Terms of use

2024. augusztus 14.
6 perc

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The SZTE Griff Application (hereinafter referred to as the „Application”) is owned and operated by the University of Szeged (headquarters: 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13.; tax number: 19308650-2-06; institutional ID: FI 62198) - hereinafter referred to as the „Operator”.


These Terms of Use set out the rules by which the user of the Application (hereinafter referred to as "User") may use the Application. The downloading and use of the Application is subject to the User's acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this document. By downloading the Application from the Google Play and the App Store web stores, the User acknowledges having read and understood, and accepted these Terms of Use and agrees to be bound by them.

Purpose of the Application

The purpose of the Application is to facilitate student life at the University of Szeged, to provide students with up-to-date information for their academic affairs and beyond.

Right to Unilateral Modification

The Operator reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Terms of Use at any time - with prior notice to the Users – including the insertion of new terms or the removal of existing ones. Continued use of the Application after any changes to these Terms of Use will constitute automatic acceptance of such changes. The Operator will notify the User of any changes through the Application.


The Operator will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information contained in the Application is up-to-date, accurate and truthful. However, the Operator makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the information provided through this Application, and reserves the right to make changes and corrections or to discontinue the Application or any information contained therein, in whole or in part, at any time without notice.

The Operator shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions in the Application. Any decision based on the information contained in the Application is the responsibility of the User.

The Operator shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from access to, or failure to access, or use the Application or any information contained therein.

The Operator shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs arising from the use of the Application, its unusability, malfunction, failure, unauthorized alteration of data by anyone, or resulting from information transmission delays, mobile viruses, line or system failures, or other similar causes. Exceptions to this provision are cases in which the information or content contained in the Application contains incorrect or misleading data due to the Operator's fault or negligence, and the Operator has not done everything in its power to prevent this.

Some of the links available in the application point to websites or call applications operated by third parties. The Operator has no control over the content provided by third parties and therefore cannot be held responsible for it. The Operator does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy or quality of the information contained in such content, nor does it guarantee that such content is free from objectionable, inaccurate, misleading, or unlawful material made available by third parties.

Using the Application

The Application can be downloaded for free from the Google Play and the App Store. Teh permitted use of the Application is also governed by the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) of the respective web store provider in force at the time of download. In the event of any inconsistency between any provision of these Terms of Use and any provision of the EULA, the relevant provision of these Terms of Use shall prevail.

Digital semester passes are available in the Application for eligible university students. The semester pass allows unlimited travel within its validity period on any trolleybus, tram, bus, or tram-train within the administrative territory of Szeged. It can only be used together with the student ID card provided at the time of issue of the pass or, in the case of first-year students, with a certificate issued by the University of Szeged (= temporary student ID card). Students with a temporary student ID are entitled to use the pass upon presenting a proof of ownership of the certificate - in the form of a personal ID card, passport, or driver’s licence.

The detailed conditions for using the pass are available at the following links: https://szkt.hu/tarsasagunkrol#szabalyzat
https://www.szkht.hu/kozlekedesszervezes  https://www.volanbusz.hu/hu/volanbusz/uzletszabalyzat

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Regarding issues not regulated in these Terms of Use, the Hungarian legal provisions in force at the time, particularly Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, and other relevant Hungarian official regulations shall apply without any special stipulation. In the event of a dispute between the User and the Operator concerning the use of the Application, the Parties agree to the jurisdiction of the Hungarian courts and the application of Hungarian substantive and procedural law.

Copyright law

The Application, including all visual, audio, and textual content found within it, as well as their arrangement, is protected by copyright. Any use of these materials beyond personal use, in any form, is only permitted with the explicit, written consent of the Operator.

The Operator consents to the User downloading the Application to their mobile phone free of charge, thereby acquiring a one-time usage right for the Application. However, this does not include the rights to reproduce, distribute, or modify the Application.

Please be aware that any use of the Application that deviates from or violates the conditions detailed above may result in copyright, civil, and criminal legal consequences. The Operator will take action against any known violations.

The User acknowledges that if they provide the Operator with any ideas, development suggestions, or other feedback, the Operator may use them without the User being entitled to any compensation or copyright protection.

For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Szeged, 18th July 2024