statistical physics, phase transitions and critical phenomena in random systems (Prof. Ferenc Iglói DSc)
– Laser-matter interaction, quantum theory, coherence-decoherence (Prof. Mihály Benedict DSc)
– Computational modeling of biomolecules (Ferenc Bogár PhD)

Major courses
– Integrable systems (Prof. L. Fehér)
– Statistical physics of random systems (Prof. F.Iglói)
– Computational physics (Prof. F. Iglói)
– Quantum optics and informatics (Prof. M. Benedict)
– Hydrodynamics (I. Gyémánt)


3. Solid-state physics, laser-matter interaction
Programme director: Prof. Sándor Szatmári DSc
Department of Experimental Physics
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 9., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 357

Research topics
– Basic phenomena in solids irradiated by high intensity laser pulses (supervisor: Prof. László Nánai PhD)
– Experiments, theories and simulations of noise and fluctuations in solid states and other physical systems (Zoltán Gingl PhD)
– Laser-plasma interactions, harmonic generation (Prof. Sándor Szatmári DSc, István Földes DSc [KFKI])
– Development of physics education materials (Katalin Papp PhD)

Major courses
– Noise and fluctuations in physical systems (Z. Gingl)
– Virtual measurements and instrumentation (Z. Gingl)
– Synergetics (Prof. L. Nánai)
– Laser-matter interaction (Prof. L. Nánai)
– Physics of thin layers (Zs. Geretovszky)
– High-voltage electric circuits (Prof. S. Szatmári)


4. Biophysics
Programme director: Prof. Péter Maróti DSc
Department of Medical Physics and Informatics
Address: Rerrich B. tér 1, Szeged, 6720 Hungary
Phone: +36 62 544 120

2013.01.25._Nobel_BiocareResearch topics
– electron and proton transport in proteins, light-induced biophysical processes in photosynthetic bacteria, mechanism of charge transport in ion-pumping proteins (Prof. Péter Maróti DSc, László Nagy PhD)
– protein dynamics, biological energy transduction, nanobiotechnology (Pál Ormos MHAS, György Váró DSc, András Dér DSc, Géza Groma PhD: Biological Research Center of HAS, Inst. of Biophysics)
– spectroscopy of biomembranes and membrane proteins (Tibor Páli DSc, BRC) photosynthesis of higher plants: energization of chloroplast membrane, mechanism of oxygen-evolution and effect of stresses (Imre Vass DSc, BRC Inst. of Plant Biology)

Major courses
– Introduction to biophysics (Prof. P.Maróti)
– Photosynthesis (I. Vass, L.Nagy)
– Application of fluoresence spectroscopy in biology and medicine (G. Laczkó)
– Bioelectronics (A. Dér)


5.  Radiology and nuclear medicine
Programme director: Prof. László Pávics MD, DSc
Department of Nuclear Medicine
H–6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 8., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 545 390

Research topics
– MRI, optical and computer tomography (Prof. András Palkó MD, PhD)
– Nuclear medicine (Prof. László Pávics MD, DSc)

Major courses
– Basic principles of radiological imaging (Prof. L. Pávics)
– Physics of MRI spectroscopy and imaging (Prof. A. Palkó)
– Nuclear medicine, in vivo diagnostics (Prof. L. Pávics)


6. Astrophysics
Programme director: Assoc. Prof. Károly Szatmáry CSc
Department of Experimental Physics
H–6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 9., Hungary
Phone: (+36 62) 544 666

Research topics
– extrasolar planets, optical photometry, time series analysis of astronomical objects (Károly Szatmáry PhD, CSc)
– theory of gravitation (László Á. Gergely PhD)
– supernovae, application of optical spectroscopy in astrophysics (József Vinkó PhD)

Major courses
– Selected problems in cosmology (L.Á.Gergely)
– Time series analysis in astronomy (K. Szatmáry)
– High-energy astrophysics (J. Vinkó)
– Astronomical observations from space (J. Vinkó)

Conditions of admission 
– MS- (or equivalent) degree in physics or a related field
– passing an oral admission exam on physics



Representative dissertations



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