Privacy Policy

2024. augusztus 13.
9 perc

The following Privacy Policy provides a summary on how your personal data is used and protected in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation while using the SZTE Griff Mobile Application (hereinafter referred to as the „Griff Mobile App”).

This document is available in multiple languages

1. Who to contact?

The University of Szeged (hereinafter: USZ) is the controller of the data processing described in this Privacy Policy, however, the specific data processing is carried out by the following central unit:

University of Szeged, IT and Services Directorate

Contact person: Csaba Fekete, director

Address: 6722 Szeged, Ady Square 10.

Tel.: +36-62/54-4224

E-mail address:


Name and contact information of the Data Protection Officer: detailed under point 11.1.

Should you have any questions regarding data management, contact us using one of the contact information above.

2. What are the main legal requirements?

The main legal sources and regulations governing our current data management

Please be advised that your personal data is governed by the relevant laws and regulations pertaining to data processing, specifically the provisions of the following:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation),
  • Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information (Infotv.),
  • Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (Eht.) and
  • the IT Security Regulations of the University of Szeged.

3. Does the University of Szeged have a General Privacy Policy?

Yes. The General Privacy Policy of the University of Szeged can be found in the following website:

4. What kind of data processing do we carry out?

When using the Griff Mobile App, we perform the following data management activities:

4.1 Data processed regarding users with student status

4.1.1 First login and the usage of the app

The personal data processed during the use of the application will be transferred from the related databases of USZ Neptun and USZ Modulo through an automatic data link.

What kind of data is collected? Why is the data collected? What is the legal basis for data processing? How long is it stored?
Name (family and first) In order to use the Griff Mobile App with a login. The voluntary consent of the data subject, which is provided by logging into the application [according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR]. Until the consent is withdrawn.
Place of birth
Date of birth
E-mail address
Training data (faculty, training, year of admission, status of the term, mode, financial status, class schedule, organization unit, training code)
Neptun code
EHA code
Student status
Education ID
User type
Campus card number

4.1.2. Data processed regarding the use of location-based functions.

What kind of data is collected?
Why is the data collected? What is the legal basis for data processing? How long is it stored?
Location data: GPS location of the device In order to measure time spent on site. The voluntary consent of the data subject, which is provided by logging into the application [according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR]. Automatic, data will be deleted after processing.
Bluetooth connectivity of the device

4.1.3. Usage of the "Semester pass" function

What kind of data is collected?
Why is the data collected? What is the legal basis for data processing? How long is it stored?
Student card number
In order to use the travel pass. Based on legitimate interest. Stored for 8 years.
Education ID
Status of the activation of the semester pass
Student status
Status of the student card sticker

4.2. Data processed regarding users with USZ employee status

4.2.1. First login and the usage of the app

The personal data processed during the use of the application will be transferred from the related databases of USZ Neptun and USZ Nexon through an automatic data link.

Milyen adatokról van szó? Why is the data collected? What is the legal basis for data processing? How long is it stored?
Name (family and first) In order to use the Griff Mobile App with a login. The voluntary consent of the data subject, which is provided by logging into the application [according to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR]. Until the consent is withdrawn.
Place of birth
Date of birth
E-mail address
Campus card number

4.2.2. Data processed regarding the use of location-based functions

What kind of data is collected? Why is the data collected? What is the legal basis for data processing? How long is it stored?
Location data: GPS location of the device In order to measure time spent on site. The specific voluntary consent of the data subject [according to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR]. Automatic, data will be deleted after processing.
Bluetooth connectivity of the device

5. Who can access your personal data?

With regards to the usage of Griff Mobile App, your personal data may be disclosed to data controller named in Section 1 of the Privacy Policy as well as to the entities to whom we transfer or transmit your personal data (collectively referred to as 'recipients').

5.1 Data transfer within the organization

We do not transfer data within the organization.

5.2 Data transfer outside of the organization

The University of Szeged transfers data to PC Trade Systems Ltf. and Szeged Transport Ltd. as data processors on the basis of legitimate interest.

6. Do we use a data processor?

Yes. We utilize a data processor for the use of the Griff Mobile App according to the following:

Name of the data processor:


1095 Budapest, Tinódi utca 1-3. gr.floor 6.

Name of the processing operations in relation to the data processing: creating business continuity for the application
application development
IT operation of the application
Name of the data processor:

Szeged Transport Ltd.

6720 Szeged, Zrínyi street 4-8.

Name of the processing operations in relation to the data processing: discounted travel passes
verification of discounted travel entitlement
preparation of account-based reports

7. Do we collect personal data from other sources?

We obtain the data we process about you from the USZ Neptun, USZ Modulo, and USZ NEXON systems.

8. Is automated decision-making involved in the processing?


9. What are the legal consequences of non-disclosure?

There are no legal consequences.

10. What right do you have?

Regarding the use of the Griff Mobile App, you are entitled to the following rights:

1. right to be informed – the data subject shall receive information regarding personal data processing. Your right to be informed is ensured with the preparation and publication of the Privacy Policy.

2. right of access – shall have the right to obtain information or a copy regarding personal data.

3. right to rectification – you have the right to request a correction, should you notice any inaccuracies in the personal data we process.

4. right to withdraw consent and the right to be forgotten – voluntary consent may be withdrawn at any time. Please be informed, that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing prior to the withdrawal. If the processing is based on voluntary consent and no other legal basis exists, or following an objection to processing based on legitimate interests where no overriding legitimate grounds for further processing are present, you may request the erasure of your personal data. Upon requesting the deletion of your profile, all associated personal data will be permanently removed from the app. Should you choose to use the mobile app again following the deletion, you will be treated as a new user. Consequently, any previously deleted profile data, including badges, notifications, and saved favorites, will no longer be accessible.

5. right to object – the data subject may, at any time, object to processing based on legitimate interests.

6. right to restriction – restriction of data may be requested, e.g. when the accuracy of the data processed is disputed, until the controller verifies its accuracy or to enforce a legal claim.

7. right to remedy – right to seek redress in case rights are infringed.

11. What legal remedies do you have?

11.1. You can contact the University of Szeged Data Protection Officer at the following contact details:

Dr. Dóra Lajkó

Address: University of Szeged, Rector’s Office, Data Protection Office

6720 Szeged, Dugonics Square 13., 3. Floor, Room 304

Tel.: +36 (62) 342-376, +36 (62) 544-000/2376


11.2. You can contact the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information at the following contact details:

National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa street 9-11.

Mailing address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9.

Tel.: +36 (1) 391-1400


11.3. You can turn to court:

Depending on the nature of the unlawful processing you are experiencing, you may be able to bring a claim, including against the Authority. You may find comprehensive information on initiating a case, the procedures involved, and the appropriate forums for such actions on the following website:

12. Is there a Data Protection Office at the University of Szeged?

Yes. The contact information of the data protection officer of the University of Szeged can be found under section 11.1. The Data Protection Officer is the contact point between you and the University of Szeged.